Bondage Seduction (2 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Seduction
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“I think you look sexy as hell, but feel free to remove it, if you’d be more comfortable.”

“Nope, I’m good,” she lied through her teeth. Naked and comfortable had never gone together for her.

“So glad to hear it.” Ted’s hand ran down her arm. He circled her wrist and drew it towards the corner of the table. “I’m going to assume you’ve been through our new member’s orientation and know the house safeword is ‘crisis’. While here at the club, you’re fairly safe being restrained, but I still caution you to know the Dom well. We have several Dungeon Masters on duty at all times, but on party nights we can be spread a bit thin.”

“Yes, they were quite clear on that. Thank you for going over it again.” It was kind of him to make sure she was safe. She liked Ted and her instincts told her she could trust him. Of course, he was only the third Dom she’d ever met in person and one of them had been recently married.

Ted pulled a manacle from over the side and laid the chain across her palm. “We’re going to use honour bondage. You’re going to hold on to this and not let go until I give you permission. If you disobey me, there will be a consequence. Do you understand?”

Consequence…is that the same as a punishment?
She looked at the whip coiled at his hip and decided it was best not to take
chances. “Yes, Sir. Don’t let go. Got it.”

Meri shivered as Ted ran his finger the length of her arm, down her side and leg to grasp her ankle.

“Open,” he commanded.

Her breathing quickened at his possessive touch. If she moved her legs apart, anyone at the end of the table would have a view of her pussy.
. This was not what she had envisioned for the evening. She considered explaining, but doubted he’d be sympathetic. Screw it, the lighting was subdued and her skirt covered enough—she hoped

Slowly, reluctantly, she spread her legs until her foot was lined up with the corner.

“I’m going to place the manacle around your ankle. I won’t latch it, pet. You are to remain still. If you remove your leg, I will be disappointed.”

“Yes, Sir. I won’t move.”

“You look so beautiful, Meri. I wish you were completely bared to me.” Once her ankle was encased in the steel cuff, Ted ran his finger up the sole of her foot. Involuntarily, she jumped and the chains rattled. Ted raised one eyebrow, “That was a close call, Meri. There’s no excuse for not following my commands.”

Her pussy clenched at his admonishment. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

“You must learn to control your body. Pleasing your Dom”—he met her gaze—“within your limits, should be your primary focus.”

When their eyes met, her heart skipped a beat before racing at double speed for a moment. “I’m very ticklish. I promise to work on it, Sir.”

Ted paused and granted her a tender smile. Meri completely forgot about lying awkwardly with half of her body chained to a wax-play station, in the great hall of a BDSM club and lived in that one moment. In real time, it lasted only a few seconds, but Meri knew it was forever locked in her memory.

“That’s a good pet.” Ted stood at the end of the table between her legs.

If he chose to look, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to stop him from seeing what no man needed to see. Touch, fondle, taste—yes, but not see… Okay, she would admit to the absurdity of the statement, but the sentiment was true.

His gaze drifted over her body. She just couldn’t watch his expressions. She knew what she must look like. Meri averted her gaze as a fresh wave of blush crept up her neck to her face.

“Do not hide from me, Meri.” His tone was etched with a tenderness that had her obeying.

His voice pulled emotions from her like a puppeteer directed movements with string. As soon as she met his scrutiny, she felt his touch, light at first, a mere brush of his fingers around her ankle. Her eyelids started to drift closed as she sank into the delicate touch.

“Eyes on me, Meri. I won’t tell you again.” His hand squeezed her leg until she looked at him again.

“Yes, Sir.”

Slowly, Master Ted drew her legs apart.
Oh, God.
Her skirt was too tight to be spread wide. To avoid tearing, it scrunched upward. She wanted so badly to shut her eyes and disappear into the table top. Cool air hit her pussy. Damn, she was so wet.
Can he see that from where he’s standing? How can he not?

Once he’d moved her other leg in line with the corner of the table, Ted wrapped a manacle around her ankle. His gaze travelled down her body. “So beautiful, pet.”

“Thank you, Sir.” A warm feeling rushed over her. The way he’d said it, the look on his face, made her feel pretty.

