Bond Betrayed (8 page)

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Authors: Chandra Ryan

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Bond Betrayed
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“I see that.” He winked at her and then dropped the injured act completely. “But you see my point.”

She was afraid that she did see his point. A little too clearly for her comfort. “So you’re a plea bargain?”

“In a way. I get the ink of small-time crooks and they become informants—give me their bosses. The department puts the little fish away and I go after the big fish.”

“Is it worth it?”

He froze as his hand reached for the door handle. “It better be. Can’t really undo it now.”

She could relate. So much of life was made up of decisions one couldn’t undo. Of course, his decisions were a bit more altruistic than hers had been. “Let’s get this over with.”

Stepping into the building was like stepping into a funeral parlor. Even if she didn’t hate the Council, she would hate this place. The air went beyond cool to frigid. But, somehow, it maintained the musty humidity of the summer day. How was that even possible?

And if the musty-cold air wasn’t enough to make her uncomfortable, the ghoulish color scheme was. The decorator had tried to go for a look of business chic with blues and grays, but had somehow chosen the wrong shade of both colors. The effect made the place look like a cheap motel.

“They’ll be in the back, waiting. Follow me,” Isaac said.

“This place is horrid. Who’s the sitting president?”

He laughed sharply at the question. “My mom. This is her brother’s law firm.”

Remembering Mrs. Marrow’s house and having stayed with Isaac for a few days, she was surprised this building belonged to a relative. The Marrows were practically pros at surrounding themselves with understated wealth. “I take it you guys don’t share a decorator.”

“He decorated all on his own.”

“I bet he’s a colorful kind of guy.” She’d said the words softly, but Isaac’s snort told her he’d heard and that he agreed—at least partially.

They arrived at the double-doored conference room and Isaac ran his hand down her back one last time. “Don’t worry. Whatever happens, I’ve got you.”

“Back atchya.”

His quizzical look told her he’d heard her, but he didn’t ask for an explanation. He couldn’t. He already had the door halfway open, which meant this was no longer a private conversation.

The room on the other side of the door was much like the rest of the office—boringly cheap. But, where the rest of the rooms were empty, here, four impeccably dressed people sat behind a large conference table.

“Good. You’ve made it. We were starting to worry.” Isaac’s mother hadn’t appeared to have aged in the twenty-one years since Nikki had last seen her.

“We’re exactly on time, Mother.”

“Which means you’re late,” she said, motioning for them to sit. She waited for them to settle into the uncomfortable plastic chairs on their side of the table before continuing. “And, for the sake of these procedures, please address me as Madame President.”

He rolled his eyes at her but said, “As you wish, Madame President.”

“Good. We’ll get right down to business. Isaac, you will tell Ms. Rathe she is free of any obligations you’ve put on her thus far and then order her to answer our questions honestly.”

He tensed and his neck started to blush the way it did when he was fighting to control himself. “Madame President—” he started through clenched teeth.

She didn’t let him finish. “This is non-negotiable. We’ve been informed she’s blood bound to you. We need to make sure you aren’t influencing her testimony.”

Isaac took a deep breath and then turned to face her. “Nicola Rathe, you are free of any commands or obligations I have put on you. Your answers should reflect your own feelings and be of your free will.”

“That’s not what I said, Isaac,” his mother snapped.

“That’s the best you’re going to get, so ask your questions. You may not have anything better to do than sit behind a desk all day, but I’ve got a sister to find.”

“She is my daughter. Believe me when I say I want her back just as badly as you do,” his mother said with a glare. “Now, Nicola, you are to answer the questions with only the truth. Failure to do so will have consequences. Do you understand?”

“More than I’d like to,” Nikki answered, her voice calm and level.

“Good. Did my son bond you against your will?”

“I gave him my blood willingly.” She almost wished she could say she felt some guilt at the deliberate deception, but one look at Mrs. Marrow’s red face made her feel nothing but glee.

