Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (57 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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“Better.” I smile. He sits on the side of my bed and leans his face into my space. His breath is heating my lips and I’m trembling in anticipation.

“I love you,” he whispers and with passion he captures my lips. His soft plump pillows work eagerly across mine, tasting and savoring every inch of my mouth. Kel’s tongue slips out and I willingly open my lips meeting my tongue with his. He tastes like heaven, spearmint mixed with Kel. A moan creeps up my throat and he intensifies the kiss massaging my tongue with his. His hands move down my chest, the rough calluses catching on the fabric of my hospital gown. He gets to my breast and my breath hitches. Kel stops kissing me and drops his hands pulling away from me, regret marking his face.

“No Kel, don’t stop. I don’t want Taylor to be the last man that’s touched me. Please,” I beg. Not just Taylor but the almost rapist. I want Kel to be the last man to have his hands on me. He hesitates a moment and then comes right back to me. His mouth more insistent and possessive, his hands pinching and rolling my nipples on the outside of my gown. I reach up and slide the shoulder of my gown off. It’s not tied in the back because of my wounds. Easy access! His hand gently pulls the gown under my breast and he begins to palm me like a teenager copping his first feel. He runs his thumbs across my now achingly hard nipples. I arch my back pushing into him and a growl emotes from deep in his chest. His tongue darts in and out of my mouth as he nips at my lips constantly working his hands. He keeps working at me until I’m ready to move this along. But Kel begins to slow the kiss and release the pressure on my breasts. He drops his face into my neck both of us panting hard. He rights my gown back into place ever so carefully.

“Spank bank full!” Cally yells. All five of us break into cleansing tear-filled laughter.


Kid made me sleep in her bed last night. I can barely fit in this bed alone much less both of us, but I wasn’t denying her. After our make-out session, I wanted to be close to her. It took every ounce of self-control I possess to stop that where it ended. All I wanted to do was rip that damn hospital gown off her and bury myself to the hilt inside her until she begged me to stop. Yeah, I need to quit thinking about that. I woke up about ten minutes ago with a handful of tit and morning wood that still aches. It’ll be a long cold shower this morning.

I gently peel myself away from Kid, trying not to disturb her sleep. Her garden of giants, sleeping in beds made for gnomes are snoring loud enough to wake the entire hospital. I stand up and stretch my arms above my head wincing at the pain from being stuck in the same position all night. My leg hurts the worst in the morning and now my hands are in the fray. I’m a hot mess. I amble away grabbing some clean clothes before heading into the bathroom. The blood is gone as well as the tile mess that was on the floor, but my wall of destruction remains. In the light of day I feel like a complete douche.

The weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders after talking to Kid last night. I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be, but as always I was floored by her dedication to me. I have no doubt that she’ll be by my side through this whole maybe baby situation. Now, I can focus on her. I want to get her well and get her home. It’s Christmas Eve and I’m realizing I don’t have anything here for her for Christmas…hasn’t been a priority. I step into the small shower and let the cool water run over my tense muscles. I haven’t worked out in a week and a half. I’ve done pushups and crunches, but my leg hasn’t allowed for much beyond that. The guys and I usually hit the gym hard for at least an hour and a half every night. We’ll all be sore when we get back to it.

I climb out of the shower, dry off and quickly (my version of quickly with jacked up hands) pull my clothes on. I try not to be away from Kid long. Bathing was not even part of the program until a few days ago. I creep back out of the bathroom to see the sleeping giants have arisen. We’re foul creatures. The farts and burps bubbling around the room are enough to make me roll my eyes as I make my way to my woman. Her sleepy eyes are fluttering open.

“Mornin’,” I murmur against her forehead before sitting in my trusty chair. She gives me an annoyed stare. Kid is not a morning person, even doped up on pain killers. I don’t know if she’s allowed coffee yet. I should check so she’ll quit looking at me like that. I switch my gaze away from her and over to the boys.

“Kav, can I talk to you a minute?” I ask. He’s sitting on the end of his bed scratching…everything. His tattoos ablaze only in his boxer briefs, dude doesn’t care that we aren’t at home. He sleeps how he sleeps. At least that’s what he told the nurses the first night here. Some of these girl’s faces when they’ve walked in the room in the mornings have been beet red. The man has no shame.

“What’s up?” he asks standing up.

“Maybe put Hulk away and talk outside?” I suggest. I don’t need to see any more of the outline of his dick than I already can.

“Jealous?” he snorts.

“Very,” I snark. I glance up at Kid and her eyes are closed but the grin on her lips says she’s listening. Kav pulls on a pair of sweats and a thermal nodding his head at the door. Once in the corridor he winks at one of the nurses I’m sure he’s going to fuck before we leave here.

“You good?” Kav asks turning his attention back to me. “Not as good as you could be based on your performance with Kid last night,” he teases. I roll my eyes.

“I’m good, dick. I need to go shop for Kid. Obviously, I don’t have Christmas shit here. Now that she’s awake I wanna get her somethin’,” I explain.

“Yeah the guys and I talked about it last night. We’re gonna go out and pick some stuff up for her this afternoon. Family’ll be here all day so we can slip out and she won’t be alone,” Kav says eye fucking the nurse some more. I’m guessing this is the longest he’s gone without pussy. He may spontaneously combust.

“I need a jewelry store,” I say. That gets his head snapping back to me.

“You thinkin’ about puttin’ a ring on it?” His face is shocked.

“Kav, we’ve been together two months. Come on,” I scoff. That’s nothing but a lie. I’d ask her to marry me now if I thought she’d say yes. With all her shit going on combined with Cassie, not really proposal time.

“When you do that shit, you better come correct,” he warns.

“And what’s your version of that?” This should be good.

