Bloodline (10 page)

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Authors: Barbara Elsborg

Tags: #Lgbt, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Bloodline
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Micah smiled. “Only of vampire. Come on.”

Inigo followed him into a barn and slammed to a halt when he saw a horse tethered a small distance ahead.

“There’s a loft. We’ll go up there,” Micah whispered.

As Inigo headed toward the ladder, the horse pawed at the ground and snorted.

“Nice horsey,” he muttered, and then his eyes opened wide.

The horse bent a front leg and lowered its head as if it were bowing. Or maybe getting ready to charge. Yeah, probably the latter. He didn’t wait to find out but rushed after Micah and scooted up the ladder, almost propelling the faerie the last few rungs.

Inigo flung himself onto the platform and sprawled on his back. “Now what the hell are we going to do?”

Apart from fuck each other stupid.

“You’re going to stay here while I learn what’s happening in this kingdom. Why do they tolerate a king who’s such a monster? Maybe there’s an underground movement to get rid of him. That’s where I’ll be able to find someone I can trust who can guide us toward a portal. Hide under those sacks, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Inigo tried not to whine. Staying here without Micah hadn’t been what he had in mind. If he was about to burn up in sunlight or be smitten into ash by an enraged king, he had to seize the moment and give in to lust such as he’d never felt in all his two hundred years. He stripped off his clothes and lay on top of them.

Micah’s eyes widened. “Did you need to do that?”

Inigo wrapped his hand around his cock and let it slip through his fingers before he pulled down, then repeated the action.

“Or that?” Micah’s voice cracked.

“I need you to do it, really.”

The faerie laughed.

“Won’t take long,” Inigo said.

“We don’t have time.”

Inigo snagged his ankle and pulled him down. “Yeah, we do.” He unfastened the faerie’s shirt and laid his hand over Micah’s heart. The feel of the rhythmic beat made his mouth go dry. “I won’t bite. I promise.”

He slid the shirt off Micah’s shoulders and brushed his lips down the line of the faerie’s neck, kissing the skin he exposed. When his lips settled around the dark puckered nipple, he felt and heard Micah surrender. As Inigo mouthed and laved his pecs, Micah’s fingers threaded his hair, and Inigo nipped him.

“You said no biting,” Micah whispered.

“That was a nip, not a bite.”

The faerie chuckled. Inigo kissed his way back up Micah’s neck and chin and traced the outline of Micah’s mouth with his tongue, tugging at his lower lip and then the upper. The faerie was so beautiful, his body tanned and toned, with rippling washboard abs and narrow hips. All visible traces of Oberon’s cruelty were gone. The thought jumped into his head that maybe Oberon had done more than beat him, but he pushed it away. If Micah wanted him to know, he’d have told him.

Inigo licked and sucked Micah’s lips and swallowed the faerie’s moan as well as one of his own. Resting on one elbow, Inigo looked down at him in the gloom, and rubbed his thumb back and forth over the faerie’s mouth before sliding it inside.

Micah sucked, and Inigo felt the pull in his core, the ache in his head, the yearning in his cock. Leaning into the faerie, he slipped his thumb in and out of Micah’s mouth, and skimmed his other hand down Micah’s chest. Inigo groaned when he felt the ridge at his groin. He groaned harder when he found no buttons or zipper, only crisscrossing strips of leather. He tried to unfasten them but, in his frustration, only made them tighter.

A laugh burst from Micah’s throat. “You’re going to cut off my circulation.”

“Take them off. Please.”

Micah sat up to yank off his boots, and his nimble fingers made short work of the lacing. He pulled his pants down over his hips, and Inigo swallowed hard at the sight of the faerie’s cock jutting out, the rosy tip exposed by the retracted foreskin, the dark tattooed star visible even in the dim light.

“We don’t have any…” Micah paused.

“I’m not going to get you pregnant.” Inigo smiled.

“I was thinking of lube.”

“Ah yeah. Good point. Guess we’ll just have to find something else to do.” Tugging at Micah’s hand, he pulled him down and wrapped the faerie in his arms, loving the warmth of his body, the play of his muscles under his fingers, the ridges of his spine.

When Micah lay on top of him, Inigo thought he could have died at that moment and gone happily. He loved the weight, the press of skin, the hardness of two cocks sandwiched between them. He let his fingers drift over Micah’s butt, squeezing the taut muscles, and they kissed again, tongues tangling and sliding. Hips shifted involuntarily, cocks slipping together, precum wetting their bellies.