Ted walked towards her. “Give me your hand.”

She reached for him automatically. As he brought her hand to his mouth and gave her gentle kisses, she had to fight to keep from drifting away on the pleasure he was bringing her, but she wasn’t going to give him cause to be displeased again.

“You’re doing well, Meri.” He laid her arm on the table and ran the chain along her palm. “Don’t let go.” Ted slid his hands through her hair. Gathering it, he draped it over the table’s edge, exposing more of her neck. “Have you ever felt the splatter of wax along your skin?”

“Only when I’ve been careless.”

“There’s no room for carelessness in BDSM. Someone could be badly injured.” His hand moved down her forehead. “We’re going to try some sensation play. I want you to keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise. Can you do that or do you need a blindfold?”

“I’ll keep them closed.” Hopefully… Unless he scared her. Then all bets were off.

“Remember, pet, if you disobey me, there will be consequences.” His voice flowed over her.

“Yes, Sir.” She lay quietly until his hand left her face. Seconds later, she went into nervous wreck mode. The urge to look and see where he was, what he was doing, was almost too strong to ignore. Even concentrating on every minute sound, she couldn’t figure out where he was. She considered peeking, but was afraid he was still standing right beside her. There was no way to know.

She started counting her heartbeats. They were certainly loud enough. Hell, she was keeping a faster beat than the music thrumming through the club’s sound system. When she knew she couldn’t stand it any longer, something fiery hot streaked across the portion of her breast exposed by the slashes.

Her breath rushed from her body and she tightened her grip on the chains. A moment later, a chill chased the heat.

“Eek.” She had to lock her knees to keep from jerking away as the sensation played along her inner thigh. “Ohh, my,” she moaned as Ted traced his finger down her neck. The hot and cold, sensual and uncomfortable combination was sending her nerve endings into hyper-drive.

When the heat slid across her ticklish lower belly, she pulled her legs up, rattling the chains. “Ted, Sir, I can’t keep still! I’m trying, but I can’t.”

“But you must. If you’d like, I could lock the manacles in place.” His voice had an amused melody to it.

“O-kay…” Did she dare? She’d still have her hands free and she was in the great hall with people close by.

“Not good enough, pet. If you desire my help, then you must ask me.”

Oh, dang
. Her pussy clenched and her breathing became difficult for a second or two. “Sir, please…restrain me.”

“Anything for you, pet.”

Meri felt rather than heard the locks slide into place. A shiver ran down her spine as the second one clicked shut. “Uhm, Sir, I think I’m in it up to my knees now.”

His warm chuckle helped ease her fears. “Don’t worry, my pet. I won’t let you drown.”

She couldn’t find a pattern as to where he would touch next or with which sensation. After a few moments, she stopped fighting and relaxed into it.

“So perfect, my pet,” Ted whispered near her ear. “You’re a delight to play with.”

A new feeling danced along her leg. Cool at first, but it warmed quickly from the heat emanating from her body. Dull, yet smooth, rounded maybe, glided across her skin. Once the sensation became familiar, Ted changed it again. This time the pressure was narrowed, producing more of a scraping feel. She liked it all.

“Do you know how the Dom removes the wax, once the play has ended?”

Based on the sound of his voice, he was closer to her face than she’d expected. She turned in his direction and whispered, “No.”

His warm, strong hand squeezed her shoulder. “Open your eyes, pet, and I will show you.”

Light glinted off the edge of a knife blade, only inches from her skin. Instinctively, she pulled away, but somehow her hold on the chains remained firm. The rattling reminded her to stay still.

Ted chuckled again, drawing her gaze away from the knife and up to his eyes. His sparkling blues were tender and soothing. Expressive. He had no intention of hurting her. Meri forced herself to breathe and relax.

Moving slowly, he ran the end of the handle along the tender flesh on the underside of her arm. Righting the knife in his hand, he touched the tip to the side of her breast through a slash in her dress. Unable to tear her eyes away from the impending doom, she watched in horror as he drew it towards her nipple.

