Read Bondage Included Online

Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Bondage Included (6 page)

BOOK: Bondage Included
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He sat up and looked around. The sheet was pushed down to her waist and he couldn’t help but drink in the sight of her. It was merely the second time he’d seen her tits wild and free. It took every bit of control he had not to lean in for a taste.

Thank God, her leg was still resting on the stack of pillows and he still had on his briefs. At least he hadn’t hurt her. Quietly, so as not to wake her, he climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of jams from his chest of drawers. Before leaving the room, he drew the sheet up to her neck.

On the floor beside the bed lay her nightgown. He picked it up and threw it in the hamper as he walked to the kitchen.

This wasn’t working out the way he’d hoped. She’d been in his home less than twenty-four hours and he’d already been all but naked and in bed with her. How was he going to survive four months of living with her and not claim her? He needed to reassess and do some damage control immediately.

It wasn’t the same thing as having a bunch of trainees in the house. For one thing, they never came into his room, and if they did they were punished.

Like a damn fool, he’d moved Adriana into his bedroom. It just didn’t seem right to have her apart from him. Adriana was different.

He’d always stayed detached from his trainees. It hadn’t even been difficult. He hadn’t been deeply in lust with any of them and he sure as hell wasn’t good friends with them. His contracts had spelled out exactly what his responsibilities were and he’d never deviated.

Adriana didn’t fit into a pre-made plan. She was messing with his well-run life…and he liked it. For so long, he’d felt dead inside.

He’d been honest with her, though. He wasn’t the get married and live in the suburbs type. As much as he’d like to be, it wasn’t going to happen. He’d made his choice when he’d decided to keep the club. Her family was important to her. She could never be truly happy unless she was actively involved in their lives and that meant he couldn’t be with her long term. He refused to be the wedge between them. He needed to figure out how in the hell he was going to manage the next four months.

He made a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast. After he’d poured a glass of milk for them both, he headed back to the bedroom. He found her awake and sitting up. “Hey, sleepyhead, where would you like to eat breakfast?”

“Anywhere but in bed.”

“Let’s sit out on the patio. It’s a beautiful morning.” He walked into his closet and pulled out his robe. “Put this on.”

She tossed the sheet toward the end of the bed. In his business, nudity wasn’t exactly a rare thing, but his dick still jumped to life seeing her. Lately, she was the only one it worked for. It was a bit pathetic since their relationship was platonic.

Adriana slid her arms through the robe and wrapped it over her chest, but if he looked, he could still catch a glimpse of her pussy. She had a smattering of hair, suggesting she kept it shaved, but it now had a few days’ growth.

His mouth began to water at the idea of taking her and sucking her clit.
Son of a bitch
. He walked into his bathroom and washed his face, hoping the cold splashes of water would keep his cock under control.

When he came back into the bedroom, he saw her scooting toward the edge of the bed. “Just stay there, cher. Let me get everything set up.” He unlocked and opened the French doors. Outside, he pulled out two of his patio chairs and arranged them so her leg could rest on one. Back in his room, he stood by her side of the bed.

What the fuck? Now she owns half my bed?
What was he thinking? He shook his head to try to clear his thoughts as he slid his arms behind her back and under her legs. “Up we go.”

She didn’t weigh anything. The heaviest thing on her was the brace. He intended to make sure she ate while she was with him. Once she was comfortable, he went inside and brought out their food.

“This looks delicious. Did you do the cooking for…your trainees?” She began to blush.

“No, they shared that duty. Adriana”—he met her gaze—“I don’t want to talk about them. I’m very angry with everyone involved, myself included.”

“I’m sorry. I was curious how the whole trainee thing worked.” She bit her bottom lip and looked down at her food. “I’ve never been anyone’s real sub before.” She shrugged. “I was thinking of asking Master Reed to train me, but I don’t know exactly what’s involved.”

He set his fork on his plate and tapped his napkin on his mouth, buying time for the rage to settle in his belly. Reaching for his glass of milk, he wished it was a snifter of bourbon.

“Why Reed?” He needed to figure out if killing him was necessary or if banning him from every club in the nation would suffice.

