Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (83 page)

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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I shake my head, wondering where the fuck this is coming from. He’s been distracted the last few days and if he were anyone other than Daniel Winters, I’d almost believe the temperature in his feet was dropping. I’m beginning to think some reassurance is in order. Although, you’d think my offering in bed this morning would have warmed every part of his body up, not just the fun parts.

“Superman, I’m not looking for anything or anyone other than you, Riley, and Jared. You know that, right?”

That earns a tightening of his arms as he squeezes me tight. “Thank you,” he murmurs roughly against my forehead as he plants a soft kiss against my skin, sending tingles throughout my body.

Always being one to make sure my message is heard loud and clear, I lift my head and move my arms up his body, capturing his groan as I claim his mouth, planting a long, satisfying and truly meaningful kiss on his lips. When his hands slide down to my ass, I wrap my legs around his waist as he lifts me up and walks backwards to pin me against the side of the house. Taking control of the kiss, he plunders my mouth, his hands massaging my ass cheeks as he rocks my core against his now hard length.

We pull our mouths apart, resting our foreheads against each other as we struggle to catch our breath. Looking him dead straight in the eyes, I pull his head back by his hair and pin him with a stare.

“YOU are who I’m coming home to. YOU are who I am marrying in two weeks’ time and it’s YOU who will get to enjoy the fruits of this day long celebration because it’s YOU who has my body, my heart and my soul.”

Not one to miss a chance to tease him, I lean forward so that my mouth is an inch away from his ear, my warm breath fanning across his skin earning a gratifying shudder. “And it’s you who I want buried eight inches inside me tonight when I’m feeling drunk and freaky.” Gently biting his earlobe, I release my legs and stand up straight.

When we drive away, it’s a speechless superhero I leave standing on our porch with a stupid grin on his face left contemplating exactly how freaky this drunken Mac might get later on.

Mission accomplished.



Knowing that the girls are going to be busy for the rest of the day and night, I’ve organized some of the guys to come over for an impromptu bachelor party at our house. My mom and dad picked up the kids just after Mac left and now I’m sitting back in our family room waiting for everyone to arrive. I’m hoping Noah arrives first so that I can give him a piece of my mind.

I loathe the fact he’s put me in this position. Yes, Mac and I know that Noah and Nikki have been hooking up. And as much as Mac hates the idea, calling it ‘icky’ and ‘incestuous,’ I couldn’t care less. What
pissed me off is the pulling out of the best man card to get her invited to the wedding.

Why would Nikki even want to come to the wedding? You’d think it would be slightly uncomfortable watching your ex-boyfriend pledge his love and commitment to another woman, surely?

Realizing that I can’t do much about it now, I go into the kitchen and start getting the food ready before the guys arrive. Beer, snacks, sport on the big screen television and poker—everything we need for a great night in. And hopefully enough to keep my mind off a drunken Mac sex attack later on because I’m
down with that idea and I don’t think the guys would appreciate my enthusiasm being shown so obviously all night.

Speaking of which, here’s a little insight into the male body and psyche. Sometimes we can’t control the behavior of our cocks. With Mac, one look can have me standing at attention in two seconds flat. An innocuous comment can also have the same effect. And don’t get me started with the reaction she can get from making out with me on our front porch and promising drunken sex fun later on. That’ll get my superhero appendage ready for launch every time. So while I may be relaxing and talking shit with my friends tonight, the freaky bedroom action I’ll get to enjoy when Mac gets home will always be on my mind. I just hope I can keep the blood from heading south too soon. All the action in the world won’t make the crap I’d get from the guys worth it.

I’m pulled from my thoughts with a knock at the door. Walking into the entranceway, I see Noah’s ugly mug staring back at me.

“You’re an asshole,” I say when I open the door to let him in.

“Hello to you too. What have I done this time?” he retorts, stepping inside.

“You mean, apart from inviting my ex to my wedding and leaving me to drop the bomb on my fiancée?” I snort.

I follow him into the kitchen where he walks to the fridge and opens it up, pulling out two Millers and holding one out to me.

“She kinda conned me into it, man. What was I to do? Nine inches deep and she does this squeeze and tighten maneuver that would bring any man to his knees.” He offers me a shrug of his shoulders and a sly grin.