“We know you gave him your blood willingly, we were asking about what he did with your blood after you gave it. Did you consent to the bond?”

Isaac stiffened next to her, but she refused to look at him. She couldn’t afford to give anything away.

“It was actually my idea.” Forget deception, she’d moved on to outright lie. She did pause for a moment to see if she felt any guilt or shame but wasn’t surprised when she found none. They had their agenda and she had hers. If a little lying was all it took to tip the scales, she was okay with that. Also, she liked how Mrs. Marrow’s face went from red to a lovely shade of plum. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe this was going to be fun.

“You would choose to be bound to him?” Mrs. Marrow pressed.

That question was simpler. It didn’t even require any deception on her part. “Yes.”

A short man next to Mrs. Marrow cleared his throat announcing he would like to ask a question. Isaac’s mother acknowledged him with a curt nod before saying, “Yes, Mr. Loag?”

“You expect us to believe a Rathe would voluntarily be bound?”

Deep breath. “I’m sorry, was I supposed to provide evidence today as well? I thought my role was limited to testifying.” She looked over at Isaac with mock curiosity and wide-eyed innocence painted on her face. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy to give you a demonstration as to why I’d go along with being bound. If that’s what you’re after…” She held her hand out to Isaac. When he intertwined his fingers with hers, she smiled. “It could get a little…um…inappropriate, though.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Mrs. Marrow glared at their joined hands as she spit the words at them.

Mr. Loag chuckled softly to himself, but Nikki couldn’t tell if it was caused by the idea of her making out with Isaac in front of them or Mrs. Marrow’s obvious dislike of the idea. “I wouldn’t object,” Mr. Loag said finally, his eyes locked on her and Isaac’s linked hands.

“Fortunately for us all, you’re not in charge,” Mrs. Marrow snapped.

“I haven’t forgotten my role, Madame President,” Mr. Loag said. “I was merely suggesting we determine her romantic interest in Isaac for ourselves. If he is courting her, having her bound would be one of the few safe ways to go about it.”

“He is not courting her,” Isaac’s mother shouted. “My son—”

“The defendant,” Isaac corrected.

His mother stopped suddenly at his words and turned to face him. “What?”

“If, for the sake of these procedures, you are Madame President, then I am the defendant.”

“That does sound reasonable, Madame President,” the woman to the left of Mrs. Marrow chimed in.

“Thank you, Mrs. Thymes.” Mrs. Marrow said the words through clenched teeth, telling Nikki she wasn’t all that thankful.

“So,” Mr. Loag started, “You bound her so you could, um,” he looked at Isaac’s mom uncomfortably, but then continued, “court her safely?”

“I bound her so she would help me get Molly back from her father. The courting was just an added bonus.”

Having Isaac’s answer, Mr. Loag then turned his attention to Nikki. “Ms. Rathe, do you wish the bond removed?”

“No. I’m rather enjoying the courtship.” Isaac would probably think she was lying, but the words were the absolute truth.

“Well,” Mr. Loag said, squirming in his chair. “It appears no wrongdoing was committed. If Isaac wants to bond someone and they’re a willing participant, there’s not much we can do.”

Mrs. Marrow stood abruptly. “I am the ruling body here, Mr. Loag, not you. And I will not have that filthy excuse of—”

Isaac was leaning over the table before Nikki realized he was no longer sitting at her side. “Do not finish that sentence, Mother. I’m not someone you want angry. Not now.”

His mother took several deep breaths, but did eventually sit back down. “Fine. We haven’t addressed the matter of Nikki’s banishment.” Mrs. Marrow may be a bitch, but she was also smart. She knew when to switch tactics.

“We’re here to discuss me, not her. But honestly, I don’t think that decision would stand up in a Community vote,” Isaac said stiffly. “And, even if it did, I’m not sure your professional career would survive the fiasco the disclosure procedures would be, given the things that might come out in testimony.”

