Blossoms of Love (21 page)

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Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee

BOOK: Blossoms of Love
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In the car, Natalie rejoiced. “Oh Monty I feel great. Let’s celebrate.” He looked at her, “Doing what?” She asked, “Could we go to a nice place, have dinner, and dance?” He said, “I’m sorry sugar. We just don’t have the money. Things are going to be rough until spring.” Natalie was very disappointed. She tried hard not to show it. He suggested, “We could stop and get a bottle of gin and have it after we eat supper.” She smiled, “Alright. I’d like that.” Lamont said, “I’m sorry we have to pinch pennies. It won’t always be this way. You help me, and one of these days we won’t have to worry about money like we do now.”

The next day Lamont and David had to stay out on the range to repair fence. Natalie knew they would be gone all day. She decided that she would cook Lamont a good meal and have it ready when he came in. She got her cook books out. She planned the meal and began cooking. When it was time for Lamont to come home, she sat down on the stool at the bar and cried. First of all, she scorched the beans. Then she burnt the beef roast. The potatoes were fried too hard. The cake turned out alright but when she made the frosting, it was too thin and ran off the cake until it was all on the cake plate instead of the cake. She had used so many pots and pans and dishes, they were all piled in the sink. She had frosting all over her blouse. She was sitting at the bar crying when Lamont came in the kitchen. When he looked around and saw what a mess the kitchen was in, he knew what she had been doing. Then he noticed she was crying. He leaned over and kissed her. She really began to cry as if her heart was broken. He took her hand and led her over to the couch in the den, pulled her down beside him, “Okay, nothing can be that bad.” Natalie dried her eyes, “I wanted to cook you a good supper. You can’t eat any of it.” She told him what had happened to the meal. Lamont said, “Don’t cry. You’ve got to learn. Now come on, let’s see what we can salvage for supper.”

He skimmed the beans off the top so they wouldn’t taste scorched. The roast wasn’t burnt real bad so he cut it up in slices and made a gravy. There was nothing he could do about the potatoes. So he put two potatoes in the oven wrapped in foil to bake. Lamont knew they could eat the cake the way it was. After they ate, he looked at his wife, “Don’t you see honey, supper wasn’t bad at all.” She smiled, “You’re terrific.” Lamont said, “Not really. Either Johnny or me had to cook when Mom was sick or away. I remember we both hated it. Most of the time I’d get out of it by helping Dad or tossing a coin. I usually won. I know enough about cooking to keep from starving.” She leaned over and kissed him, “I wish I could cook like Ellen.” Lamont explained, “Ellen is from a big family and she was the oldest girl. I guess Ellen has cooked ever since she was big enough to peel potatoes. Her mother died when she was fourteen.” He sighed, “I just don’t see how you could have gotten so many things dirty just cooking.” He pulled her up on her feet, “Come on angel. We’ve got to get this kitchen cleaned up.” She asked, “Can’t we wait until morning. I’ll do it then.” Lamont laughed, “Are you kidding? We’re going to do it now.”

It took them over two hours to get everything cleaned. Lamont cleaned the stove while she dried the dishes. When they were finished he said, “There’s still some gin in the refrigerator. Let’s drink the rest of it.” He poured some in a glass, “Come over here and sit on your old man’s lap.”

When the gin was almost gone, Lamont slipped his hand inside her blouse to her breast. She kissed him on the forehead. He kissed her on the neck, “Let’s go to bed.” Just as they started to the bedroom someone rang the doorbell. Lamont said, “Damn.” He went to the door. It was David and Carolyn. One look at Lamont and David knew they had come at a bad time. David said, “We can come back.” Lamont said, “Come on in.” Carolyn walked ahead of them and David said, “I’m sorry we came at a bad time.” Lamont grinned, “Does it show that bad?” David said, “Maybe not to others but I knew the minute I looked at you.” Lamont said, “Don’t worry about it. We were just getting in the mood.”

The two couples had a good time laughing and talking. They didn’t stay very late because Carolyn had to go to work early the next day.

David bought the Owen ranch. He and Lamont were really busy trying to get his ranch in order and working on the old house and taking care of Lamont’s ranch. At first Natalie didn’t mind being alone so much. She was getting to be a good housekeeper but her cooking hadn’t improved but very little.

