Bonds of Blood (5 page)

Read Bonds of Blood Online

Authors: Shauna Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Bonds of Blood
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Chapter 7

While on the way to her destination,
Kat spotted Mina leading a group of people along the sidewalk.  Curious, she stood at the back of the crowd as Mina took position in the front.  Wearing a long black Victorian coat that came down to her ankles, Mina tossed her hair over her shoulder. 

“Well, even though we are nearly at the end of our journey together, I have definitely saved the best for last,” she said, her tone low and sinister.

A couple of young girls giggled from the back.  Mina pinned them with an ominous stare and their laughter evaporated into the New Orleans heat. 

“The building behind you has a tale to tell.  In 1813, a young Irish immigrant name
d Jeannette McCurdy came to live in New Orleans.  Jeannette dreamed of having a family of her own.  So, when she met Pierre Delacroix she thought that dream might become a reality.  But Pierre’s family wasn’t thrilled with him dating a girl who was no better than a housemaid.  They forbid Pierre from seeing Jeannette.  But the lovers couldn’t stay apart for long and soon they were in the midst of an illicit love affair.  When Pierre’s parents found out, they threatened to cut him off financially.  Unfortunately, Pierre was fonder of his parents’ money than he was of Jeannette.  When he came to tell Jeannette he was leaving her, he was once again distracted by her beauty…”

Mina offered a serious stare as she continued.  “After they made love, Pierre made the mistake of falling asleep.  Jeannette could tolerate a lot of things but having a faithless lover wasn’t one of them.  She took matters into her own hands by picking up an axe and chopping off his head.”

The crowd gasped in horror.  Even Kat couldn’t stop herself from cringing at the gruesome story.  But Mina wasn’t finished.  A devilish grin curled her lips as she went on.

Don’t worry, Jeannette still got her man.  It’s said that Jeannette kept Pierce in her bed for another two weeks,” Mina explained.

A chorus of
ooohs came up from the crowd, and Kat felt her stomach roll.

“She even sat his head on top of his rotting corpse

Gagging sounds whispered through the crowd. 
“Gross!” A girl cried out from the back.

But Pierre wasn’t done.”  Mina’s gaze traveled to the building behind them.  “It’s said that his ghost still haunts the building at night in search of his missing head.”

Everyone turned to stare at the building
that now seemed dark and ominous after hearing the grim history.  The building stood like an imposing figure on the street.  Kat’s gaze traveled over the white shuttered windows.  Vines were growing over the shutters, as if to guard the secrets of a past left untold.

“You see, love can be dangerous…even when you’re in the Big Easy.”

A few low chuckles drifted through the people standing around.

“Well folks, this is the end of our tour for the night.  I hope you all enjoyed hearing the
stories as much as I enjoyed telling them.”  Mina cocked an eyebrow.  “And remember to be careful while you’re here lest you become the next tale we tell.”

Kat watched as a few of the guests walked up to talk to Mina and place some cash in her hand.  After most of the group had dispersed, Kat
edged over to her.  As soon as the other woman saw her, her eyebrows rose.

“What are you doing here?  Freeloading on my tour?”

Kat shook her head with a smile.  “I didn’t mean to.  I was on my way to meet you and couldn’t resist.  But I’m glad I did.  You give one hell of a tour.”

Mina tilted her head to the side.  “What did you like best?’

Kat cleared her throat.  “It was very descriptive, especially the part about the…head.”

Mina chuckled.

Kat leaned in.  “So…was it true?’

One eyebrow arched.  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it is that life needs no embellishment.  It’s odd enough.”

Considering the recent developments in her own life, she couldn’t help but agree with that assessment.  Kat’s gaze traveled over Mina’s clothing.

“So, do you need to go home and change?” Kat inquired.

With a saucy shake of her head, Mina pulled open her coat to reveal a short red dress that came to mid thigh.  “I’m always ready to come,” she instructed.

Kat rolled her eyes
at the innuendo as she trailed after the other woman.  Following Mina down the street toward the club, Kat turned to look at her.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me that you are a tour guide?”

“I haven’t told you a lot of things,” Mina reminded, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead.

Kat pulled her lower lip beneath her teeth as she struggled to keep up with Mina’s brisk pace.  “You’re very good at what you do,” Kat observed.

Mina shrugged.  “It pays the bills.”

“It must be interesting to know so much history about the buildings you live near,” Kat ventured.

“I guess.”

“Do you like it?”

Mina stopped abruptly, turning to give her a cold stare.  “You know, you don’t have to do this.”

Kat’s eyes narrowed.  “Do what?”

“Act like you give a shit about my life.”

Kat’s mouth dropped open as she searched for something to say.

“Look, I get it,” Mina continued.  “I mean, we probably wouldn’t even be talking if I wasn’t a member of the club.  And despite my better judgment I’m going to let you back in there tonight.  But don’t act like you’re suddenly interested in me.  Just drop it.”

Kat wanted to tell her that it wasn’t true. 

