Blue (2 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“I’m going to go over and sit with my friends. Bye.”

Justin walked sat down with his friends. He gave Blue a dirty look. “Stay away from her,” he told him with the deepest and darkest voice he could possibly have.

“From who?”

“My girlfriend. Who do you think?”

“I didn’t think that you guys were going to keep on going out. Seems you two weren’t even talking this morning.”

“Maybe not, but just stop doing whatever you think you’re doing because all that it’s doing is scaring her more. She’s over there probably crying because you scare her so badly.”

“Then good, she should be scared. You have no idea what I plan to do to her.”

“I have an idea. Promise that you’ll never see the light of day again.”

“Yeah, if you can ever catch me.”

“Trust me, you do that and I’ll find you one way or another, you sick pervert.”

“And trust me, Justin, there are other things that are worse than raping her alone.”

“Did you guys just hear that?”

“What’d you say?” asked Robert.

“He just said that he’d rape and maybe even do worse things to Meg,” answered Justin. “I can’t listen to this anymore; I have to go over and sit next to her now.” When Justin sat next to Meg, he held her close and kept her close for her safety, every once in a while he would look over to Blue and make sure that he was not anywhere near Meganlynn. After an hour of lunch, they all made their way back into the band room for the remaining of rehearsal.

Once again, Meganlynn sat in her chair, and next to her sat Blue and then John.

“John,” Meganlynn said, trying to get John’s attention.

“Yeah?” he answered back.

“Can you switch seats with Blue?”

“But Mr. Nolls placed him there personally,” he said looking at her with a sad face. “Sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” Then they began to play again. Blue didn’t touch her anymore for the rest of the afternoon.

After they were done playing, the tears had almost dried up in Meganlynn’s eyes, and the fear had almost gone from her face. She made her way back over to her case once she was dismissed from their band session.

“You know, you have really pretty eyes,” Blue said, looking at the ground. His voice was barley audible because his voice was so low.

“I guess you should know with how much you made them cry and everything.”

“I didn’t make them cry; you told me that you liked me, and then I started to act on it. You pretty much just shut me off for no reason at all.”

“Get away from me.”

“I’ve done nothing wrong. Why should you be mad at me? Shouldn’t you be mad at yourself?”

“No, because you have done something wrong, and I’ll never forget it, nor will I ever take the blame for everything that you did to me.” Then she walked out the door. She yelled good-bye to everyone else and Justin ran after her while she was going to her grandmother’s car.

“Meg! Megan! Meganlynn!” he yelled.

“What?” she turned around and asked.

“Please? What did he do now?”

“He was trying to tell me that him harassing me was my fault and that he was never to blame about anything. I told him that I would never believe him about that, that nobody else would believe that I asked for him to harass me, or that I told him that I liked him.”

“You wouldn’t believe the things that he was saying over at my old lunch table.”

“I don’t want to hear about them right now. I’m about to leave with my grandmother, and they don’t know what happened between Blue and me.”

“Okay, well go with them right now before he comes and tries to hurt you again or says anything that will make you even more upset. I love you.” Then he hugged her tight, and she left the building and got into the car with her grandmother. She was finally safe without anybody to mess it up.

“Did you have fun?” her grandmother asked her as soon as she got into the car.

“Yeah, I had fun,” she answered back.


Finally, the next day had come, and Meganlynn had spent the whole night studying since she couldn’t get any sleep at all. She had thought a lot about all of the things that he had done to her, and got so upset that she actually wrote in her diary. Frankly, she was too scared to even think about going back to band camp, let alone to even think about Justin or any of her friends that she wanted to tell. She didn’t know how to tell them other than to walk up behind them and be like: “So guess who’s getting harassed again? And guess by whom again!” She couldn’t bring herself to do it, though. She wanted greatly to tell her god-brother, Jacob, but he would probably kill Blue and then go to jail.

Her mother went into the car, and Meganlynn followed close behind her. She didn’t want her mother to be late just because she didn’t want to go to band camp. Her mother dropped her off at her grandmother’s house. Her aunt was awake and greeted her as she walked through the door.

