Bond Betrayed (11 page)

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Authors: Chandra Ryan

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Bond Betrayed
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“No,” Izzy answered. “Why don’t you go lay down. Jacob and I will manage just fine until Isaac gets back.”

“Are you sure?” Nikki asked around a yawn.

“I am capable of working a microwave,” Izzy argued. “Probably better than you.”

“Okay.” Nikki headed upstairs only to then have to face the decision of whose room to go to. She stood in the hall as the seconds ticked by, glancing between the two closed doors. Sex was one thing. Sharing a room was something completely different, she finally decided as she pushed open the door to the guest room. If he wanted her to share his room, he would’ve said something.

Relieved at having made a decision, she fell across the bed and went to asleep. The bed was just too soft—her surroundings too familiar and comforting—for her to fight against the exhaustion that tugged at her.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d slept, but she wasn’t feeling completely rested when she woke, which left her wondering why she was suddenly awake. That is, until she felt the bed dip as Isaac lay down next to her. “You aren’t going to sleep in your bed?”

“Not if you aren’t. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

She scooted over to give him space. “It’s okay. I’ve never really been that deep of a sleeper. I wake up to just about any noise.” And that’d saved her skin several times while in foster homes. “What was the message?” She probably should ask about her uncle or even his bar, make sure they were okay, but she found she just didn’t care.

“We’re meeting with one of your father’s men tomorrow afternoon to negotiate the deal.”

“That’s good.” She rolled over so he could snuggle up behind her.

“I don’t think Gus would agree.” His breath was warm in her ear as he spoke, sending a chill down her spine. “Your father’s men did a number on his club.”

“Was anyone killed?”

“Not that we know of.”

“Then dear Uncle Gus got off easy.”

He skimmed his hand over her hip. “I guess so.”

“Your mother stopped by while you were gone,” she said around a yawn.

His hand stilled for a second. “What’d she want?”

Nikki snuggled a little closer to him. “She was the acting welcome wagon. Stopping by to make sure I was comfortable. Had everything I needed. Oh, and she tried to convince me you’d be safer if you released me from the bond. You know, the usual.”

“Was it bad?”

“I might have threatened to seduce your father and she might have called me a bitch.” She waited nervously to see how he reacted, but he was so still it took her a minute to register he was moving at all and even longer to figure out it was him trying to stifle his amusement. “Are you laughing at me?”

“It’s just…” He had to stop speaking for a moment as he gave in to his laughter. “Have you seen my father lately?”

She slapped his hip hard enough for her hand to sting. “I wasn’t serious.”

He took a moment to catch his breath before saying, “Which is why I’m laughing. If you were serious, I’d have to find a way to convince you your time is better served with me.” The stubble on his chin scraped against her shoulder as he punctuated his words with gentle kisses.

“In that case, maybe I was serious.”

“You do realize I’m a guy, right? You don’t have to lie to get me to sleep with you.” He slid his hand under her cami and cupped one of her breasts gently.

She rocked her hips to rub her ass against his already hard cock. “Sleeping isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” she teased.


She moved to roll over, but he tightened his embrace as he bit down on her shoulder. The bite wasn’t painful, but it was hard enough to remind her that he had a thing for control. And, since the bond would prevent her from accidently using her magic on him, she was happy to surrender to his attention.

He rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb as he kissed the spot that would probably bear a bruise by morning. Not that she really cared if he’d marked her. She was too caught up in the pleasure to worry about such trivial details. And this pleasure was something to be caught up in. Whereas sex had been raw and passionate earlier, now he seemed to want to take his time and explore.

His touch skimmed from her breast down her waist and to her hip. “I owe you an orgasm. Rushing off like that was unforgivable.”

She sighed as his fingers moved down the flat plane of her abdomen. “I’m not one to turn that down but, for the sake of complete disclosure, I believe I’m still ahead of you in the orgasm column if we’re keeping score.”