But she couldn’t.  If she did, it would just be a lie.

“You’re right,” Kat conceded.  “I’m sorry.  But that doesn’t mean that I don’t find you interesting.  We may be different, but it doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.  Does it?”

Mina’s gaze flickered around as she assessed the sincerity of Kat’s statement.

“Look, Mina.  I’m not going to lie to you.  I don’t have a lot of friends, so I’m probably going to mess this up.  But I’d like to try. 
If that’s okay with you?”

The look on Mina’s face left little doubt that she wasn’t completely convinced, but in the end she shrugged.  “Suit yourself.”

Deciding it was obviously the best she was going to get tonight, she fell into step beside her as they made their way to the club.  When the gate opened, Mina turned to face her.

No house wine this time.”

Kat nodded.  “Got it,” she agreed.

Mina stared at her for a minute before shaking her head. “This is a mistake,” she said.

But Kat couldn’t let her back out now.  She grabbed the girl’s arm, pinning her with a steady gaze.

“Mina, I’m good.  I promise.”

The other girl rolled her eyes. “I’ve got to be out of my mind to bring you here again,” she murmured more to herself than to Kat.
  “If I didn’t need the money so much…”

“I’m not here to screw anything up for you, I promise,” Kat offered.

Mina’s eyebrow arched.  “Really?  Come on, Kat.  I’m not a fool.  I know you’re not going in there for a little extracurricular fun.”

Color heated Kat’s cheeks at her astute observation.

Mina tilted her head to the side.  “Look, these are not the kind of people you want to mess with,” she warned.

“You’re afraid of them.”

It was a statement.  Not a question.

“And you should be too,” Mina confirmed.

“Mina, if you know something…”

Mina shook her head.  “
Nothing specific, but I know the type.  Just watch yourself with them.”

With that ominous warning, Mina led her into the Dragon’s Lair.  As soon as they were inside, Mina turned to face her. 

“You’re on your own.”


Chapter 8

Kat felt a sliver of fear race up her spine as she watched Mina disappear into the crowd.  She couldn’t say she blamed the other girl.  After all, they
barely knew each other.  She couldn’t expect Mina to put herself in harm’s way for her.

She glanced around the dimly lit room.  Several couples had already taken up residence on the plush couch to her right.  A small burgundy loveseat sat against the wall.  A man sat on
it; his head angled back, his arms splayed wide.  A woman with red hair straddled his lap, her mouth buried in the curve of his neck. 

Next to him
, a blonde woman reclined back her shirt spread wide open, her full breasts on display. Kat’s mouth fell open as she noticed a man kneeling on the floor before the woman, his head wedged firmly between her open thighs.  His fingers dug into her hips.  Another woman sat to the girl’s right, her tongue snaking out to tease the girl’s nipple.  The woman’s head was thrown back in abandon, her lips parted.

The scene was so blatantly erotic that
Kat couldn’t stop a wave of arousal from teasing her pussy.  She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to ease the ache.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.”

She turned to find a tall man with blonde hair standing behind her.  His green eyes seemed to see right through her making her head swim.  Lowering her gaze, she took in his tight black shirt that molded perfectly to his chest.  Black leather pants stretched over muscled thighs.  When her gaze collided with the noticeable bulge between his legs, she jerked it back to his face.

A slow, devilish grin lifted the corners of his lips as his skin tightened over sharp cheekbones.  He held out a hand in greeting.

“Damian Valmont,” he said, his voice sliding over her.

Unable to find
her voice, she lifted her hand to place it in his.  His large hand closed around her much smaller one.  She flinched ever so slightly as she felt the cold chill of his skin.  His hand tightened on hers as he bent over to press his lips against the back of her hand.  She drew in a shaky breath.

When he released her hand, he rose causing her to angle her chin up to meet his gaze.

His eyebrows lifted in expectation. 

“Katarina Montague,” she replied softly.

“Katarina.  A beautiful name.”

An unwelcome flush of color warmed her cheeks at the compliment.  A low moan drew her gaze to a small loveseat positioned in the archway between rooms.  A man sat in the seat, a woman l
aying on top of him her back to his front.  Kat’s eyes widened. The woman was naked from the waist up.  Her face turned toward Kat as the man underneath her teased her nipples with his fingers.  She writhed against him completely lost in his sensual torture.

The sight made Kat’s mouth go dry.

“I’ve seen you here before.”

His words brought her head around. 

“You were here with someone.  A man,” Damian continued.

She shook her head.  “You must have me confused with someone else.”

“No, it was definitely you.  I never forget a face.  Especially one I want to remember.”

A foreboding chill raced up her spine as she remembered her earlier discussion with Mina. 

“Do you remember what he looked like?” Kat prodded.  “The man, I mean?”

He tilted his head to the side, his blue eyes sparkling.  “I wasn’t exactly paying much attention to him,” he confessed, one side of his mouth quirking up on a wry grin.

Heat infused Kat’s cheeks causing her to look away.

