Blood Lines, The Utley Tribe: Part I (9 page)

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me a private show before being allowed on stage.”


Leaning my ass against the desk with my arms folded


over my chest.


She playfully bit her lip, smiling a little. “That’s not a


problem at all, sir.” Strolling over to me, she undid my
pants and pulled them-along with my boxers-down to


my ankles.


Her lips trailed kisses onto my left thigh and she slowly


made her way to my now-erected cock. Without so much


a warning, she forced my entire length into her mouth.


She licked and sucked in rhythm that caused me to hold


onto the edge of the desk.


One of my hands found its way to her head. Grabbing a


fistful of hair, I thrusted deep into her mouth. She didn’t


gag when my head touched the back of her throat. I


wanted to fuck her so bad, but couldn’t stop the pleasure


of being in her mouth.


She swallowed every bit of my come while I emptied


myself into her. Licking me clean, she pulled away and


stared up at me. “Did I pass your qualifications, sir?”


I reeled her body into mine, holding her close. “One


question…why didn’t you tell me the baby was mine?”
“I didn’t want you thinking it was a bullshit excuse to try


to get you to come home.” She stood while pulling her


hair up. “I couldn’t believe my own eyes when I saw the


DNA results. I always believed we would never be able to


have kids and that paper proved my ass wrong.”


My hands grabbed a hold of her hers, reeling her body in


closer to mine. “I’m sorry for leaving the way I did. I was


upset at the fact of having to share you. You are mine,


Samantha Emilia Utley. I do not share what is mine.”


Her lips grazed my left earlobe. “Punish me.”


“Oh believe me, I plan on giving you the proper


punishment for assuming I was fine with you fucking


Gabriel.” Squeezing her ass and nipping her neck. I let


my lips part from her skin just a bit to drive her crazy.


“But first, I’m going to do what I have been itching to do


since I saw you on stage. You better hold onto the edge


of the desk baby.”
I watched her fine and bare ass as she bent over my


desk. The tip of my tongue traced my upper lip seconds


before slamming my throbbing cock into her. The tight


wetness felt like heaven against my skin as I thrusted.


“Oh. Sammy. Baby. It’s. Been. Too. Long.” Growling


when she moved to allow my erection to push further


into her.


My hands firmly squeezed her ass cheeks. “You will not


come until given permission.” Spanking her hard once.




“Yes sir.” She complied as her grip on the edge of the


desk tightened.


I shattered completely into her, almost forgetting how


delectable her pussy had been. “Good girl.” Satisfied that


she didn’t come with me.


Yanking myself out of her, I adjusted myself to zip my fly


and spun her around. “You are going to realize how
painful it was for me sexually to not have you. That is


your punishment. Before it’s all said and done with, you


are going to be beginning for me to allow to release that


pretty little pussy of yours.”




Gabriel and I sat in the waiting area of Jesse’s office.
All was quiet until we heard the muffled cry of the baby
girl. We stood up simultaneously and made our way
closer to the room. My heart leaped at the sound of her
cry for hunger, but there wasn’t a damn thing I could
do to keep Gabriel from meeting his future mate.
I swallowed hard at the thought of losing my beautiful
Sapphire to Gabriel. Trying to control the burning in
my chest, I followed my king into the room.
“Boys, I would like for you to meet our little Samantha
Emilia Utley.” Emily introduced her daughter to us the
second we walked in.
Controlling my lips to hide the bright smile I held on the
inside, my heart jumped at the sight of seeing my
Sapphire again. In this lifetime she will go by
Samantha, but she is still as radiant as she was
centuries ago. I remember our wedding as if it were
She refused to have a big ceremony, insisting we elope.
Me being the sucker I was for her, we eloped and spent
our wedding night making love in a field under the
stars. She was a simple woman, but stubborn as hell.
I felt a sense of uneasiness as Gabriel held her close to
his chest. A low grumble instinctively boiled from the
back of my throat. “No! You can’t have her. Give her
back to Emily!” snarling at him, baring every tooth in
my head.
“Cole! What in the hell are you doing? Have you lost
your mind?!” Samuel snapped at me.
Gabriel carefully placed my Samantha back into
Emily’s arms. “Samuel, I am afraid Cole is right on this
one. Samantha doesn’t belong to me.” Looking over at
me with a smile. “Take care of her. Keep her healthy
and happy brother.”
With that said, he strolled out of the room. For the first
time in years, I felt my freedom return to me. Gabriel
had finally released me from his reigns so I could have
a happy life with Samantha.
“Emily. Sam. Would it be alright if I held my princess?”
I asked politely, making my way closer to the bed.
As I held the tiny baby in my arms, I knew right then
and there that I wanted to give her the world. She is
everything to me and I would do anything for her.