“Fuck you Kellerman. You know what I mean. She deserves a rock the size of the moon and a proposal at the Super Bowl half-time show. Not to mention you have a lot of people to ask for their blessings. Come correct,” he enunciates the last part. I shake my head at him.

“Well I’ll get on mining moon size diamonds,” I snark. He scowls at me before being distracted by his nurse again. Attention span of a toddler.

“We’ll head out when the O’Sullivan clan gets here. Safer,” he mumbles distractedly.

“Sounds good. You gonna head down for breakfast? Or you gonna cover her in syrup and have a breakfast buffet?” He shoves my shoulder wearing a shit-eating grin.

“I’m gonna talk to Kid’s nurse and see if she can eat some real food. She’s lost so much weight lately I wanna stuff a pound of bacon in her mouth,” Kav grumbles. He’s right; Kid’s really thin right now. She was losing weight before this with all the stress of Butch’s trial, now it’s worse.

I break away from the now increasingly uncomfortable mutual eye fucking and head back into the room. O’Sullivan, Cal and Kid are all cracking up when I walk in. The sound of her laughter is intoxicating. I prowl over to her and capture her mouth in a hard kiss, halting her chuckle. Smiling broadly as I pull back from her.

“I’m next,” O’Sullivan claims.

“Okay, but just one,” I say leaning toward him. He palms my face and I sit back in my seat snickering.

“I never thought I’d have this again,” Kid says quietly. There’s a ghost of a smile on her lips but despair in her eyes.

“Kid,” Cal soothes. “You’ll always have this. Where you go, we go.”

“I was sad, guys. At some point I came to terms with the fact that I was probably gonna die,” she whispers.

“Kid?” Kav calls from the doorway no doubt he just heard what she said. His eyes hold as much despair as hers.

“I didn’t give up, Kavy. I was gonna fight, but I knew it was a fight I’d lose,” she admits dejectedly. God this is going to be a long road back to healthy happy Kid. I keep my emotions intact. No more going off the rails for me.

“You wouldn’t have lost. Your team never loses,” Kav says sweetly coming to her bedside.

“I was gonna lose, Kavy.”

“Didn’t happen. Never gonna happen,” Kav spouts confidently wrapping his gigantic arms around her shoulders, crushing her to his chest.


“Aaron, you’re gonna smother her,” Pop chides from the door. Kav pulls back and presses a hard kiss to her forehead before addressing his father.

“Mornin’, Pop.”

“Mornin’. Go help your brothers,” Pop orders. Kav nods and heads out the door.

“Hoppin’ in the shower,” Cal informs us.

“Quick. I need to grab one too,” O’Sullivan replies. Cal offers a chin lift and disappears into the room of destruction.

“Mornin’, sweetheart,” Pop coos running the backs of his fingers along Kid’s cheek. “Sleep good?”

“Yeah, Pop,” she says back smiling brightly at her father. It was strange at first trying to figure out all the relationships she has with these intertwined families. Now it just seems normal that she has three fathers, two mothers, and nine completely fucking crazy brothers.

“Jesus Christ, will you carry some of the weight, bitches?” Kav sneers. Ryan, Adam and Kav are carrying a Christmas tree into Kid’s room. Or I should say, Kav is doing most of the carrying while Ryan and Adam watch.

“I’m carryin’ the decorations,” Adam points out.

“Yeah, and I’m still sore from my date last night,” Ryan teases. Kav hoists the large fir into the room and leans it against the wall.

“Pussies,” Kav says under his breath before he flops on his bed. Cal comes out of the bathroom and O’Sullivan takes his turn.

“You brought be a tree?” Kid whispers to Pop.

“Ryan and Adam’s idea,” Pop says proud of his sons.

“Best part of Christmas is watchin’ you around the tree, Kid,” Ryan says softly kissing her on the cheek.

“Couldn’t miss it,” Adam finishes with a forehead kiss.

“Love you guys,” Kid murmurs into Adam’s neck.

“Now, you can’t decorate so you instruct and we’ll follow,” Pop says clapping his hands together.

After two hours there is a fully dressed seven foot tall fir in Kid’s hospital room. There are presents under it now that the rest of the family has shown up. You’d never know what we’d been through the last ten days if we weren’t in this room with Kid stuck in this bed. It feels like a normal Christmas Eve.

“Now, I know they’re bein’ cautious with food, but you’re too thin,” Maggie says pointedly after Kid refuses a Christmas cookie the size of her head.

“Ma, I don’t feel great. I can’t eat that, I’ll get sick. I kept the smoothie down this morning but that was pushin’ it. I’ll gain the weight back. I’m okay, don’t worry,” Kid urges. Everyone fussing over her is starting to take its toll.

“I’ll always worry,” Maggie says softly pushing a tear from her cheek. She and Mary cry so much it’s a wonder they’re not constantly dehydrated.

“Ma,” Kid soothes.

“I know. I know. Love you,” Maggie coos and kisses her daughter’s cheek lingering a moment before exiting the room, to surely cry her eyes out on Sully Senior’s shoulder.

“What’d you do now, Kid?” O’Sullivan chides from his bed where he’s been immersed in some game on his tablet.

“Just bein’ my marvelously extraordinary self,” Kid snarks.

“All right gentleman, if you all can clear out for a few minutes I need to see to my patient,” Sheryl the nurse states firmly as she rolls a cart in the room. Most of Kid’s brothers are in here so one by one they clear out. They won’t go far. I stand up and place a chaste kiss at the edge of Kid’s mouth and follow the group. As I leave the room Sheryl pulls the privacy curtain and gets to work. I’m guessing she’s changing bandages on the bullet wounds. She’ll need plastic surgery to remove the scars from her beating. Kav already talked to a surgeon who assured us it can be done once she’s ready. Not soon e-fucking-nough!

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