Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress (6 page)

Read Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

Tags: #BDSM; Contemporary

BOOK: Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress
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He arched his back and pushed up, burying himself in her all the way. She gasped at the sudden fullness. She should have known better than to think he’d let her set the pace on her own. She liked the way his hips felt against the insides of her thighs when he thrust inside her.

They made love slowly. He let her rise until he was halfway outside her, and then pushed up with force to meet her when she was ready to lower herself again. He plucked her nipples, bringing a mixture of pain and pleasure and sending sparks deep into her core. Their joining was no longer about finishing him off, if it ever had been. He knew how to move so his cock rubbed against her G-spot on the way back in and his pubic bone pressed against her clit every time he filled her.

She moved her hands from the floor of the tent to his chest, feeling the soft hair and the hard muscle beneath. She scraped a fingernail lightly across one of his nipples. Some men loved that; some hated it. Normally, she was able to make use of either reaction, but this time, she simply wanted him to feel good. “How is that?”

“Good,” he murmured.

She took a chance and pinched his nipples. His reaction was immediate. He bucked inside her, and then pinched her peaks harder.
You’ll get as good as you give
, it seemed to say.

Fine. She let go and flattened herself on him, seeking out his lips with hers. He let go too and held her close. They kissed ferociously, tongues battling for control. He ran his hand through her hair, and when she tried to come up for air, he pulled her back down again after one gulp. He squeezed her ass as if to say that part of her was going nowhere too.

Without warning, he rolled, staying inside the whole time. She was pinned to the ground. His pace quickened. He bit her neck. She bit his. She clawed at him in a frenzy, vaguely aware he was doing the same to her. His fingernails didn’t feel like pain. They felt intense, and she wanted more, as much as he could give. He hit her cervix with his thrust, jolting her, but she didn’t care. It felt so good to
. She noticed he paused to assess her reaction before he did it again. She wanted more to sooth the tension in her belly.

After that, he didn’t hold back. Each time they joined, she felt the fullness of his strength and his weight squeezing her against the ground. His fingers dug into her flesh and hers did the same to him, urging him harder, deeper, faster. It all seemed a blur of fucking and grunting, their sweat mixing and making their bodies slide against each other.

She screamed as he hit the spot with one well-timed thrust, and all the tension in her core released at once. Pleasure coruscated from her center down her limbs, her fingers no longer gripping but fluttering against his body, her toes curling.

With a grunt, he came too. He held himself deep inside her as his cock pulsed. She didn’t know if he’d waited for her or if it was coincidence. Maybe his control was instinctive. Their bodies shook together. She held him tightly, and he held her back.

“Wow,” she said. She had an idea now why people talked about the “earth moving.” Everything seemed different.

“Yes,” he said between gulped breaths. “Wow.” He held the condom at the base and slowly pulled himself out. She groaned but understood the necessity. She resisted the temptation to wrap her legs around him to keep him inside her.

She wasn’t sure what happened to the condom in the dark, but in a moment, he was on his back and pulled her against him. Their bodies were drenched with sweat, and the tent smelled of sex.

“Don’t let anyone know, okay?” she asked.

“Am I your dirty little secret?” He pulled away again, and she thought he was angry, but he was zipping up the sleeping bag around her.

“Well, not exactly, but…” she said. It sounded lame, so she changed the subject. “Aren’t we going to get cold, naked in this sleeping bag?”

“It’s rated for twenty below, and that’s with only one person keeping it warm. I think it can handle a sixty-degree night.” He wrapped his arm around her, his hand ending up cupping her breast.

He was comfortable, warm, safe. She wasn’t usually much of an outdoor person, but with a man like Dane around, she felt secure in the wild. She got the feeling he could handle any animal. She licked at his chest and tasted his salty sweat. He ran his fingers through her tangled hair with surprising gentleness.

“It’s kind of nice out here, in the open,” she said. “I used to love camping, and I’m not sure why I stopped. I guess I did a lot of it with my dad, and when he passed, I fell out of the habit.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“It was a long time ago.”

“That may mean you hurt less, but it means you’ve missed him more too. And I can tell from the tone of your voice you still miss him.”

