Bondage Seduction (7 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Seduction
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“Thankfully, I was able to handle the situation quicker than expected.” He ran his fingers deep into her hair then twisted it around his fist. His grip was rough and punishing. He’d expected her to protest, even wanted her to, so he’d have a reason to wash his hands of her. Instead, she closed her eyes while she went all soft and pliant and moaned for him.
How did he get himself into these messes?

He looked down at her beautiful face. Not a single muscle was fighting him. She’d completely surrendered to his will. Her full lips called to him. He bent down and kissed her. Right there at the bar with both Eva and Reed watching them, he made love to her mouth. Sliding in and out of her with his tongue caressing hers, he found heaven on earth. Abruptly, he pulled away. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t let her sink any further under his skin than she already had.

Meri opened her eyes, silently questioning him. For an untrained sub, she was surprisingly good at reading his cues.

“Master André has probably already started. Let’s go.” Ted lightened his grip on her hair and moved his hand down to her neck. He stroked his thumb across her pulse, feeling it beat fast and strong.

“Okay.” She slid off the bar stool.

He used her neck to pull her into him. Leaning down, he bit her earlobe, a stinging reminder to follow protocol. “Yes,
was the correct response.” He knew he was being an ass, pushing her too hard, too fast. It wasn’t her fault they were incompatible. Holding her tight against him, he felt as well as heard her gentle coo before she answered him. “Sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again.”

Before he could think twice about it, he bent and licked away the sting. “That’s a good pet.” He’d love to have his collar around her neck, to take her leash in hand as he led her to the stage.
Whoa, where did that thought come from?
Holy shit, I need to get away from this woman.

Ted pulled back and looked Meri in the eye. He could make an excuse and go hide in his office until the danger had passed, but that would leave her open to other Doms and that thought tore him up inside. There was nothing wrong with Reed, per se. He was a nice enough fellow, but he wasn’t right for Meri. Even with the limited time Ted had been able to spend with her, he knew she liked an edge of pain. It scared her, but she needed it as much as he needed to give it. Reed was a softer, cuddlier Dom than that. Her fear would keep Reed from pushing her to explore her limits, to find her greatest pleasures.

To Ted, her fear told him he was on the right track. It also pulled at his heart strings and knotted his gut. And made him hard as hell. He had no idea what the fuck he was going to do with her, but turning her over to another Dom wasn’t the answer.

“Come along, pet. This is a presentation and at the end he may ask for questions. At that time, you may speak. Until then, remain silent. Just as before, if you need to leave, squeeze my hand and I will find a quiet spot where we can have a discussion. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Ted looked around at the gathering in front of the stage. There were more people than he’d expected. After a quick glance, he found the perfect spot. He led Meri to one of the restraining poles with a kneeling pad at its base. He slid his back down the pole. Once he was seated on the pad, he spread his legs and indicated for Meri to sit between them. This position allowed her to use him as a back rest. They were also a little farther away than most of the members, which afforded them a bit of privacy.

It was odd to see André give presentations these days. Ted was worried about his friend. He seemed more and more stressed of late. Business was going well. He highly doubted it had anything to do with the clubs, but something was definitely wrong. André was often staying late—well after they’d closed—and Ted suspected he sometimes even spent the night. Perhaps living with three full time subs was taking its toll. It was certainly a situation Ted would find intolerable.

Another thing he found intolerable was Meri sitting up straight and keeping inches between their bodies. He slid his arm across her chest and pulled her backward until she was settled against him. Her breathing quickened as he used his other hand to gather her hair and toss it over his left shoulder. A few strands became entangled in his facial hair, linking them together. It felt intimate and he rather liked it.

“You smell good,” he purred quietly against her ear so as not to disturb anyone. André had finished going over the safety protocols and had begun applying the clothespins to Sheila’s torso.

Meri tipped her head back and smiled at him. Holding her in his arms, a calming peace descended over him. He’d often found comfort in a woman’s body, but never just by her presence. Meri was a special soul.

