Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress (15 page)

Read Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

Tags: #BDSM; Contemporary

BOOK: Bondage Ranch 6: Taming the Mistress
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She smiled. “Fine with me. You don’t have to lick me clean, either.” She pursed her lips. “I’m sorry. Should I not talk about what I used to do?”

“Maybe not right in situations like this, no.” Although he found the transformation exhilarating. What man wouldn’t find an extra thrill at conquering a dominant woman? Except he hadn’t conquered, exactly. They had found a way into each other’s hearts. “But I do eventually want to know all about you, Sue.”

She smiled and ran a hand over her chest, rubbing his essence into her skin. “I don’t want to hide anything. Even though I’m scared something might make me less attractive to you. And I don’t want to be dominant with you. Even if you wanted it.”

He shook his head. “I don’t.”

“I just don’t know how good I’ll be at being submissive. But it sure is nice to be able to, with you. And I will give you my very best.”

He kissed her lips, noting the little dribble of cum on her chin. “I expect you’ll challenge me now and then. What is life without challenges?”

She grinned. “That almost sounded like permission to be a brat.”

“It almost was. If you can have permission for something and still be soundly punished for it. Would you like to take a shower and then meet me in the bedroom?”

She shook her head. His heart sank. This wasn’t all she wanted, was it?

“I don’t want to take a shower. This time, I like being messy. I want you on me.” Her hands slid around her body, rubbing his cum in until her skin glistened everywhere. She came to the spot on her chin last, scooped it up with one finger, and held it in front of her lips. She breathed in his scent and then sighed. “I suppose it’s not safe sex. But I want to.”

He’d been tested before going to Bondage Ranch and hadn’t had any sexual encounters since the last one with Sue. “I’m a hundred percent certain I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone but you since I was last tested.”

She looked at him for a long moment, then slowly licked her finger off. “Then…can I have all I want?”

“Yes. Then you can have all I choose to give you. But we’ll get tested together in the morning too.”

“I like that idea.” Sue grew serious. “I feel like a real hypocrite saying this, but I don’t think I’m into denial. Not from this side of things, anyway.”

He chuckled. He didn’t intend to deny her orgasms either. Just delay them occasionally so that they were explosive when they happened. “Why did you do it from the other side, then?”

She thought for a moment and then nodded. “I didn’t, when I started out. Then I had a man who requested it. Then another. I tried to listen and be responsive. In a way, I guess I was serving them more than they were serving me.”

“That’s insightful. True for some tops more than others, I think. But if it doesn’t go in a cycle, I don’t think it’s much good for long. A submissive can’t be used and emptied. They need to be filled up and made strong, or someday they aren’t going to be able to serve anymore, to the regret of both people.” He laughed at himself. “Look at me, talking about relationships. I have no experience.”

“I wouldn’t say that. You seem to know what you’re doing.”

“With sex, maybe. Or BDSM. But relationships? Not a clue. But that’s where this is going, isn’t it?”

“I was assuming. Or hoping. Hoping sounds more submissive, doesn’t it?” Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “We’ll call it hoping.”

He let go a breath he’d been holding. “We’ll call what I’m doing assuming, then. So I can be all domly.”

“Lord and Master Dane the Magnificent,” said Sue, grinning.

He chuckled. “You can forget that now.”

“Never. I have a very good memory.”

“Noted. I like learning things about you.” There wasn’t a lot of room on the couch to snuggle, and he felt silly still straddling her.

“Me too. Like what the inside of your bedroom looks like.”

He laughed and got off her and the couch. “Some folks would call that topping from below.”

“Oh, I definitely would. It’d be out with my riding crop. What?” she asked at a look from him. She was still doing it, of course. “I’m just sharing experiences! You do whatever you want.”

He hadn’t thought about that. As a longtime domme, she’d always have thoughts about how she would do things.
She’s definitely going to be a challenge
. But he hadn’t been lying when he said he liked challenges. And he definitely wasn’t going to punish her with a riding crop. For one thing, one didn’t do for punishment something one wanted a sub to enjoy some other time. He wanted to explore every sensation with her—soft and hard, sting and thud. She was at once a highly experienced player and a novice, and he didn’t want to have her write anything off as bad if he could help it.

