Blood Lines, The Utley Tribe: Part I (3 page)

BOOK: Blood Lines, The Utley Tribe: Part I
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honor and move in with me?”


I peeled my eyes away from his to look around the room.


“You know…the house is pretty gorgeous.” Looking back
over at him. “Before I agree to move in or anything, you


will take me on a date. If you are serious about all of this,


you may pick me up for dinner tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow night it is then.” He said with a smile,


holding my body close to his.


It took nearly all my might to keep from stripping out of


my clothes. My panties were already damp and Collin


being this charming made it difficult to control myself.


He lightly squeezed my ass while his nose was buried in


my neck.


“You are aware that was my ass you just grabbed and not


my mother’s, right?” I smirked, staring up into his eyes.


Oh damn…it’s going to be hard keeping my legs closed
around him!


Chapter Four


Later that evening, I sat on my bed with my laptop and


Google-searched Collin Utley with his invitation to move


in running through my mind.


The man owned multiple companies, donated massive


amounts of money to children’s hospitals, owned houses


in practically every country of the world, had a few


private islands, and has been listed as one of the richest


men in the world.


What in the hell does he want me to move in for? He


obviously has everything a person could ever want…plus




Does he want me to be his roommate, girlfriend, love


slave, what? How in the hell is he
to my father?


A million questions circled through my mind and I


blamed myself for getting into this mess. Stupid me for
coming back here when I promised myself I wouldn’t. It


also didn’t help one bit that Collin was beautiful and




Our conversation may have not been long, but I could


tell that he’s smart. The man knows how to make me




Gah…why does this sexy stranger have to do this to


“Ahh yes…I see you have met the dazzling Collin William


Utley.” My mother’s voice said from my doorway.


I glanced up to see her smiling at me. “Why yes I did.


When he grabbed my ass, thinking I was you.”


She sat across from me. “Yeah…I could see how that


seems a little weird. Collin isn’t biologically your uncle,


you have nothing to worry about there. He may not be
related by blood, but he has always been there for your


father and me.”


“How do I fit in to all of this? Why does he want me to


move in with him? Does daddy know about this?” I




“He has fallen for you…hard. As much as your father


hates it, I believe you would be the best thing in his life.


Collin isn’t used to having such strong feelings for


anyone. Whatever you decide, please don’t break his


heart.” She said, looking down at my sketches on the


notebook beside me. “Those are beautiful designs honey.


You should definitely talk to somebody about these.”


I stared down at the clothing designs and smiled a little.


“Thank you. Maybe I will someday soon.”


“Collin is filthy rich and powerful. He could make you a


clothing designer or anything you want.” She replied.
“Are you trying to push me into his arms or something?”


I asked, looking up at her.


She hugged me tightly. “Of course not sweetheart. I just


want to see you happy.”




The next morning, I sat at the breakfast table with my


dad as my mother cooked away. My mother never


ceased to amaze me. She was perfectly happy as a


housewife with the cooking, cleaning, and looking out


for everyone.


It upset me greatly that my father went out on her not


once…but twice. I want to be surprised that she hasn’t


filed for divorce, but a part of me already knew that she


wouldn’t. My mother would rather die than to have her


marriage fail. Which is why she “ignores” the fact that


my father claims to love other women.
My family are the weirdest people anyone could ever


meet! For starters, all of us are shape-shifters…just a


fancy word for part wolf. Our body temperatures run


hotter than the average human. We also love differently.


I’m not saying we go around humping our


siblings...HELL NO TO THAT…but I honestly wouldn’t


be surprised if that happened someday.


To be honest, my father is technically allowed to have


more than one partner if he wishes. He was alpha of our


pack and second-in-command to Gabriel, our king (and


a royal pain in my ass). Since my dad is in such high


rank, his gigantic wolf-heart and sex drive allows him to


imprint on more than one mate.


My mother was his main imprint, so to speak. She will


always own the majority of his heart. Erin and Evan’s


mom, Esmeralda, will be his mate as well. Maddison was


the newest mate. As much as I loathe my best friend
playing hide the bone with my dad, I could see they


make each other happy.


There’s so much drama that goes on with this family. I’m


certain there couldn’t be a day without something


exciting going on around here. When push comes to


shove, they are all my family and I love them regardless.


“It looks like our little Sammy is finally having a
I heard the king’s voice in my head.


I sarcastically rolled my eyes at his words.
“Stay out of
my head royal pain!”


“Sammy? Are you alright princess?” My dad asked,


pulling me out of my thoughts with Gabriel.


“Um…yeah…I’m fine.” I told him.


My mom set a plate of muffins on the table. “Are you


still worried over the whole Collin asking you to move


Dad nearly inhaled his muffin. “He did what?! Collin


asked my little girl to be his live-in fuck buddy?”


“Samuel…she isn’t going to be his live-in fuck buddy. He


cares about her. We’ve talked about this.” My mom told


him, smacking him upside the back of his head.


I stood up from the table once I saw Collin standing in


the yard. “I have to go.” Telling my parents as I made my


way outside. “What are you doing here?”


“I’m here for our date, of course. Am I early?” He asked


with a small smirk on his lips as he strolled up to me,


brushing some hair behind my ear.