Nikki smiled at the barely veiled threat. If his mother came after Nikki, Isaac would tell everyone where the bodies were buried. And, with that woman, Nikki wasn’t convinced all the bodies would be figurative in nature.

“I’m willing to allow her to stay. As long as she stays bound, that is,” Mr. Loag said.

Mrs. Marrow looked between Isaac and Nikki and then her face fell into an emotionless mask. “Bound to Isaac is good, but there is a more permanent solution that would make us all feel a little safer.”

Oh, Nikki was not going to like this. The hairs on her arms were already standing on end and her heart was beating furiously in her chest. This was what she’d been waiting for.

“The only way we could ever be certain she’d never repeat her father’s rise to power is if Isaac stripped her of her magic.”

A gasp of self-righteous anger escaped Nikki as she stood and then took a step toward the table, but Isaac pulled her back to him. “No.” He said the word as a command. It couldn’t be mistaken as anything else. But Nikki wasn’t sure if it was directed at her or his mother.

“What?” His mother’s question held the sharp edge of power.

“I’m not going to strip her of her magic.”

“This isn’t a test nor is it a request, Isaac.” Her voice was raw and, for the first time in nearly two decades, Nikki felt real fear. Its icy tendrils sunk into the depths of her soul and left her frozen inside. “She took the bond willingly. She couldn’t fight you or your magic in this. This is our one chance to prevent history from repeating.”

“I won’t do it.” The words were slow and carefully enunciated, each one carrying more weight than the last. “She hasn’t broken any laws, human or Community. And she can’t be tried for her father’s misdeeds.”

“You have no idea what you’re playing with.” The woman’s anger evaporated, leaving only the desperation of a worried mother. She hated Isaac’s mother, but she couldn’t fault the woman for her concern. And she didn’t particularly enjoy the skeptical glances the others were throwing at her.

“I would never hurt him. Even if I wasn’t bound to him.”

“You testified you’d bound her in order to get your sister back from Rathe,” Mrs. Thyme cut in.

“We’re all aware of why he did it,” Mrs. Marrow snapped. “Please get to the point.”

“Her father wants her because of her magic. Without it, she would be of no use to him.”

“You guys sure do know how to make a girl feel loved,” Nikki muttered under her breath.

Mrs. Thyme glanced at her but then returned her focus to Mrs. Marrow. “We should let the matter rest for now, but pick it up again after Molly is safely back.”

Mrs. Marrow wasn’t ready to let it rest quite so easily, though. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity—”

“Do you want Molly back or do you want vengeance, Madame President?” Mrs. Thyme continued in a calm, level voice. “You can’t have both. Not today, at least.”

“Fine, the matter is tabled—for now. Isaac, you will bring Ms. Rathe before us again after Molly has been returned so we can give this matter more attention.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you, Madame President.” Isaac’s words held a promise Nikki wanted to believe.

“You will do as you are ordered.”

“No, not this time. This hearing is over.”

“You don’t get to decide that, Isaac,” Mrs. Marrow said.

“No, but we can.” Mr. Loag’s voice was tired. It made Nikki wonder how many times a day Madame President challenged the man. “I call for a dismissal of all charges against Isaac.” The others agreed in rapid succession. “And I move that these hearings be closed.” This time they all agreed except Mrs. Marrow. “Three of four carries it. You’re free to go. Do remember you will both be expected to stand in front of us again after Molly’s safety has been secured, though.”

Isaac sneered at the Council members as he turned to leave. Nikki however, didn’t have the energy left to give even a token protest. She was too numb.

She followed him out of the building and got into his car, still cocooned in the comfort of disbelief. “Can they make you do it?” She cursed her stupidity at as soon as the words were out. Of course they could. If they couldn’t, he wouldn’t be so pissed.

He started the car and drove out away from the building before answering, “My mother can. If she wants to push me hard enough.”

“She’s a compulsor?” It was the only ability that made sense with what little she knew about the woman.

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