But then, punishment didn’t have to be a serious thing. Not for a little brattiness. He gestured down the hall leading to the bedroom. “After you.”

She rolled off the couch and headed off in the direction he pointed.
He spanked her once, hard enough to lift her off the floor for a second. She shrieked.
Mission accomplished
. She kept moving but looked over her shoulder and pouted. Then, a second later, looked back again, as if to make sure he wasn’t readying another swat. He could still see a pink handprint on her bottom where he’d made an impact, and he didn’t see any need to deliver another. The third time she looked back, her pout looked more playful than serious. He reached in front of her to open the door to the bedroom.

He hadn’t been anticipating company when he’d gotten out of bed in the morning, and the bed wasn’t made. But he was pleased everything else was neat enough. The laundry was in the basket and not on the floor. Sue went straight to the bed, and after climbing on it, picked up the old paperback book on his nightstand.

“Poul Anderson,” she remarked, looking at the author’s name. “Classic SF. Nice.”

“You’ve read him?”

“Oh, twenty or thirty books or so. Not everything.”

There’s something else we have in common
. He pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. She put the book back in its place and slithered in too. Her body was warm against him, and he loved the smell of himself on her body. He kissed her neck and tasted sex. His cock nestled in the crease of her ass and hardened, and she pressed back against it. Reaching over her, he pulled the drawer of the nightstand out and fished out a condom.

“Well prepared,” she said softly. He wasn’t sure if it was meant as compliment or criticism, but regardless, safety came first.

He cupped her breasts and rained more kisses onto her neck. She turned and caught him with her lips, and nibbles turned into a deeper kiss. He took his hands off her for a moment because ripping the foil packet took two hands. One was enough to put it on.

“How do you want me?” she asked.

He hadn’t decided. But since she asked, he said, “On your hands and knees.”

She rolled onto her stomach and then knelt up. Her legs parted for him. He traced a finger over her puckered rear entrance, and she shivered.

“If you wish,” she said, almost too quiet to hear.

“I will. Soon.” Right now, he wanted her pussy. He slid his cock into her wet channel.

“Whenever you wish,” she said softly. “I’m a virgin there.”

All that experience, and yet in some ways so little. The idea of being her first was powerful and made his cock ache. God, there was something about Sue that made him want to ravish her.

She pushed back on his cock. He held her hips and thrust hard. She moved with him and yet separately too, rocking her hips in a sort of circle while he thrust, causing his cock to rub against the side walls of her pussy in a way he hadn’t experienced before. He let go, giving her more freedom of motion, freeing his hands as well. He reached around to cup her breast. Her nipple stiffened against his palm.

He wrapped his other arm around her belly, giving him leverage to pull her onto him. He liked the way she gasped at hard, deep thrusts. Her breath quickened, and her movements became more frantic.

Getting close, lover?
He wanted to press on. Then he remembered his larger goal. He pulled back reluctantly, not wanting to delay his own pleasure either.

She moaned.

“No, Sue. Not right now. We’re testing your submission, remember?”

She looked daggers back at him, still breathing heavily. But then her face softened. “Yes, Master,” she said. “I need you to be sure.”

She needs me to be sure, does she? But she knows herself?
He wasn’t entirely certain of that. He reached into the drawer again and took out a bottle of lube and a nitrile glove.

“Oh,” she said. For a moment, she looked uncertain.

“Hold your cheeks open for me, Sue.” He didn’t need her to. But he wanted her active participation. He put on the glove.

She pressed the side of her face into the pillow and did as directed, revealing the delicate pucker of her anal rose.

He poured lube onto his fingers and rubbed them together, warming it up a little. Trying to make it as easy as possible for her might work against him. Time enough to be gentle with her later. He poured the cool lube directly onto her ass, letting it trickle to her entrance, and then pushed it in with a finger, going in up to the first knuckle and stopping. She shivered but held position.

