Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger (9 page)

Read Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger Online

Authors: Theresa Hissong

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal, #werewolves

BOOK: Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger
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“I’m Brady, ma’am. Your friendly neighborhood
donor,” he laughed. Oh, goodie! He was my breakfast. Hello

I opened my door wide and invited him into
the living room; then directed him to my favorite beige recliner.
The stool was already there; so I pulled it up at his feet.
Reaching over, I grabbed the remote and tossed it to him.

“Thank you for doing this,” I said to Brady.
“Relax, make yourself at home.”

“No problem, Charity,” he winked. Wow! Oh,
there were so many fantasy’s going through my head right now, they
all just got lost in a big ole jumble. I excused myself to go brush
my teeth and left him with the remote.

Once I made my way back up to the living
room, Brady was still sitting at attention in the recliner. “Okay,
I’m ready.” Oh, boy was I ever ready.

I plopped my extremely thirsty self down in
the stool and reached for Brady. He leaned over and placed a hand
on my knee, well more like mid-way up my thigh. Okay…that made me a
little uncomfortable. Of course, I thought he was yummy, but by no
way did I put out on the first date or the first drink in this
case. A small shiver ran through me as I leaned into his neck, he
smelled so good. Goose bumps raised on his arms when my cold breath
tickled his skin. There was no waiting left in me.

I bit deeply into his vein just as Dragus
walked through the door. Brady let out a deep, pleasurable moan, a
very common emotion. Blood drinking was a very sensual act, it
happens. My eyes flickered to Dragus and he was frowning. Oh crap!
My handsome donor just moaned in front of my almost boyfriend.
Well, maybe boyfriend. Whatever, this could wait.

Obviously Brady did not know about our
visitor, because he scooted closer to me, grabbed my hand and
pressed it into his rock hard cock. With his other hand he grasped
my other wrist holding me in place. His grip was too tight for my
liking. He moaned my name. His hot breath tickled my ear.

A million nightmares about my past came
flooding back. I could see the vampire who had violated me while I
lay there helpless in his clutches. I don’t like being grabbed by
my wrists. Panic washed over me and I froze. About the time I
whimpered, Dragus pulled me off of Brady and had him by the neck.
Half a second later, Brady was pinned to the wall.

“Stop!” I yelled, finally realizing I wasn’t
being attacked. Brady had just gotten carried away with the
excitement of being a donor. I took a few deep breaths, calming

Afraid, Dragus would kill him; I jumped up
and tried to get between them. “Dragus! Let him go!” Thank God
Dragus listened, but boy was he mad. His eyes turned completely
red, no whites to be seen. His upper lip pulled back over fangs
that glistened in the lamp light. A feral snarl bubbled up his
throat and rolled out causing his upper lip to vibrate. I have
never in my existence seen a vampire that mad. It frightened

Brady Wilson. You have
broken the vow of your contract. Therefore, your employment is
hereby terminated!” The growl that followed his words vibrated the
walls in my house. I took a step back away from the two men,
because I didn’t know what Dragus was planning to do next.
Thankfully, I felt the room calm slightly just as he released his
hold on Brady’s neck.

Dragus held out his hand for the
badge and identification card. Brady slapped the
cards into his palm and left; never apologizing or denying any
wrong doing.

Dragus turned to me and wrapped his arms
around my waist. “Are you okay,
mi amado
?” He carefully
examined my wrist to look for any bruising. Of course, there was
some. With the amount of pressure Brady used to hold on to me, I’m
surprised it didn’t look worse. Yes, we still bruise. We have blood
running through our body. So, just like a human, any trauma will
leave a mark.

I couldn’t keep from jerking my wrist out of
his grasp. It was something I did involuntary. It doesn’t bother me
to get intimate with a man, but when someone grabs my wrists, I
panic. Dragus narrowed his eyes at my wrists and then he looked at
me puzzled.

A moment of comprehension flickered in his
eyes and then died out. Lydia and I agreed that my assault the
night I was changed was not to be discussed. For that, we omitted
the information on the citizen form about me. Dragus would never
know, unless I told him, the exact reason for my change. From the
look I got from Dragus, I think he may have just figured it

“Honestly?” I asked, taking a few steps back,
obviously uncomfortable. He nodded, urging me to continue. “I’m
freaking starving and you just dismissed my meal!” Granted I was
thankful for his interference, but I was a little annoyed that I
didn’t get to finish my breakfast. I bet I only got half a cup,
instead of my usual two. I huffed and folded my arms across my
chest, like a big ole baby.

