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Authors: Joe Domanick

Tags: #West (AK, #MT, #HI, #True Crime, #Law Enforcement, #General, #WY), #NV, #Corruption & Misconduct, #United States, #ID, #Criminology, #History, #Social Science, #State & Local, #CA, #UT, #CO, #Political Science

Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing (55 page)

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“support a strong police department”
: “Chief Parker Molded LAPD Image—Then Came the ’60s”; Dunne,
Another City, Not My Own
, 62; Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 23.

Morale in the department was at an all-time low
: “10 Years After Rodney King,” AP, March 3, 2001;
Los Angeles Times
Understanding the Riots
, 39.

“I think there was a lot of discussion”
: Chief Daryl Gates, City Hall press conference, April 30, 1992.

“I’m elated”
: “Verdict Greeted with Relief and Elation Among LAPD Officers,”
, April 30, 1992.

“I don’t think
Daryl Gates
understood the ramifications”
: Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 51; Stanley Sheinbaum interview.

“The people who get promoted”
: Thomas Windham interview.

“a certain bunker mentality”
: Stephen Reinhardt interview.

Charlie Beck, Wednesday, April 29, 1992, Parker Center

Arriving at Parker Center
: Charlie Beck interview.

Civic Center protests/riots
Los Angeles Times
Understanding the Riots
, 63; Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 31; author’s observations.

“No justice, no peace”
: Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 31 and 35.

Parker Center riots/protests
: Ibid.;
Los Angeles Times
Understanding the Riots
, 63 and 47–49.

“You should be out here with us throwing stones”
: Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 35.

“It was . . . the most sobering, somber experience”
: Anthony De Los Reyes interview.

Daryl Gates, Wednesday, April 29, 1992, Brentwood, California

Gates heads to Brentwood fund-raiser
: “Where Were L.A. Police When the Rioting Began?”;
Los Angeles Times
Understanding the Riots
, 49 and 74; Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 43.

amendment to limit an LAPD chief’s lifetime tenure
: “As Rioting Mounted, Gates Remained at Political Event”; “What Could Be More Political Than Gates?”
, May 27, 1992; “After the Riots: The Day L.A. Changed,”
, May 31, 2012.

Calls for Gates to resign
: “Group Seeks Gates’ Apology for Remarks,”
, February 15, 1991; “Chief Gates Should Quit, Sen. Biden Says,”
, March 18, 1991;
CBS Evening News
, March 19, 1991; “The Times Poll: 31% of Angelenos Say Gates Should Quit Now,”
, March 22, 1991; “3 Congressmen Call for the Resignation or Removal of Gates,”
, March 23, 1991; “L.A. Mayor Asks Police Chief to Quit,”
, April 3, 1991; “Crisis in the LAPD: The Rodney King Case,”
, April 5, 1991.

“I don’t want to be mayor of Los Angeles”
: “Ed Davis Calls It Quits: ‘I Have Served Long Enough,’ ”
, January 29, 1992; Hazen, ed.,
Inside the L.A. Riots
, 23.

eight hundred thousand immigrants from the developing world
: Fix and Passel,
Immigration and Immigrants,

By 1990, 87 percent . . . were Latinos and/or other minorities
: California Department of Education, Educational Demographics Unit—CBEDS.

By the late eighties . . . 40 percent of the city’s population
1990 U.S. Census of Population and Housing Summary
, cited in Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department,
Report of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department

Named chief in 1978, Daryl Gates
: “A Chronology: Key Events in the Life of Former LAPD Chief Daryl F. Gates,”
, November 11, 2011; “Daryl Gates’ Downfall,”
, April 28, 2010.

Gates was raised in abject poverty
: “Daryl F. Gates and ‘the Sting of Poverty’ That Followed Him to Grade School,”
, April 16, 2010; “Report on King Beating May Alter Gates’ Legacy,”
, July 8, 1991.

son of an alcoholic and absentee father
: “Controversial LAPD Chief,”
, April 17, 2010; “Report on King Beating May Alter Gates’ Legacy.”

“the last stand of native-born Protestant Americans”
: “A Mayor Who Stood for Reform,”
, November 16, 1997.

“thin blue line”
: “Chief Parker Molded LAPD Image—Then Came the ’60s”; “Understanding the Riots—Six Months Later,”
, November 17, 1992;
Los Angeles Times
Understanding the Riots
, 15.

“Man, the most predatory”
: Blue Ribbon Review Panel et al., “Rampart Reconsidered: The Search for Real Reform Seven Years Later,” 17.

