Book Boyfriend (Someday #5) (8 page)

BOOK: Book Boyfriend (Someday #5)
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I shook my head, the power of speech not having returned to me yet since it’d been ripped away by Sebastian’s sexiness.

He turned the key in the ignition but didn’t drive off. Instead, he turned to me and carefully studied my face. When he spoke, it was in an unusually subdued tone.

“Hey, Miche, about the other night…”

I opened my mouth, ready to blurt out apologies, but he beat me to it.

“I’m really sorry about that, baby. Jackson is an asshole. I could tell it really embarrassed you and made you uncomfortable. Believe you me, I ripped him a new one. Nothing like that is ever going to happen again. Trust me.”

Lightness filled me as relief rushed through my veins. Whoa. He really wasn’t through with me after all! Far from expecting me to be one hundred percent badass one hundred percent of the time, he actually wanted to protect me. Warmth flooded my heart.

“Thanks, Sebastian. Thanks for saying that. For doing that.”

He reached across the seat and stroked my hair. “Of course, baby. You’re mine, my precious treasure. Anything that hurts you hurts me. I would go to the ends of the fuckin’ earth to protect your heart and your dignity. Giving my roommate one very well-deserved ass-reaming was nothing.”

I laughed, but he continued.

“I wanted to give you space these last two days. I’ve really been trying to respect that and not spook you or overwhelm you. But I’ve gotta tell you, Miche…” He trailed off, looking down at his lap and shaking his head.

I prompted, “Yes?”

He looked back up, directly into my eyes, and said, “It was hell. Not talking to you for two days, especially when you were upset? Not knowing if you were happy or sad or how else you might feel? It was hell.” His voice shook. “It was fucking hell.”

I grabbed his hands. “I feel the same way,” I blurted, the intensity of my feelings for him filling my voice.

He grinned. “Let’s never do that again. ’Kay?” he said, his tone deceptively light but his face betraying the true intensity of what he felt.

I grinned right back. “That’s a plan that I can get on board with.”

Chapter 15


riving down 101
with Michelle by my side was awesome. The open road, a truck, and my woman. I felt ready to write a country song about it. Of course, in the song, I’d have to be wearing boots instead of sneakers. And Michelle would have to trade in her faded, thrift-store Sex Pistols tee for a fitted, button-down, plaid blouse.

I preferred my life to the imaginary song version of it.

I had driven the road between Arcata and San Francisco before. A few times, in fact. But it looked more beautiful now than it had in the past—which was quite a feat, considering how naturally beautiful it already was. But now, the hills seemed more lush, the green of the pine trees deeper and brighter. Everything just felt bigger, better, and more alive when I was with Michelle.

That was the simple fact of the matter. When she was with me, it didn’t matter what we were doing—I felt like I was seeing everything with fresh eyes. I noticed every brilliant detail I had glossed over before.

Partway through the drive, I saw one of the signs that marked a scenic view spot and pulled off the highway.

“Oh, are we stopping to check out the scenery? How cool! I love unscheduled stops during road trips. That’s always when you see the coolest stuff!”

“Absolutely! Plus, I thought that it might make a nice picture. You know, for your Instagram.”

“Oh, that’s awesome! Thanks, Sebastian. That’s so thoughtful!”

I felt kind of guilty for taking credit for such a sweet and selfless idea. Although the Instagram thing had been part of my thought process, the other plan I had in mind was a lot more of it. In addition to looking at beautiful scenery, after all, there was another thing view spots were well known to be good for. Parking.

The road off the highway led up into the hills to the west, narrowing and winding as we crested farther up the mountain. When we reached the peak, I drove into a sprawling, largely empty parking lot. Still, even though there was hardly anyone there, I chose to park the truck in the remotest of spots, far away from the small cluster of cars that were in the lot.

Michelle gave me a knowing smirk, and I could see in her quick and intelligent eyes that she knew exactly what I was thinking. That suspicion was confirmed when she opened the truck door and hopped out, tossing a sassy, “Fine, Casanova, but we’re gonna go look at the view first,” over her shoulder.