Chapter Thirteen


-Samuel Utley
“Samantha is rightfully Collin’s. You must find another
woman to mate with. She will be the one who will bring
my Eliana back to me.” Gabriel said a few months
before my little girl’s first birthday.
I sighed in defeat. “Emily isn’t going to be happy with
my going out on our marriage. How do I tell her about
my supposed affair with a woman to create a mate
specifically for you?”
Gabriel took a sip of his coffee. “When the time is right,
I will tell her the truth myself. The woman you are
about to meet and fall in love with will give you a run
for your money. She is a half-breed…half-human, half
vampire…and she has the ability to fuck you all night
long. You will not be unsatisfied, dear brother.”
My dick began to salivate for this woman already. I
have secretly wondered what it would be like to screw a
woman all damn night and into the morning without
her begging for sleep. “Are you going to tell me her
name this time?” asking as my cock slightly hardened
for this female.
“Esmeralda. She is a newly divorced woman and she
will fuck the living bat-shit out of you. You will imprint
on her as well, but the bond won’t be as strong as the
one with Emily. Fuck her hard but treat her kindly.” He
must’ve heard Emily waking up since he set his cup in
the sink and strolled out of the house.
As my thoughts swirled at Gabriel’s request, I couldn’t
stop thinking about getting Esmeralda into bed. If she
really is amazing as he says, hell yeah I want to fuck
the living shit out of her! My dick grew hard just
thinking about her as I took the stairs two at a time to
take my now-sexual tension out on my wife.




-Samantha Utley


“Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with


this princess? It’s a pretty big commitment.” My daddy


told me as we waited for our cue to start walking down


the aisle.


I would have rather waited until after our daughter was


born, but Collin insisted on us being married before we


welcomed her into the world. “I love him daddy.”


Rubbing my free hand over my massive belly.


“I can’t believe my little girl is getting married and


having her own little princess.” He said as we began to


walk in sync with each other to the aisle where Collin


was waiting.
Our ceremony was nothing like one of a royals. It was


simple, yet sophisticated. I tried to ignore my screaming


bladder as Gabriel began speaking about mine and


Collin’s journey together as a couple…past and present.


He talked about our son Matthew. Even though Matthew


wasn’t biologically mine, Collin and I took him under my


wing to raise when Gabriel didn’t have the strength. I


was known as Sapphire back then, but I am slowly


starting to remember.


I looked over at my parents and smiled. Seeing those


two always filled my heart with so much joy. I wanted


my marriage with Collin to be just like theirs.


“Samantha Emilia Utley, do you take Collin William


Utley to be your lawful wedded husband?” Gabriel


asked, breaking me away from my thoughts.


My eyes danced while staring at Collin. “Of course I do.


Do you honestly think I would have this huge belly right
now if I didn’t?” sliding the ring on his finger and


grinning from ear-to-ear.


Collin agreed to take me as his wife while sliding the ring


upon my finger. His lips quickly pressed into mine


before Gabriel had the chance to announce us husband


and wife. The both of us smiled as we kissed, oblivious to






Our reception somehow managed to be twice the size as


our wedding ceremony. I guess practically everyone in


town must have heard the news…us Utley’s now how to


throw a kick-ass party!


My father and I danced together for the father/daughter


dance. As much as my hormones tried to make me cry, I


kept a straight face while we moved together.
“I am so proud of you sweetheart. For a while there,


poor Collin was beginning to think the two of you were


never going to get married.” He smiled as he whirled us


around. “Sammy princess, I have a surprise for you but


you have to promise me you won’t get mad. Promise?”


I could tell my father had been up to something. Instead


of questioning it, I nodded my head to play along.


“Alright. Now close your eyes.” He instructed.


Closing my eyes, I felt a much different pair of hands


take mine. These hands were softer and more feminine.


