Book of Witchery (3 page)

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Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #spring, #craft, #magic, #magick, #personal witchery, #fundamentals, #7 Days of Magic, #Witchcraft, #spells, #charms, #every day

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This book has separate chapters for each day of the week and an additional chapter on full moon magick. This way, you can apply the knowledge you gain on the individual days of the week and apply it to your full moon magick. For example, if the full moon falls on a Friday, what daily energies are already in play? How could you add those successfully into your witchery? Within these chapters, you will find a listing of the specific magickal correspondences for the individual day. Each chapter is also broken down into several enchanting sections. These sections are:

At-a-Glance Correspondences:
A quick reference list for you to check out, this is an at-a-glance listing of the bewitching accessories and natural items that correspond with that particular day of the week.

Daily Magickal Applications:
The specific captivating attributes for the featured magickal day. A smidgen of history and lore about the highlighted day and how it got its name.

Information on an eclectic mix of the coordinating deities of the day.

A guided meditation for the day that focuses on that day's magickal theme—a lesson to be learned and a journey to take. Where will your meditations take you?

Magickal Plants & Flowers:
Flowers, herbs, and plants that share the same astrological significance of the featured day. Doses of daily garden witchery and herbal spells, including flower fascinations and natural magick.

Colors, Candles, Metals & Crystals:
What colors you can wear to help unify the day's energies. Spell candles to burn and magickal candle aromatherapy. Harmonizing metals and crystals to wear, carry in your pocket, or group around a candle. A complementary color and crystal spell or two. (Please note: If you are wondering where to find all of the various scented and colorful candles that are mentioned throughout this book, try taking a look at the little votive candle. Votives come in an impressive array of colors and scents. They are inexpensive and have a very high oil content, which means their wonderful and magickal scents are released immediately as they are burned. If you have ever burned a votive candle, you will have noticed that they turn to liquid wax right away—which is why you should always burn votives inside of a votive cup, otherwise you'll get a big puddle of wax all over your work area. Check them out for yourself. Votives are a great, affordable candle to use in your own custom-made magick.)

Potions, Philters & Oils:
Recipes for personalized magickal philters and potions for each day's magickal theme. Each daily recipe will have directions, a supply list, and its own spell to enchant your homemade philter. Also, you will discover a handy listing of the classic essential oils that coordinate with each bewitching day.

Tarot Card Associations:
Got a tarot deck and want to use it for more than the occasional reading? Try using certain coordinating cards as props to focus on while you perform your daily spells and charms. You'll be amazed at how well they work!

Daily Witch Crafts:
Let's put some craft back into your Witchcraft. Each day's chapter features a handmade craft project for you to create, along with a spell to enchant and empower the item.

Custom-Made Daily Magick:
A potpourri of magickal information, a smidgen of foods and bewitching spices—tips and tricks on how to take all of the information that is presented and inspire you to begin creating your own rituals and personalized magick. How to put all of the information together, plus even more theme spells and charms for the day.

Ritual for the Day:
A more intense and longer magickal working—in other words, a ritual. Each of the day's featured rituals will correspond with that day's specific magickal theme.

Witchery for Every Day

put your heart into it!

A loving heart
is the beginning of all knowledge.

Thomas Carlyle

These daily spells and rituals should signify something important to you. If you want to see the best results possible, then you have to put your heart into it! To create a positive change, you need to focus on the desire and the will. Creating loving change, or a positive transformation, is the ultimate goal of every Witch.

Yes, spells, charms, and rituals can be used for many purposes: connecting to deity, encouraging love, increasing prosperity. You may also perform magick for protection and healing, or even to boost your own creativity. This magick may take only a few moments, or it may take a bit longer. It's up to you. Now, if you're wondering how all of these daily spells, charms, magickal projects and so on
work, I have some thoughts on that. To begin with, performing a spell can help us to focus on the sacred, and it actually slows us down.

As we begin to work magick, our minds shift to a calm and centered place. As we go through the process of setting up for the spell, it forces us to concentrate on the task at hand. This helps to bring us into a calmer, more focused attitude. That quiet focus is heightened when you add a little personal power and connect with deity. Then the magick that we perform is helping us concentrate on the present while at the same time allowing us to deal with any past problems. And, finally, it encourages us to be creative and to visualize our future in a more positive, life-affirming way. Most magick users will agree that there are several elements to the good performance of a ritual or a meaningful spell. Check out this list below—you'll get the idea.

