Blood and Faith: The Purging of Muslim Spain (66 page)

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Authors: Matthew Carr

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Spain & Portugal, #Religion, #Christianity, #General, #Christian Church, #Social Science, #Emigration & Immigration, #Discrimination & Race Relations, #Islamic Studies

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Uthman Dey
Valdés, Doña Catalina de
Valdés, Fernando de
assimilation and conversions
as city
conversions and popular rebellions,
Germanías revolt
Muslim population in al-Andalus,
Philip II and conversions
Valencia, Pedro de
Valladolid church councils (1322–1323),
Valor, Fernando de (el Zaguer)
van Gogh, Theo
Velasco, Doña Isabel de
Vendramino, Francisco
Venegas, Yuce
Verdú, Blas
Vesga, Pedro de
Viciano, Martín de
Vilagrut, Joan de
Villars, Marquis de
Villarubia de los Ojos, town of
Visigothic Spain
Vlaams Belang party (Belgium)
al-Walid, Khalid Ibn
al-Wansharishi (mufti of Oran)
War of Granada
War of the Alpujarras
and Aben Aboo
and Aben Humeya
battle of Alcazarquivir
and deportations
Don John’s forces
and women
War of the Spanish Succession
“War on Terror,”
Weiditz, Christoph
Weigel, George
While Europe Slept
William of Orange
in al-Andalus
and deportations
and expulsion
herbalists and
and the Inquisition
Moorish dancing
and War of the Alpujarras
Xenix, Gonzalo el
Yacub, Ibrahim ben
Yeor, Bat
Young Man of Arévalo
Zacarias, Francisco
Zafra, Hernando de
el Zaguer (Fernando de Valor)
Zambarel, Juan
(Muslim dance)
Zamorana, María
Zapata, Simeon
Zapatero, José Luis
Zauzala family
al-Zawahiri, Ayman
Zegrí Azaator (Gonzalo Fernandez Zegrí)
Zweig, Stefan
© 2009 by Matthew Carr
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission from the publisher.
Requests for permission to reproduce selections from this book should be mailed to:
Permissions Department, The New Press, 38 Greene Street, New York, NY 10013.
First published in the United States by The New Press, New York, 2009
This paperback edition published by The New Press, 2011
Distributed by Perseus Distribution
Carr, Matthew, 1955–
Blood and faith : the purging of Muslim Spain / Matthew Carr. p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-1-595-58524-0
1. Muslims—Spain—History—17th century. 2. Forced migration—Spain—
History—17th century. 3. Spain—History—Philip III, 1598–1621. 4. Spain—Ethnic relations—History—17th century. 5. Spain—Church history—17th century. I. Title.
DP53.M87C37 2009
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