Summer came. One June morning as Lamont was drinking coffee Natalie said, “Monty let’s go somewhere this weekend. It’s been such a long time since we went anywhere. We need to get away for a little while.” Lamont said, “
We can’t yet. We still like a little less than half of the fence up for Dave and I’ve got two mares in the stable ready to have colts at any time.” Natalie asked, “Couldn’t Dave do it?” Lamont said, “Under normal conditions he could but with this one mare I wouldn’t think of it. In fact, it may take both of us with her.” He could see how disappointed she was, “I’m sorry Nat but this is our future. These colts being born makes the living for us. Just as soon as I can, we’ll go to the lodge and pick up where we left off.” Natalie put her arms around his neck, “Will you teach me how to ski?” He promised, “Sure I will and to ice skate too.” He kissed her, “Have a good day baby.” She followed him to the door, “Monty?” He looked at her, “I love you.” Lamont held her for a second, “I’m sorry hon. Just bare up under all this and I promise you a second honeymoon.”

She watched him walk toward the stables. As she began cleaning house she thought, “I’ve been married six months and I’ve spent half of it either in the hospital, on crutches, or alone.” She sighed, “Mom Ellman sure was right when she said it was a hard life for a rancher’s wife. It’s just got to get better than this.” Then she thought of Lamont. “He’s so sweet and gentle, so loving in bed. He is working hard so we can have more money.” The phone rang. It was Ann, “Hi! Ellen, Alice and I are shopping today. We’d like for you to meet us and we’ll make a day of it. We’ll have lunch and maybe the afternoon movie. You need to get out of the house for a change.” Natalie said, “That sounds great. Where will I meet you?” Ann answered, “Meet us at Edmonds Department Store.” Natalie said, “I’ll be there just as soon as I can get ready.”

Natalie didn’t finish the housework. She took a quick shower and dressed in a hurry. She thought, “What will I have for supper?” She took two steaks out of the freezer so they would be ready to cook when she got back.

The girls were waiting for her when she got there. Natalie said, “I hope I’m not very late.” Alice said, “We’re not in any hurry.”

The girls shopped around until noon then they went to the cafeteria in the department store. They ordered hamburgers and french fries. Ann sighed, “I shouldn’t have ordered french fries. I’ve gained four pounds in the last three weeks.” Ellen remarked, “Oh that isn’t much.” Natalie said, “I shouldn’t have ordered french fries either.” Alice said, “Oh come on you two. Don’t worry about your figures today.” Ann smiled, “She should talk. Alice can eat anything and she wouldn’t gain an ounce.” Ellen lit a cigarette, “You know I wish Cindy and Allen lived close.” Natalie said, “So do I. Cindy is lots of fund.” Ann asked, “Do you all think Dave and Carolyn will get married?” Alice said, “I believe they will. Don’t you Nat?” Natalie sighed, “Well, at first I didn’t think so but now I think they will, but not anytime soon. Dave wants to get his ranch in good shape and he’s thinking about building another house. The one on the ranch is real old. He just got it patched up enough to live in himself.” Ellen said, “With his money that shouldn’t be a problem.” Natalie said, “Dave didn’t have much money left after Sharon died. They were way in debt.” Ann said, “But your parents would let him have it.” Natalie said, “Dave is like me. Neither of us will ask them for money. We want to make it on our own. Even if I wanted to get money from them, Monty wouldn’t let me.” Ellen said, “Well, if they get married I think Carolyn will be fun too.” Alice replied, “Yea, if we could get Paul married off and Dave got married and Allen would move closer, wouldn’t we have a ball?” Ann said, “Umm, these french fries are real good.” Natalie laughed, “Anything fattening is.”

After eating they went to another department store. Ellen had to get some shirts for Johnny. Alice bought a beautiful rhinestone necklace. Ann bought the baby a few clothes. Natalie saw a beautiful sweater on sale. It was the kind Lamont liked and she knew it would be a lot higher in cost this winter. She said, “I think I’ll get this for Monty.” Alice said, “Oh yes. The color will look real good on him.” Natalie didn’t have enough money so she wrote a check for it.”

They decided not to go to a movie. They had spent too much time shopping. Ellen said, “I better get home. My baby sitter said she had to leave early. I had a good time. We’ll do this again soon.” The other girls agreed. They went their separate ways home.