The sensation was delicious and yet not enough. He didn’t want to just repeat what they’d done before, not if this was the last time they’d be together. Micah threaded his fingers with Inigo’s, drawing their arms up over their heads but never ceasing to rock his body against the one above him. The grind of their hips drove Inigo toward the brink.

“I was wrong,” Inigo whispered. “We don’t have time for this. I can’t be quick.”
. “I want to take hours over you.”
Which is true.

“Maybe we’re better lying low for a while,” Micah muttered, planting kisses over Inigo’s cheeks and chin and the front of his throat, pausing to suck his Adam’s apple. “Really low.” He carried on kissing down the center of Inigo’s chest.

“Possibly even lower,” Inigo said with a grunt.

Unusually for him because he was generally a top, his head was filled with images of Micah slowly stretching him with that thick cock before he thrust it deep inside his body, fucking him slowly and getting faster. Could he move as quickly as a vampire? Had the faerie ever been fucked by a vampire? Inigo moaned.

“Have you ever fucked a vampire?” he blurted.

“Yes.” Micah licked around his navel.

. “I’ve never fucked a faerie.”

Micah looked up at him and grinned. He wrapped his hand around the base of Inigo’s dick and squeezed. Fire exploded in Inigo’s belly.

“Thought you couldn’t be quick, vampire?”

“I lied. Oh shit, don’t time me. Pretend you’ve been doing this for hours.”

“Do you ever shut up?”


Micah kissed and licked the ridges of his hip bones.

“Can’t shut up,” Inigo mumbled. “That feels so good. Everything feels perfect.”

Warm exhaled air hit his cock, and a strong fist stroked upward, pulling his foreskin over the sensitive crown, fingers tightening at the tip.

“Whoa. Don’t come, don’t come, don’t come,” Indigo blurted. “And no, I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to myself. And yes, I know I should have just thought that and not said it, but sometimes I just can’t keep my mouth shut.”

Micah laughed and fluttered his tongue over the slit. When he pushed the tip of his tongue inside, Inigo arched his back, and he’d have stayed like that if Micah hadn’t pressed him down.

Overwhelmed by sensation, Inigo shuddered with the need to come, yet didn’t want this to stop. He tried to put English kings in date order. That was no use. He couldn’t even remember if Henry the Sixth came before Henry the Eighth.
Oh yeah. I really have lost it.

While Micah licked down the crease of his groin, he took Inigo’s balls in his hand, fondling them and rolling them in his palm. When he traced the central line with the tip of his tongue, Inigo made a sound he didn’t recognize. “Arghhoooeaw.”

Micah laughed. “What the hell was that?”

“A cross between a groan, moan, and a whimper. I think I’m inventing a whole new language.”

Micah pushed between Inigo’s thighs with his shoulders, forcing his legs to spread, then lapped at the vampire’s sac in long, wet slurps.


“Translation?” Micah asked.

“More please.”

But when Micah took his balls into his mouth, the deepening tingle at the base of Inigo’s spine shut him up and warned of impending orgasm.
Shit. Way to impress.

“That tongue…fuck,” Inigo whispered.
So I can’t keep quiet. Sue me.

Micah pulled one ball and then the other into his mouth, sucked and released time after time, tugging with his lips until Inigo’s toes curled and his fingers clenched.

When Micah pushed his legs higher so that he could press his tongue behind Inigo’s balls, a whole series of whimpers escaped. All his sexual encounters since Gabriel had been snatched hookups, never in a bed. Not that he was currently in a bed. After a quick fuck, he’d never really wanted to see the guy again. He’d fed on all of them. The sex had been a byproduct of feeding. There had never seemed a reason to differentiate.

This was different. Micah was different, and although Inigo knew deep down that his infatuation could be explained because Micah was a faerie and by his very nature intoxicating, exhilarating, and enthralling, Inigo felt an intense longing to make this into something more.

The pressure in the back of his head increased, and the need to come boiled under the surface of his skin. He couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing Micah again, not having him in his world, except they were running for their lives and the chances of them running fast enough weren’t good.

As Micah lowered his mouth over Inigo’s cock and sucked at the head, Inigo knew he could take no more.

“Oh fuck, fuck,” he mumbled.

