Book Boyfriend (Someday #5) (10 page)

BOOK: Book Boyfriend (Someday #5)
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“What’s wrong?” he asked.

I took a few small steps closer so that I was pressed right up against him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled my shoulders into his chest, turning my head to the side and pressing my cheek to his chest. Being so bold would be easier if I wasn’t looking directly at him.

“I was thinking,” I murmured, my breathing speeding up.

“Mmmmm,” he said, rubbing my back. “I like the way you said that. I can’t wait to hear what you were thinking.”

“Well…” I tried to keep my voice even, but a raspy quality was sneaking in. “Just because our rooms at the main hotel are off-limits because of roommates doesn’t mean we couldn’t rent another hotel room. You know, in a different hotel. Just for us.”

“Wow,” he said, that same rasping in his voice. “I definitely
want to know what you are thinking.”

“So, does that sound like a good idea to you?”

“Abso-freaking-lutely!” he exclaimed.

“I mean, we couldn’t sleep there,” I hastened to qualify. “Even if we don’t get caught for skipping out on the tournament today, we would definitely run the risk of getting reported by one of our roommates if we don’t go back to the hotel tonight, even if they weren’t doing it to be mean. Even if they were just worried about us. I think that would be too risky.”

“Agreed,” he said reluctantly.

“And, also, it’s kind of expensive to rent a hotel room for the whole night when we’re only going to be using it for a couple of hours.” My voice was hesitant.

I wasn’t sure, even as I kept spitting out more reasons why it might be a bad idea, why I continued giving him an easy outs or excuses not to do it. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to move forward with the plan—I most certainly did! I wanted to more than anything, as a matter of fact.

But maybe I needed to be sure he was just as on board with it as I was. Maybe I needed to know what he would be willing to sacrifice. Maybe I needed to know that, in his mind, I didn’t come cheap, and that was okay with him.

He laughed, the incredulous tone in his voice setting my mind at ease. “Holy shit. Are you really talking about money? I don’t care about money. Are you fucking kidding me? No matter what it costs, it’s going to be worth every single goddamn penny and more.”

I drew back and smiled up at him, his reaction having given me enough courage to look him in the face again. “Awesome,” I said. “Let’s go!”

We ducked into the lobby of the very next hotel we came across. Sebastian, like a true gentleman, got me settled in a comfortable seat in the lobby before going over to the front desk to check us in. Tingles of anticipation raced through my body as I watched him from that chair. He talked to the front desk clerk, pulled his wallet out, signed a slip of paper, and took the room key. That was
man, taking care of business, getting things squared away for us. Something about that was incredibly sexy to me. Tingles overtook my body and I couldn’t wait to get upstairs.

When the heavy hotel room door ka-chunked shut behind us, the tiniest bit of nervousness crept back into my belly. I decided that it would be best to take decisive action, and quickly, in order to squelch it before it grew. Without walking around the room and inspecting our surroundings, I strode directly to the bed, stripping my T-shirt and bra off as I covered the ground in three long strides.

When I reached the edge of the bed, I turned and sat, scooting back and pulling at my feet so that I could unlace my boots. I met Sebastian’s gaze and give him a naughty smile, but his eyes were firmly glued to my breasts. I laughed. Such a “guy” thing to do.

After I’d tossed my shoes and my socks aside, I hopped down from the bed and cocked my head to the side, placing my hands on my waist. “Well?”

He looked up then and did meet my gaze, his jaw slack and his eyes lost in a stuporous glaze. “Well what?” he said slowly, as if he were in a trance.

“Well,” I said in a sultry, come-hither voice. “Aren’t you going to help me do the rest?”

I didn’t need to ask twice. He was by my side in a split second. I grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Running my hands down his beautiful chest on the way back down, I marveled at the hard ridges of muscles underneath my fingertips. He was a perfect specimen of male humanity. Every contour of his pecs and his abs seemed like they had been sculpted out of marble. Warm, wonderful, inviting marble, that is.