When Natalie drove up to the house, she saw Lamont coming from the stables. When she got out of the car she waved to him. She smiled, “Darling you’re early. I wasn’t expecting you for another hour and a half.” He said, “We got done sooner than we thought we would.” Natalie replied, “I met the girls in town today. We had a real good time. We shopped a while then ate lunch.” Lamont put his arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the house. He gave her a little squeeze. Then he saw the package. He asked, “What’s that?” Natalie said, “It’s for you. I saw it on sale and I knew it would look real good on you. It’s the kind of sweater you like.” He remarked, “I didn’t need a sweater. What did it cost?” She answered, “It was only twenty-nine dollars.” Lamont threw his cap on the table, “Damn Natalie. Wasn’t it just this morning we said we couldn’t spend any extra money? Then you go to town and blow twenty-nine bucks.” Natalie said, “I didn’t blow it. I bought it for you.” Lamont grumbled, “Well you shouldn’t have. I’ve got plenty of sweaters. It’s alright for my brothers wives to spend money. We can’t! We won’t have any more money coming in until this fall. I should have known you couldn’t live this kind of life.” Natalie said, “Monty I would take it back but they won’t accept it because it was on sale.” He looked at her for a second, “Natalie are you gonna grow up and help me? If you don’t, I can’t afford you.” She began to cry, “You sure know how to hurt anyone don’t you?” She ran into the bedroom yelling, “Fix your own supper.” Then she slammed the door behind her.

He took a shower in the main bathroom. He saw the steaks so he put them on to cook. He also put potatoes in the oven to bake then he made a salad. When he had supper ready, he set a place for two. Then he went to their bedroom door, opening the door quietly. She was sitting on the window seat staring out the window. Lamont said, “Come on, supper is ready.” She answered, “I’m not hungry.” Lamont said, “I’m sorry to be so hard on you baby.” She looked up at him. Slowly she got up and went to his arms, “Oh Monty, we had our first big fuss.” She clung to him. Lamont kissed her, “We’ll have more, everyone does. Let’s go eat, I’m starved.”

As they undressed for bed Natalie said, “I’ll make you proud of me one of these days, you just wait and see.” He reached up and pulled her down on him, “I’m proud of you now.” Then they made love.

The next week, Natalie saw her first colt born. She also saw what Lamont meant about the mare having trouble. It did take Lamont and David to help her.

The second week in September, the first snow of the fall came. It barely covered the ground but the wind was cold and they had their first fire in the fireplace since they’d moved in. David’s old house was very cold. He decided to move back in with Mrs. Ellman for the winter. She was glad he did because the long winter nights were lonely for her. As Lamont and David were in the stable taking the saddles off of their horses, David said, “Come spring I’m gonna start building the new house. Monty I don’t know what to do.” Lamont asked, “What do you mean?” David gave a long sigh, “I’ve been going with Carolyn for nearly five months. Would it be wrong to marry her?” Lamont said, “That’s a hell of a question. I can’t give you an answer to that. You know how you feel or how she feels.” David chewed on a weed, “I’m sure she loves me. It’s me I’m not sure of. I think I love her but could it be because I’m just so damn lonely? I don’t want to hurt her.” Lamont said, “I wish I could help you Dave but I can’t. All I know to say is Carolyn is a fine person and she is good for you.” David said, “Well, I’ve got the winter to think about it.”

Natalie was sorry winter had come because Lamont would be hunting so much. After the next snow, Lamont and David went hunting two or three times a week. Natalie was so lonely and bored she cried a lot through the day. She hated housework and didn’t like to cook. Natalie decided she wanted to have a baby. That was her answer to loneliness. She and Lamont hadn’t talked about a family at all. They had been married ten months. Natalie worked all day on a supper that was Lamont’s favorite. She had just finished the salad when she saw him coming. Her kitchen window faced the direction of the stables. She was glad she had the meal ready because Lamont was always hungry when he came home. As she looked through the window watching him, she smiled. He had on an old navy P coat and an old cap with a bill on it. His hair needed to be cut. In spite of all that he was still handsome. Lamont got a lot of pleasure in wearing old clothes and being out in the open range. Natalie wasn’t too good on a horse. Natalie loved all of the Ellmans. They made her part of them. She knew they loved her. She really liked, or loved, Mrs. Ellman who treated her like a daughter instead of a daughter-in-law. But Natalie had to admit to herself, she just didn’t like this country and never would. She had to keep Lamont from knowing how she really felt. She still wasn’t use to being on a budget. In Alabama if she got lonesome or bored, she’d go to town and buy something new to wear. That always made her feel better. She was still in deep thought when he came in the back door. He took his boots, cap, and coat off before he came in the kitchen. He smiled, “Hello angel.” She said, “Hello darling. You’re early and I’m glad.” He grinned, “Well if you’re so glad, why don’t you show me?” She came over to him and his arms circled around her. He kissed her. She said, “I’ve got beef roast, potatoes, carrots, tossed salad, and a chocolate pound cake.” He smiled, “Oh no, what are you buttering me up for?” She answered, “Not a thing darling. I just love my husband and want to keep him happy and healthy.” He ruffled her hair with his hand, “I don’t believe you.”

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