Blue (Darkness Falls #3) (5 page)

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“I want to say no, but the truth is that I’m not sure.” She shrugged. “There’s no accounting for love, Blue, even if it wasn’t true.”

Lord knew that was the truth. Blue ate his breakfast in silence, lost in memories. This feeling of fear was alien to him. He’d felt safe for so long and it was a reminder of how much he owed Cal. Ultimately it was Cal’s decision what they did. The mess was right on his doorstep and it would affect all of them if they didn’t get it right.

“Go and speak to the others.” Noelle suggested as she dressed, after putting her tray on the dressing table. “It’s always harder to see from the inside and Cal’s dealt with her before. They may have suggestions.”

“I will.” He promised. “Where are you going?”

Papa Bear is coming to get me and we’re going to collect Thomas. Cal doesn’t want him out there alone until he knows we’re safe.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Was Gabriel my fault?” She asked him bluntly and he chuckled.

“No he wasn’t. I get your point.” He snagged her arm and dragged her in for a kiss. “I won’t apologise for her again.”

“Good boy.” She patted his head and ducked out of the way, laughing, before he could grab her again.

He stood in the bedroom window after she’d gone, watching her welcoming smile as she climbed into
Raze’s car. She was closer to the drummer than any of the other band members and he envied their easy rapport. He knew Raze had never desired Noelle, which probably made things so much easier for the big guy. They were like brother and sister.

He sighed, turning away. Despite her actions this morning, he was certain she didn’t think it was anything other than messing around. She’d done it to distract him, not because she
saw him as anything other than a dear friend. He didn’t know how to change it, short of actually coming right out and saying it.

He was contemplating it when there was a knock at his door. “Come.” He turned from the window to see Chloe.

“The Master wants you to go to his study when you’re ready.” She said, her tone meek but warm.

, Chloe. I’ll be there in a few minutes. I need to take these things to the kitchen first.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She glanced at his face before lowering her gaze again. “I’ll see to it that they’re returned.”

“Thank you.” He squeezed her shoulder on the way past and she flushed crimson, brushing her cheek against the back of his hand for a fleeting moment. He smiled all the way down to Cal’s office.

“Blue, take a seat.” Cal gestured at one of the comfortable armchairs by the bay window, looking out across the rose garden. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better.” Blue smirked. “There’s not a lot that can’t be fixed with a little Red thrown into the mix.”

“She cares for you.” Cal agreed. “Have you given much thought to your campaign?”

Blue narrowed his gaze. “No offence, Cal, but I’m surprised you’re on board with my pursuing her. It’s not a good business decision to have internal relationships.”

“On the contra
ry, I have high hopes for you two.” The older master relaxed into his chair. “You know the business has been doing exceptionally well recently?”

“Yes.” Uncertain where the change in subject was heading, Blue tensed.

“I had a long discussion with Noelle about Thomas when she first approached me about putting him in chastity. Are you aware that he tithes?”

“Yes.” They gave each other rueful smiles over the fact that it had taken a woman to come up with a simple way of helping the young sub.

“Have you been out to see young Red’s new house?” Blue shook his head and Cal grinned. “It’s huge. She asked my opinion on some of the architectural points of the play room she’s having constructed there, so I made a site visit. It’s also on an extensive plot of land.”

“I see.” With no idea where this was going, Blue cleared his throat. “I suspect I’ll see it fairly soon. She’s talking about moving into it over the next couple of weeks.”

“Blue, you do know that if you persist in chasing Red, you will have to deal with her relationships with her subs?”

“Of course.” He shrugged. “In exactly the same way she’ll have to deal with my having subs. It’s our job. Cal, I’m afraid you’ve lost me with this conversation.”

The master smiled. “I was just picking up threads. What I’m aiming at is that I’ve given some considerable thought this last month to branching out. Noelle’s decision to use a long-term approach opened my eyes to the services we could provide but do not have the facilities for. I was wondering what your thoughts are on running a formal House?” Stunned, Blue just stared at him. “I haven’t approached Noelle about it yet but I think she’d be amenable to the idea. With you two running it as a full time residential facility, Storm and I could train more staff here.”