“Dude, don’t wanna hear about that shit. I’m happy with my junk right where it is. But you know this is gonna cause trouble between Mac and me. She made her opinion on Nikki very clear a few months ago when my mom asked whether the Prestons could be invited, Nikki included. No way, no how, was that woman to be invited to our wedding. And now you pull this?”

I grab the bottle opener and pull the cap off my beer, lifting it up to my mouth and taking a long swig, loving the feel of the cool liquid traveling down my throat. I look over at Noah and level him with a knowing stare, watching as he starts to twitch, obviously feeling guilty and uncomfortable.

“Look. I’m sorry man. I don’t think she’ll cause any trouble. It’s been years now, and she’s been banging me for most of that time. You know that. And I honestly think she wants to finally take our relationship to the next step.”

“You mean out of the bedroom and into daylight?” I quickly retort without thinking. Noah’s wide eyes and frown immediately let me know it was not the right thing to say. “Sorry dude, you know—”

He shakes his head and averts his eyes, taking a long swig from his bottle. “It’s all good, Dan. You’re right. It has been casual but maybe she realizes it’s time we grew up too? Why else would she ask to be my date?” I study him as he talks, not missing the small glimmer of hope in his eyes.

I’ve always known that Noah had a soft spot for Nikki. He never hid it from me, but when Nikki and I hooked up back in high school, Noah stepped aside and we were all just good friends. After Nikki and I broke up, then got back together, then broke up
, Noah came to me and asked whether I’d mind if he asked Nikki out on a date. It never happened but then, after his barbecue a couple of years ago when I first introduced Mac to our friends, I started to wonder if something
going on between them.

A few weeks later, Noah confirmed that he was sleeping with Nikki, nothing serious, just two friends with a mutually beneficial sexual arrangement. Mac thought it was incestuous but soon shut up when I reminded her of her past
, but I wasn’t fussed either way. I had stopped having feelings for Nikki a long time ago, and Noah was my best friend who had been hiding his for a long time. Who was I to stop them?

“You’ve put me in a tough spot, Taylor. Mac is gonna hit the roof when I tell her.”

“Do you have to tell her? Can’t we just turn up on the day and say surprise?” he asks sheepishly, knowing very well that would just make matters worse.

Slamming my beer bottle down on the kitchen counter, I glare at him. “Fuck, man. Do you want to ruin my life or something? Mac would have a level ten freak out then fuck off and leave me standing at the altar looking like an idiot. Hell, I
be an idiot to even contemplate letting you do that. So stop trying to get out of this. You want Nikki there, you’ll be the one to tell Mac the next time you see her. Deal?”

He swallows hard. The wrath of Makenna Lewis bearing down on you is a scary thing. “Shit, Dan. Really?” His eyes plead for me to step up for him, but to be honest, FUCK THAT!

I pick up my beer, downing the rest of the bottle with a smile on my lips. “Yep. And I’m gonna be right there with you, watching her rip you to shreds. It’ll almost be worth the collateral damage I’ll suffer.”

The doorbell rings again and I shoot a shit eating grin to Noah before turning toward the door and greeting the rest of the guys.

Let the fun begin.

Chapter 3

“Last Friday Night”



“Superman, I’m—”
. “I’m in a limo with—”
“Kate and Sophie and Melinda and Sam and Zoe are all here too. I’m having SO much fun.”

My voice is whiny and high pitched and I’m so freaking drunk I can’t tell which way is up, or down for that matter. Or maybe I’m sideways. Meh, who cares. Drunk is good. Drunk is freaking awesome!

I hear him chuckle down the phone, that same low baritone laugh that gives me tingles on my tingles. Sheesh, is it hot in here?

“We’re driving by the lake, heading toward Michigan Avenue. The girls wanted to go to Throb, but I said no—”
. “’Cause no men allowed tonight and that’s Sean’s place and I’m not going there ’cause I’d think about dirty dancing with you and then I’d get horny.” I turn my head against the seat and cup my hand around the phone, whispering loudly, “Hornier than ever, Superman. God, I love you. Do you know that? You know that, right?”

I’m slurring now, but the smile on my drunken ass face is so big and bright, I’m surprised the car is still dark. I giggle to myself, the image of Soldier Field being lit up by my cheesy grin. Think of the reduced electric bill. I’d be doing the world a favor.

