Bondage Celebration (17 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance Fiction

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“Did he…?” She couldn’t remember anything and she knew she was naked under the hospital gown. Now she was worried how she had gotten that way. Her hand went to her throat and she noted the play collar she’d worn was gone as was the wristband Nick had given her after first arriving at the club.

“Rape you?”

Laura nodded, grateful Nick understood what she’d meant.

“No! I think it was his intention, but we found you before he had time. Thank God. I hope you can forgive me, Laura.”

“Nick, you didn’t do anything to be sorry for. I’m fine and the police have Simson in jail. Now maybe his victims will come forward and we can keep him from hurting anyone else.” Laura hated seeing Nick so upset. In the big picture, everything worked out well as far as she could see.

Before she could figure out what to say to ease his pain, her doctor entered the room. Once he was satisfied that the ketamine was wearing off, albeit slowly, he asked if she felt well enough to speak with the police.

Laura looked to Nick. “It’s up to you, honey,” he told her.

She was surprised by his indecisive answer. “Okay, let’s get it over with.” Laura could tell by the lines appearing around Nick’s mouth he wasn’t happy with her decision. If he’d had a preference why didn’t he make it clear from the beginning? Since he’d become her Dom, he’d always given her very explicit directions. Her head hurt too much to consider what his reasoning might be. For the time being, she’d just let it go.

Five hours or so later, Laura was finally back at home and in her own bed. Giving her statement to the police had been quick and easy. Since she didn’t remember a darn thing, there really wasn’t much to tell. Nick had stayed by her side since she’d first woken up.

“Come lay down with me, Master. Your subbie needs you.” Laura had expected a grin to flash across his face. Instead she watched him flinch. “What’s the matter?” she whispered afraid what the answer might be.

“I don’t want to jostle you, Laura. You rest and I’ll be right here,” Nick pulled a recliner from the adjacent sitting room to the bedside.

“The doctor said I’m fine. You don’t need to treat me like I’m made of porcelain. Please come to bed with me.” Something was wrong. He’d been acting differently since she’d awakened in the hospital.

Nick stood by the bed looking down at her. She knew she looked a sight with her puffy, bruised cheek, the hospital band still dangling from her wrist and her hair flattened around her face from the mask she’d wore to the club. “Please,” she prodded.

Relief flooded her when he reached his arm over his head and removed his shirt. He bent down and took off his boots and socks, but left his pants on. Nick sat very gingerly on the edge of bed, “Are you sure? I’m fine in the chair.”

Laura patted the mattress, “I need to touch you. I rest better in your arms.” Those leather pants were a total turn on though, and she doubted she’d sleep much if he came to bed wearing them. Still, she wasn’t going to say anything that might discourage him from getting into bed with her.

Nick stretched out on the edge of the bed. He tried to keep his distance, but she wasn’t going to put up with that. She rolled over, placing her arm across his chest and her left thigh over his leather clad crotch. Sensing he was ready to bolt from the bed, she lay perfectly still until he started to relax.

“Is the club much different during play nights?” She hoped they could move past the Simson issue and get their lives back on track. Laura felt his body tense and she suspected she’d chosen the wrong subject.

“I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood to talk about the club right now.” His voice was gruff.

“Okay.” They lay in silence for a few minutes with Laura hoping Nick would tell her what was eating at him. After a bit, Nick began to rub her calf. Laura calmed at his touch. She’d become addicted to his hands on her body.

“Do you know how sexy you look in these pants?” she asked as she snuggled closer and lay her head on his shoulder.

“They’re snug fitting, that’s for sure.”

“So when do we christen the spy themed room?” She knew she wasn’t going to be able to sleep. Her mind just couldn’t settle down. Too much had happened and there was something very wrong with Nick. He wasn’t acting right at all.

Laura felt him shudder beneath her. She waited, hoping he would talk to her. After a few minutes, she tried again. “What’s wrong, Nick? Please talk to me.”

Nick gently pushed her leg off him and got out of bed. “You need to rest, Laura. I have some work I have to finish up. You just sleep for a while and we’ll talk later.”

