Bondage Celebration (12 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance Fiction

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With a subtle shrug of his shoulders he answered, “A glancing blow, no big deal.”

“He needs to go to the hospital and get checked out.” Clearly the paramedic attending to James wasn’t amused by the tough guy routine and this discussion had been going on for some time.

“Stop arguing with the professionals and get your ass in the ambulance. We need a detailed medical report to help put this bastard away. The extent of injuries makes a difference between felony and misdemeanor hit and run.” Nick was convinced James wouldn’t consider his injuries worth documenting, he hoped by planting the seed of needing the evidence in court, James would be more likely to cooperate.

“Rich, as her attorney, I’d like a private moment with Mrs Branson.”

After much discussion, they were escorted to her office. Behind closed doors, Nick pulled Laura onto his lap. A wistful remembrance of their afternoon flashed through his mind. He could have lost her. Just like that, she could have been taken from him. His heart constricted with such pain he had trouble drawing a breath.

“What am I going to do with you? I leave you alone for couple of hours and look at the trouble you get into.” He had to make light of the situation or he’d end up putting his hand through a wall. The adrenaline spike he’d been dealing with since Laura had called him needed an outlet.

“Trouble found me this time. I was just a bystander.”

He was pretty sure Laura didn’t realize she was rubbing her face along his shoulder looking shell-shocked and forlorn. “What happened?” It didn’t matter that he knew the basic series of events. He had to hear it from her. He needed to know she was really okay.

She shrugged, “I don’t even know exactly what happened. James and I were walking to his car. I heard a screeching sound and saw smoke. Then this SUV just appeared out of nowhere. James shoved me out of the way. The next thing I know he’s on the ground with a gun in his hand. Did you know he was armed?”

Nick nodded. He refused to be drawn into a gun safety conversation. “What happened then?”

She shrugged again. “The SUV never slowed down, it hit several cars and just took off out of the garage. I know it hit James. I heard it.” Laura cringed and shook her head. “I keep hearing the sound of his body hitting the metal, the smashing glass, the air leaving his lungs and his groan of pain as he rolled over the car. I know he is hurt. He’s trying to say he’s fine, but, Nick, he isn’t.”

“Did he fire his weapon?”

“Yeah, I thought it was an explosion, it was so loud. But I think it was his gun. The back window broke into a million pieces. It rained down all over us. I keep picking glass pieces out of my hair. They were even in my pocket. I have no idea how they got there.” Laura paused, seeming to realize she was rambling. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Was anyone else hurt? The driver was crazy. He hit several cars on his way out.”

“Not that I’ve heard. Don’t worry about James. He’s pretty tough. He’ll be okay.” Nick hoped he was telling the truth. James was a good man. He liked him.

“You never came in contact with the vehicle?” He was pretty sure her injuries were the result of landing on the pavement when James pushed her to safety, but he had to ask. He had to know for sure.

“No, I’m fine. Just some sore muscles and a few scrapes. James is the one I’m worried about.”

“My little subbie doesn’t need to be worried about another Dom.” He wanted to see her smile. He’d rather have her angry than frightened.

“James is a Dom?”

Nick found her surprised, whispered tone amusing. With an answering grin he nodded.

At first she bunched up her face in disbelief. She looked so adorable, he wanted to kiss her into submission.

“Yeah, I guess I can see that.”

Nick felt jealousy raise its ugly head. She didn’t need to be looking at other men and wondering what their preferences were. “Let’s get your statement out of the way, so we can get out of here. Answer their direct questions. Do not offer opinions or suppositions. If I put my hand over yours stop immediately.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her lilt told him what she thought of his directions.

“That little slice of sarcasm just cost you two swats.” Her answering grin lightened his mood.

* * * *

As soon as they arrived home, Nick ran a warm bath for Laura. Knowing she loved the smell of her bath salts, he also ran water in the two bathroom sinks and sprinkled in a generous helping to fill the room with the relaxing aroma. He couldn’t risk the salts further inflaming her open wounds. The paramedics had assured Nick, Laura’s injuries were nothing worse than cuts and bruises. Still, seeing her skin abraded and swollen made him angry. He had no idea how he would have handled it, had she been truly injured.

