Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (56 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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“I’d know if it broke. I took it off.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. It’s yours. So get your ass on a plane and come home. Your son or daughter needs you!” She’s getting teary again. I have whiplash from the violent mood swings.

“I’ll call you tomorrow and we can talk about it. I need to go now. I have to see a doctor right now.”

“Fine. You can go but you better call me!” she growls.

“I’ll call,” I promise.

“Bye, honey,” she says quietly.

“Bye, Cass.”

I hang up and toss my phone into the seat next to me. What a shit show!

“Didn’t want to interrupt,” I hear a voice to my side. I snap my head up to see a nicely dress older man. “Sorry.”

“No. I didn’t hear you come in. Sorry you had to hear that,” I apologize.

“No worries. I’ve got five children. I know how it goes.” I nod embarrassed that he heard any of our conversation.

“When’s the due date?” he asks pleasantly. “Sorry, I’m Dean Wick. Aidan Callaghan asked me to see you.” He goes to extend his hand to shake mine before assessing the damage I’m sporting.

“I’m not really in the position to shake your hand. Thanks for comin’ in to see me after hours,” I say guiltily. I pulled this man away from his five kids because I had a temper tantrum.

“I just told you I have five children, this is a reprieve,” he jokes. “Let’s get some images of your hands and then we’ll see where we’re at.” I nod and follow him into a small x-ray room. I put on the heavy apron and sit still while he captures multiple images of my hands.

“Have a seat in the room next door while I get these processed,” he instructs.

I move into the next room and wait silently. He comes in a few minutes later lining up the images side by side on a large light box affixed to the wall. He looks them over silently circling things and making notes in a chart.

“Well you did quite a number on yourself. You’ve got what we call a boxer’s fracture in your right hand. You can see here your fourth and fifth metacarpals are fractured.” He indicates toward the image where I can see what look like breaks in the bones. “In your left hand you also have a boxer’s fracture but only in the fifth metacarpal. I think we can just tape your left hand but your right will need to be splinted. We also need to dress the abrasions to avoid infection.” I nod. Not much to say to that. He leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with some stuff to get me set up.

“I’ll start with the abrasions. I have a product here that’s like a second skin. It adheres to your skin and stays in place until the healing process is complete,” he explains as he starts cleaning my hands. Fucking hell that hurts. I sit still and watch him work. This reminds me of when I had to fix Kid’s hand after she beat the shit out of that creeper at Bar. I hated that it happened at the time but taking care of her and holding her in my arms that night was pure pleasure. It was our beginning.

“I know it’s not my place but are you having issues with paternity?” Wow that came out of left field. Normally I’d tell this guy to fuck off, but he’s here taking care of me as a favor so I rein it in.

“I guess you could say that. The woman I was talkin’ to is my ex. I just found out she’s pregnant. She doesn’t know if I’m the father. She doesn’t want to do an amnio or some other thing I can’t remember. I have to wait until the baby’s born to find out,” I say humiliated.

“That’s not true,” he says confidently.

“I’m sorry?” I don’t know which thing I said was wrong.

“You don’t have to wait until the child is born and she doesn’t need to have and amniocentesis or a CVS,” he explains.

“Really? She said that those were the only options.”

“Most people think those are the only options. The medical industry is always changing and innovating with new techniques. There’s a new non-invasive blood test that can determine paternity. The fetal cells are carried in the mother’s blood. Once a routine blood draw is performed it can be analyzed for DNA testing,” he says with a smile seeing the relief flooding my face.

“Can that test happen at any time?” I ask hoping it can be done tomorrow!

“I think after ten weeks. I’m not sure on those details, but I can get you in touch with a lab here that does the test.”

“That would be great. Thank you so much,” I say smiling from ear to ear.

“Not a problem.”

Once my second skin is in place, Dr. Wick tapes my pinky and ring finger together on my left hand. I have to keep it taped for at least two weeks. My right hand is sporting a very attractive black splint that looks like an overworked bowling glove. My pinky and ring finger are held stable by the splint and the glove holds my palm and wrist in place. It’s uncomfortable. Teach me to fight an innocent wall.

I’m going back to Kid’s room. Aidan was right I was thinking about taking off tonight, but I can’t do that to Kid. I at least need to talk to her first. If she asks me to leave I will, but I’m not just going to take off. The old me would do that, I’m not him anymore.