As she watched him walk into the bathroom, she felt the urge to cry. There was no denying his rejection hurt, but she knew this wasn’t about her. Laura heard the water spraying in the shower and figured she had a few minutes. She climbed out of bed, cut off the hospital wrist band using the scissors in the vanity, peeled off her nightgown and gave herself a thorough inspection in the mirror.

She couldn’t do anything to hide her wrists or cheek, but the rest didn’t look too bad. Nick wasn’t going to walk away from her again, she’d see to that.

Laura walked around the short wall to the bathtub and shower enclosures. With a confidence she’d only recently acquired, she opened the glass door and joined her husband.

Nick’s eyes widened as she stepped in. “Laura, you should be resting!” Getting soap in his eyes, Nick muttered a few expletives then turned his face up to the streaming water.

Laura sank to her knees and began nuzzling his cock and balls.

“What the hell are you doing?” He sounded exasperated.

Laura hid her smile by running her teeth along the length of him. Nope, he wouldn’t be getting away from her this time. “Exactly, what I want to do.”

Nick slid his hands under her arms and tugged for her to stand back up.

Ignoring his wishes, she slid his cock into her mouth. As he grew in size, his grip on her arms lightened.

“This isn’t right. You were attacked just a few hours ago.”

Since his voice was laced with pleasure, she continued. Laura locked one arm around his thighs and caressed his balls with the other. Within moments, Nick was fisting her hair and thrusting into her mouth.

Laura gave herself over to the sensations. By letting him set the pace, she was free to focus on keeping her throat relaxed. She matched her breathing to his thrusts, allowing her to take him deep. With her tongue, she swirled the head of his cock on each down stroke.

His hands in her hair were driving her crazy. She was wet and needy by the time she felt his balls tighten in her hand. As Nick’s back arched and he grew even more rigid, if that were possible, she felt his seed spill down her throat. His guttural moan sent her stomach clenching. She’d never been so thankful he wasn’t a ‘once a night is enough’ man as she was right then.

Her body was trembling with need. Nothing got her hot like pleasing Nick. She stayed on her knees and let the water run over her. While catching her breath, she realized Nick hadn’t given her any directions or words of encouragement. He normally told her to swallow every drop and lick him clean. She liked him demanding and rough.
What the hell was going on?

“Come here, you crazy woman.” Nick had his hands back under her arms. This time she followed his lead and snuggled against his chest as he hugged her tight. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I hope you think of something quick, I’m a little needy here, Master.” Again, she felt him flinch as if she’d struck him. “What is it, Nick? Please tell me what’s wrong.”

Nick turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He reached for a towel and held it open for her to step into it. Gently, he dried her off then turned the towel on himself.

Refusing to cut him a break, she walked naked into the powder room and began applying lotion to her legs and breasts. She took her time making sure he had an eyeful. When she was finished she leaned with her back against the vanity, her hands resting lightly along the countertop. “A wise man once told me, if this was going to work between us, we had to be completely honest with each other. So unless you want to give up on us, you need to start talking.”

Nick’s eyes dropped to the floor as he turned and threw the towel into the hamper. “Laura, I don’t deserve your submission. I failed you. My job was to protect you and I didn’t. I let that filthy rapist drug and abuse you.”

“Nick, you can’t be serious. You feel guilty because of Simson?” Of course, he did. She should have known he’d take responsibility for this. He’d apologized to her any number of times. “If you have to blame someone, blame me. I’m the one who pursued him and screwed up the investigation you and AJ had started. I’m the one who let him know we were on to him and gave him the opportunity to further victimize those poor women to the point they were too afraid to testify against him. You didn’t do anything wrong. But, if you let him come between us and ruin what we have together,
you will have failed us both.”

Laura was pissed off now. She’d been handed her fantasy on a platter and she refused to let that be taken from her. Yes, she’d struggled with making the commitment to wear Nick’s collar. She hadn’t been sure what exactly he expected from her and she worried she would fail him. Now she knew in her heart, this was the path they needed to take and she’d be damned if Simson would steal it from her.