“Not keeping score. More like a tit for tat kind of thing.”

She laughed as she arched her back and rubbed his cock with her ass. “Really? Tit for tat? That was the best you could come up with?”

He nipped at her neck, this time sucking on the skin softly, which caused her to break out in goose bumps as her stomach twisted with hunger. “Sorry,” he whispered into her ear. “With you this close to me, I’m not thinking clearly.”

“In that case, you’re forgiven.”

His hand slipped under the waistband of her pajama pants and the panties she was wearing underneath. “You are so damn sexy you make me crazy.”

“Not to seem argumentative, but I think some would say you’re not exactly sane even in my absence.” She moaned as his fingers slid through the lips of her pussy.

“And when I feel you so very wet and hot, I can’t think of anything but stripping you naked and fucking you.” He pushed the pajama bottoms and her panties down her legs in one fluid movement and then moved away briefly as she heard the telltale sound of a foil packet being opened. She tried to turn to look at him, but again, his hand stopped her.

“Aren’t you Mr. Prepared?” she asked after he lay down and snuggled up to her back again.

“I’d make some smart-ass comment about being a scout but, truth is, they kicked me out.” He nudged her thighs apart as he positioned his cock to enter her.

“See, I knew I called it right. You were a bad boy.”

He slid into her slowly, the position demanding finesse and restraint. When he’d filled her, he stilled and started caressing her breast with his fingertips. “What is it about you that’s so irresistible?”

He hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings, but that was exactly the wrong thing to say at that moment. Still, there was no way he would know the pain and self-doubt his words would inflict, so she did her best to let them slide off of her. “Pheromones and genetic predisposition to fuckability, I’m afraid.” Fine, so maybe she wasn’t able to completely let it go.

He rocked out of her before sliding back into her depths. “No. I mean, you are rather fuckable, I’ll give you that. But I think it’s your laugh that makes you irresistible. Damn near the most perfect laugh I’ve ever heard.”

Never in all her years as a seductress had anyone ever mentioned her laugh. Her tits, sure. Her ass, most definitely. But never her laugh.

“And your eyes.” He moved his hand down to circle her clit as he continued thrusting into her. “God, they turn the color of aged cognac when you’re angry.”

She would’ve asked if that was why he worked so hard to piss her off, but already her climax was building. He played her so well it scared her. But she could only hold on to her fear for a moment, then she was too wrapped up in sensation to feel anything but passion.

The world broke around her, shattering into a haze of contentment and peace. But it was a peace that was short-lived. Isaac brought her down from her climax, but then started stoking the embers of the desire that still glowed in her. He whispered words of endearment in her ear as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge again. His hands worshiped her body as his mouth rained kisses on her neck and shoulder. And this time, as she let go of her firm grip on reality, he ventured into the abyss with her. Their breath coming in shallow gasps and moans, their hearts racing in sync, they fell together until the universe put itself back to rights. And, for the first time in a very long time, genuine warmth started to bloom somewhere Nikki thought had died decades ago. She hadn’t felt anything for someone new for so long she almost didn’t recognize it. But when she finally did, the realization hit hard enough to cause her to choke.

“Are you okay?” Isaac asked, his voice groggy with exhaustion.

“No, I don’t think I am.” She was attracted to him, she even liked him, but she couldn’t—under any circumstances—trust him. Especially not when trusting him meant trusting his psycho mother. But she couldn’t walk away either. He needed her. Molly needed her. And her father needed to be stopped. Her whole body started to shake as the panic built.

“What’s wrong?” He rubbed her back, his voice tight with worry.

“We can’t…” She stopped to take a breath and collect herself. “I’m leaving as soon as Molly’s safe. I can’t—this can’t…” Her heart was racing and her stomach cramped painfully. “Your mother will use you to destroy me.”

He swore softly under his breath as he sat up. “I won’t let her. You have to believe me.”