“Are you planning to stay for the show?” he inquired.

“The show?” she managed, her voice barely there.

He smiled.  “There’s nothing like it,” he explained.

She pulled her lower lip beneath her teeth. “I saw it the other night.  It was…”

One eyebrow lifted.  “Seductive?”

Their gazes met and held.  All of the air in Kat’s lungs seemed to evaporate.  As if he sensed the change in her, his lips curled at the corners.  She couldn’t be sure, but it looked like he had fangs. 

“You should stay for the show,” he suggested.

All she could do was nod.  He leaned in, his face coming dangerously close to hers.  His lips were inches away from her neck when he inhaled deeply.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his eyelids close as if he was savoring her scent. 

“I don’t know,” she stammered, her thoughts crowding in on each other.

“Perhaps we could enjoy something more…private?” he offered, his voice low.

Kat drew in a deep breath as she struggled for words that wouldn’t come.  “I…”

“I’m sorry to interrupt this moment.”

Damien reluctantly pulled away.   Kat watched as he turned to
glare at the interloper.

“What?” he bit out, the word coming out as more of a growl than a question.

Genevieve’s flame colored eyebrows arched at his tone.  “I have a…situation that requires your attention,” she explained, her amusement clear.

The look Damien gave her
was chilling.  Turning to face Kat, his expression instantly softened.  One finger reached out to trace the line of her jaw.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he
instructed his voice sinfully soft.

Kat watched as he followed Genevieve down the hall to disappear into a side room.  A quick glance around the room made her aware of the fact that the players might have changed but the game remained the same. 

Just as she was about to turn away, her gaze caught and held on a man.  Standing in the corner, his gaze remained completely focused on her.  But that wasn’t what surprised her.  What jolted her was the immediate sense of recognition she felt when her eyes met his. 

It was like she knew him.

Not just knew him, she knew his kiss, his touch.  But that was impossible.

Wasn’t it?

Unless…Was he the one?  Was he the mystery man she was with last night?

A couple passed in front of her
, and she lost sight of him.  Racing across the room, she turned the corner desperate to find him.  She followed the path to a long hall.  Several windows along the wall allowed just enough moonlight to illuminate the small space. 

Kat spotted him at the end of the hall, his strides long and intent.

“Wait!” she called out, her voice casting a slight echo.

He stopped just before turning the corner, but he didn’t turn around to face her.
  The sound of her heels was muted by the thick, lush carpet beneath her feet.  The broad line of his shoulders tensed as she got closer.

“Turn around,” she commanded.

She saw his head fall forward slightly before he turned to face her.  His gaze sharpened as it took in her features.  Recognition punched her in the stomach.  Not recognition on a conscious level but on a primal level.  She didn’t know him.  But her body did. 

“Have we met?” 

His full lips lifted on a wry grin.  “You must have me confused with someone else.”

“No, I know you,” she asserted.

His eyes narrowed.  “I’m sure I would remember.”

“I know you.  I
’m sure of it.”


Alec stared at her, his gaze inevitably drawn to her mouth as she nibbled on her lower lip.  Lips that he had kissed way too recently to be having this conversation.  Lips that he ached to taste again. 

“You are mistaken,” he replied, a little more forcefully.

She took a few steps closer
and he stiffened.  The scent of her arousal, sweet and spicy, carried through the air to tease his senses.  The look in her eyes, like she wanted to argue with him, made his resolve that much stronger. 

He knew what he had to do.

Looking deeply into her eyes, he willed her to believe him.

“You don’t know me.  This is just a case of mistaken identity

Her eyebrows crowded together as she took in his words.

A glance over her shoulder revealed Damien scanning the crowd at the end of the hall.  Alec knew what he was looking for.  The object of Damien’s search was standing right in front of him.  He also knew why Damien was so interested in her.  The other man sensed that there was something different about her.  Something special.  If Damien ever found out why, he would stop at nothing to have her. 

Alec couldn’t let that happen.  It was his job to make sure that didn’t happen
, which meant that he couldn’t leave her now.  Before he could think it through any further, Alec opened a door to the right and pulled her inside with him.  He closed the door behind them, flipping the lock as he prayed that Damien hadn’t seen them.  He felt her sharp intake of breath against his neck and winced.     

“What are you doing?”

Alec quickly moved around the room looking for a means of escape.  He found a set of French doors behind heavy thick velvet curtains on the wall. 

We have to leave.  Now,” he commanded.

Pushing the drapes aside, he unlocked the doors. 

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she replied as she watched him nervously.

He didn’t have time to argue with her.

Not now.

Alec came across the room to stand before her.  His eyes met hers. 

“We have to leave.”

“Tell me why,” she
ordered her tone firm.

His hand came up to caress the soft skin of her cheek causing her lips to part.  “You have to trust me, Katarina,” he answered softly.

Her eyes widened.  “How do you know my name?” she demanded.

“Come with me and I’ll give you the answers you want.”

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