“I’m not going easy on you, Sue. But I do want you to tell me right away if anything hurts. This isn’t about pain. It’s about submission. Will you tell me, right away?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said. “So far, so good. Just cold.”

“Usually I warm it first.”

She took that in for a moment. “I’m the exception, then,” she said softly. “I’ll try to be exceptional for you.”

. He felt her sphincter relax around his finger and pushed in farther. Slowly he worked in first one finger, then two.

“Feeling okay, Sue?”

“Feeling good, Sir.” Her voice had dropped an octave.

He poured more lube into the channel between his fingers, working it into her ass. He could hear her breathe in a deliberate rhythm. His cock ached impatiently.


“Yes. It is good.” She sounded surprised.

He drizzled more over his cock. “Are you happy to give me your virginity, slave girl?” He hadn’t meant to use the term. It belonged to the formal BDSM world, not the primal lifestyle he preferred. And yet it seemed right. He had never wanted as deep a submission as he wanted now.

“Yes, please, Master.”

Hearing the word Master from her made him even more aroused. He positioned his cock and slid his fingers out. Then he pushed forward enough to lodge the head in. He heard a sharp breath. “Doing okay, love?”

“A moment, please,” Sue said, her breathing finding a rhythm again. “If you don’t mind. Take what you want.”

“I will. But I can take it slowly. Pain?”


He slid forward more and stripped off the glove he no longer needed. Taking hold of her hips, he waited.

Her breathing settled, and he was about to push forward when she moved back. Her ass fit him perfectly. “That’s right. Take me in, slave girl.”

Sue paused, then moved back some more. Gradually his cock filled her. For a long moment, neither of them moved.

He slid a fraction of an inch back. Then slowly in again. Back and forth, getting her used to the sensation, helping her relax into it. Her breathing was faster. He reached around and found her clit. It was hard to show much finesse in this position, but he pressed against it while he rocked inside her.

“Am I allowed?” Sue asked.

He knew exactly what she meant. “Allowed to what, slave girl?” Yes, he could definitely get used to calling her that.

“Allowed to come, Master?” She sounded desperate.

He lightened his touch, even as he picked up the pace. “Not quite yet.”

“As you wish,” she said, although it was almost a cry. She rocked back with him, a full partner in the rhythm. “I am yours to use.”

The words were like a drug to him. He fucked her hard, building his own pleasure. His balls felt heavy. His shaft ached. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer unless he stopped moving, and he didn’t want to stop moving.

“Now,” he said at last, and pressed on her clit, hard.

“Yes,” Sue screamed.

He felt her ass contract a moment before he came, pulsing inside her and spurting hard. He couldn’t remember it ever being so intense. He leaned forward, wanting to feel more of her body as she shuddered against him, and slid his free hand over her soft breasts.

“Master,” she said, in between gasping breaths.

“Yes.” An aftershock went through his groin.

“Please don’t pull away yet.” She reached back, awkwardly, to his waist, and tugged him close.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“That was amazing. I’d never thought— I didn’t think I’d enjoy it. Much less come. And I thought it would hurt.”

“It only hurts if you do it wrong. If you go too fast. If you don’t listen to your partner.”

Sue nodded. “You were patient. But not too patient.” She smiled, still leaning the side of her face on the bed. She was too tired or it was too awkward to look at him. “I like it when you’re rough.”

“I like being rough.”

For a few moments, they caught their breaths, not saying anything. He marveled at her last comment. He wouldn’t have to hold back with Sue, not in any way he cared about. He might occasionally have to go slow, but that would prolong the pleasure. And Sue was too deep into the protocol of BDSM to use the word Master lightly, as some might.

Eventually, he had to pull out, because it wasn’t safe to soften inside her. He disposed of the condom discreetly and then lay back on the bed. He pulled her to him.

“I love being your slave, Dane. If you really meant it.”

“I do. And I love being your Dom. Your Master.”

“So, is all our time going to be like this?” she asked dreamily, rolling over to lay her head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her. She felt right there.

“No. Some of our time is going to be spent having picnics and taking walks and getting to know each other.”

She smiled. “You think I’m worth getting to know? Not just a good romp in the sack?”

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