“I’m not sure that she’d be entirely happy with her home being turned into a 24 hour play room.” He blinked. “Plus there’s the small matter of it meaning we’d be living together. We’re a long way from that.”

“She’s taken quite naturally to having Thomas around.” Cal disagreed. “I don’t think she’d have an issue with extending that to another two or three subs. In the event that she doesn’t want them in her home, one of the suggestions I was going to table is that we use funds from the Manor to build smaller residential properties on the plot where her house is situated. There’s a small section near the driveway that would be ideal and doesn’t interfere with the house or grounds in any way.”

“Maybe so, but we can’t really talk about it until this is over with Alexandra.” Blue pointed out with a sigh.

“Alexandra has no bearing on this. She’s in your past, Blue.” Cal leaned forward, piercing him with a stern look. “I accept that she will need to be dealt with, but she will not interfere with the life you are building for yourself in the present.”

“How can she not interfere with it?” Blue couldn’t believe that Cal thought it was that easy, that he could just put her aside.

“Your first Dom is always special to you.” Cal conceded. “But you forget your position. The only person that can give her any power over you is you. She can demand and terrorise all she wants, but if you desire something in the here and now that you want more than you want to be hers, it’s your decision to say no.”

“She’ll continue to hurt and destroy until one of us backs down.” Blue disagreed. “I’m not the kind of person that can let her attack everything around me and not feel responsible when it’s in my power to stop her.”

“That may be so, but life still goes on, Blue. She’s unstable and you’re strong. She may have been family once, but you have other family now. You have me; you have Storm; you have Noelle, and she’s worth ten thousand Alexandras. Do you honestly think she’d let any harm come to you?” He smiled. “She’d take on Alexandra herself if she thought it would help you.”

“I will not allow Noelle to be hurt.”
He knew he was snarling, but he couldn’t help it.

“Then stay with the pack.”
Cal shrugged. “One stick will easily break; a bundle will stand against anything.”

“We can’t just sit and take it!” Agitated, Blue got up and rolled his shoulders. “I can’t have the people I love just waiting around for the next hit.”

“So we go on the offensive.” Cal’s tone was mild. “We rub her face in it until she comes to us.”

“Rub her face in what, exactly?” Blue stilled. “I’m not using Noelle as bait.”

“I don’t think she’ll give you the choice.” Cal’s smile was rueful this time. “She’s not stupid, Blue. She’ll have worked this out on her own by now. The fastest way to draw Alexandra out is to really make her angry and what’s making her angry is you and Noelle being together.”

“Then I won’t be spending time with her.” Blue said stubbornly and Cal sighed.

“You can’t stay away. She’s the flame to your moth. Besides, she has as much riding on this as you do and she has personal subs, not just the clients she has here. She’ll be as driven to protect them as you are to protect her. As long as Alexandra is out there, everyone Noelle loves is a target too.”

The logic couldn’t be argued with and Blue dry-scrubbed his face, hating the whole situation. “What do you suggest we do?”

“Be seen out and about together, frequently. Make it look like you’re a couple. The crazier she is with jealousy, the more likely she is to make a mistake.”

“Filming for the show starts tomorrow.” Blue reminded him.

“I hadn’t forgotten. I don’t think Alexandra is stupid enough to do anything on camera.” He frowned slightly. “How are things between you and Jax right now? Are you going to be able to go with her to the dinner tomorrow night?”

“Probably not, but Raze will take care of her. He loves her something fierce. I’ll call him tomorrow and check he’s aware of the situation if Noelle hasn’t told him already.”

The doorbell rang and Cal checked his watch. “That’ll be Hardy for James. I’d better go with him.”

“Of course.” Blue moved towards the door. “How is he? James, I mean. I asked Noelle last night if he would scar and she was too upset to tell me.”