The Elements of Spellwork and Ritual

Certain things are
Magic is one of them.

Laurie Cabot

This is the purpose of the ritual. Are you focused? Did you take a moment to ground and center and to put aside all negativity? Is your intention pure? Are you sincere?

Every ritual has a clear beginning and end. Write up a quick outline. You may find it helpful to refer to page 301, where a daily spell worksheet has been provided for you. This will help you sort things out, set things up, and get ready to go.

Sacred Space:
Spells and rituals cause a change in consciousness, as they take place outside of ordinary life. Toss a pretty scarf or piece of fabric over a card table or the kitchen table, or be bohemian and sit on the floor. You may care to work your daily magick in a special spot, such as your altar or household shrine. Perhaps you'll want to set up in the garden or on the patio. Wherever you choose to work your witchery, make it a sacred space. By this I mean a clean, happy, and pleasant environment.

Most rituals employ complementary colored candles, oils, herbs, crystals, and other props. You will find lots of information in this Book of Shadows—such as daily meditations, Witch craft projects, recipes for personalized potions, and complementary tarot cards—in each of the daily chapters that will harmonize with that day's specific magickal energy. All of these correspondences and featured magickal components will work in tune with each other, as they have the same sort of energy, or vibration.

Why Daily Correspondences Are Important

When you add complementary natural items such as coordinating crystals, candles, herbs, flowers, and colors to your daily spells and charms, you can increase the effectiveness of your witchery. How, you may ask? Well, these items will help link your Witchcraft together with that day's magickal energies. A good example of this is the power of color.

Every day of the week has its own specific magickal colors. This practical type of magick should never be underestimated, even by the more experienced Witch. If you select a color that harmonizes with your personal energies or goals for the day, then you will flourish.

As you begin to focus on daily magickal correspondences, you will realize that the simple use of crystals, oils, flowers, and colors can not only positively influence your personality but your thoughts and life as well. These daily correspondences and coordinating natural items can actually strengthen the punch of a charm. They will allow you more creative ways to personalize your Witchcraft, and they will help to unify your spellwork.

A Word on the Daily Deities

As to the deity listings in this book, these will be an eclectic mix of gods and goddesses from all over the world and from many magickal cultures. Now, I am aware that this idea will cause some traditionalists to clutch their chests in horror . . . hence the term
. So what if you're calling on a Greek sun god and a Celtic goddess of light? If they are both solar deities, then they wouldn't really be incompatible. They are merely different representations of the same type of solar energy from separate magickal cultures.

Come on, folks . . . relax. The best way to learn something new is to experiment and have a little fun. The planet will not stop revolving just because you mixed pantheons. Follow your instincts; see who speaks to you. Build a relationship with a deity, and see what they can teach you about yourself and magick. You will never know what possibilities are out there unless you try. The world is wide, and the sky's the limit when it comes to finding a friendly deity. The gods and goddesses are many; mix and match as you like.

Advancing Your Magickal Skills

Magic is made
in the mind. It is first and foremost an act of will.

Marina Medici

The trick to advancing your magickal expertise is to create your own personal style of witchery. Many experienced practitioners loudly complain about a lack of advanced techniques or materials, which always makes me wonder if they have ever considered studying, experimenting, and creating their own advanced magick. So let's consider this for a moment. What is your specialty? What type of magick do you feel you excel in? Maybe your specialty is creating oils and potions or making handmade magickal items and tools. Possibly your gift is working with the crystals and the stones, or you really have a knack for herbal spells and charms. Perhaps you're an adept at the tarot, or you're skilled at working the candles;
well, now is the time to find out where your talents lie!

Listen to your instincts. Use your imagination, and follow your heart. No one knows your tastes and preferences better than you do. So take a look at the magickal information and correspondences presented here, and use them as a starting point. Open up that magickal toolbox in your brain, and develop the magick of your mind. Learn something new; stretch the boundaries of your knowledge and experience in the Craft. Add some new information to your current repertoire, and begin exploring all the possibilities for advancing your witchery.

Are You Psyched? Great, Let's Go!

So now that you are intrigued and enthusiastic, wouldn't it be handy to have a Book of Shadows that you could just flip open on any day of the week? A book where you will find all sorts of enchanting things—meditations, inspiring ideas, witchy arts and crafts, potion and philter recipes, herbal information, magickal correspondences, deity information, quick practical charms, natural magick, and rituals and spells that would coordinate for that specific day of the week?

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