Boots and Chaps (2 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

BOOK: Boots and Chaps
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He swept past her teeth, delving deep to tangle and twist, thrusting in and out to the rhythm of lust. His fingers laced in her hair, tugging hard enough to make her scalp sting. The blasts of pain only made Audrey hotter.

Her thighs clenched around Jackson’s knee, her cunt rubbing along the rough denim of his jeans. She ached with the need to be naked, to feel his skin against hers.

Jackson’s lips left hers, burning a trail across her chin and along the convulsing column of her throat. With his free hand, he flipped the buttons loose from her blouse, shoving the edges over her shoulders and down her arms, exposing her favorite demi-bra, the thin black lace barely hiding her nipples. She whispered a silent prayer to the laundry gods for the piles of clothing she needed to wash, forcing her to wear her best bra and panties tonight.

Her shirt fell to the floor and her pulse shot into hyper-speed. This could be her lucky night. She could actually get laid and spare the batteries for once.

When Jackson reached for the rivet on her jeans, slipping it free and sliding the zipper down, Audrey almost shouted with joy. “Hurry,” she said, afraid someone would catch them getting it on in the supply closet. Not that she cared about being caught, but she didn’t want to waste a chance at what Jackson had to offer.

She loosened the four metal buttons on his jeans. His cock jutted free into her hand. It was longer, thicker and harder than any man Audrey had been with, one measure of proof to the rumor that American Indians were hung better than the average white man. He’d fill her to full and then some. Her pussy creamed in anticipation.

The race to naked intensified.

Jackson jerked her jeans and panties down her legs.

Audrey toed her boots, unable to slip them easily off her feet. With her jeans around her ankles, she couldn’t step forward or lift a leg to get her boots off. She bent over and struggled with the red leather, cursing her once-favorite pair of cowboy boots for the nuisance they now were. With her bare ass in the air, she felt the cool draft of air-conditioning waft across her pussy.

A pair of strong, coarse hands smoothed over her hips and gripped her bottom, steadying her as she pulled one boot off. As she worked with the other boot, the hands moved, a finger sliding between her cheeks, finding and poking into her anus.

Her head jerked up and connected with Jackson’s chin. Pain shot through her skull, and she almost fell to the ground with her legs still trapped in her jeans and one boot.

Jackson staggered backward, one hand cupping his chin, his eyes watering. A smile teased the corners of his lips.

“If you laugh, so help me…” Her own mouth turned up at the corners and before she could help herself, a chuckle rose up her throat. She leaned her back against the door. “Do you get the feeling we’re destined to never do this?”

The laughter died in his eyes. “No.” Jackson bent and pulled the other boot from her foot, sliding the jeans and panties over her ankles and feet.

Finally, she stood naked in front of him, her nipples pebbling in the cool air, her body so hot she thought she’d spontaneously combust.

And he stared at her, still fully clothed except for his cock jutting out of his fly.

When she should have been self-conscious, Audrey couldn’t find the modesty necessary to even blush, her cheeks and body filling with a heat that had nothing to do with embarrassment. The way Jackson’s coal-black gaze raked over her left her panting and ready for more than just a look.

Jackson pulled her against him, his penis pressing into her belly. He kissed her, then seared a path down to her breasts, taking one into his mouth, nipping at the beaded nipple and sucking it full into his mouth.

Audrey’s leg curled around the back of Jackson’s calf, sliding upward until her heal dug into his buttocks, her pussy rubbing against his penis. “Oh, please, do me.”

He chuckled against her breast. “Do you?”

“Now, cowboy. Do it now.”

“A man likes to make the calls.”

“Then make it, damn it!”

“Shut up, woman, you’re about to be fucked.” Jackson’s hands circled her buttocks, dropping low to clasp the backs of her thighs. Then he lifted her, settling her around his waist, his penis poised at her entrance.

“Wait.” Audrey’s legs clenched around him, holding her off his magnificent cock, every ounce of longing pushing her downward. “Please tell me you have a condom. Please.”

Jackson froze, his face tense, his hands gripping her bottom so tightly, there’d be bruises. “My back pocket. Check my wallet.”

She reached around him and dug in his back pocket, pulling his wallet free. She flipped it open and rifled through the contents. Credit cards, dollars, driver’s license and one lonely foil package, buried beneath it all.

“Oh, thank God.” She shoved the wallet back into his pocket and tore the package open with her teeth.

