Blended (Redemption #1) (30 page)

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Authors: Sasha Brümmer

BOOK: Blended (Redemption #1)
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The first month passes by agonizingly slowly and in organized chaos. I’ve managed to work from my prison cell with overstuffed pillows and fake backdrops, thanks to my mother. I’ve secured all of the properties that I made the trip out here to achieve, and I have multiple teams currently working on revamping them. My mother has been assisting Adriana with Mothers of Brass, as well as working with my lawyers and my PR mavens to keep my personal life out of the media.

I’ve refused to have Adriana enter into my suite, but having her a few doors down has helped with my current situation, and it has made working from a wheelchair easier.

As far as any news outlets that I do not own are concerned, I’ve gone dark. Adriana has been working nonstop with my PR team and lawyers to ensure my complete privacy.

Hadley hasn’t left my side through all of this, and we have yet to be granted permission to fuck from Dr. Heath. To say that I’m frustrated with absolutely everything would be putting it lightly. I’m constantly surrounded by people, and it’s beginning to wear on me. The only reprieve that I’ve found is in the evenings when it’s just Hadley and me in bed.

Hads has been my constant, though, whether it be helping Madelyn or just reading one of those sappy novels that bring the emotion out of her next to me in bed.

She’s currently speaking to Dr. Heath across the room from me with regard to my surgery tomorrow morning. He believes that he will be able to stabilize my spine now that my condition is stable, and my lung is no longer a concern while administering anesthesia. The delay in my surgery will be the deciding factor of whether I walk out of that hospital room, or if I’ll spend the remainder of my life on two wheels.

In order for this surgery to take place, I had to heal from my injuries, show a clean bill of health, and spend four hours a day with a physical therapist to keep my immobile muscles strong as well as to prevent blood clots. I’ve been lucky, in a sense, since I have not experienced spastic muscles, respiratory problems, pressure sores, or loss of bladder functions.

I hear him tell her that instead of transferring a tendon, he plans on inserting a robotic device that will reawaken the nerve and allow me to move again if it comes to it. Dr. Heath does not believe that my muscles were severed, and it may be as simple a fracture or broken bone that is pinching a nerve in the lumbar section of the spine. If that is the case, then healing from this may be easier than they have predicted.

In addition to my physical therapist, Dr. Heath has insisted on the use of an occupational therapist, a recreation therapist, and a rehabilitation psychologist. The living room area of the suite has been cleared out, and a dozen different machines for my rehabilitation were brought in approximately three weeks ago.

“Wade?” Hadley walks up to me as my physical therapist unstraps me from one of the machines that I have been working on.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“Are you ready for tomorrow?”

“More than you know.”

“Dr. Heath just left, and he’s more confident than he has been that it’s simply a pinched nerve because of your progress in rehabilitation. He said that he hasn’t seen any of his spinal cord-injured patients show so much progress in such a short period of time. He doesn’t believe that it’s as severe as he thought it was at first.”

“Good to hear it.”

I’m helped up by Madelyn and my physical therapist as they transfer me to my chair. I’ve been able keep my muscle strength, but I still cannot feel any sensation. It’s incredibly frustrating.

Once I’m seated, I wheel myself closer to my Rye girl and reach out for her. She squeals when I pull her down onto my lap and wraps her arms around my neck, holding on for dear life.

“I’ve got you, Rye.”

“And I’ve got you,” she tells me as she presses her lips to my neck.

“Madelyn, we’ll be spending the next few hours alone. Please do not let anyone interrupt. That includes you.”

Hadley eyes me suspiciously and smacks my chest as I roll us down the hallway, “What are you up to?”

My cock stirs underneath her at the thought of what I’m about to do to her. “I’m going to show you just how much I’ve got you.”

Once I’ve made it into the bedroom, she reaches over and shuts the door behind us as I wheel to the side of the bed.

We’ve managed to transfer me from my chair to the bed alone a few times before this, and I think she’s more confident in doing so this evening because she doesn’t hesitate to take the reins.

A few minutes later I’m lying in bed as she walks around the room picking up and turning off the lights.

“Leave your nightstand light on and get undressed, Hadley.”