As André attached clothespins closer to Sheila’s nipple, Meri leaned harder against him. It was as if she were moving away from the toy. Her heartbeat had sped up, and she’d bitten down on her index finger’s nail. Ted knew the wheels were turning in that beautiful head of hers. With her limited experience, she was imagining a far greater level of pain than was actually the case.

To distract her, he glided his lips along her tender neck and shoulder. She tipped her head back against his chest and closed her eyes. From this angle, her voluptuous breasts came into view. They looked lonely…

While he continued kissing her neck and earlobe, Ted reached into her bodice and lifted her tits from their confines. Meri remained still, but he felt her watching him. “Relax and watch the presentation, my pet.”

The look that crossed her face made him smile. She obviously wanted to protest, but remembered her place. He’d memorised her interest inventory and knew public nudity and play were acceptable to her. While she grew comfortable with having her breasts bared and fondled, he kept his touch soothing. Once she calmed, he began to pinch and roll her nipples. Though she was biting her lip, a soft moan escaped her too perfect mouth. Her head lolled back against him and she closed her eyes. Ted suspected all thoughts of the presentation were gone from her mind.

“You must be silent, my pet, or you will be punished.”

She nodded then slid her hands underneath his thighs. The feel of her touching him so intimately gave him pause. Wrapping her fingers around his dick would have been easier to ignore. He could shrug that off as purely sexual, but this felt like so much more, like they were connected. He’d never stopped a sub from laying hands upon him. Of course, most of the women he scened with were trained submissives and knew not to touch without explicit instructions.

Why is she tying my gut into knots?

Meri was beginning to whimper and clutch at his legs with a firmer grip.
God, she is so responsive.
Slowly, he increased the pressure and pull on her nipple. Her hips bucked and she looked up at him, drowning in need. The image was forever burned into his mind. He knew he’d dream of her looking just like that for nights to come.

Ted massaged away the sting as he began to torture her left nipple.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Shh,” he reminded her. “Please what, my pet? A Dom is not a mind reader. You need to tell me what you want.” Ted was careful to keep his voice low and his lips pressed against her ear.

“I need you inside me, Sir,” she whispered back.

Ted growled as his cock strained against his pants. He gave her earlobe a gentle nip in retaliation for his discomfort.
Damn her.
She was killing him. Immediately he swirled his tongue over his teeth marks.

Meri’s breasts were large, but his hands were too. He palmed both and kneaded them until her nipples were two taut peaks. Ted brought his feet to the inside of her calves and drew her legs apart, opening her to him. With his fingers, he slid across her pussy.

“What is this, my pet?” he asked as he gave her breasts a punishing squeeze. Without waiting for her to answer, he continued, “Stand up and take the panties off.”

Meri looked at the people sitting only a few feet away. He could imagine where her thoughts were going. Everyone within view would see her remove her underwear.

“Now, pet. Your choices are safeword or follow orders,” he explained, letting go of her breasts and removing his legs from hers.

She drew her feet underneath her and stood. After stepping out from between his legs, she covered her breasts with one arm and moved behind the pole he was leaning against. Oh no, he wasn’t allowing that. He grasped her wrist and pulled her back within his view.

As she looked first at him then around the great hall, he knew she was having second thoughts. Perhaps debating whether or not to try and talk him out of it. He was having none of it. He reached up and looped a finger under her panties and pulled them down about an inch.

Now that he had her attention, he let go and held out his right palm to her. He pointed to it and mouthed the word, “

Meri scrunched up her face and closed her eyes, but followed his instructions. Once she’d given them to him, he pulled her over his lap. He kept his hand between her breasts and floor. She’d pillowed her head on her forearms, but he could see she was blushing profusely.

Time to teach his pet a lesson. He nudged her legs wider apart and drew her skirt to rest over her back, baring the lower half of her body. To make sure this was having the desired effect, he ran his finger across her now bare pussy. Just as he suspected, she was very wet. If the lighting were better, he knew he’d see the moisture glistening off her lips. Her mind may have had second thoughts, but her body was already on board.