“I keep picturing you on the cross, with those manacles cutting into your wrists. I just want to pound something. I can’t believe I allowed you to fall into his hands. I wish I could go back and change things, but I can’t. How can you trust my judgment? I don’t.”

The anguish in his words touched her heart. She knew he truly felt he was at fault. What could she say to make him understand he didn’t do anything wrong? “Nick, I’ve always trusted you. And in this case, you need to trust me. I
you would never do anything to hurt me. I trust you implicitly.”

“How can you after I utterly and completely failed to keep you safe?”

Laura wasn’t as adept at reading body language as Nick was, but she was pretty sure his voice sounded a little more hopeful. He wanted to believe her. He was meeting her eye to eye and his cock was waking up. That more than anything else was a sure sign the tension was easing within him.

“You’ve told me any number of times, we can’t let woulda, coulda, shouldas keep us from moving forward. You did keep me safe. You rescued me before any real harm was done. Please don’t take this from us.” She wondered if his worry partly stemmed from her not immediately accepting his collar. “Nick, I hope you understand my fear of embracing D/s on a twenty-four seven basis was never about you, it was about my insecurities. It took me time to know for sure that I could be what you needed. But I’m ready now. I want to wear your collar. I want to be your submissive for all time.”

Nick wrapped his arms around her holding her tight. “I love you so much, Laura.”

“Then don’t let him ruin this for us.” Laura wasn’t going to let Nick slip through her fingers. She met his gaze and let him see her total conviction in their relationship and her faith in him.

He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t deserve your submission, but I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you never regret your decision.”

Laura basked in his arms, feeling safe and secure for the first time all day. “I’d be happy to demonstrate my trust down in the basement…”

“Such an impatient little subbie.” Nick gave her bare ass a smack. “Perhaps there are a few implements down there that would help teach you patience. If you’re sure, then get that beautiful butt down to the playroom. We have a spy room to break in.”

* * * *

On the center stage at DiscipliNation, Laura knelt in front of a full audience of friends and well-wishers. She’d been surprised to learn just how many of their acquaintances were connected in one way or another to the lifestyle. Dressed in the skimpiest rendition of a wedding dress she’d ever imagined, she felt like a queen, a barefooted queen, proudly kneeling at the feet of her King.

André presided over the beautiful ceremony. The vows they exchanged were from the heart and Laura meant each word of hers, including her commitment to obey. As Nick secured the collar about her neck, a tear came to her eye. A tear of joy.

After spending a few moments with each guest in the receiving line, Nick whispered in her ear, “I’ve waited over twenty years to hear you promise to obey. You’ve made me a very happy Master. As a reward, I’ve arranged a week in the honeymoon suite of that hotel you like so much. Are you ready?”

“Oh, yes, Master. Ready and willing. Lead the way!”

Coming Soon from Totally Bound Publishing:

Desired Discipline: Bondage Wedding

Tori Carson

Released 21
March 2014


Chapter One

James faltered as he walked into the security office and saw Amanda, the dark-haired, blue-eyed temptress who had haunted his dreams for the last three months, with tears streaming down her face. As the receptionist for the kink club, DiscipliNation, Amanda was the primary reason he spent his evenings off wandering around the great hall. It was pathetic and it made him feel like a damned fool, since she barely gave him the time of day. Not that he expected anything else from a collared submissive.

“André,” James greeted the owner of DiscipliNation and nodded to Amanda. It was bad form to speak to another Dom’s sub without their permission. Though he had virtually stalked Amanda for months now, he had no idea whose collar she wore. Ashamed to be fixated with a taken submissive, he didn’t allow himself to investigate her. Except for little tidbits of gossip, he knew nothing of her past. Instead, he spent every available minute of his time in her proximity.

“James, thank you for coming. We’ve got a situation here and we need your help.” The gentlemen shook hands and André waved James to a chair beside Amanda.

The office was small, not much wider than a hallway. Amanda was sitting with her back to a bank of video screens documenting the activity both inside and on the grounds of the club. Tonight, DiscipliNation was hosting a special public event. To keep security manageable, the privacy rooms were closed, thus the screens for those cameras were turned off.

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