“He’ll have a few scars, but none on his face.” He laid a strong hand on Blue’s shoulder. “Don’t feel bad, Blue. There’s no way you could have known it would happen and he’ll have the best medical care money can buy.” He ushered Blue out into the hall and strode away. Blue watched him go with a feeling like the ground was falling from beneath his feet. The owner of The Manor moved through life like everything was black and white. He took everything in his stride. His disassociation from the emotional impact of any given situation could be terrifying to behold.

With nothing to do but wait,
Blue went to sit with James. It was the least he could do since he’d brought the mess to their door, whether it was his fault or not.

Chapter 4


“I’m really not sure this is a good idea.” Blue was pacing in the front hall as they waited for a car to come around.

“Will you man the fuck up and stop bitching?” Storm snapped. “You’re giving me a headache.”

Blue snarled at her and Noelle stepped between them. “Settle down, Sasquatch.” She laid her hands against his chest. “Don’t you know anything about tactics? United we stand, divided we fall. If you and Storm keep sniping at each other, you’re doing Alexandra’s work for her. She wants to separate you off from the herd and right now you’re playing into her hands.”

“She’s right. I’m sorry for snapping.” Storm replied, her tone stiff and formal.

“Me too.” Blue quieted. “I’m just worried. I don’t want either of you to get hurt.”

“No danger of that.” Storm smirked. “I’d really like to see her try.”

“Me too.” Stepping back, Red smoothed the leather skirt attached to her corset.
“In fact I hope she does. I’ll break her face seven ways from Sunday.”

“Easy tiger.” Grinning, Blue pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms around her. He would never get used to such things coming out of her sweet, innocent looking little face. “You are a bloodthirsty little thing, aren’t you?”

“Only when it comes to family.” She shrugged.

“As long as you can accept that my feelings towards you are anything other than brotherly.” He cupped her ass and squeezed and Storm rolled her eyes.

“Oh good, the car is here.” She swept past them with a muttered “Get a damn room”.

Blue and Noelle followed at a slower pace. “Cal said the same thing to me.” He remarked as they stepped out into the night. “He explained it using sticks, but it was the same meaning. United we stand, divided we fall.”

“He’s a wise man.” She sounded amused as she curled her tiny hand into his large one. “You should take his advice.”

It was only Storm’s presence in the car that stopped him from hauling Noelle into his lap and mussing her pristine hair
on the way to the club. She looked both beautiful and terrifying, but he couldn’t bear to even think about her being a match for Alexandra. Red had steel in her, that was for sure, and she could be ruthless in the pursuit of what was right, but she was not cruel. Alexandra had a deep wellspring of cruelty and he was drawn to it as much as he had hated it. He knew now that it was because it was like looking into a blurred mirror. He looked into her cruelty and saw his own sadism reflected right back at him.

“Whatever you’re thinking about, let it go.” Noelle nudged him as they arrived at the club. “You’re mine tonight. I will consider your thinking about any other woman as adulterous and it’ll be punished accordingly.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He couldn’t help the way his lips quirked and Storm rolled her eyes.

“Pussy.” She snarled, climbing out of the car first.

“Kind of you to offer, but I’m more worried about Red than you.” He winked and Storm’s retort was mostly unheard under the burst of Noelle’s laughter. He moved to get out, but Noelle stopped him.

“Come here.” The laughter had faded from her countenance and he sank back into his seat, wondering what was wrong. She twisted and moved until she was straddling him in the seat, kneeling upright so she could look down on him. “I like the sound of you calling me Mistress.” There was something dark and smoky in her voice and he couldn’t stop the shiver that rippled down his spine.

“Don’t even think it.” He warned. “I will never submit to anyone again.”

“You will.”
She nuzzled his nose with her own and then licked his lips, a darting flick of her tongue that wasn’t enough. It was like giving a thimbleful of water to a man dying of thirst. “The first time I stepped through the doorway of a playroom after Gabriel, you told me that I’d let you fuck me up the ass one day, that I’d ask you to do it.” Her hips sank as she ground her pelvis against his and he closed his eyes, reliving that moment in his playroom. Grabbing his top, she dragged his cheek to hers so she could whisper into his ear. “If you choose anyone else to be your reclamation, if you ask anyone else to have command over you, I’ll break her fucking face.”