“the most lawless nation on Earth”
: “ ‘Wild Bill’ Parker, Scrappy Lawman of the New West,”
Eugene Register-Guard
, May 24, 1964.

“Now, look at him”
: Tom Reddin interview.

“Spacco il capo”
: “Philadelphia’s Electoral Surprises,”
Baltimore Sun
, June 1, 1991; “Rizzo Claims He Could Stop Italy’s Red Brigade,” AP, July 1, 1978; “Rizzo Boasts Philadelphia’s Police Are ‘Toughest’ in World,”
Toledo Blade
, August 13, 1979.

“Make Attila the Hun look like a faggot”
: “The Nation: Thoughts of Chairman Rizzo,”
, October 24, 1977.

“Casual drug users should be shot”
: “Casual Drug Users Should Be Shot, Gates Says,”
, September 6, 1990.

“Who would want to work with one?”
: “Requiem for Daryl Gates,”
Crime Report
, April 18, 2010.

“lucky that was all he had broken”
: “Police Power: Why No One Can Control the LAPD”; “Gates Defends His Officers’ Search Methods in Court,”
, November 30, 1988; “A Question of Respect: Judgment Against Gates Makes Statement for Minority Rights,”
, December 7, 1988.

“an inspiration to the nation”
Face the Nation
, CBS, May 19, 1985; “The Region: Review of L.A. Police Tactics Requested,”
, May 23, 1985; “Philadelphia Action Called ‘Last Resort’ Against Move’s Threats,”
, May 20, 1985; “Mayor Releases Threatening MOVE Letter,” AP, May, 20, 1985.

“jumped on
heroes list”
: Domanick,
To Protect and To Serve
, 297; “Philadelphia Action Called ‘Last Resort’ Against Move’s Threats.”

“Battering Ram”
: “L.A. Police Battering Ram,”
, February 8, 1985; “Uprising: Hip Hop & the LA Riots”;
Los Angeles Times
Understanding the Riots
, 29.

two terrified black women and a couple of kids
: “L.A. Police Battering Ram.”

“To fire a police chief”
: Gates,

A competitive runner, Gates
: Tim Rutten interview.

“In a lot of cases . . . an officer will appeal to the Chief
”: Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department,
Report of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department
, 165.

“the essence of the
excessive force problem”
: Ibid., ix and 32.

unwritten LAPD credo
: “Brutality: Hard Issue for Police,”
, April 4, 1991.

“Gates made himself a martyr within the Los Angeles Police Department”
: Charlie Beck interview.

luncheon rally for Gates
: “Gates Jokes with Man Who Taped Beating,” AP, April 6, 1991.

“patsy for the police”
: “Onetime Allies: Press and LAPD,”
, May 24, 1992.

In 1976, newly arrived KABC reporter Wayne Satz
: Letter from Wayne Satz, October 1, 1990.

“They didn’t think they had
public accountability”
: “LAPD Sins Are Old Hat to KABC,”
, August 5, 1991.

Eulia Love
: Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners,
The Report of the Board of Police Commissioners Concerning the Shooting of Eulia Love and the Use of Deadly Force
, 1–56.

David Cay Johnston stories
: “Daryl Gates’ Real Legacy.”

. . . broke the Brentwood fund-raiser story
: “Gates’ Absence Early in Riot to Be Examined,”
, May 4, 1992.

ten minutes
: “Los Angeles Mayor Criticizes Chief for Slow Action on Riot”; “Gates’ Absence Early in Riot to Be Examined”; “As Rioting Mounted, Gates Remained at Political Event.”

: “Gates’ Absence Early in Riot to Be Examined”; “As Rioting Mounted, Gates Remained at Political Event.”

“There are going to be situations where people are without assistance”
: “Another Video Dogging LA’s Chief Gates,” AP, May 3, 1992; “Gates’ Absence Early in Riot to Be Examined”; “Gates Hammered by Media over LAPD Riot Response,”
, May 28, 1992.

Bill Bratton, New York City, Early 1990s

three and a half million daily riders of New York’s . . . subway system
: “Bratton: The Making of a Police Visionary,”
Crime Report
, December 6, 2013.

Transit crime had risen by 25 percent
: Ibid.

robberies were growing at two and a half times
: Ibid.; Bratton and Knobler,
, 143.

3,500 officers
: “Defense Attacks Arrest in Transit Police Case,”
, March 24, 1988; “Bratton: The Making of a Police Visionary.”

BOOK: Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing
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