“I don’t know. He seems pleasant enough. I’ve spoken with him a few times when you were occupied with club business. Is there a reason why I shouldn’t ask Master Reed?” Her face was completely red now.

Sitting there swimming in his robe, she looked young and innocent. She’d just admitted she’d never submitted to anyone. So how in the hell had she stumbled into his club and why had she stayed? He wanted to punch something or pace, anything but continue to sit there and think about her scening with another Dom.

“Reed passed all the training modules and seems perfectly competent.” He tried to keep his voice neutral.

“I figured he was or you wouldn’t have given him Master’s rights. Everyone says you’re pretty strict about that type of thing.” Her head was down and she seemed focused on eating the food he’d cooked her.

Normally he’d be pleased to hear his reputation preceded him, but if it encouraged her to seek another man, it just pissed him off. It was odd. They’d spoken on just about every subject under the sun except sex. As soon as she’d learned about his subs, she’d shut him down cold. From that point, he’d kept all their conversations on safer topics. It wasn’t long before he’d learned about her love of all things family and that had put her in the untouchable range.

Except now he was contemplating touching her. This was fucked up. He knew he was no good for her, but he didn’t want anyone else to have her either. He pushed his plate away, unable to eat. In truth, Reed was a worse choice. He was looking for a poly relationship and Adriana had already made her view on that clear.

“There are a lot of abusive assholes that find the lifestyle to their liking. In some instances, a submissive places her life in her Dom’s hands. We can’t be too cautious.” He had numerous guidelines in place and yet Adriana had still been hurt. He hadn’t considered one sub deliberately hurting another.

“Can you think of someone better?” she asked shyly.

Yeah, me.
It was on the tip of his tongue, but he kept his mouth closed. She’d already asked him and he’d turned her down. He couldn’t remember a single reason, but he was sure there had been plenty of very rational and logical reasons.

“What are you interested in, Adriana? We’ve never talked about it before.” He was pleased his voice sounded relatively normal. He just needed to treat this as he did any sub interview.
Like that’s possible!

“How would I know?” She raised her hand as his eyes met hers. “That sounded snarky and I didn’t mean it that way. I get a little…okay a
embarrassed talking about this subject. But since I haven’t done all that much, I don’t know. Does that make sense?”

Why does every sub think they don’t make sense? It must be something in their DNA.
“Yes, it did. I’ll tell you if I don’t understand something so have no worries along those lines. No matter the dynamic, D/s, M/s, even DD/lg, it’s all about communication.”

“I’m horrible with abbreviations. I know M/s is Master, slave and I’d guess, D/s means Dom, slave, though I’m not sure I understand the difference.” She was gazing over his right shoulder.

He took her hand, hoping it would give her the courage to look him in the eyes. “You’re close. D/s is Dominant, submissive and DD/lg is Daddy Dom, little girl. You have a well-developed bratty side, but I really can’t see you as an lg or baby girl.”

“Oh, I know what that is. No, I don’t think so either.”

There, finally, she looked at him and smiled. The knots in his stomach started to loosen. “What made you interested in BDSM?”

“I suppose hot guys in leather would be the wrong answer.” Her eyes lit up as she teased him.

She sat there with mussed hair, not an ounce of makeup on and yet she was beautiful. When she teased him, his heart beat double time. To cover up what he was truly feeling inside, he scowled at her.

Adriana just laughed at him, the brat!

“When you growl at me I get wet… Does that count?” She winked at him.

“Oh, are you ever going to get it!” He scooped her up in his arms. Careful to keep her leg away from everything, he proceeded to tickle her until she was laughing so hard tears were running down her cheeks.

As she wiped the tears from her face, she complained, “I think I need a safe word.”

He immediately stopped and became all business. “Why? Did I hurt you?” He pulled her tighter against his chest and headed inside.

“No, André. Not physically, anyway.” The smile faded and she rested her head against his shoulder.

Back in the bedroom, he sat in one of his overstuffed chairs with her nestled on his lap.

“What’s the matter, bebe? What have I done?” The thought of hurting her was more than he could take.

