Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress (14 page)

Read Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

Tags: #BDSM; Contemporary

BOOK: Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress
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“Because. You came into my life and broke down all of my barriers. Broke down my armor. Let me know—reminded me, I guess—that I’m more complicated than a pose. Suddenly, it all seemed empty.”

“I don’t think it was a pose, Sue. It’s part of who you really are. It’s not this or that. It’s this and that.”

Sue shook her head. “You think I’m a switch.”

“It seems likely, yes.” He ran his hand through her hair with tenderness, and it nearly made her eyes start watering again.

“I’m not. At least, not exactly. Not like Valerie. Do you know Valerie?”

“Yes. I think everyone knows Valerie.”

“I won’t ask you if you’ve slept with her. Anyway, Val’s a real switch. She can submit to a guy in the morning, top a girl in the evening, and be fulfilled because all her needs have been met. I don’t change headspaces that fast. You know I used to date Bruce?”

Dane nodded. “I got that impression from Laera. I’m guessing Bruce was the dominant?”

“Yes. It was a very brief relationship. But when it was done, I wanted to hide under the pillow. I wanted him back, you know? Wanted it all the way it was, and he didn’t want to go on.”

“He’s an idiot.”

Sue chuckled. “I agreed, at the time. Now, well, I think he has someone who suits him better than I did. He was afraid to have a relationship—to be attached, as he puts it. His fear hurt him, but it also made him wait until he found the right person. It worked.”

He smiled. “Something gives me the feeling there’s a point to this that’s not about Bruce.”

“Yeah. I decided the worst thing I could do was try to find that again in someone else. To look for Bruce 2.0, as it were. So I went in the other direction, and it was good. But I can’t go back and forth, Dane. I couldn’t go straight from your arms to being a dominatrix, even though you thought that was exactly what I was doing. So here I am. This is me. Maybe I’ll be a domme again, but I’m not right now. I’m not a switch. I have more than one side to me, but I can only be one thing at a time.”

He frowned. “I’ve fucked with your head, haven’t I? I didn’t mean to. I meant to open up things for you, not to close things down.”

“You did both.” She leaned in, offering her lips to him.

He kissed her. It started out slow, a nibbling. Then he grabbed her hair and forced her mouth against his. She opened her lips and let his tongue invade her before kissing back passionately.

Finally, he let her go. “Sorry if I spoiled things for you.”

Sue shrugged. “Life changes. It’s a good thing. I should have known that if I played with fire, it would change me. And now I do.”

He took her by the waist and led her out, stopping by the coat check to pick up her black angora wool overcoat and his suit jacket. Dane draped the coat over her and then took her hand. They walked out together, holding hands like innocent teenagers. He led her to where he’d parked his F150 on the street half a block away.

“A pickup truck in the city. And a three-piece suit. You’re a maze of contradictions, you know?” Sue said.

He opened the door and boosted her as she climbed up. Or maybe he was taking advantage of another chance to grope her ass. Either way, his hand felt good, and she took her time getting in.

“I need the truck for events like Bondage Ranch. And I don’t see the sense in owning two cars.”

“Gas mileage?”

“It costs a lot of energy to make a car. And normally I take the Metro to work.”

Sue raised an eyebrow. She’d expected him to say it didn’t make economic sense. She didn’t know if it made ecological sense or not, and she suspected he didn’t either for sure, but he’d at least thought about it. She looked around for more clues about him. On the backseat of the truck was a Washington Nationals baseball cap and a set of jumper cables. It was otherwise neat, however, especially for a man’s truck. There weren’t any old food wrappers or old bags or the like. And yet if he’d cleaned it up for her, presumably he would have gotten the hat and the cables. Maybe the cables had been used recently. She could easily see Dane offering a jump to some stranger.

“What are you thinking?” asked Dane as he got in. He started the engine.

“Those are really huge nipple clamps,” said Sue, trying to keep a straight face while nodding toward the backseat.

“What?” Dane followed her glance. “Oh! Yeah, haven’t met the girl yet who could take them.” He said it so flatly she took him seriously for a moment before she decided he was playing along with her joke. She smiled, realizing he was staring at her.