On the drive home, Laura had called both of their children and let them know she was fine. Several news stations had camera crews in front of her building. The kids needed to hear it straight from her that she was alive and well.

Nick lit a few candles and dimmed the lights, wanting a relaxing atmosphere. Once he was sure the water was just right, he went into the bedroom and found her asleep. As much as he’d like to let her rest, she’d be sore as hell tomorrow if she didn’t get into the warm water soon.

“Come on, sleepy-head, into the water with you.” Nick smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and let him carry her into the bathroom.

“Sorry, I dropped off like that.”

“It’s normal. You’ve been through a traumatic experience. Just relax.” After settling her in the bath, he wet her hair then squirted a small amount of shampoo into his hand and began a slow, gentle massage of her scalp.

“Oh, Nick, that feels so good. You’re spoiling me.”

“No, Angel, I’m just taking care of you, as is my right as your Dom.”

“A girl could get used to this.”

Nick grew hard watching her relax under his care. She’d been so uptight and independent for so long, he loved being able to care for her. As he took his time washing her hair, he knew this was an erogenous zone for her. His mind immediately started planning ways to incorporate it into their play.

“Sit up.” He kept a hand on her back to help her. Using the spray wand he washed out the shampoo then eased her back against the edge so he could apply the cream rinse.

Laura had beautiful, thick, healthy hair and he loved running his hands through it.

“Have you heard anything from AJ? Do you know how James is doing?”

“He’s fine. A couple cracked ribs and a minor concussion. You both got lucky.”
Damn lucky.

“I was really worried about internal bleeding. I’m glad he was checked out.”

He sat her up again and gave her hair a final rinse. “Stand up, Angel, let’s get you back to bed.”

Pain skirted across her face as she tried to get her legs under her. Nick immediately used his arms to take her weight and help her stand. He used the wand to rinse the suds from her body. She was so compliant, his heart moved to his throat. He liked her full of fire. This Laura scared him.

Nick put his arm under her legs and lifted her from the bath.

“You’re getting soaked,” Laura complained as she put a hand on his chest and lightly tried to push him away.

“Be still. They’re just clothes and I need to hold my girl.” Nick grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. He sat on the tub edge and began patting her dry. It was a losing battle with her hair dripping all over her. He scooted closer to the wall and grabbed another towel. “Here, do that twisty, flippy thing on your hair.”

She giggled just as he’d known she would. Once her hair was contained he finished drying her off. “Time to get you to bed.”

“I have to do my exercises.” She turned into his chest to hide her yawn.

He stood up and gave her ass a gentle smack. “The only place you are going is to bed. I’m not going to have you tearing up your knees any further.”

“It’s only three days ‘till Mardi Gras.” There was the slightest hint of panic in her voice.

“My dearest Angel, you are perfect just the way you are. No more arguing.” He wasn’t entirely sure he was going to allow her to go. Simson had tried to kill her tonight. Locking her in a safe-room made more sense than taking her to a public event.

Nick sat her on the edge of the bed and towel dried her hair as best he could. He knew she would be upset if she woke with her hair a mess, so he threw the towel in the bathroom hamper, grabbed a brush and a hair tie, then quickly returned to her. Laura was swaying slightly she was so tired. He pulled her forward until her forehead rested on his torso then began brushing her hair. Once all the knots were handled, he braided her hair and tied off the end.

“Sleep, my Angel.” He laid her on the bed, pulled the covers up and tucked them around her. Nick brushed a kiss along her temple. Leaving the room, he turned off the lights.

Nick found himself in the exercise room beating the hell out of his heavy bag. His hands ached and his knuckles bled and still he struck the bag, wishing it were Simson. Anger and worry rode him hard. He didn’t like seeing Laura so subdued. He loved her smart mouth and witty retorts. Yes, he wanted her submissive to him. But only him. He loved the way she approached life. Nothing stopped her. No challenge was too great. There wasn’t anything or anyone who could get the better of Laura. Seeing her so emotionally drained made his heart ache.

When his arms were too heavy to pack a substantial punch, he cleaned up and went to bed. Spooning Laura was becoming his favorite past time. Her body fit perfectly beside his. He loved how she nestled against him using his bicep as a pillow. He’d wake with a horrible Charlie-horse, but it was worth it. Just a short time ago, Laura would have pushed out of his arms. Now she snuggled in tighter and nothing could diminish the pleasure that gave him.

