Blue (Darkness Falls #3) (6 page)

BOOK: Blue (Darkness Falls #3)
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He followed a short distance behind as the sub rose and meekly followed Red away from the dance floor. She bypassed the table, motioning to Storm that she was heading to one of the private rooms and Storm tipped her glass in acknowledgement, not looking half as astonished as Blue was feeling. Had she known about this? Blue stopped at the table.

“What the fuck is that about?” He jerked his thumb in the direction Red had taken the sub. “When did she start taking female subs?”

“About a month ago.” She frowned. “You didn’t know? She tried it as a last ditch attempt to save her relationship with Sean. She thought he’d find girls less threatening.”

“Why didn’t she tell me?” He sat down. “How come you knew that and I didn’t?”

“I don’t know.” She retorted sarcastically. “Maybe it was because any time anyone mentioned Sean to you, you had a moment of utterly disproportionate rage. She’s not an idiot, Blue. She might not have cottoned on to the way you feel about her, but she knows you don’t like him.”

“She still could have talked to me about it.” He said stubbornly.

“You’re an idiot sometimes, Blue.” Storm shook her head. “She was trying to save their relationship and there’s no way in hell you would have encouraged that. Of course she was going to come to me or Cal. You’re not her only family, you know.”
He reached for his drink and took a long swallow, coming to the inevitable conclusion at the same time as Storm. “You need to go and be with her.” She said, catching the eye of one of her regular subs by the bar. “She’s not supposed to be out of your sight.”

“You want me to go and watch her scene with a woman?” There was no way his cock would take the torture.

“Well I’m not doing it.” She rose to her feet with inimitable grace and patted his shoulder. “Man the fuck up, Blue. Go and watch. She might even let you join in.” She glided away, all loose-limbed, predatory beauty.

Blue cursed, downed his drink and then went in search of Red. In the corridor behind the club, guarded by heavy security, he breathed a sigh of relief when
he realised she was in one of the two rooms that Cal reserved exclusively for their small family. They had an observation window for when one of them was teaching, which meant he didn’t have to be in the room. He wasn’t sure he could be in there and not get involved somehow.

Nodding to the guard, he swiped his key card and stepped into the tiny observation room, taking a seat on the stool that someone had left behind in there.
Through the narrow, one-way plexiglass, he could see that Red had the girl hooked up to the ceiling and was flogging her, talking quietly in that sweet voice of hers. The sub was crying and flinching, but she didn’t appear to be in any great distress.

Red had come a long way, Blue mused as he watched. She was reading the situation perfectly, timing and placing her lashes with exquisite precision. When she set the flogger aside and picked up a
singletail, he frowned. He didn’t know she’d learned how to use that one and as much as he trusted her, he’d be on point to go running in if anything looked off.

He needn’t have worried. She wielded it like an expert, caressing the
sub’s back with licks of the leather that kissed just deep enough to raise a welt without breaking the skin. Admiration flushed Blue’s body. She must have been practicing for hours.

She welted the sub from nape to knee and then let her down from the restraints. They spoke quietly for several moments and then, to his astonishment, Red arranged herself on the leather chaise and the sub knelt at her feet, her head dipping between Red’s thighs. Blue felt his blood pressure skyrocket as he watched the sub going down on his woman, enthusiastically enough that Red tossed her head back with joy.
What the hell was she playing at? He’d all but fucked her on the dance floor and she was coming out here to get her kicks with another woman?

Anger warred with desire as he gazed, transfixed, at what was unfolding before him. Red was so buzzed it wasn’t long before she came hard. She pushed the sub away and caught her breath, smiling as she nodded her pleasure at the girl, who was beaming happily from the floor. Blue didn’t know what to do and it was a horrible feeling. He almost couldn’t bear to watch as Red strapped a Hitachi to the girl and then spanked her until she climaxed.