She released his shirt and then she was gone, with a quiet click of the door and a rush of cool night air.

“Blue?” Storm sounded impatient. “Get the fuck out of the car. I have parties to go to, people to do, and these fucking protestors are giving me hives.”

“I’m coming.” God help him, he’d nearly jizzed his
trousers like a rookie. He staggered slightly as he straightened, feeling a little dazed by what had just occurred.

“You okay?” Storm narrowed her eyes and rounded on Noelle. “What did you do to him?”

“Nothing.” Red lied, the innocence on her face almost undoing him. “I just reminded him that Alexandra has no claim over him any more.” Was that what she’d been saying? He felt confused and uncertain. Did she mean that she was the only woman that had a claim on him? Did she feel about him the way that he felt about her? Hope warred with surety that he was reading the situation wrong.

“Well snap the fuck out of it, Blue.” Storm shook her head. “I’m going in.”

Red gave him an amused look as she followed Storm into the club, ignoring the handful of people shouting at them from a short distance away, and it finally stirred him into moving. If she was playing with him, she’d regret it. Feeling clearer now that his master was rising in him, he waved and gave the protestors a charming smile, before stalking behind her into the heavy beat of the music.

Despite it being a Sunday, the club was busy. The DJ gave them a holler as soon as they were noticed and space cleared all around them as they waved back at him. Their table was already clear and waiting and servers hurried across with drinks before they were even seated.
For a while they sat, the royalty of this community, as people approached, made their obeisance and left again. Eventually Red got restless.

“It’s weird being here without Thomas.” She admitted, downing her drink. “I’m going to dance.” She set her glass on the table with a sharp crack and winked at him as she stepped over his ankles to head for the dance floor.

“What’s going on with you two?” Storm asked curiously and Blue shrugged.

“Honestly? I have no idea.” He watched as Red got swallowed up in the pulsating mass of dancers on the floor. “I’ve never seen her this aggressive before.”

“You’re family.” Her nose wrinkled. “She’s got strong maternal instincts, that one. She’ll protect you, whatever it takes.”

“Is it just me that realises how fucking ridiculous that is?” He demanded, glancing across at her. “She’s about a quarter of my size and experience.”

“Her soul is about the size of yours.” Storm looked almost sad as she said it. “Go to her. I can’t see her and it’s not safe for her to be out of our sight.”

She was right and Blue rose to his feet.
It was about time to find out what his little minx was up to. Being a head taller than everyone else was usually great in a crowd, but Red was so small that looking over everyone else wasn’t much of an advantage. He finally spotted a flash of her hair in the bouncing lights and ground his teeth. She was grinding with a good-looking guy and she was enjoying it if the look of wanton pleasure on her face was anything to go by.

He waded through the crowd towards her, not paying any attention to the people scattering before him. She noticed him before her partner did, but she didn’t stop the sinuous undulations of her body against the man behind her. She just smiled and looked away, as though she expected him to just walk on by. What the hell was she playing at? She was all growly and possessive over him in the car, but now she was all over some other guy in front of him?

“What are you doing?” His control snapped like a whiplash.

“Um…I believe it’s called dancing in common parlance.” She didn’t sound at all perturbed, but the man she was dancing with had frozen, clearly aware that there was an issue here. She paused. “You know. You move your body in time with the music?” Her chin lifted in clear challenge as she stared him down, two alphas waging a silent war.

“I’ll just…” The guy she was dancing with moved to back off and her hand snapped out, grabbing his wrist.

“You’re not going anywhere.” She didn’t break eye contact with Blue once. “You’re going to carry on doing exactly what we were doing before we were interrupted.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He seemed to wilt under the oppressive atmosphere, almost shaking as she slid his hands back onto her hips and moved against him.

“Find your own dance partner, Blue. This one’s mine.”