“You may not have a choice. I felt her. She was in my head tonight and she was strong.”

“She may be strong, but I didn’t make it this far on my good looks. I will beat her at her own game. I promise, it’ll be okay. But you have to trust me.”

There was no way she trusted him, not that completely. But that was her secret. She’d find a way out of this. Until she did, she just had to keep taking it one day, one hour, one minute at a time. They were on a dangerous path that led absolutely nowhere, but they’d ventured too far to turn back.

Chapter Eight


By morning, every muscle in Isaac’s body wanted him to roll over and stretch, but he refused to listen. Not when he had such a delightfully soft body to curl around. Yes, he should’ve left last night after her revelation. He should’ve gotten up, gone to his room and never looked back. Why? Because one way or another, this was going to end badly. Even if he won, which he anticipated fully, he’d still have to release her and set her free. But there wasn’t a force on Earth strong enough to make him leave her side last night. They didn’t have much time left together—he was going to enjoy what little they did.

He nibbled on her ear as he caressed her side. “Did you sleep well?” The skin under his hand broke out in goose bumps and she rubbed against him in encouragement.

“I didn’t know a good night’s sleep was the goal.” Her voice was groggy but already husky with desire as he started to caress her hip.

He smiled as memories of their night together flooded his mind. “It wasn’t. Just seemed like the right thing to say.” He left a path of kisses down her neck, stopping when he found the sensitive spot right above her shoulder. “Don’t have much experience with morning-after pillow talk.”

She rolled over so she was lying on her back. “Oh? You’re not used to waking up with your lovers?” She winked at him and then ran a hand down his chest. “Why does that not surprise me?”

He knew the answer to that one. It was because they were the same and she wasn’t used to waking up with her lovers either. She wasn’t looking for a commitment any more than he was. But, suddenly, that didn’t seem like such a great thing. He’d liked sleeping next to her, feeling her steady heartbeat under his palm. More alarming, though, was how much he’d liked waking up next to her. That wasn’t a good sign and one that was best reflected on at some later time and date. “And if I were used to waking up with my lovers, what do you think I’d ask them?”

“If they want coffee. And the answer would always be yes.”

He kissed her gently on the nose before getting out of the bed. “Coffee it is.” He made it to the door before the noise of her clearing her throat stopped him. “Yes?” he asked, turning to face her again.

“You’re going to scare Lesli if you go tromping around the house naked.” Her cheeks were touched by the delightful glow of a blush.

“If today weren’t her day off, you might be right. Then again, seeing as she’s been with my family my entire life, I’m willing to bet she’s seen me in far worse states than naked.”

Her eyes lit up as she jumped out of the bed. “So we have the house to ourselves?” Her smile was open and inviting.

“Yes we do. Do you still want that coffee?” He said a silent prayer that coffee was as far down on her list as it was on his.

But she didn’t seem to notice the change in his tone. She was too busy running past him and out the door. And he decided he’d let her go. It wasn’t that he couldn’t stop her. If he’d wanted to, he could’ve. One touch and he could’ve had her pinned to the wall. But he liked the thought of chasing her. Plus, he was willing to bet the view would make it well worth the wait.

He meant to give her a five-second head start, but only made it to three before he grabbed a condom out of the nightstand and then started chasing after her. Down the stairs and through the hallway they ran. She was giggling as she turned to look at him over her shoulder from time to time, her face relaxed and glowing with what he’d swear was peace. He wanted to keep her like that—wanted her face to shine like that every time he saw it. It made his knees weak and his breath hitch painfully in his lungs.

When she ducked through the door into the kitchen, he briefly wondered if coffee was indeed that important to her. But he was relieved to find her perched on the countertop waiting for him when he came through the door shortly after her.

“You said something about being straddled at the countertop?”

He smiled as he remembered the comment. He’d made it only a couple of days ago, but still, it felt like it belonged to another lifetime now. “I remember saying something along those lines.” He walked up to her slowly, savoring the tingle of anticipation that was growing in the pit of his stomach.