“That’s better,” he said and started the engine.

She wasn’t sure what to expect or how far they were going. Bruce had seen the address, and if she’d been smart, she would have taken a peek herself. She was used to letting a man drive, at least literally; she preferred to be a passenger. But she’d always been telling them where to go. To not know the destination but to trust it would be good was a new experience, and she embraced that. Even when she’d been with Bruce, he’d always spelled out exactly what he intended to do to her, and where, and how, before they did anything.

He drove across the river on the Key Bridge, and then turned onto a side road once they were in Arlington. A few turns later and they arrived at a small Cape Cod house on a well-lit street that looked like it had been built in the early part of the twentieth century, with wooden shingles instead of aluminum or plastic siding. The door and shutters were painted a dark green, and the lawn was well kept but undisturbed by flowers.

He went around the truck to help her down, catching her by the waist. She looked about as he led the way up the walk.
I could put some peonies in there and maybe some tulips
. The stray thought hit her, and she pushed it aside. Such thoughts would only make her anxious.
He’s going to shag me, not set up house.

Chapter Ten

Dane was trying to appear debonair and self-controlled, but inside, his emotions were churning. He wanted Sue more than he had ever wanted any other woman. He wanted her to be
. The feeling of possessiveness was strong and clouded his ability to think. She didn’t want him to hold back, and maybe he should have taken her up on her offer in the club, but he felt too protective to do that. At the same time, he was concerned about her ability to truly enjoy life as a submissive. Maybe the demonstration would have proved something. But with a more private demonstration, she’d lose less if it didn’t work out. He’d have to keep thinking through the haze of desire.

The moment she crossed the threshold, he pushed the door closed behind her and gathered her up in his arms. He kissed her hard and passionately, tasting her mouth and relishing the way her lips fit against his. She backed up a step until she was almost against the wall next to the door. He pushed farther, trapping her. At last, he backed up. She didn’t move from where she was but stared at him with wide, amazed eyes. Her look made him feel invincible.

“I’ll take your coat,” he said, his voice unexpectedly hoarse.

She smiled. “Yes, Sir.” She unbuttoned the four large buttons on the coat with exaggerated slowness.

He waited until she was shrugging it off and then added, “And your dress. And any underwear you might be wearing.”

She smiled at him. “Yes, Sir,” she said, as sweetly as any submissive he’d ever met.

He didn’t particularly like being in his clothes, but he was enjoying the imbalance as she lifted her dress off, revealing her small, round breasts, her stomach, her smooth mound. She wore no underwear beneath. He remembered her offer in the club. She’d come prepared to follow through. She smiled, noticing his gaze as he took in the sight of her body, then handed him her dress. He reluctantly turned from her to hang it up.

She was leaning against the wall when he turned back to her, one leg bent so she was resting her foot on the wall as well. He put his hands on either side of her, and she shivered.

“Frightened, pet?”

“A little,” Sue said.

“You don’t need to be.” He wasn’t used to this. His encounters were usually fast and frenzied, full of desperate desire. Tenderness was for after. He reached out to stroke her cheek, aware of her vulnerability. In the club, Sue had been in the grip of a plan, and then passion. Now she was afraid, and yet she wasn’t fleeing.

She shuddered again.

He pressed up against her, sharing his body heat, but also pushing his knee between her legs. He rocked against her. He could feel her wetness through his pants. He’d let the dry cleaner worry about that later. Right now he simply wanted her to feel.

Sue yielded to his touches and soaked up his kisses as if she’d been starving for them. Wrapping her arms around him, she held on tight. She said something too soft for him to hear.

“What, Sue?”

She spoke louder but still a whisper in his ear. “Let me please you, Sir.”

“Come for me first,” he said. “That will please me. And then you will, trust me. I will test your willingness to please quite thoroughly.”