Her eyes shoot to mine in question. “What?”

“You heard me. Do it. Now.”

Instead of arguing, she simply pulls off her dress before removing her panties and climbs into the bed beside me. When I offer her my hand, she allows me to pull her toward me until I have her straddling my waist.

I want her, and I want her to feel desired, respected, and appreciated by me. By threading my fingers into the back of her hair, I pull her down to me until I’m able to take one of her nipples in my mouth. They peak instantly at the contact, and she whimpers in wonder.

“I’m going to make you come.”

“But . . .”

“No. You won’t fight me on this. Straddle my face, Rye.”

“Wade, you don’t have to do this.”

“I’ve got you. Let me experience this. I need to taste you.”

I watch as she purses her lips before moving up my body and reaching her hands out to hold onto the headboard for support. Her thighs settle on either side of my head as her pink pussy moves over my face. My hands steady her as she gets comfortable before roaming down from her hips to her ass. I turn my head to the side and nip at her inner thigh, and it elicits a cry from her.

“Come here.”

I press down on her hips until she’s positioned herself above my mouth. I take my time as I run my nose up her slit, breathing in the scent of her for the first time, other than from her panties. It’s fucking heady. I place my lips over her clitoris and kiss her there once, before running my tongue over her lips. Her body jolts in my hands, and I grin to myself as I begin to tease her lips, and she starts grinding against my motions.

The room is thick with tension as I run my hands down her ass and down the backs of her thighs. I kiss across her outer lips before spreading her apart and warming her up with broad licks of my tongue. As my tongue circles around her clitoris, I can taste her—her skin, her warmth, and her cream. I would fuck her senseless if I had the ability to do so right now.

As much as I want to power into her and steal her thoughts away with the force of my cock, I want to make love to her even more. When I get the opportunity to, I’m going to take my time with her and adore her body. I’ll find out exactly what she likes, and how I can please her.

Her hips buck as I take her clitoris between my now-wet lips and gently suck her while caressing my tongue over the tip of her clit. She moans her approval as she increases in sensitivity. I press my index finger into her and hook it against her G-spot to stimulate her from the inside as I lick up her cream.

She starts to arch her back and lets go of the headboard with one hand, lowering it into my hair and tugging, holding my mouth to her gorgeous sex. My hard cock twitches under the covers of the comforter as I pleasure her.

My tongue darts against her most sensitive spot harder as I add another finger inside of her soaking wet entrance, drumming my fingers against her.

“Oh God . . . Wade,” she says my name like a prayer and I want to devour her. She tastes incredible as she squirms above my face. As I finger her, I move my wrist so I’m able to press the pad of my thumb against her back entrance. Her body twitches as I push the tip of my thumb into her.

She screams out piercingly as her body wracks against my mouth as, mindless now, she takes what she wants from me. She free falls as I look up at her and watch her come apart under my touch. I don’t halt my assault on her clitoris until she starts to come down from her high.

By the time the waves start to slow, I can feel her clit pulsing in my mouth and her hand shaking in my hair when the bedroom door flies open.

“Mr. Brass? Are you—”


The intrusion stops my movements, but Hadley doesn’t move from her position as I start to eat her again. She starts to rock her hips against my face once I slide my hands up to her naked ass.

“Leave,” Hadley says breathlessly to our intruder.

It takes longer than it should for us to hear the door shut, and when it does, she explodes into another orgasm. I hold her against my lips as she rides it out, throwing her head back in pure reverence.

“Holy shit, Whiskey,” she murmurs as she swings her leg over, freeing my face.

I smirk knowingly to myself and lick my lips, tasting her once more before she leans down and fucks my mouth with her tongue.

“You are damn good at that.”

“And you’re unbelievable when you come.”

She giggles against my lips and reaches down for my cock, gripping me in her petite hand.

“I’d like to taste you.”

“I never agreed to it, Rye.”


“If I’m going to come, it’s going to be inside of this warm pussy of yours,” I say as I reach down and cup the apex of her thighs.


There’s a knock at the door, and it’s now that I remember our intruder. “Yes?”

Madelyn peeks her head in the door before opening it all of the way. “I’m so sorry about earlier. I thought that something had happened when I heard a scream.”