“Aren’t you supposed to safe word when you can’t take it anymore?” She looked up at him with tears still in her eyes.

“Was I too rough? Do you need your pain meds or the muscle relaxers?” He was tense and ready to get her whatever she needed.

“No, André. I just can’t take being around you and not being with you.”


“Don’t!” She put her hand against his chest. “Just hear me out. You’re not the get married and settle down type. I know. You’ve told me that for months now and I get it. But does that mean we can’t scene together? That you can’t show me the ropes, so to speak? I’m not asking for a ring or even a collar, just lose the big brother role and be yourself.”

What the hell did he say to that? “Adriana, I care for you, like I’ve never cared for anyone else. I couldn’t stay detached no matter how hard I tried. Our bond would grow stronger. Eventually, you’ll want more than a play partner and I can’t be that person. In the end, we’ll both be hurt.”

“André, fate has put me in your hands for four months. During that time, I want to explore my boundaries and live out some fantasies—as best as this stupid leg will allow—with someone I trust implicitly. I don’t want Reed or one of the other Doms. I want you. Is that so wrong?”

“No, it’s not wrong.” He shifted her slightly so he could see her face. “Adriana, tell me you aren’t harboring some foolish notion that you can change my mind. Because no matter how much I adore you, I’m never going to be marriage material.”

She closed her eyes and nestled back against his shoulder. “You’ve made that explicitly clear, André. I understand. I come from a big family. Believe me, I’m in no hurry to start one of my own. The whole idea of getting married and having kids scares the crap out of me. I went to a clinic when I was sixteen and started taking the pill because I heard the rumor you could get pregnant if you swam with boys at the community pool. It sounded pretty far-fetched, but I wasn’t taking any chances.”

They both laughed.

“Adriana, if we do this, we risk losing what we have. If at the end of the four months you want more than I can give, you’ll probably never want to see me again.” The idea that she might hate him was the one thing holding him back. If she was determined to learn about the lifestyle, he wanted to be her teacher, her Dom. He wasn’t sure he could handle seeing her with someone else.

“André, I know where you stand on this. I don’t see how I could ever hold that against you. You’re assuming I want more, that I want a ring and kids, and I honestly don’t know that I do.” She sighed.

“Are you tired, bebe? Do you need to lie down?” He didn’t want her to overdo it and have her leg begin to swell.

“What I want is a bath. Would you mind terribly?” She sounded all sweet and innocent.

”You aren’t going to give me a moment of peace, are you?” The thought of seeing her naked and wet had his cock tenting his jams.

“Nope. In the big scheme of things, four months isn’t all that long. I plan to enjoy every minute of it.”

“Need I point out, I didn’t agree to anything besides caring for you?” He could drag his feet, but there wasn’t a chance in Hell of him keeping his hands off her. “We can’t chance getting those stitches wet. We should wait a few days.” That sounded perfectly reasonable and yet, he hoped she’d try to convince him otherwise. Maybe he had a larger masochistic side than he’d suspected because he really wanted to touch all that perfectly smooth skin. It didn’t matter that she’d eventually leave or he’d toss her out for her own damn good, or that he was worried he wasn’t strong enough to pick up the pieces from there. He still wanted every minute of the four months too.

“I saw your tub. It has a wide ledge running all around it. I can rest my leg on there. We can wrap something around it to keep it waterproofed if you’re worried. It’ll work. Besides it’s either that or a sponge bath.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

He stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. “If we try this, if we decide to play together… You getting your way in everything will come to a screeching halt. Are you sure you want that?” Who was he kidding? He’d exert his dominance, but simply for the purposes of enhancing her pleasure or bringing her closer to a personal goal.

“You mean you plan to be…hard with me?” she baited him.

“Oh, bebe, I’m always hard with you. But if we decide to do this, I’ll be strict as well. You might want to think that through.” His mind was already designing scenes they could work around her leg.
Down, boy! We’re not there yet,
he told his cock.

He picked her up and carried her to the bed. After propping her leg up with pillows, he went and drew the bath.

When he entered the room again, Adriana asked, “What do you mean by strict, André? In what ways?”

BOOK: Bondage Included
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