“Hey, Meg,” she said.

“Hey, Aunt Holly,” Meganlynn replied.

“Wowie! Look at those sexy legs!”

Meganlynn turned slowly around. She had said it again. Meganlynn then ran into the living room, and she didn’t come back out until it was time to go to band camp.

On the way to band camp, her grandmother and aunt stumbled over her
sexy legs
. Unfortunately, though, she had no other choice than to listen to this and to just deal with it. Finally they arrived at the middle school and Meganlynn finally felt that she was free.

With her face red and her hands shaking, she walked to the back of the van and took her trombone out of the car.

“What’s bothering you so much that your face is so red?” asked her aunt. Meganlynn didn’t really feel like answering, and she didn’t feel as though they deserved any answers from her. She shut the door in her face and walked off toward the school.

“Meg! Give me an answer now! I’ll tell your father!” yelled her aunt after her.

Go right ahead and tell
my father! All I act
ually have to do is
tell him that you ha
ve been calling me “
sexy legs” again, an
d I promise you that
he’ll understand!
she thought to herself. Her aunt then got out of the car and followed her inside. She was a couple of seconds behind her, but she caught up to her when Meganlynn was getting her trombone out.

“Meganlynn, you don’t ever walk away from me! We are your elders! Do you understand me, young lady?” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Aunt Holly, you’re making a scene,” Meg answered, walking back to her section.

“Why are you shouting at her in here?” asked Lily Brown, or as the other band students knew her, Mrs. Brown. She was Justin’s mother, and she and Meganlynn had met earlier in the year.

“She doesn’t have any respect for anybody! She’s out there having sex with every guy she sees! I bet you one hundred and fifty dollars that she has cheated on Justin over there at least sixty times in the past week, and I don’t just mean kissing cheating, I mean banging cheating! She’s such a little slut that she can’t even keep a guy for a day! You know, Justin’s stupid for even staying with her because she has banged her god brother at least sixteen times in the past three months, and they tell me that I was a pot head! I was nothing compared to her! She does every kind of drug that there is possible! And I used to drink? No! Not me. Compared to her I was a saint! You or somebody needs to teach her some manners like this!” Then she slapped her niece as hard and as fast as she could across the face. Her niece fell to the ground.

“Ma’am,” Lily said, standing between Meganlynn and her aunt. “That was my son that you were calling stupid for sticking with her! By the way, she was always very nice and polite whenever I was around her so why don’t you try to get to know the real Meganlynn that everybody else knows. And one more thing,” she said while all of Meganlynn’s friends were starting to gather around.

“What?” Aunt Holly spat back at Mrs. Morgan.

“I think you made the entire band very angry with you,” she answered.

“Fine, I’ll go. You, little brat—you better be out there at three o’clock sharp!” She walked back to the car after hitting her niece for the last time.

“Good thing I didn’t bring my computer here today,” she said to Justin as he was helping her up.

“Come here,” Mrs. Morgan said to Meganlynn, taking her back to Mr. Nolls’s office. “What was that all about?”

“Well they used to call me ‘sexy legs’ when I was eight, and they were calling me it again this morning. They were just being total jerks. Then, my Aunt Holly came in and made a whole scene about it.”

“So they were just being jerks, okay then, we’ll call your dad, tell him what went on, and see what he wants us to do. You’re not going to go home with your grandma and aunt. Go ahead and go out there and play. I’ll call your father.”

“Thank you,” answered Meganlynn. Then she left the room and went into the band room and sat in her seat right next to Blue.

“Hey there, sexy,” Blue said to her as he was going to sit down.

“Stop calling me whatever, and stop doing whatever because your sexual harassments are just getting a little bit old, so just stop.”

“Never,” he whispered in her ear before they began to play. “Never will I stop.” Then they played the music that was in front of them. Tears slowly ran from Meganlynn’s eyes as they played the many pieces.

“What are you crying for?” asked Mr. Nolls when he came over to look at the trombones.