He kicked his tennis shoes off and removed his socks, and then we were both standing in front of each other in nothing but jeans and bare feet, naked from the waist up. Although my original intention had been to get all of our clothes stripped off as quickly as possible—I could hardly wait to be naked with him—I became impatient and threw my arms around him, clinging to him. I needed to feel him against me. I needed his warm, hard chest against my soft, cushiony breasts and the sensitive tips at the end of each.

I needed his strong arms around me as our skin pressed together, with no barriers in between.

“Oh, God, Miche. You’re so gorgeous. So beautiful. Fuck…your body—it’s so amazing.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I want you to do,” I teased.

He drew back and looked at me, confusion knitting his brow. “What?”

“That’s what I want you to do,” I clarified in a joking tone. “Fuck my body. Yes, please.”

He laughed and then pushed me back on the bed. “Your wish is my command,” he said, and then he began kissing his way down my body.

My brain was consumed by a fog of lust. I couldn’t even form words, let alone jokes, as his mouth and his tongue trailed down my chest. Then he paused to pay special attention to my nipples before continuing on down my torso.

He gave me a sly smile as he unfastened my jeans. “I was thinking of seeing if I could manage a repeat performance,” he said. “To see if I could make you come again without kissing anything but your tits. But then I thought, nah. Why not turn it into a challenge? See how many places on her body my tongue can make her come by kissing in one day?” With that, he yanked my jeans down over my hips and legs, pulled them off, and tossed them aside. “God, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed as he slipped my panties off in the same way.

He ran his fingers up and down the outside of my legs, up my sides, down my belly, and over my inner thighs. When he reached my knees, he paused then looked at me, a fire of lust burning in his eyes that shot straight to my core.

In a low, commanding tone, he said, “I’m gonna open your legs now. I want to see your pussy.”

My voice caught in my throat, and I was unable to say anything or even grunt out assent. I simply nodded furiously. Then, with a powerful thrust, he pushed my knees wide open and knelt between them. I felt so vulnerable spread out there before him as he examined me. Yet, as I watched the awestruck look on his face, I also felt powerful and sexy. It was an intoxicating combination.

Without tearing his eyes from between my legs, he began to trail his fingers up and down my inner thighs again, making my legs shake with pent-up arousal and lust. “You’re beautiful,” he breathed. Then, still not averting his laser gaze, he said, “I’m gonna eat you now, baby. I need to know if you taste as delicious as you look.”

He covered me with his mouth. I felt the hard, hot length of his tongue running up and down my slit and then plunging inside me. I cried out as my legs involuntarily shot up and around his shoulders and desperately tangled my fingers in his hair. I pushed his head forward, deeper into my pussy. I needed to feel him closer, closer—as close as I could get. I wanted his tongue deeper inside me, I wanted his mouth tighter on my pussy. I would’ve done anything I could’ve done to feel more of him, to be closer to him, in that moment.

“That’s right, baby. That’s right. Just like that,” he murmured against my sensitive flesh.

Waves of pleasure had been rushing the length of my body the entire time Sebastian had been touching me, but they picked up in speed and intensity when he began to focus his attentions on my clit, swirling his tongue in tight and fast circles over my hard nub.

“Oh, fuck,” I whimpered. “Oh, God. Oh, yes. Right there.”

He inched one hand up my belly and tweaked my nipple between his thumb and his forefinger, adding to the intensity of the electric sparks that were exploding all through my torso and out through my extremities. Then he sent me over the edge when he plunged his fingers into my cunt as he continued to work me with his tongue and play with my nipples. The combination of sensations was simply too much for my body to bear. The pressure built up until it had to boil over.

I screamed as my entire body clenched and fireworks went off inside my brain and under every inch of my skin. Through every instant of the intense orgasm I could’ve sworn I simply couldn’t bear the pleasure of one second longer. Even though I was about to shatter into a million pieces, my body continued somehow to send the pleasure impulses through me. It continued on and on for what seemed like an eternity, each crest of pleasure higher than the one before, until I really did wonder if I was going to explode. If I was going to die from the sheer bliss of it. If it was going to short-circuit my brain or my heart.

Eventually, the crests became increasingly gentler and the fireworks began to steadily dim behind my eyes as the orgasm rolled to a close. I had hardly any time to process this, though, before I was swept up in another wave of arousal.