Her smile was wicked as he took the step that brought him between her thighs. “I like this.”

“Which part? Being chased or taken on a countertop?” He dropped his head so he could nibble on her shoulder. When she wrapped her arms around his back and sighed, he couldn’t resist pulling her closer to him.


“Good to know.” He kissed her neck as he cradled one of her breasts in the palm of his hand. “I like that you like it.” Except instead of ‘
’ he actually meant ‘
’. The only thing he liked better than being near her was how happy being near him seemed to make her. In general, people didn’t like being within arm’s reach of him.

She bit his shoulder just hard enough to relay her impatience and then rubbed her already wet pussy against his hardened cock. “Naked has its benefits,” she whispered into his ear.

“It certainly does.” He tore open the condom package and then slid the barrier over his erection before thrusting into her warmth. Damn, being inside her felt even better this morning than it had the night before. It was as if his body recognized hers, craved her. “Feels so good.”

The warmth of her hands disappeared as she moved them to the countertop behind her. But he wasn’t about to complain. With her hands to support her, he was able to thrust deeper into her. And he needed deeper. He needed to get lost in her—lost in the pleasure and temporary reprieve from his life she was offering.

She moaned and let her head loll back as his cock slammed into her again and again. Desire was riding him hard and he wanted her with a passion that bordered on brutal. She didn’t back away from him, though. Instead, she opened herself to him further, tilting her hips to meet him.

A strangled moan caught in her throat as he continued to thrust into her. The sound made his balls tighten and his spine tingle. She was close. Any second now, she would fall apart. And when she did, he would chase her over the edge.

Her skin was covered with a soft sheen of sweat and her breath was coming in short, harsh pants. And then, just when he was certain he couldn’t take a second more of the sweet torture, she called out as her muscles tightened around him. It was more than he could take. His body tensed as he pushed into her once more and then he was thrown over the precipice into a shattering climax. There was no tenderness in the abyss he fell into. Raw hunger and need consumed him. And her breathy noises of pleasure only encouraged him in his demanding thrusts.

But when the world began to come back into focus and his heartbeat slowed, he discovered he had a new need. He wanted to pull her close to him and listen to her breathing. Nothing more. Just share this contentment with her for a moment. It was an unsettling impulse since he wasn’t completely sure of the motivation behind it but, with no desire to fight against it, he pulled her into his embrace and ran his palm over her hair as he breathed in her uniquely spicy scent.

They stayed like that for some time before he could bring himself to step away.

“See, now that’s how you wake a lover up in the morning,” she said, her eyes sparkling.


“And then you should make them coffee.”

He hid his smile by turning from her as he disposed of the condom. “You certainly do know how this should be done,” he said, his amusement leaking into his voice.

“Of course I do. And now you should offer me your shower so I can clean up.”

His knees nearly buckled at the image but, with a quick grab of the countertop, he managed to steady himself. “Would you like to use my shower to clean up?” His throat was so dry he almost choked on the words.

“Thank you. That’s very considerate.” She jumped down from the counter and walked to the door with an extra sway to her hips he found captivating. “And I had Lesli pick up some eggs and bacon at the store.”

“Is that a request for me to make you breakfast?”

She turned in the doorway and struck a particularly sexy pose. “It’d be greatly appreciated, not to mention rewarded. A girl can only stomach oatmeal for so many days in a row.”

“Bacon and eggs it is.”

“And coffee,” she added as she walked out of the room. “Oh, and I like my eggs the same way I like my men,” she called out as she walked down the hall. “Hard.”

He laughed openly at her pronouncement. He would have to get dressed before he could start on the breakfast, but he could get the coffee brewing before heading back up to his room. Hopefully that would give her time to get safely in the shower. He couldn’t think straight when she was in any room with him, let alone when she was naked in his bedroom.