Jackson leaned her back against the door as she sheathed him, rolling the ribbed condom down over his cock, its tight fit only making her more determined to get him inside her soon.

With the condom in place, her passion waning only slightly, Audrey settled her arms across Jackson’s shoulders and eased herself down over him, taking him fully into her channel. “Oh, baby, fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

He grinned. “Ah, the lady likes it rough.”

“You have no idea,” she whispered against his lips.

He pressed her against the cool paneling of the door and slammed into her, driving deep and hard. With each thrust, the door banged, the sound echoing through the storeroom. The light bulb dangling from the ceiling swayed, and the world could have stopped for all Audrey cared. She was getting what she wanted, and she didn’t have to change the batteries to get there.

The pounding on the door changed tempos from the rhythm Jackson set.

It wasn’t long before shouts penetrated the wood. “Audrey? Audrey, are you in there?” Charli’s voice sounded high-pitched and desperate on the other side.

Jackson froze in mid-thrust, his eyes widening.

“Fuck!” Audrey swore, her legs clasping Jackson to her, drawing him deep. “I swear I’m going to fire her.”

“Are you okay in there?” Charli banged on the door again. “Audrey, answer if you can. Otherwise we’re going to break down the door.”

Audrey leaned her forehead into Jackson’s chest. “Just when we were getting to the good part,” she whispered. Aloud, she called out, “I’m fine. Go away.”

“Not until I know you’re okay.”

“I’m okay.”

“Show me. For all I know someone could be holding a gun to your head.”

“I’d like to hold a gun to
head,” Audrey shouted.

“What? I can barely hear you.” Charli pounded again. “Open the door.”

“I’ll be out in a minute.”

Jackson lifted her off his cock and set her on the floor. “Maybe you’re right. It wasn’t meant to be.” He peeled the condom off his dick and tucked his long staff into his jeans before buttoning the fly.

“Yeah.” Audrey sighed, gathering her scattered clothing. “I better get back to work.”

“Look, Audrey—”

“Don’t.” She pressed her fingers to his lips. “Don’t say it was a mistake. I know it.”

“That’s not what I was going to say.”

“Well, save it.” She shoved her feet into her jeans and pulled her cowboy boots on.

“Audrey?” Charli’s muffled shout made Audrey’s blood pressure rocket.

“I’m coming, dammit.” She hooked her bra in place and slid her arms into her shirt, making quick work of the buttons. Charli’s interruption had probably saved Audrey from a big mistake. What the business needed should always come first. Her own personal wants and desires were secondary. The business needed her to remain respectable. Which meant no jacking around with a Kiowa hottie in the storeroom.

With a lopsided smile, she paused with her hand on the doorknob. “Thanks anyway.”

Jackson’s jaw tightened, his lips pressing into a straight line. “This isn’t over.”

“As far as I’m concerned it is.” When she opened the door, Charli stood there, her eyes wide and worried.

“Oh, thank God.” She hugged Audrey tight. “I thought you were being held hostage. The boys were going to break down the door to get you out.”

Behind her, Mark and Luke stood, grins spreading across their faces as soon as they spotted Jackson.

Mark tipped his cowboy hat. “Just here to help.” He nodded toward the bottom of Audrey’s shirt. “You missed a button.”

Luke jabbed him in the ribs. “Glad everything’s okay. We’ll just be…er…goin’.” He jerked Mark by the arm, dragging him away from the storeroom.

Charli’s eyes rounded and her face turned a brilliant shade of red. “Were you two…? Did I…?” She ducked her head and retreated. “I’ll be bartending.”

Audrey sighed. It was just as well Charli had interrupted before things got out of hand. She wasn’t certain she could have extricated herself from Jackson easily, and she knew nothing could come of a continued liaison with the cowboy. All she wanted was a quick fuck. Jackson didn’t strike her as a fuck-’em-and-leave-’em type
She had her bar, which was more work than even she’d envisioned and frankly, she wasn’t ready for commitment of any kind—wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready to trust another man with her heart or her body.

Chapter Two

“Absolutely no birthday party this year. Agreed?” Surly, and in no mood for civilized company, Jackson had his brothers lined up outside the barn, ready to rip into them.

Mark snorted. “What’s the matter, Jack? Feeling a little cranky this morning? Age getting to you?”