Afterwards, they cuddled up on the chaise for a long time, letting the air cool. Red stroked the girl’s hair soothingly, and still Blue couldn’t hear what she was saying. The sub didn’t look like she was clingy and eventually Red let her go, after she’d cleaned up all the equipment they’d used and set the room to rights.

When she’d left, Blue couldn’t wait a second longer. “What the fuck was that?” He roared, slamming through the door into the play room.

“You were watching?” She quirked an eyebrow at him and he ground his teeth.

“You aren’t supposed to be out of my sight, remember?”

“And I told you I can take care of myself.” She shook her head. “You didn’t need to watch that.” She paused. “Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes. No! What the fuck, Noelle?”

She gave him an odd look. “My being with subs never bothered you before. What’s the problem here?”

And there it was, the issue he’d forgotten because he’d been so blinded by his need. “You should have come to me.” He insisted, quietly but firmly. “If you needed to get off, you should have come to me.”

“Why?” She crossed her arms, beautiful and defiant. “We’re not exclusive. We never have been. Why shouldn’t I get my kicks elsewhere?”

He took a deep breath and counted to ten. “Did you, or did you not, say in the car in the way here that you were mine tonight?”

“Actually I said that you were mine.” She smirked. “And I seem to recall you disagreeing with me.”

“I-…” He cut off whatever he’d been about to say, narrowing his eyes. “You’ve twisted that conversation.” He said evenly. “You said you were mine and then you said you liked it when I called you Mistress. I said I would never be a sub again. I didn’t say I wouldn’t be yours again.”

“If you’re free to pick and choose, then so am I.” She shrugged. “Tonight I needed a sub to scratch a particular itch. You don’t want to sub, so I didn’t come to you.”

“You aren’t seriously going to punish me for staying true to my nature?” He demanded, incredulous. “Would you sub for me again?”

She frowned. “I’m not punishing you for anything. I’m allowed to sleep with other people, Blue.”

“Then why all the mixed fucking signals? You’ve been driving me crazy all night!” The weight of his words crashed in on him and he felt like he’d been sucker punched. “You bitch!” He gaped at her. “You’ve been winding me up so I won’t stress about Alexandra, haven’t you?”

She glanced at her watch and grinned. “And it’s almost home time, without an ounce of worry from you. Damn, I’m good.”

“I fucking hate you right now.” He groused and she burst out laughing.

“No you don’t. You want to fuck me until we put another hole in the wall and knock the wardrobe over again. You’re just pissed off at yourself for falling for it.”

“Stop analysing me.” He snarled, stalking towards her.

“Hey, I’m done.” She held her hands up. “Don’t be mad, Blue. This is what you made me.” She bit her lip and then burst out laughing, unable to help herself. “You’re so funny when you’re annoyed.” She deepened her voice to mimic his. “
I’m going to handle you and I do everything well
.” She mocked, breaking out into peals of giggles.

He didn’t realise he was growling until he was in her face and she
’d backed up, her laughter trailing off. “I hope you’re prepared to pay the price of your cocktease.” It came out as a snarl and she swallowed.

“It was for your own good.” She tried, but he wasn’t listening.

“I’m going to fuck you now.” He said, blunt and irrevocable.

“We haven’t got time!” She protested. “The car will be here at any minute.”

“The car can fucking wait.”

“When did we turn into such potty mouths?” She sighed. “I used to be nice, you know. I managed whole conversations without a single F word. Now listen to us.”

“Stop trying to distract me!” He slammed the wall with his fist, his frustration boiling over.

“Why? Is it working?” The smallest quirk of her lips showed her struggle with amusement and he lost it. He reached her in two strides and hauled her up to him, crushing her mouth to his in desperate want.

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” Storm sighed from the doorway. “Can’t you two even wait until we get home to get a room?”

“Fuck off!” Blue snapped and the temperature dropped by about ten degrees.

“Excuse me?” Storm’s voice was as calm and smooth as satin rippling over a steel blade.

“I’m sorry, Storm.” Red apologised unexpectedly. “It’s my fault. I pushed him too far.”