We walked up to the railing that enclosed the viewing deck and admired the gorgeous vista. I didn’t even mind taking time away from the busy “making out” schedule I had planned for us. Not really, anyway. Standing with my arm around Miche, her head on my shoulder, as we gazed at some of the most beautiful land in God’s own creation might not have been naked-time levels of awesome, but it
pretty damn awesome.

After fully taking in the scenery, not to mention snapping about fifty pictures of it from different angles, Michelle turned to me, the teasing half smile back on her lips. “All right, Romeo. I think we’ve looked at the trees enough. We’ve earned some tongue-on-tongue time. Don’t you agree?”

I laughed. “Hell yes. I reached that conclusion ten minutes ago.”

Her half smile blossomed into a full-blown grin. “Well, I suggest we collect our reward, then.”

We hurried back to the truck, and I opened her door and gave her a boost to help her swing into the high seat. Then I rushed around to my side and got in. I turned to her and found her smiling at me affectionately.

“Hi,” she said simply. Her voice was high and sweet, and it made me want to hold her for the rest of our lives.

“Hi,” I answered. Then I brushed my thumb against her cheek.

She closed her eyes and pressed into my hand. Her chest rose and fell, her breathing coming faster. And, with that small amount of contact and the tiniest of evidence that she was getting turned on, my cock grew to the point that it was almost painful against my jeans.

Even through the pain, though, waves of intensity and pleasure flowed through me. I wanted nothing more than to set my dick free and feel Michelle touch it. Everything in me yearned to touch her everywhere and have her touch me the same way.

I trailed my hands down her body until my arms were firmly circling her waist. Then I pulled her forward. Her eyes popped open, wide with delight at the forceful action.

“Wow,” she said. “You don’t mess around. I like it.”

Her seductive, low rasping shot straight through me and drew a low moan from deep in my throat. She leaned forward and started kissing my neck. It was warm and soft, but at the same time insistent. God, if I had thought her lips felt like heaven when I kissed them, I was totally unprepared for the amazing way they felt when she started kissing other parts of my body. It sent me into the stratosphere.

I relaxed back against the seat and lost myself in the sensation of her lips and her tongue on my skin for as long as I could possibly stand it. Finally, though, I had had enough. I couldn’t take it one minute longer. I had to touch her, had to claim her. I had to let her know that she was mine.

I sat up, pushing her back into the seat and wrapping my arm around her. I pressed my mouth on to hers and began to kiss her passionately. The intensity grew second by second as she responded, clinging to me and returning my kisses with even more desperate ones of her own.

Her head fell back as she gasped, “Oh, God! Oh, Sebastian! It feels so good. How does it feel so good? How is it possible? When you touch me, when you kiss me… It’s like…inhuman. It’s insane.”

Her words sent desire rocketing through every inch of my muscles. As she rambled on almost incoherently, in ecstasy, I trailed kisses down her neck and her chest and slid my hands underneath her T-shirt. When they reached her breasts, I began playing with her nipples, which were already hard. Then her flow of words turned into incomprehensible gasps, grunts, and moans. It was like her brain couldn’t even form complete thoughts.

I knew the feeling.

I lowered my head to her breasts, mindful that we weren’t in our own private space—even though we had started to steam up the windows quite a bit. I made sure I kept her T-shirt down enough so that no one would be able to see anything or tell what was going on if they walked by.

For an extra precaution, I slipped my hand behind her butt and scooted her hips forward so that she was angled below the window line. Not only did I want to protect her privacy and her dignity, but fuck me if I was going to let some random stranger lay eyes on my girl. She was mine and only mine.

I covered first one breast and then the other with my mouth, swirling my tongue over her sweet nipples, always using my fingers to play with whichever of her breasts wasn’t getting attention from my mouth. Hey, I didn’t want either of them to feel left out!

Her shivers and moans grew more and more frequent and intense until finally she fisted my hair in her hands and violently arched her back. Her entire body convulsed, and she cried in a strangled voice, “Oh, God, yes, Sebastian! Yes!”

She bucked under me for a few more seconds as I continued sucking on her breasts, and then she collapsed into an exhausted heap, her head thrown back. I sat up, putting her T-shirt down over her breasts so that she wouldn’t be exposed.