“Come take my neck, my lady,” he whispered.
Oh, temper tantrum gone! I sidled my way over to him and buried
myself against his chest. For some reason, I felt totally
comfortable with Dragus.

“You’re not planning on getting all handsy,”
I teased, trying to make light of the situation. Secretly hoping he
would. I trusted him enough, that I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Only if my lady requests,” he laughed
unsteadily, then took a seat in the recliner. I reached for the
stool that was tipped over on its side and gasped when big strong
hands wrapped around my waist. “Sit here, Charity.” Dragus pulled
me toward him. I plopped down like a kid on Santa’s lap.

I noticed his hair was not pulled back in his
usually ponytail and frowned, “Tonight is your night off. What are
you doing here?”

“I promised I would be here for your meeting
with Adam,” he shrugged. “Now take my blood.” He pressed his
football size hand against my back, urging me toward his neck.

I took it with no other protest. When I
pushed his hair aside, I noticed how soft it was, like silk. I had
to bite my lip to keep from moaning aloud. The moment I pierced his
skin, the taste of strength flooded my mouth. He smelled musky and
sweet; they complimented each other perfectly.

“You smell delicious,” he whispered. “Like
the purest blood and sweetest roses.” I purred as he slowly rubbed
his hand up and down my back. Then just like a connoisseur I slowed
down to enjoy the flavor. This was something I did unconsciously.
There was an involuntary twinge that pulsed between my legs.

“Charity,” he whispered. “That’s enough,
mi amado
.” Dragus tugged on my chin, to break the connection
my fangs had on his vein. and I reluctantly pulled away, but not
before I washed my tongue, a little too provocatively over the two
trickles of blood that oozed from his neck.

“Thank you,” I sighed, taking my gaze off of
his luscious neck to look into his eyes. He captured my face in his
hand and brushed our lips together. Once, twice, three times he
pressed his to mine. I reached under his shirt and traced the
planes on his chest, he shivered. His hand slid up the back of my
shirt and wrapped around my neck. A deep rumble resonated from his
chest as he moved his face to nuzzle himself into the spot just
above my collarbone. I shifted and straddled his lap. “Take my
vein,” I breathed into his ear.

He didn’t deny his desire when he sank his
fangs deep into my exposed neck. I shrieked, not from pain, but
from the tingling between my legs. I was instantly wet and craved
his touch. Dragus’ humongous hand slid up the front of my shirt and
under my bra. He caressed the side of my breast, and then angrily
rolled its peak between his fingers. My response was to push myself
down further onto his lap, and I felt his hardness jump when our
spots met. With one hand on my breast, Dragus took his other one
and massaged the top of my thigh. I groaned in response.

A resounding knock brought us out of our
ecstasy. Fist pounding on my front door had me trying to scramble
to get off of Dragus’ lap. A deep primal growl escaped his chest as
he tightened his hold on me, keeping me in place to finish his
feeding. The animalistic urge to protect his prey had been ignited
in Dragus. I secretly hoped that whoever was outside didn’t take
this moment to walk inside my house. Interrupting a feeding vampire
could cause you to be severely hurt.

Especially from a warrior who was feeding
from his mate. Mate? Why did I think that? We’re not mates. I
mentally shook myself, clearing that thought right out of my head.
I couldn’t think of that now. The knocking continued.

I wasn’t going anywhere, so I did the only
thing I could think of. “Just a minute, please.” I announced.
Dragus chuckled then released me from his hold. He washed his
tongue over my wound; I shivered with pleasure. He kissed me
gently, set me aside like a loaf of bread (yeah, he’s that strong)
and answered the door.

Bastian and Powle stood at the door in all
their twin beauty. Yes, they were beautiful. I never noticed the
night they had come to my club. Their light brown hair glistened in
the porch light, like spun gold, with eyes to match. They have the
exact same sharp jaw line. A sharp angled set to their eyes made
their stare dangerous but erotic. Although they were standard
vampire pale, their skin looked slightly tan. The only difference,
Powle has a small freckle at the corner of his mouth. Someone
cleared their throat and I snapped out of my assessment.