Her eyes opened wide, and she blushed. Then she looked down and started grinding herself on his leg.
She’s trying to obey
. The thought filled him with warmth. How did someone so dominant become so submissive? Someone so concerned about image suddenly cast all that aside for the scene in the club, and now here? Maybe she needed to make a dramatic break from it all to change. He was honored that she’d chosen him after all the years she’d spent as a domme.
It’s my job to help her with that and hold nothing back while keeping her safe.

He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. She met his gaze with trepidation, but she knew what he wanted and kept her eyes locked on his. They rocked together as she put more and more energy into rubbing herself against him. Her brow knitted in concentration, and her lip quivered. “I don’t know if I can,” she said, and it was almost a whimper. “I need more. I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about.” He pulled his leg back and pushed his hand between her legs. He slid two fingers into her and pressed down on her clit with his thumb. One stroke of her G-spot was all it took. She shuddered against him, burying her face in his shoulder. He tilted her head up, forcing her to look at him. “I always want to see your face when you come.”

She looked horrified for a moment, and then she breathed. “Yes, Sir,” she said. And then her knees buckled, and he had to catch her and hold her up. Her pussy contracted around his fingers, but she didn’t look away, even as her face contorted with an ecstasy that looked almost like pain.

“Good girl,” he whispered to her.

Her tremors subsided, and she rested against him for a moment. Then she slid down, keeping her soft body pressed to his, until she was kneeling. She put her hand on the bulge in his pants, sending a jolt through his body, and looked up at him. “May I free it?”

He nodded, not trusting his voice. She undid his belt and put it next to her, then undid the closure on his pants and slowly eased the zipper down. She gripped and stroked his shaft with her soft, cool hands almost reverently. Her hands were skillful, and she knew what she was doing, using just the right amount of pressure. She was in control. A familiar place for her, but she was also on her knees, and he could take control back anytime he wanted to.

She moved her hands faster until he wasn’t sure he could hold back. If he came right now, it would be all over her face. Then she slowed and looked up. He groaned.

“You are not going to edge me,” he told Sue, referring to the practice of bringing someone, usually a submissive, to the edge of orgasm over and over without letting him or her come.

She smiled softly and shook her head. “Not unless you command, Dane. It is your choice when and where to come.”

“And how often.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And whether you do.”

She hesitated only for a moment. “Yes, Sir.”

He remembered what she’d wanted in the club—for him to claim her. And he wanted exactly that.

He reached down and grabbed her hair. He wasn’t going to drag her up by it, but he gave it enough of a tug to let her know he wanted her to rise. Quickly, Sue got to her feet. He pulled her across the room, heading for the couch rather than the bedroom because it was much closer. He could wait to come, but he couldn’t wait to claim her. He would know her better in time, but he placed his trust in his instincts.
This girl is mine.

It was the opposite of what his instincts had always told him with a woman before. He guided Sue across the room with a firm hand on her waist and an equally firm grip on her hair, bringing her to the plush, comfortable couch. He could have put her down softly, but he didn’t think she’d enjoy that as much, so he lifted her and tossed her there, faceup. She gave a gasp, her trace of a smile letting him know his judgment was correct. Quickly, he removed his clothes. Then he was on top of her, straddling her, his cock resting perfectly between her breasts.

“Stroke me,” he ordered.

She smiled and took his cock in her hands again. He straightened, rising from her body a few inches.

“I want you,” he told her. His physical need was obvious, but he meant something more. He was feeling possessive.

“I want you too,” she whispered back. Her hands moved faster.



He’d never experienced such skillful hands before and was surprised at how quickly she brought him to the brink again. This time, there was no point in holding back. He came violently, catching her chin and coating her neck and breasts. He’d been saving it up entirely too long. He smiled at the sight of her body covered in him, and then met her gaze.

“I’ve never let a man do that to me before,” she said. “Not on my chest.”

He smiled. “If you ever let another man do that to you, I may have to rip his heart out.”

She shivered. “I better not, then.”

His eyes narrowed. “Wait. Where have you let a man…”

She took a breath. “You know I’m no virgin, Dane. But on my feet. Some guys…”

He nodded. He knew she had all sorts of experience, but he didn’t want to hear about it right then. “I won’t be coming on your feet.”

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