He’d love to pinken her ass, but the noise would disrupt André’s presentation. That would have to wait until later. Lightly, he ran his fingers over her ass and imagined what it would look like striped by his whip.

One day soon, he vowed, he’d see it in person. Oh, he knew they’d have to work up to it. If he tried it right now, she’d run for the exit and never come back. But soon.

With one finger, he pushed into her pussy. So wet. So hot. Unable to resist, he pulled his finger to his mouth and tasted her.
Oh, big mistake.
She was sweet and spicy. A tiny piece of heaven he knew he’d crave often.
Why does she have to be so perfect?

He slid in two fingers and curled them to find her G-spot. When a soft moan passed her lips, he smiled. He knew just how to handle this little problem. He pulled out of her and picked up her panties that he’d laid on his leathers before taking her breasts into his hand.

Bending down near her ear, he whispered to her. “I warned you. Now open your mouth.”

She lifted her head, a surprised expression danced across her face, but she obeyed him. He put the crotch and one leg portion of her panties in her mouth and slid the other leg hole over her head to rest at the back of her neck. It served two purposes, she couldn’t choke on them, and there was the naughty factor of others seeing her undies in her mouth.

Now back to business.
Ted circled her clit. His cock jumped and begged for attention. One more swirl, then he slid two fingers into her slit and began to piston in and out. Meri arched her back which gave him an idea. He reached into the basket beside the beam he was leaning against and drew out four cuffs. First, he attached one around each leg just above her knee. Next, he circled both of her wrists with cuffs and carefully drew her arms back to the restraints on her thighs. Using a metal clip, he joined them together.

The soft leather would protect her delicate skin from harm and the position gave him better access to her breasts while keeping her pussy open to him.

Alternating between a soothing caress and a rough, aggressive pinch-pull, he resumed torturing her breasts. He could play with them for hours and never tire. Ted wished he could better watch the expressions chase across her face, but he was able to see enough to let him know what she was feeling.

His plan was to edge her until the presentation ended then head off to a privacy room. Since he’d distracted her from learning about zippers, he figured it was his duty to instruct her personally on the subject.

Ted glanced at the stage and he gauged the demo was about finished. Ted shook his head, worried for André. His friend certainly didn’t look like he was enjoying himself. His smile was gone and dark circles lay under his eyes. As much as he’d like to help André, Ted was mired in his own mess.

Pushing away all thoughts but those concerning his delicious pet, he plunged two fingers into her pussy again and began to slide in and out of her. How he wished it was his cock filling her instead of his fingers…

She pushed against him, arching her back, allowing him to delve deep into her. Ted curled his fingers and began to stroke her G-spot.

Her whimpers were barely muffled by her panties, but the presentation was breaking up so it didn’t matter. Some of the members merely turned around and began to watch them. He wasn’t sure how Meri would feel about that once she became aware. According to her interest inventory, it was acceptable, so he continued.

“Look at me,” he ordered, making sure her attention wasn’t diverted.

When she turned her head to gaze at him, her eyelashes damp with tears and desire etched across her face, his heart hammered in his chest. He stroked his thumb across her clit and watched as her eyes closed. Her world had narrowed to his touch, such a perfect submissive. God, how he loved playing with her.

“At the count of five you may come, my pet. Not before, or you will be severely punished. Nod if you understand.”

Her eyes remained closed shut, her breathing coming in pants, but she managed to nod, acknowledging his command. She was so close. He’d have to be careful not to take her there early. Slowing his strokes inside her pussy, he increased the pressure on her nipples.

“One.” Ted sent a stroke over her clit then quickly retreated. Her moans, a mix of need and frustration, were pure music to him. “Two.” He cupped her breasts in the palm of his hand. Pinching her nipples alternately with his fingers, he pulled, then released her and began the process over again. There wasn’t much room to work, but it was enough. “Three. So close, my pet. You want to come so badly, don’t you?”

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