The feel of his skin on mine sent chills to not only my


soul, but my libido as well. Since when has his touch


affected me like this? I wanted to push that jacket off


him so badly, run my fingers through his hair while he


thrusted himself in and out of me.
“Your heart rate has increased. Is there something in


particular you are thinking about?” His voice pulled me


from my erotic thoughts.


I looked up at him, trying not to blush. “Um…nothing.


I’m not thinking about a thing.”


“Oh no…you’re not thinking about anything at all. Just
that you want him to bury the bone!”
Maddie’s voice


rang in my head.


I rolled my eyes.
“Shut it, Maddison!”


“What would you like to do today? You name it.” Collin


said, holding me close.


“I would really love to have sex with you right now…” I


blurted, looking up at him in shock. “Whoa. I am so


sorry. I have no idea where that came from.”


He softly kissed my lips. “You are really tense. Maybe I


should fuck the tension out of you.”
As shocked as I wanted to be at what he said, my body


just ached for him even more. “You want to have




I grabbed his hand, practically dragging him out of the


yard before he had the chance to respond.


It didn’t take long for us to reach his beautiful mansion.


Collin was able to unlock and open the door while


holding me. My teeth lightly bit his bottom lip as he


carried me upstairs.


He playfully tossed me onto the oversized bed, crawling


and hovering over my body. “Have you decided on


moving in yet?”


“The answer is yes. Now fuck me so hard that I have


forgotten my own name.” I said, kissing his lips while


throwing his jacket back and ripping the buttons off his


He removed my shirt, his eyes glued to my breasts.


“Mmm…Samantha…so sexy.” Groaning as he pressed


his lips to my chest.


I watched as he stood to slowly remove his pants. My


body ached for his erection to be inside of me.


Unbuttoning my jeans, he took over by sliding them off


me. The touch of his fingertips on my waistline as he


gently removed my panties felt cool against my warm




He trailed kisses up my leg and I have never been more


proud of myself at remembering to shave. His lips


stopped and I could feel his breath on my sex. “I’m going


to eat you out until you come, Samantha.” He warned


me seconds before burying his face into my gender.


My hands squeezed tightly onto the sheets as he


alternated between licking and sucking. “Oh…Collin…”


moaning as my body ached for him even more.
“Come for me first baby and then I will fuck you harder


than you have ever been fucked in your entire life.” He


said as his fingers rubbed my clitoris.


I felt the pressure build and my sex grow hotter. My hips


flexed along with his movements. “Fuck me! Now!”


Growling, uncertain if I would be able to take much




His tongue worked hard as did his fingers. He squeezed


my ass cheek with his free hand. “You have to give me


your come first. I know you want to. Stop holding it in


baby.” Tightening his grip on my ass while holding onto


my stomach, his tongue grazing up and down my clit.


Once I relaxed and allowed myself to enjoy the feel of his


mouth, it didn’t take but a few seconds for me to shatter.


“Mm…” relaxing onto the pillows as my breathing grew


Collin hovered over me again, this time slamming his


hard dick into me. I groaned out in pure pleasure as he


thrusted in and out at a steady pace.


“You. Are. Mine. Only mine.” He growled, his eye color


changing to solid black as he drilled into me harder.


I didn’t know if I should be frightened or flattered by the


look on his face. To be honest, I could care less. Here I


was…getting thoroughly fucked by a gorgeous man who


needed me as much as I needed him.


He lifted my leg and fucked me until he came…and hard


if I may add.


Chapter Five


-Sapphire Utley
Gabriel and I are walking through the courtyard of his
European castle. I feel a tightening in my chest, looking
down to see I had been wearing a corset underneath an
elegant gown. The year is 1514 and we have just
celebrated our engagement. I am no longer Samantha;
I go by Sapphire. How I know all of this is beyond me.
“When shall we become man and wife, my love?” He
asked, being very gentleman-like as he kept his hands
behind his back.
My smile barely showed as we strolled. “Since you are
the king, you should be the one to decide.”
He seized walking to look at me. The intensity in his
stare was beginning to moisten my ancient 1500
undergarments. It’s nice to know Gabriel had the
power to make me horny in any time period.
“You are a rare find, Sapphire. Talking to your king in
such a brave manner.” He finally spoke while holding
out his hand for mine.
Gabriel led me into a secluded part of the castle. He no
longer played his gentleman card the second we were
alone. His hands were already roaming up dress,
tightly squeezing my ass. “Sapphire, I cannot wait for
you any longer. I must have you.” His lips tracing
kisses on my neck.
“Take me.” I groaned, enjoying every moment of his
He loosened my dress and pulled it down to my ankles.
I stepped out of it while removing the bottom half of my
undergarments. We have apparently done this before
since I had known better than to remove the corset.
His massive erection pushed in and out of me. Our
sexual tension released at the same time as he thrusted.
The life of a royal must be tough since you have to
sneak away from others to take care of personal
“I have been craving you all day, my love.” He moaned
out while pressing my chest against his.
I managed to spread my legs open a little wider,
allowing him to reach further into me. “Oh Gabriel, I
feel the pressure already. Don’t stop!”

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