“Bastian and Powle please enter my home,” I
asked politely. Vampires have to be invited in, just like the old
myths. Well, they weren’t myths anymore. Were they?

The twins stepped forward through the
threshold and made themselves at home in my living room. Dragus sat
in my beige overstuffed recliner and the twins took my matching
couch. I took the arm of the recliner next to Dragus. He placed one
hand on my knee, as a possessive gesture. I turned to him and
smiled. Did this mean we were dating?

Dragus cleared his throat and turned toward
the twins, “Here is the plan for tonight. We need to be posted at
certain points on the property. It is very important that we stay
hidden until Adam Castillo is in view, where he can be taken.”

“We will hold off the Lycanthropes until you
have captured the hybrid,” Bastian paused. “Or do you plan for us
to ambush all of them at the same time?”

I stopped them when they starting talking
about their plans to ambush Adam tonight when he came out of the
woods. “Oh, no you don’t. I promised him I wouldn’t tell you. You
can’t be there. I have to do this on my own.”

“Ms. Harwood,” Powle straightened his pose.
“It’s not safe for you to be alone with the Lycanthropes.” His
voice was kind and pleading. They were obviously looking out for my
best interest. I didn’t care. I promised Adam and it was a promise
I intended to keep.

“They won’t hurt me,” I whispered.

“Do you really think we would allow you to be
put in a situation where you could be hurt?” Dragus’ voice
thundered through the room. Anytime my safety was questioned, his
voice would do that. I think he was a little smitten with me. Well,
I was getting a little smitten myself.

Powle stood up off the couch and placed a
reassuring hand on Dragus’ shoulder and then Bastian turned toward
me. His beautiful face had turned angry and it down right scared
me. “Do you want to go through that suffering? Like what Adam is
going through now,” his fists clenched as he leaned closer to me,
but not too close.

Before I could flinch, Dragus had used his
vampire speed to pull me on the other side of him and in one swift
move was standing in front of his warrior brother. He gave Bastian
a warning growl. “Outside!” Good thing Bastian was a smart man,
because he quickly stepped out of arms reach from Dragus and turned
for the door; Powle directly on their heels.

Well, that was just awkward.
are closer than brothers. I have never seen one act that way. I’ll
admit Dragus standing up for me was quite sexy. That just added to
my obsessive male theory.

I glanced at the clock above the brand new,
stainless steel stove that I have never used, and noticed I still
had two hours before I was to meet with Adam at the tree line. From
what I could hear with my wicked cool vampire hearing, Dragus was
ripping Bastian a new one outside in the driveway.

The whole situation between me and Dragus was
always in the back of my head. Did he know about the dream? Was he
able to intrude into my dreams when I was human? Is this why he was
so protective? Hell, I’ve only known him a little while. Maybe I’m
crazy, or maybe I’m hopeful. I didn’t know how to even start the
conversation with him. What do I say? ‘Hey did you know that I use
to dream about you when I was human?’ That’s not something you just
blurt out when the other party least expects it.

When we were alone, the warrior bravado
washed away leaving behind a kind hearted soul. This only added to
the confusion my head was feeling, but my heart was urging me to
move forward. Could this be because Lydia was right? Was I Dragus’
perfect mate? I don’t know, but I do know that he made my body ache
for him.

It’s been awhile, okay. No one can blame me
for having entertained the thought of getting busy with the
warrior. He’s handsome and strong and he tasted just as good as he
smelled. When we shared that moment earlier, I felt comfort. It’s
very hard to explain, but I felt whole. There was warmth there; I
could trust him.

I was jerked away from my thoughts by the
strike of telepathy reaching for my brain. The pull was so
unbelievably strong; I found my feet moving without consciously
doing it.

growled Adam. He forced my
brain into a dreamlike state. My body was not my own now. This was
not good at all. I had no control over what he was doing to me.
Only an extremely powerful telepath could sink into the deepest
parts of someone’s brain to control their movements. I reached for
the knob to the back door and stepped out; off the porch and into
the grass. Within a few seconds, I was standing two feet from the
edge of the tree line.

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