She opened her mouth to scream, but it came out a moan. A breathy, I want more please, moan. It took her a moment to realise there was no pain. “It doesn’t hurt.”

“I should hope not. Your pleasure is the ultimate goal here, Meri.”

Tremors ran the length of her body as unneeded adrenaline washed through her. She stared into his gorgeous, sexy eyes, unable to form a response.

“I’m going to kiss you.”

Meri nodded, fearing that words were outside her ability at the moment. Her brain had left the building.

Ted’s hand cupped the back of her head as his lips gently caressed hers. She closed her eyes and was lost. There was only Ted and his mouth turning her bones to mush. As his tongue coaxed hers into opening for him, she tightened her grip on the chains, needing something to keep her grounded.

His right hand slid along her side to rest on the bottom of her breast. Oh, God, it had been too long since a man had touched her. Tentatively, she stroked his tongue with hers and the dance began.

When they broke apart, both gasping for breath, Ted rested his forehead on hers. “Damn, girl, that mouth of yours is dangerous.” He gave her one last, gentle kiss before pulling away. “At this rate, it’ll take a month or two to visit all the stations, but I’m willing to clear my calendar for you.”

Meri giggled as Ted’s hand moved down to her wrist.

“You may release the chains.”

Her grip was so tight, he had to pull her fingers loose. He lifted her hand and kissed her palm while massaging her arm to increase blood flow.

His attention and touch were heavenly. Meri chose to wait until he moved to the other side before letting go of the chain with her right hand. “Thank you. That was an incredible experience.”

“For me as well, Meri.” Ted massaged her shoulders. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, that sounds wonderful.” It didn’t really, but she didn’t know what else to say. Asking him to join her in a privacy room to put out the fire he’d started seemed a bit too forward, and running back to the locker room would mean an end to the fun. She wished she could call a time out and gather her wits about her.

As soon as Ted moved down to the end of the table and released her right ankle, out of modesty, she brought it up against her left and sat up. It was a little late for such concerns, but it was an ingrained gesture.
Good girls keep their legs closed while wearing skirts and dresses.
A nervous giggle escaped before she could stop it. Somehow she doubted the good girls her momma had always talked about would have set foot in a BDSM club—especially without a bra or panties.

Ted grasped both her ankles and rubbed them where the manacles had been. His touch felt too good for words to describe. Since her divorce three years ago, she hadn’t been caressed by a man. She realised now just how much she’d missed it. He spun her legs over the side. Meri slid her feet onto the ground.

Immediately, Ted was there with his big, strong hands on her hips to steady her. “You should have waited for me.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re a beautiful woman, Meri.” Wrapping her mane around his fist, he pulled until she bent her head back.

For a few decadent moments, their eyes met. Meri felt a connection to him that she’d never felt with another man. It was unsettling. They’d just met, but something about him called to her. Her practical side said it was his large cock pressing into her belly just before he bent and kissed all thoughts from her mind. All those long nights she’d spent with just her vibrator were catching up with her. She rubbed against his leathers and he tightened his grip on her hair and pulled her head back a little farther.

“Unless you want to jump headfirst into the deep end, you need to stop that right now.”

His voice sounded harsh and a little breathless as he placed her right hand on his left arm and continued along the path towards the bar.

The next piece of equipment looked like a massage table. “How would this be used?”

“In many of the same ways as the previous table, but this one has an advantage. The bottom section swings away, allowing intercourse.”

“Out here in the main hall? Wow. I’m not sure about that.” She’d assumed people adjourned to the privacy rooms for actual intercourse. They had to have said something about that during the orientation. Where had her mind wandered to?

“It just depends on the preferences of the people playing.” Ted continued walking to the bar.

She didn’t think exhibitionism was her thing, but a year ago she would have said BDSM wasn’t either. Meri had become a firm believer in never say never.

After Meri was comfortable on a stool, Ted asked, “What can I get you to drink?”

“A diet soda would be great. Thank you.”

Ted walked over to the bartender, a cute little thing with long blonde hair, sad eyes and a killer figure. They chatted for a moment before Ted returned to Meri with her soda and a bottle of water.

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