She nodded. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to be so perceptive. She decided to switch topics, and she naturally went to something else she and her father liked to do. “Do you like baseball?”

“I like it live. Going to a real game. I don’t know how long it’s been since I watched a game on television.”

She smiled. “Perfect. I like all those athletic men running around in those tight outfits.”

He laughed. “That’s not exactly what I get out of it.”

“I suppose not.”

With his chest for a pillow, she drifted peacefully asleep.

Chapter Four

Dane woke up at first light, as he always did when camping. At Bondage Ranch, he tended to run short of sleep, because he often yielded to the temptation to stay up late, but he liked letting his body respond to the natural rhythms of life without the need for an alarm clock.

Today, however, he did not get up. Instead, he listened to Sue’s breathing as she slept. This time he was sure she was asleep, and he had no intention of disturbing her. Usually he had to hold himself back during sex, but Sue clearly wanted every inch of him. He hoped she wasn’t too sore when she woke up. Sore, yes—it was good to feel and be felt. But not too much.

Partly that was because he wanted to do it all over again. His cock stirred at the thought. It wasn’t unusual for him to want to have sex first thing in the morning after a bout last thing at night. Normally he’d simply wake the woman he was with and see if she was interested. For some reason, he was content to let Sue rest in spite of his desire, and it didn’t feel like a sacrifice.

He felt protective.

That was normal enough. He’d gotten to know the community of the bonfire quite well. Some of the women he’d slept with. He looked after them, making sure as well as he could that they weren’t taken advantage of. Clothing was shucked easily around the fire, but that didn’t mean everyone wanted to be touched by everyone else, and occasionally someone was confused. Alex and Dylan usually made sure that person was never invited back, but Dane took it on himself to try to stop the misunderstanding from getting out of control in the first place. When he couldn’t supervise personally, he passed the responsibility on to one of the men he knew. Remy. Cole. Wolf.

Sue was probably more than capable of taking care of herself. She was slight physically, but who would want to dare those withering glances or those claws? Not many. And she wasn’t likely to dance naked around the bonfire either, although he’d love to see it. He smiled.
A challenge. A goal for the weekend.

But would it be good for her?

Not for her reputation perhaps. Not for her carefully guarded image. Was she really the domme she pretended to be? He didn’t assume there was a sub yearning to get out of most dominant women, but when two people locked gazes, their souls could meet. Humans were animals as well as civilized beings, and the struggle for dominance was part of that heritage. Sue could challenge him, but in the end, she always looked away, which wasn’t the case with other dommes he’d met. It wasn’t weakness, but it
nature. His instinct told him that Sue had a submissive streak she’d been bottling up for a long time. How important it was to her, he didn’t know, but it was there.

He was hungry for more than sex, as his stomach reminded him. Still, he lay there for a long time, watching her. He wasn’t sure how long. Maybe it was an hour, maybe two.

He heard something outside.
An animal
. But the silhouette against the front of the tent was human and female.

“Brought breakfast for two, Master Dane,” called Desi’s voice, not loud.

Remy cooked breakfast for the tent dwellers, getting a discount for the weekend for doing so, but he only did it for an hour after dawn. If someone didn’t get it on time, their food would be cold. Often Dane had gotten up and delivered breakfast to others, and Desi no doubt thought to return the favor.

He didn’t have much time register that, because Sue shot bolt upright. “What the fuck?” She unzipped the sleeping bag hastily and pulled out of the loose grip he had on her. She crawled over and unzipped the tent door.

Desi was still setting the food into the entryway. The plates were loaded with eggs and long sausages. And she was as naked as Sue, which wasn’t surprising. Desi was a nudist.

Sue turned on him, glaring. “You two had a breakfast date, I take it.” Her voice was full of ice. Without giving him time to answer, she added, “Give me my clothes,” and started pulling on her jeans.

“I was only—” began Desi.

“Thank you, Desi,” said Dane. She meant well. “Let me sort this out.”

“Yes, Master.” Desi straightened and ran off.

“Master, is it?” said Sue.