“Gorgeous, you there?” he asks with a laugh.

“Always here for you. Hey, remember last night when I woke you up with my—”

“Makenna Lewis, you kiss my grandchildren with that mouth?” My mother scolds from the seat opposite me. I glance at her, snorting out loud at her attempt to keep a straight face. The corners of her mouth twitch as she struggles to appear stern and serious.

“Yep,” I announce proudly as I try to sit up straight and fail spectacularly, sliding off the smooth, black leather seats and landing with a thump on my ass, meeting the floor with my legs askew and my skirt around my waist, flashing the group my bright red lace thong.

“Shit,” I mutter as the women gasp in shock before roaring with laughter at my drunken misfortune.

“Mac, what did you do?” Daniel calls out desperately into my ear.

“I …” I struggle to talk as I get the giggles and can no longer control myself, legs included it seems. I brush my skirt down and pull myself back up onto the seat. “I’m so drunk I don’t care,” I say to both him and the rest of the vehicle.

“Sounds like you’re having a good time, hon. Enjoy your night, and remember the promise you made. No trouble and lots of messy drunken sex when you roll in the door later.”

My body heats up, my mind full of sexy ideas and finger vault images of Daniel’s naked body. Down girl!

“God!” I moan. “Why did you have to bring that up right now? Turn the car around, I have sexing to do!” I announce loudly.

“Gorgeous, I’ll let you go.” His voice is low now, full of need and unspoken desire. “But remember the dirty thoughts going through your head right now so you can reenact them when you’re here in front of me.”

Ladies, I’ve hit the motherfucking jackpot with this man.

“I love you. Sex you later!” I declare before pulling the phone away from my ear and fumbling with the buttons to end the call.

“Jesus, Mac! How many shots did you have at home?” Kate asks with an intoxicated grin.

“Not enough! Driver! Off to the Pink Monkey place, we go! Half naked men to perv on and more alcamahol to consume.”

A good while later, our night is drawing to a close. It’s been a night of numerous shots, loud and rambunctious toasts from Sophie, Zoe (Zander’s sister), my mom (yes, THAT was as horrifying as you can imagine) and now Kate is on her feet, swaying slightly and holding on to the table for dear life as she prepares to give her own spiel.

“Shh, shh! Let me get this out while I can still stand up,” she announces with a giggle. Looking down, she tilts her head and studies me. I can see her eyes glaze over and I know she’s struggling to hold back the tears.

“A few years ago, I remember you coming home one night and fanning yourself stupid over this ‘smoking hot volcano of fine’ you’d met on the train. He was hot, he had dimples, and for the first time in a long time, you were genuinely swooning over a man.”

She sighs and looks at my mom. “Sorry, Mrs Lewis, block your ears for this. Then I dared you to close up shop for three dates and wait until you sealed the deal. I hoped that this would give Delicious Daniel a chance to win you over and open your heart to more than just sex with the terrific three.”

The group sniggers before the table erupts with laughter. I look over at Samantha, Sean’s fiancée, and breathe a sigh of relief when I see her laughing along with everyone else. Phew!
could have been awkward, although going by what Kate told me of Sean and Sam’s dinner party a few months’ ago, maybe the awkward train had already passed the station. I mean, who wants to learn that your cop partner and your fiancée had been sleeping with the same person,
ME, at the same point in time (but separately … I mean … never a threesome or foursome scenario … I wasn’t
much of a dirty skank back then. Well, maybe, there was this one time when …

NOPE, not me.


Kate lifts her glass of wine to her mouth, taking a sip before cradling the glass to her chest. Then the drunken tart (love her dearly) continues. “Well, fuck a duck if you didn’t stay true and hold out for the whole three dates. Even getting through the food sex with the tiramisu and holding out long enough to at least get behind closed doors before getting your freak on.”

There are a few sniggers around the table, but most of them are riveted as Kate retells the history of me and Superman. “Through the good times and the bad, the happy times and the sad, the running away and the coming back, meeting the in-laws and the added bonus of twins, not once have I doubted that Daniel was the one for you. And I know that deep down, you haven’t either. So, raise your glasses to the woman I love more than life itself, who will forever have one penis to play with for the rest of her days, we hope you’ve had a memorable last night of freedom. Now …”

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