“Please do not assume that again.”

“Yes, sir,” she says and clears her throat. “Dr. Heath has asked me to administer your medications earlier tonight so that it does not have an impact on the anesthesia tomorrow morning.”

Hadley exhales next to me and rolls over, kissing my cheek. “I’ll miss you.”

I know that she abhors it when the medication floods my system and takes me to another world, away from her. “I’ve got you.”

The smile that she gives me is nothing compared to the expression that she had on her face minutes go.

“Madelyn, if you’ll please give me a minute or two to change, I’d appreciate it.”

I watch as Madelyn rolls her eyes at Hadley, and I know that Rye is pushing herself to her limits in dealing with her. Madelyn steps out of the room, and when the door clicks shut, Rye makes her way to the closet that now hosts her new clothing, as well as mine. When she comes back out, she’s wearing one of my shirts and holding a pair of lace panties. Pink lace panties.

“I want to bury myself in you, Hadley.”

Her cheeks rise up and bring color to her face as she purposefully bends over while picking up a pillow that we knocked onto the floor, showing me her pussy.


She tosses the pillow at me and walks across the bedroom and into the en suite to clean up. When she emerges, Madelyn is at my side, paying too much attention to me for my liking. Her fingers flutter down my bicep and down to my wrist to where she’s inserted an IV.

“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” Hadley spits out in my direction. “Did my pussy in your face not satisfy you enough? Do you have to have another woman fucking swooning over you?”

I jerk my arm away from Madelyn, and she pouts her pink lips at me. “That’s bullshit, Rye, and you know it is. Come here.”

Madelyn is grinning like a fucking fool beside me as she prepares to insert the medication into my blood stream.

“No. I can’t stand her being so close to you. I’m sick of her flirting with you and laying touches on you.”

“Hadley,” I warn her.

“Fuck this, Wade. I can’t deal with any of it any longer.”

I know that this has more to do with my surgery tomorrow and her fear of losing me to the knife, than it does Madelyn’s flirtatious ways. Instead of heading to the bed and to me, she walks over to the door and slams it behind her on her way out.

I inhale a deep breath before expelling it noisily from my body.

“Madelyn. I understand this infatuation you have with me, but this shit needs to stop, or I will have Dr. Heath replace you with someone who is more capable of doing the job.”

“Mr. Brass, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I’ve been doing what I’ve been instructed to do by Dr. Heath.”

“Don’t fucking push me. Hand me my phone.”

Her brows furrow as she picks up my phone from my nightstand and hands it to me and I type out a message to Jacobs:
I need you to find Hadley and physically bring her to me. Now.

“Give me the medication and go, Madelyn. If my girlfriend is still uncomfortable with you by the morning, then you will be permanently dismissed. Am I understood?”

Her face fills with shock, and she nods her head before inserting the liquid into my IV, and leaves the bedroom. As she’s closing the door, I hear Hadley yelling something before the bedroom door opens again, and Jacobs delivers a squirming Hadley to my bed.

“You’re an asshole, Waylon!” she complains as he sets her down and walks out of the room.

“Don’t make me get him back in here,” I tell her as she sits up to leave.

“Why? Huh? Do you want her? Tell me.”

“You already know the answer to that. Listen to me, gorgeous.” Her tear-filled eyes meet mine, and I reach out for her. “You’re concerned about tomorrow.”

She tries to swallow past the lump in her throat before coming to lie down beside me. “I’m terrified.”

I circle my arm around her and press my lips to her forehead. “I love you,” I tell her, because I don’t have the reassuring words that I should have. Tomorrow will have one of three outcomes, and only one of them is positive.


Permanent paralysis.


“I know. I love you too, and I’m sorry,” she says as she wipes her eyes. “I just . . .”

“Don’t apologize, but I need you to understand that I’m not interested in her or any other woman but you.”


She buries her face into my chest and caresses the skin directly above my waistline—the last part of my body that I’m able to feel. A few nights ago, she was determined to find out where I was able to feel any sensation until I lost feeling completely. Ever since she’s found the spot that borders on nothingness, she runs her fingers along the imaginary line.

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