“Desi uses that all the time, whenever she’s obeying orders. Including an order to let me be, apparently.” He picked up her shirt but took his time about it. He didn’t want her to storm out in this mood, and seeing two buttons were missing was unlikely to help.

“That’s not what it means. Not without a name after it. It means you’re
Master. It’s nice you have an arrangement letting you fuck other girls anytime you want, but you could have told me you were attached. Especially after grilling me. Bra first.”

Oh, right
. His mind was not focused on Sue’s dressing procedure. “We’re not as focused on protocol out here, Sue. We go more by our gut. Desi likes acknowledging the flow of power, which is more a thing we feel than a thing we negotiate. Although we do both, because negotiating is safer.”

“Never mind,” said Sue. “I don’t need a bra. I don’t have big tits like that girl. Desi? And I’m in a hurry. Shirt.” She put out her hands imperiously.

“Sue, Desi was bringing breakfast because I brought her breakfast last year.”

“And for two, because she wanted to eat with you. Which is fine. I’m a big girl. Enjoy. Maybe you’ll get a blowjob out of it. She looks like she’s really good at it, and I’m out of practice.” Impatient with his delaying, she reached out and grabbed the shirt from his hands. He didn’t feel right hanging on to it, so he let her.

“For two, because she was bringing it for you too, you silly goose.” He was starting to run out of patience.

“Riiight.” She buttoned up the shirt. The two missing buttons were in the middle. “Damn you.”

“At least eat some breakfast. I have a sewing kit in my bag, and we can find the buttons.” He handed her the bra. “You can wear this in the meantime.”

“Oh, thanks,” she said sarcastically. “How about you loan me a shirt instead?”

“I didn’t bring any. But I have a cloak, in case it rains.” He opened the travel bag where he kept the few clothes he brought and got out the cloak. It was leather, practical, and heavy. Sue turned away from him before stripping off her shirt.

“I’ve seen them, you know.”

“Yep. Past tense.”

He waited until the shirt was off and then wrapped the cloak around her shoulders. Her knees seemed to buckle at its weight when he let go. She’d be swimming in it, but that was okay. It would keep her covered. She stepped out onto the porch and sat down to eat.

He looked for the buttons. He couldn’t deny it was his fault they were missing, although she hadn’t minded at the time, but he chafed at being on his hands and knees at her behest, whatever the reason. After he found the first one, he sneaked a look at Sue and saw she was looking less angry, and maybe a trifle smug. Had her anger all been a manipulative act? He thought he was a pretty good reader of people, and he was betting no. She’d really been pissed. But now she was back in comfortable space, having a man do service for her.

He’d always figured life was give and take, even in the most stringent of Master/slave relationships. At least if you were doing it right. He’d tied women up and gotten on his knees in front of them so he had the best angle to pleasure them, and he’d never worried about the way it looked. This wasn’t much different, but he wanted to take her out of her comfort zone before she became too settled in.

He got the sewing kit out of his bag and grabbed the shirt. Then he sat down next to her. Breakfast was getting cold.

“Well, aren’t you going to sew the buttons back on?” Her tone was mocking.

“You think a man doesn’t know how to sew?” He pierced one of the yolks with his fork and let the yellow liquid run over the plate.

“The thought crossed my mind.”

He chuckled. “I sew my own buttons back on. But there’s no sense in going hungry.” He dragged a sausage through the yolk and then cut it into bite-size pieces with the side of his fork. Desi hadn’t brought knives. He had a sharp knife in his bag for cutting rope, but he didn’t feel like bothering to get it.

“Do this often? Is that why you have a sewing kit?”

“Actually, I use the thread to whip the ends of my rope.”

Sue raised an eyebrow. “Bruce does that. I’ve always used tape or melted the ends of nylon.”

“Well, that doesn’t make the rope feel as nice. Or look as good, to my mind.”

“Doesn’t it bother you to be sitting out here on your porch naked, where anyone can see?” Sue bundled the cloak around her tighter, concealing the glimpse of her breasts he’d had before.

He shook his head. “Not at all. Although it would be nice to have you naked too.” He met her gaze and grinned. “Still, then I’d probably have an erection.”

“It wouldn’t do you any good,” Sue said frostily.

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