“He is a Master.” She stepped into the room. “He should be in control of himself at all times, no matter the provocation.”

“Fine, I’m sorry.” Blue grumbled, his tone surly. “I
shouldn’t have said it. Please can you go away? I was about to teach Red here a lesson.”

“Zip it, Sasquatch.” She borrowed
Noelle’s name for him, still angry. “The car is here and I’m not waiting around for you to get your kicks. Either you come now or you can hire a damn taxi.”

“I’m coming.” Red struggled until he released her,
smoothing the leather of her skirt.

“This conversation is a long way from over.” He warned her, straightening his own T-shirt. “When we get home,
you are going to settle this in full.”

“Why do I get punished when I was just helping?” She asked as they headed for the front door of the club.

“It’s hardly a punishment.” He snorted. “You know we’re good together.”

“Well I’m tired and I’m not in the mood.” She pouted.

“Don’t you worry about that.” He helped her into the back of the car. “I’m fairly certain I can get you in the mood.” Storm made a gagging sound, rolling her eyes, but Blue ignored her. He leaned down to whisper in Red’s ear, knowing that talking dirty to her was her greatest weakness. “When we get home, I’m going to peel that leather from your body and take you into the bathroom. I’m going to wash that sub slut from your skin and then I’m going to remind you exactly why you prefer men.”

“Oh yeah?” She sounded nonchalant, but he could see the pulse flickering in her neck. “And how are you going to do that?”

He scooped her into his lap, her back cradled into his chest. “I’m going to own every part of you with these.” He splayed a large hand across her stomach. “When I put my fingers inside you, it’s going to feel thick and full, better than little girl hands. When I thrust them, you’re going to feel it all the way to your soul. And when you’re nice and wet for me, I’m going to slide you onto my cock and fuck you until you scream my name.”

“Well that’
s a nice fantasy but, sadly for you, Thomas is staying with me tonight.”

“He can watch. I’m not fussy.”

She was rescued from having to answer by Storm, who was clearly tired of the whispering. “How’s your little game with Jax going on?” She asked and Red grinned.

“Almost there. The love songs are driving him crazy, but he’s producing some of his best work. He can’t be far from snapping and going out and grabbing someone, so I’m thinking it’s maybe time to bring out the big guns.”

“What game with Jax?” Blue interrupted before Storm could say anything.

“He’s still pining.” Red sighed. “So I’m driving him crazy and he’s getting angry at me and horny at the same time. The hope is that he’ll go out on a revenge fucking binge and get it out of his system. He’s been pretty messed up since Sean broke up with me.”

“So what are the big guns?” Storm asked. “If the sappy love songs are driving him crazy, what’s going to send him over the edge?”

“I’m bringing the church into it.” Her smile was wicked. “I wrote a whole song about sex but put it in religious terms. He’s going to freak!”

“You didn’t!” Storm gaped.

“I did. I’ll read it to you tomorrow. I don’t have it on my phone.”

“You can’t just mess with a guy’s feelings like that!” Blue felt outraged on Jax’s behalf.

“The alternative was to let him fester. Have you seen him lately?” Red shook her head. “He’s grown a beard and he’s only showering once a week. He
barely leaves the house any more. I had to do something.”

“How is it any different to what we do in our dungeons?” Storm sided firmly with Red. “We read people, we take the appropriate action.”

“Just don’t come crying to me when it all comes crashing down.” He shook his head. “You play a dangerous game.”

“They’re the ones with the best rewards.” Red leaned her head back against his chest. She barely came up to his chin. “Some things are worth risking it all for. I love him very much as a friend. I just want him to be happy. If he has to hate me in the process, it’s a price I’ll pay.”

There wasn’t much he could say to that and they travelled the rest of the way in silence. At the Manor, he helped her out of the car and up the steps. The lights were all off except for the ones in the hall and landing and he remembered it was Sunday. They tended not to do late sessions on Sunday evenings.

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