The instant I opened my eyes, I saw Sebastian standing over me. With one hand, he was smoothly stroking my pussy to guide me back down from the amazing orgasm. With the other hand, he had pushed his jeans and boxers down his legs and was rolling a condom on his steel-hard erection.

“Oh, God,” I groaned.

He flashed me a lusty smile. “Hey,” he said. “Even though I made you come again, I still haven’t fulfilled your wish. You know, the one to fuck your body? I plan to remedy that immediately.”

Although, just seconds before, I would’ve sworn I was too tired to talk, let alone move, the thought of feeling him inside me, filling me up, and pumping into me with that huge cock energized me to such an extent that I found myself instantly popping up into a sitting position so that I could lean forward and push his jeans the rest of the way down his legs.

He grinned at me. “Ah, I see you like that idea,” he said as he kicked his jeans and his boxers off his feet.

I scooted back on the bed until my head was reclining against the pillow and opened my arms and my legs to him. “I do like that idea,” I said. “I like it a lot. In fact, I like it so much that I think you should put it into practice immediately.”

He climbed on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed the head of his cock at my entrance. When he positioned himself, he whispered in my ear, “Are you ready?”

“I’ve never been so ready,” I whispered back. “I need you. Fuck me. Please, right now.”

He drove himself into me with a force that took my breath away. I screamed, and he pulled back, his eyebrows knit together and his eyes tight with concern.

“Did I hurt you?”

I shook my head, but the worried look didn’t disappear.

“You’re so tiny,” he said. “Was I too big?”

I didn’t think I could speak, but when I tried, my voice was there, although barely. I said in a raspy whisper, “No. I was screaming because it felt good. Yeah, you’re huge, but in the best fucking way. It feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

He groaned, collapsing to his elbows on top of me. He began to move inside of me, his hips building up speed until he was thrusting powerfully. His chest brushed the tips of my nipples as he pumped in and out of me, adding to the festival of pleasurable sensations zipping around my body.

“Oh, Miche,” he moaned in my ear. “Oh, God. I don’t know how long I can last. I’ve just… I’ve dreamed about this for so long.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I whispered. “Come whenever you want.”

“I’m gonna try to hold out,” he gasped. “I want to fuck you as long as possible. God, I never want to stop fucking you.”

“God, yes, that sounds amazing,” I agreed. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, holding on for dear life as he pounded into me for what seemed like forever.

Finally, the muscles of his back bunched under my fingers, and he buried his face in my neck, groaning loudly as his arms slipped around me and crushed me to him.

I felt a delicious pressure inside me and realized it must have been the force of his orgasm, which I could feel spilling into me through the thin sheath of the condom. I held him and stroked his hair as he trembled. My muscles were shaking, as well.

He rolled over and collapsed back on the bed, gasping, “I don’t want to crush you.”

I tumbled with him, snuggling into the niche where his chest met his neck and reveling in the feeling of his arms holding me, his fingers stroking my hair. “Yeah, that probably wouldn’t be a good idea,” I teased. “Although, I won’t lie—it wouldn’t be a bad way to go.”

He laughed hoarsely and kissed the top of my head. “That was amazing, baby,” he said.

“No argument here,” I answered.

Then we were silent for a while. I lost myself in the sound of his heartbeat under my ear, the feel of his chest rising and falling under my cheek. I had never felt closer to another human being than I did to Sebastian at that moment. It was hard to tell where I ended and he began. Our bodies were intertwined and entangled, as were our souls. I was complete in that moment, in a way I had never been before.

The utopian bliss was shattered by a loud chime coming from my cell phone, which let me know that I had a text message. I groaned and turned over to get out of bed and head over to my purse so I could get my cell phone.

“Don’t!” Sebastian said. “Just leave it. Ignore it! The world outside doesn’t exist, Miche. The only real world is the one in here. The one between me and you.”

God, it sounded tempting. But it wasn’t realistic.

“True,” I said. “The world in here feels more real than anything I’ve ever experienced out there. But the truth is, there actually is a world back at our hotel, including roommates who could get us in a hell of a lot of trouble if they reported us. I need to make sure that’s not one of them.”

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