“Open your eyes Sammy.” My father’s voice spoke.


My eyes fluttered open and there she was, standing


before me with an innocent smile on her face.


“Congratulations on your big day Samantha.” My sister


broke the long silence. “I know you’re upset with me
over Gabriel, but I wanted to wish my big sister the best


of luck on her marriage.”


I stared at her for a few minutes, my face softening a bit.


“Is that a fat joke?” smirking as I took the lead in


dancing with her.


My memories of the past may be vague, but they showed


me that my sister was never at fault in any of this. Collin


was the one who started the pissing war with Gabriel,


marking his territory with me on the day I was


born…figuratively, of course.


“I’m glad to see the two of you finally getting along


again.” Evan danced close to us, his hands placed in


Maddison’s while they danced. “Sammy, I believe you


have already met my girlfriend. Maddison Callen.”


Kissing her hand with a boyish grin on his face.


My eyes widened in shock at Evan using the word


and the fact she happened to be the mother of
our half-sister, Addison. How in the hell did he get our


father to agree to this? I knew my father well enough to


say he was one possessive ass.


Evan playfully rolled his eyes. “Before you even ask, the


answer is Emily. She was the one who believed we were


the perfect pair. The woman knows her stuff. I


imprinted on Maddie the second I saw her…and then


she switched the sprinklers on.”


“In my defense, it was late at night
seeing a man in


your lawn terrifies a woman who is helpless and alone.”


Maddison spoke. “What does this idiot do when the


sprinklers come? Absolutely nothing.”


“Mads, you had a meat-clever in your hands when you


approached me. You weren’t that helpless.” He replied,


looking at her.


Erin shook her head while Evan and Maddie playfully


bickered with each other. “Yep. It’s safe to say to be on
the look-out for a wedding invitation from those two


someday in the near future.”


My sister and I giggled and danced together, finally at


peace and harmony.


I quickly stopped, hunching over a bit. Moving my head


to look up at her, “Erin. It’s time. The baby. She’s


coming.” My water breaking right there on the dance






-Samuel Utley
During the early morning of my little girl’s first
birthday, Esmeralda had paid me a visit before Emily
had woken up. She had given me the news about being
pregnant. Which I had already expected…only not this
damn soon. I figured I would have more time to think
how I was going to break the news to my wife.
Gabriel wasn’t kidding when he told me Esmeralda
would be an amazing woman to fuck. She is everything
a man could ever need or want, and then some. Fucking
her is better than cloud nine. Her vagina is always so
wet and anxious. The way she screamed my
name…damn…made my dick throb for her even more.
I have to tell Emily about knocking up this woman on
purpose to help our king find his mate. This is going to
break her and I hate hurting my wife. I wish I hadn’t
agreed to all of this when Gabriel returned from his
cave. Jesse should have been the one to do this.
“Someone is up early for their daughter’s birthday.”
Emily’s voice filled the room, dragging me out of my
deep thoughts.
She wrapped her arms around my torso and I couldn’t
help but smile down at her. I kissed her lips softly.
“Honey, I have something I need to tell you and I can
only hope you won’t get mad at me.”
“What is it? You can tell me anything baby.” She said,
the look in her eyes rather anxious.
Sighing in nervousness, I sat down at the kitchen table
and pulled her onto my lap. “The year we met, Gabriel
had returned to town and I made a deal with him…”
She looked into my eyes, keeping quiet because she
knew I had more to say.
“He came to Gram’s house, begging me to imprint and
start having kids. I am the right-hand man to the king
and the only one he trusts to impregnate a woman with
a child that will be his future queen…” I began to
explain. “The day Sammy was born, one year ago
today, Gabriel and I believed we had finally succeeded
in our plan. As you already know, Cole has claimed her
as his. Which meant that I had to keep reproducing;
just not with my wife.”
Her eyes intently focused on me as if they were unable
to blink.
“A few months ago, Gabriel informed me of a woman I
would be meeting and ordered me to fuck her until she
bared his future queen. She came by to tell me of her
pregnancy in person. I’m so sorry Emily.” I finally
spoke, hanging my head and waiting for the fireworks.
She quickly stood up and slapped me right across the
face. “You son of a bitch! How dare you!”

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