“Would be just fine if I didn’t have to babysit the two of you. And no changing the subject. I want a promise from the both of you. You’re not going to throw a big party for my thirtieth, are you?” His eyes narrowed. “I can’t hear you,” he said in his best drill-sergeant imitation.

Mark and Luke snapped to attention, popping their brother a mock salute. “Yes, sir! No big party, sir!”

For a long moment Jackson glared at them. They’d agreed far too quickly, but he wasn’t up to knocking sense into them. Not when his jeans rubbed against his cock, reminding him of what he hadn’t finished last night and the aching need it had kindled in his groin. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to hit someone. If he didn’t get away from his twin brothers, he’d start there. “The northernmost fence has a wire snapped. You two get it fixed and start work on replacing those boards on the cattle chute near the highway. The truck comes tomorrow to load the steers. We can’t wait until the last minute to shore up.”

“I’ll get the barbed wire.” Mark strode into the barn to retrieve the wire stacked in the storeroom.

“I’ve got the tools.” Luke patted a cloth bag of tools.

“Four-wheelers?” Mark returned, carrying a roll of wire.

Luke nodded. “You bet.” Then he turned to Jackson. “Don’t forget that cow with the infected udder.”

Jackson forced a smile he didn’t really feel. Despite his surliness, Jackson was proud of the boys. When his younger brothers got down to business, they didn’t waste time. “I’ll be out rounding up ol’ Betsy and her calf and bringing them in for the vet to take a look.”

“Sure you aren’t the one who needs help?” Luke asked.

Jackson shook his head. “It’ll take both of you to get that chute in shape in a single day. I can handle one cow.”

Mark cast a glance at Luke, his brows raised. “Better him than me. Betsy got the better of me once. Got the scar to prove it.” He patted his right rib cage.

Luke slapped Mark on the back. “Don’t care to repeat the humiliation?”

Mark snorted. “Nope.”

“Then let’s get going. We have a lot to do today.” Luke glanced at Jackson. “Mark and I will cook dinner tonight, so don’t be late for birthday cake.”

Jackson didn’t want to remember his birthday, and his brothers seemed bent on reminding him that he was another year older. He could go the rest of his life without birthday cake and be perfectly happy. “Don’t bother.” Thankful for any excuse to avoid a birthday dinner and the inevitable birthday cake, he delighted in announcing, “I gotta go to town and make a deposit at the bank, and afterward Charli asked me to stop by.”

Mark grinned. “Got a hot date?”

Jackson shook his head, an image of Audrey, not Charli, standing naked in the soft light of the storeroom, making his dick twitch. But it wasn’t Audrey he’d be paying a visit. “No date. Charli wanted me to bring a ladder and change a light bulb she can’t reach over the entryway.” He didn’t bother to explain that the entryway was over the back door of the Ugly Stick Saloon. Maybe he’d catch Audrey on break and pick up where they’d left off.

His brothers smirked and high-fived each other. Okay, so they had it half right. Jackson needed sex, but not with Charli.

“The old light-bulb excuse, is it?” Mark chuckled.

Jackson’s eyes narrowed as he feigned ignorance. “What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Luke jammed an elbow into Mark’s gut. “Come on, we should be making hay while the sun shines.”

Jackson squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. “When are you two going to grow up?”

“Never,” Mark answered. “Especially if it means we’ll be as ornery and frustrated as you, big brother.”

“No kidding,” Luke added. “You’ve been so busy being more of a father to the two of us, you haven’t had time to live your own life. Face it, old man, we’re all grown up and you need a woman in your life.”

Mark snorted. “What he needs is to get laid.”

“What I need is the two of you to quit lollygaggin’ and get to work.” Jackson’s words came across harsh. What gave his brothers the right to tell him what he needed? He’d been the head of the household long enough to know his own mind. But damned if Luke’s words didn’t strike a little too close to home.

“Point made. He’s not getting any and it shows.” Luke leaped out of the way of Jackson’s fist. “Getting slower too.”

“Age must be catching up to him,” Mark agreed.

He and Luke ran for the four-wheelers, laughing.

Luke glanced back, all humor wiped from his face. “Think about it.” Then he gunned the engine and shot off for the north fence.

Unfortunately, that left Jackson feeling older than his thirty years and in no mood to put up with a stubborn cow with udder problems. Three hours later, he was hot, sweaty and dusty and had Betsy penned in a stall, her calf bawling in the corral outside the barn. Each time the calf wailed, the cow sent an answering moo until Jackson thought his head would split from the noise.

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