“Did you…” I hesitantly inquired.

She looked up into my eyes, her face flushed and satisfied. “Yeah,” she said, disbelief coloring in her voice.

“But I wasn’t even touching you,” I said, confused.

She giggled. “Yeah, you definitely were.”

“No, I mean I wasn’t touching you—”

“I know what you meant. But, I mean, apparently, that wasn’t necessary.”

I stroked her hair, which was wet from perspiration, back from her forehead. My other hand was around her waist, my thumb tracing small circles on her flat belly.

“You mean you can come just from me kissing your breasts?” I asked.

She laughed a little as she said, “Yeah. I mean…I guess I can.”

Pride puffed up my chest. “Wait a second. Are you telling me that that’s never happened before?”

She shook her head, a wicked little smile playing around her lips. “Nope. Never.”

I sat up straighter, pride puffing my chest out, and said in a cocky tone, “I’m the only guy that ever made you come like that?”

She grinned. “The one and only, stud.”

Wow. I had achieved a lot in my life. Academically, athletically—you name it. But I’d never been quite so proud of any accomplishment as I was of this one. I reclined back in my seat, scooting my pelvis forward, and grinned at her. “I think I deserve a reward, then.”

She chuckled. “I agree,” she said, sitting up and smiling. She ran her hands over my chest, and when she reached the waistline of my jeans, she unbuttoned my fly with deft but trembling fingers.

I rubbed her back. “Don’t be nervous,” I whispered comfortingly.

She winked at me as her fingers continued to work. “I’m not nervous,” she assured me. “I’m turned on.”

“So much better.”


When my pants were completely unfastened, she slid them down my legs, along with my boxers. Then she grasped my shaft in her small hand, which caused my cock to jump. It also pulled a low moan from me as I threw my head back. She pumped her hand up and down, slowly at first before picking up speed.

Then, the best thing of all, she lowered her head and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock. I thought my brain might explode from the sheer force of how awesome it felt. If that happened, it would have been well fucking worth it.

“Mmmmm…tastes good…” she murmured in a voice that held a low groan.

I fastened my hands on to the back of her head and forced my eyes open so that I could watch her beautiful kewpie-doll-shaped mouth moving up and down on my steel rod. She gazed into my eyes as she bobbed her head, never breaking eye contact with me, which almost caused me to bust my nut right then and there.

Although I’d never regretted having to do anything so much in my life, I moved my hands down to her shoulders and pushed her head up off my dick. She looked up at me, confusion coloring her expression.

“If you don’t stop, I’m gonna come. I don’t want to… I mean, we haven’t—”

She put her finger across my mouth to stop the words and smiled a small, sexy smile. “Don’t worry about that,” she said. “I hate to disappoint you, but we’re not going to have sex right now. I definitely don’t want our first time to be in a car.”

I nodded. Yeah, of course. I was a guy with a raging hard-on, so obviously I was disappointed to hear that. But the part of my brain with logical thoughts recognized that she was one hundred percent right.

“Not to mention,” she added, “we are actually going to be staying in a hotel tonight. If we can just manage to convince our roommates to give us one of the rooms to ourselves, we’ll be all set.”

Yeah, there was logic in that. I took a shuddering breath and forced myself to nod. “Yeah,” I said, trying to hide the disappointment that wanted to creep through in my tone. “Yeah, you’re right. We should go ahead and go.” Then I reached down and started to pull my jeans back up.

She laughed and put her hands on my wrists to stop me. With wicked mischief dancing in her eyes, she said, “Hey, now. Nobody said anything about stopping. Just that we weren’t gonna have sex.”

With that, she lowered her head to my cock again and began to buck up and down while using one hand to follow her mouth and stroke my shaft and the other to massage my balls. In the heightened state I was in, there was no way I could withstand that for more than a few seconds. I came almost immediately, exploding into her mouth.

As I emptied my load, she kept her lips locked around my cock, swallowing every drop of what I gave her. When I was completely spent, she sat up and wiped her mouth, satisfaction written across her face. Then she snuggled into my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist, and I pulled her close to me, kissing the top of her head.

“Holy hot damn, you’re the best,” I breathed.

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