“I’m not,” she said in her shaky voice. “My eyes are just watering.”

Justin looked at her with his glaring look.

Why didn’t she tell
him the truth?
Justin wondered to himself.
I me
an, if she ever want
s this to end, then
why didn’t she tell
Mr. Nolls what Blue
was doing to her? Sh
e needs to tell him.
Maybe she wants me,
as her boyfriend, t
o stick up for her b
efore she tells, or
maybe she’s just too
scared to say anyth
ing. I have absolute
ly no idea, but we h
ave at least another
five minutes until
our hour lunch break
, so I’ll ask her th
The five minutes went by surprisingly quickly for him, but not for Meganlynn.

For the next five minutes, Meganlynn was tortured. Mr. Nolls had stopped the band to give them some more time to get their strength back. When Mr. Nolls wasn’t looking, Blue decided that he was going to touch Meganlynn again. He then put his hand on her hip and then slid his hand down her leg. He leaned in and tried to kiss but she turned her face away looking at Justin with a tearful glint in her eyes. She had no idea that he was watching the whole time.

That’s going to
take a long time fo
r her to get over,
thought Justin to himself looking at the trombone section.

“Keep your filthy hands off of me,” she whispered to Blue.

“What do you think that I want to do? Just say things to you?”

“No, I don’t even want to know what you want to do to me. But just keep—your—your hand out of my pants.”

Meganlynn told him, leaning against Justin.

Justin then wrapped his arms around her and placed his head on her shoulder. Meganlynn was almost crying while she watched Blue walk out of the door.

“Okay, you all are dismissed for lunch, have fun. You have one hour,” Mr. Nolls said. Then everyone got up and left.

“Okay, let’s go out there, get our lunch, and then go outside where he won’t find us.”

“It sounds like a plan,” she replied as they walked out the door with Justin’s arm around her waist. They went into the lunch room and sat down at the table that Meganlynn’s friends were all at. Justin then took Meganlynn and all of her friends back to the outside of the school and up toward the bottom baseball field. They had about forty minutes left until they had to be back at the football field.

“So now that you are already upset, can I ask you a question about eighth grade?”

“Why not? I’m remembering it all anyway.”

“What did Blue do to you the first time he did this to you?”

“He did a lot.”

“As in?”

“Should I tell him?” Meganlynn asked her friends.

“Yeah, you really should. He did ask. Aren’t you the one who said if he would ask you, then you would definitely tell him everything that happened?” asked Lizzie.

“Yeah, I guess I did say that.” Meg turned back to Justin. “Can you stand tears if I start crying?”

“Yes, just tell me all of it so I know. I was with you when you were going through all of this the first time; I deserve to know.”

“Fine.” She took a deep breath. “It all started on the day that I had left for Youth Retreat in eighth grade. He had been trying to pass notes with me. I told him that I didn’t pass notes, so he made them simple yes or no questions. He started off with
do you have a boyfriend?
and I told him that I did. He then asked me who it was, and I told him that it was you.

“About two weeks later, he told me that I was in his group for science class. I knew that he liked me, but I didn’t think he would go to such extremes as to show me he liked me. He then began saying crude things to me. He looked at Jessie Wingly and said, ‘Watch this, I can creep her out in just one second.’ Then, he turned to me and said, ‘I can see everything from here.’ He was staring at my butt while saying this. I then turned away and crisscrossed my arms so that they covered my stomach. It made me feel better. I was still offended, but I didn’t think anything of it, even though I should have.

“Then he would say some stuff that I don’t really want to repeat, all of it was crude and inappropriate.

“The next day, he explained all of the things that he had imagined doing to me, and then he asked me if I wanted to join in.” Meg’s voice was scratchy and more worried than normal at this point as though she was on the verge of crying, and she was. She had to get it all out though. She felt as though she owed it to Justin to tell him everything that went on between them. “By this time, I was feeling more offended and weirded-out by his behavior. I just wanted him away from me. I felt—how do I put this?—dirty.

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