* * * *

Laura woke with the sun shining through the shutters and the smells of breakfast waffling through the house. Hash browns and bacon, yum. Nick was definitely trying to spoil her. It took a lot of time to put together such a meal and while it was her favorite, Nick wasn’t a fan. He preferred his breakfast on the lighter side.

Slowly, feeling every pulled muscle along her back and shoulder, she got out of bed. Glancing at the clock, she was shocked to see the time. Breakfast was really a late lunch. How did that happen? She headed to the bathroom and grabbed a robe. In the mirror, she saw her hair in a braid. Again the thought ‘how did that happen’ came to mind.

Laura padded down the stairs and began to hear familiar banter and laughter. Her kids had come to visit. She leaned against the doorframe, watching Nick and Robert cook while Rachel sat at the island and kibitzed. Poor Rachel had inherited her mother’s aversion to cooking.

God it felt good to have a slice of normal for a change. This was the first time she’d seen the kids since their anniversary getaway. A small part of her was worried how the kids would respond if they knew the basement was being turned into a sexual playground.

Nick looked up and their eyes met. He was so handsome. She was truly a lucky woman. He immediately put the spatula down and came to her. Drawing her close he whispered, “How’re you doing, my Angel?”

“I’m fine, Nick.” She kissed his whiskered cheek.

Nick led her to the island. Rachel gave her a quick hug while Robert waited his turn.

“So, Mom, who did you tick off this time?” Robert kidded her, as he hugged her tight.

Laura caught Nick’s raised eyebrow and knew he didn’t appreciate Robert being flippant. “Hard telling,” she shrugged. “Probably just a bad driver, not looking where he was going.”

“That’s why the house has more security than an airport? Seriously, Mom, we aren’t kids anymore. We understand you live a high profile life and that attracts wackos. You don’t need to sugarcoat it.” Rachel let her impatience be known.

Laura looked to Nick who suddenly seemed interested in dishing up breakfast. Apparently, he’d beefed up security around their home without sharing it with her. Of course she’d been sound asleep for coming up on eighteen hours. “Last I heard, the police don’t know who the idiot was,” Laura explained, “As far as the increase in security, we had a recent personnel change. Two employees were let go for policy violations. One of them lashed out with some hateful comments and a threat or two. He was probably just blowing off steam, but we decided to err on the side of caution.”

“You mean Dad did.” Robert threw in his two cents.

“I’m starving over here, do you plan to serve that food anytime soon? It smells heavenly.” Laura didn’t want to discuss work.

“My stomach’s been growling for an hour. They don’t care.” Rachel hit a few keys on her laptop.

“Come and get it,” Nick demanded, as he carried two plates to the breakfast nook.

It felt incredibly familiar as they took their normal spots around the table. The conversation flowed easily while she sampled little bits of the food on her plate. She’d learned long ago, the key for her to stay trim was to eat small portions. Sometimes, like now, it was really hard to do that. The food was delicious and she was just plain hungry. With a sigh, she put down her utensils and pushed the plate a little farther away.

Nick froze. “Eat it all.” He fixed his eyes squarely on hers, seemingly oblivious to the strange looks both kids were giving them. The room fell silent.

A small smirk touched Laura’s lips. So, he was going
Laura allowed a small laugh to ease the tension building between them. “Yes, Sir.” She made sure her comment was infused with amusement. Matching his glare, she pulled the plate back into place and took another bite.

“You really do need to eat more, Mother. It isn’t healthy for a woman your age to starve herself.” Rachel continued to tell her all the dreadful issues facing a ‘woman of her age’. With blah, blah, blah ringing in her ears, she noticed Nick staring at his plate. His lips were twitching and she was pretty sure he was silently laughing his ass off. She would so make him pay for this…

The rest of the day flew by and the kids headed back to their apartments. Laura felt oddly at peace. She’d been worried how their D/s would play out around their kids. Now she understood all that nervous tension had been for nothing. Nick would never make it awkward for her. He wanted her happy. How many times would he have to say that before she allowed it to seep into her conscious thoughts?

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