Cum shot out of him in hard, almost painful jets that wrenched at the muscles of his stomach. Micah’s fingers tightened on his hips to hold him down, and he looked up at Inigo as he swallowed. An action that caused another burst of cum to blast out of him.
Where did that come from?

Spent, he slumped onto the sacking and rubbed Micah’s hair with his fingers.

“Finally shut you up?” Micah crawled up his body and held himself over Inigo, resting on his forearms.

Inigo lifted his head and kissed him, tasted himself on Micah’s lips, and sighed into his mouth.

“You can go now,” Inigo said.

He hoped Micah would laugh, and he did. Inigo flipped over so the faerie lay beneath him; then he trailed his tongue from Micah’s lips, over his chin, down his neck and chest to his cock. He wrapped his hand around the steel-hard shaft, squeezed firmly at the base, and lapped at the swollen balls, loving the way the velvety skin wrinkled under his tongue. While he stroked Micah’s dick with his fist, he worked his tongue down the center line of the faerie’s balls in soft and firm caresses.

When his mouth pressed against the stretch of skin between balls and anus, Micah’s breathing turned short and choppy, and his fingers tugged at Inigo’s hair. Inigo tightened his hold at the base of Micah’s cock and pushed the faerie’s knees to his chest before he returned to teasing the delicate strip of flesh. He licked it, sucked it, and occasionally flicked his tongue over the puckered entrance that lay beyond.

“Fuuuck,” Micah gasped.

Every sound from Micah warmed his dead heart, every twitch of the faerie’s body made Inigo’s cells sing. He maintained the pressure at the base of Micah’s cock and licked the fingers of his other hand. A combination of a wet tongue and a spit-slick finger ringing the pucker had Micah sucking air in noisy gulps. Inigo circled and pressed with his finger until the muscles relaxed and let him inside. He leaned up to watch Micah’s face as he speared his finger into the guy’s butt and at the same time worked his cock in hard, short pumps.

Micah’s eyes were closed, but as if he sensed Inigo watching, his lips opened and he gave a short laugh.

“Having fun?” Micah asked.

“And you were complaining about me talking?”

Micah groaned. “Not complaining. Oh fuck, fuck. That feels so good.”

Inigo smiled and breathed in the intoxicating odor of sweat and musk, the essence of sex, and his cock pulsed in response. Micah came with a muffled roar, his arm thrown across his mouth, and Inigo jumped to catch the next jet, the salty-sweet cum filling his mouth. He watched Micah through each spasm of orgasm, and when the faerie finally relaxed, Inigo tensed.

I am in such deep shit
. He couldn’t remember feeling this deeply for anyone before. It should have cheered him, and instead it distressed him because the chances of them having a future were small. The chances of Micah feeling the same way were probably smaller. Inigo was careful with his emotions. He kept himself to himself, and suddenly he found himself wanting that to change. This faerie was dangerous.

“How come you can swallow?” Micah pulled Inigo up into his arms. “Does that mean you can eat and drink things other than blood?”

“No. I can’t eat or drink normal stuff. Maybe whoever invented vampires decided it would be too cruel to deprive them of cum too.” Inigo kissed the hollow of Micah’s throat. “I can’t eat salt, but I can taste it on your body. I can’t drink alcohol, but if you took a bath in it, I could taste that too.”

Micah smiled and twisted Inigo’s hair in his fingers. “I’d like to know about your past, but we don’t have time. Two hundred years? You must have seen such a lot.”

Nothing as good as you.

Micah sat up with a groan, then levered himself to his feet and got dressed.

“I could come too. I don’t
that I’ll combust in sunlight.”

“This time it’s better to be the glass-half-empty guy because you don’t
that you won’t. If we’re caught out in the open at dawn, and I can’t…” Micah shook his head. “Plus you’re instantly recognizable as vampire.”

“My stunning good looks?” Inigo pulled on his clothes.

Micah smiled and said nothing.

“My poise and bearing?”


“My laser-sharp wit?” Inigo grinned.

“And your odor.”

He gulped. “Do I smell that repulsive?”

“Not to me.”

Thank fuck for that.

“I have no sense of smell,” Micah said and
as Inigo leaped at him, wrapped his arms around him, and propelled him onto his back.

“You have to remain here.” Micah kissed him. “Stay safe. I haven’t finished with you yet.” He spun over to put Inigo beneath him.

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