His mind immediately pictured her naked and cuffed to his bed and he swore under his breath. He had to get his attraction to her under control. It was becoming ridiculous. Yes, she was hot. But he’d been with hot women before. And, okay, she was incredibly responsive and adventurous, both turn-ons. Still, he wasn’t a hormonal teenager and shouldn’t be acting like one. Especially with everything that was at stake right now.

When he heard the shower going and the kitchen was filled with the heavenly scent of fresh coffee, he made his way to his room. They had three hours until they were supposed to meet with Rathe’s man. Three hours until he’d finally have the terms for Molly’s release. It may seem like forever right now but, with as much as he had to do to get ready, the time would speed by.

He pulled on a pair of loose jeans and a black cotton t-shirt before heading back down to the kitchen to cook the requested breakfast. Fortunately for both of them, Nikki was all business when she came back down to join him. Well, as much business as she could be in a corset top, skinny jeans, and thigh-high black leather boots.

“So, are you going to be negotiating with my father today?” she asked between bites of bacon.

“No. He’s too smart for that.” Isaac’s stomach cramped with a completely different type of hunger as he watched her lick a fingertip. “He’s going to send one of his men, and most likely, Molly.”

“But, if he sends Molly—”

“I’ll be properly motivated to see her released and I’ll be assured she’s being taken care of. Something that would change quickly if negotiations break down.” He pushed his plate away from him as his appetite disappeared. “Molly’s not the endgame. She’s just a minor piece on the board.”

Nikki didn’t have to ask. She knew what piece her father was after. “What are you going to do? You can’t give him what he’s after.”

“I know that. But he has to believe I’m considering it.” He paused as the knots in his stomach cramped with anxiety. “And he has to believe I’d trade you for Molly.”

Her smile was tight as she nodded. “I understand.”

“I have to really sell it. It won’t be a comfortable experience for you.” He hated the things he might have to say and do to get Rathe to believe he was serious. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and refused to lift her gaze to his. “You can’t take Molly and run?” she asked, her voice flat.

“No. She’s been blood bound to someone. If she doesn’t return, she’ll suffer.”

Nikki winced and he knew she was remembering that first night when he’d ordered her to call her uncle. It was on the tip of his tongue to apologize again, but she chose that moment to look up at him. She shook her head and waved her fingers at him as if she were shooing an annoying fly. “Don’t say it.”

“Say what? That I’m sorry?”

“What?” She narrowed her eyes as she studied him for a minute and then shrugged and went back to her breakfast. “Oh. No, that’s okay. Feel free to grovel whenever you like.”

He had to fight not to smile. “What did you think I was going to say, then?”

Her face paled slightly and she shoved a piece of toast in her mouth. He could only assume the move was to give her an excuse not to answer.

“Let’s see. What was I saying at the time?” He thought back to his earlier words and suddenly things became a lot clearer. “I was talking about your father having Molly blood bound.” If he wasn’t certain before, her quick intake of breath, which made her choke on her mouthful of toast, quickly confirmed his suspicions. “I’m not like him.”

She successfully cleared her throat and then looked down at her plate again. “I know.”

The words were too soft, her demeanor too submissive, and he felt his stomach cramp tighter with guilt. “That first night.” He paused to take a deep breath. “When I bound you to me. The only thing I cared about was getting Molly back. And you were the key.”

“I still am.”

“Maybe. But Molly isn’t the only one I’m concerned about now.”

“Aww, isn’t that sweet,” she said, her voice syrupy. She rolled her eyes at him and then started clearing the table. “I can take care of myself.”

When she came back for his plate, though, he stopped her by putting his hand on hers. “I’d release you from it, if you wanted.” Just saying the words was painful. He didn’t know how he’d bear the pain if she accepted his offer.

“Do you know why he wants me?”

He didn’t have to ask who or play dumb. Everyone knew why her father wanted her. “Because he can only seduce women.”

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