“Oh I’ve found her already.” Reaching down, he knocked the man’s hands from her hips, grasping her and dragging her towards him. “Get lost.” He snarled and the stranger didn’t have to be told twice. He vanished into the curious crowd.

“Why did you do that?” She was pouting, but there was something wicked and amused in her eyes. “He had good rhythm.”

“I can’t protect you if you’re off dry humping strangers.” He growled and she burst out laughing, letting it bubble up from her throat in silvery peals. Fuck, he adored her laugh.

“I don’t need your protection, silly. I was handling myself rather well.”

“Yeah? Well now I’m going to handle you, and I do everything well.” He nudged a thigh between her legs and slid her up it, knowing from the way her eyelids fluttered that the friction was pleasurable.

“You’re such a caveman.”

“And you’re an impudent little minx.” He flexed the muscles between her legs and she bit her lip. “Dance with me, Red. I want to see you get off on it.”

“What’s in it for you?” She began to move her hips in time with the beat, throwing her head back as her skin flushed with

“When I think you’re good and ready, I’m going to take you out back and fuck you hard.” He licked the alabaster column of her throat. “We’ve got a lot of time to make up for, Red.”
Her hands tightened on his shoulders as he gently bit the lobe of her ear. He knew she loved having them played with.

“Maybe I don’t want to fuck you.” She opened her eyes and met his. “Did you consider that, huh?”

He laughed. “Do you really want me to have to prove it to you?”

“The fact that I’m wet means nothing.” She shrugged, her tone still light. “I can go mind over matter any day.”

“Are you wet?”

“Yes.” She grinned. “But you’ll never know if it’s for you or the guy I was just dancing with. Like I said, good rhythm…”

“You did not just say that.” He went still and she started laughing again.

“I think you’ll find I did, Sasquatch. I opened my mouth and the words came out. That pretty much means I said it.”

“Take the words back, or I’ll shove them back in.” He growled. “Along with my cock.”

She sucked in a shivery breath. “You say the sweetest things.”

“Take it back.”

“How can I? It’s the truth.” She shrugged, her breasts fighting to be free of the leather that confined them. “He did get me pretty hot. I’m a sucker for a guy with good moves. I think it’s something to do

He crushed his lips to hers possessively, cutting off whatever she had been about to say. This had gone far enough. He didn’t know why she seemed hell bent on winding him up, but he’d had enough. She was his and the sooner she realised it, the better.

She pushed away from him, her eyes twinkling. “Jeez, maybe you should just pee on me next time and have done.” She smirked.

“I didn’t know that was one of your kinks.” He teased, trying to get his breathing back under control. She was under his skin, pushing all of his buttons.

“It isn’t.” She slid her arms around his neck. “And I don’t want to fuck you enough to make an exception if it’s one of yours.”

His hands lowered to cup her ass as she moved against him.

“The truth hurts, Sasquatch.” She pushed away from him. “No-one gets to pee on me. Even you.” Turning in his arms, she circled her hips
with her back to his front as she slid down his body.

“Fuck.” It was a long, drawn out breath.
She was good at this. Too good. He leaned down as she rose. “Why do I feel like you’re playing me?”

“Probably because you’re not used to anyone saying no to you.” She curled her hands to fists in his hair and pulled his head down to hers. “You should get used to it.” She licked the shell of his ear and then strode away into the crowded
dancefloor before he could grab her.

Dumbfounded, he just stared after her, hating that he had a raging hard-on. What the hell was she playing at? She couldn’t seriously mean to push all his buttons and then let him down? Not a fucking chance in hell. He went looking for her again, this time finding her
with a female sub kneeling at her feet. Red was talking to the girl, her voice a quiet murmur under the music as the sub gazed up at her with adoration on her face. The tableau was jarring enough to stop Blue in his tracks. He didn’t know she’d branched out into women. He couldn’t help his thoughts from flooding with images of Red, woman on woman, soft curves sliding against soft curves. If he didn’t let off some of the pressure in his cock soon, he was going to be in serious trouble.

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