I wake up in the hospital room in a sweat. I was having a nightmare. My breathing is labored and my heart is pounding. I squeeze my left hand to draw some comfort from Kel, but my hand is cold and empty. Kel’s not here. I push the button to raise the back of my bed up slowly. The guys are all in their little beds around the room. They look so big in those tiny things, giants in doll furniture. I get a bit of comfort seeing them here with me. My pain meds have worn off, but I’m going to wait before I ask the nurse for more. They make me foggy and I need to think.

Taylor did this to me. While he didn’t order the kidnapping, he allowed it to happen. He told me he fell for me and when I didn’t return the sentiment he handed me to who he knew was a torturous monster. I feel sick at the idea of Taylor’s hands on me. Motherfucker is lucky he’s dead. I can’t believe I went off about Taylor in front of Kel. It was stupid and selfish on my part. There’s part of me that wonders if I did it on purpose. Kel cheated on me (kind of cheated), and now there’s a baby coming. I don’t understand why he’s here, yet I’m happy he is. Why am I happy my kind of cheating boyfriend is by my side? I need to call my old therapist, quick.

“Kiddo,” Kel calls from the bedside. I jump. “Jesus. Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay. I was just lost in my head.” I look at his hands and gasp. “Shit! Kel, your hands.” I reach out to grab his thick wrists and pull his hands toward me to inspect them. They’ve been covered in some skin like material, taped, and splinted.

“I’m all right,” he says softly pulling his hands away from me. “You mind if I sit?” He’s so tentative he’s making me uncomfortable. I don’t speak I just nod to his chair. Once he sits I start in.

“Kel, I—” He cuts me off before I can get going.

“I know you just woke up and went through a nightmare before that, but there are some things I need you to know now.” I sit silently and let him continue. “I did not sleep with Cassie when I was in Seattle. We did the things you saw in those pictures and that’s fuckin’ awful enough but it went no further. I was pissed you weren’t answerin’ your phone and you were in your room with Taylor. I had a lapse in judgment and if you hate me for that, I get it. But I need you to know I didn’t sleep with her. I haven’t been with anyone since I laid eyes on you in Mia’s room.”

My heart sings at this information. He didn’t sleep with her! He made out with her and maybe copped a feel but he didn’t fuck her. The relief I feel is so immense I can’t describe. I go to say something, but he continues.

“Got some bad news though, Kiddo. I slept with her right before I moved home and she’s pregnant. She doesn’t know if it’s mine, but she’s convinced herself that it is. I asked her to get a paternity test done. She’s refusin’ to get an amnio or the other test they can do. She says I have to wait until the baby’s born.”

“That’s fuckin’ bullshit Kel,” I rage. “There’s a maternal blood screen that can be done. It’s non-invasive and can be done early in the pregnancy. She refuses and I’ll file a motion to compel her to do so. And if that baby’s yours and you want custody, I’ll fight my ass off to get that for you,” I rant. He launches himself at me.

“I love you so fuckin’ much!” he bellows with his face in my neck. Smashing me beneath his massive body I wrap my arms around his shoulders and squeeze him tight. I’m sure I smell like a dumpster, but I don’t care. He feels good against my body.

“Told you so,” Kav mumbles from his doll bed. I feel Kel start to shake with chuckles. “And just some advice for the future…no glove, no love.”

Kel snorts before he retakes his seat in his chair.

“Thanks for the advice, but apparently that’s not a hundred percent, or that’s what I’m waitin’ to find out,” Kel scoffs.

“Wait, you wore a bag and she’s sayin’ it’s yours? I call bullshit,” Kavy scoffs right back.

“Have to wait and find out I guess.” Kel shrugs.

“That kid comes back as yours I’m guessin’ that chick went mental and stole your swimmers from the condom,” Kavy says as he sits up in his miniature bed, tattooed chest blazing. I stare at our clover and get tingles. My family.

“What’re you talkin’ about Kav? That’s crazy!” Kel quietly yells.

“Fuck yeah its crazy. Happened to a dude I played rugby with.”

“Kavy you’re freakin’ him out. Jeez,” I scold.

“Could she really have done something like that?” Kel asks me.

“It happens, Kel. I doubt she did that though. Again, if she did, I’ll fight to get you that baby,” I spout confidently. This I can deal with. This is my world, my comfort zone. Maybe even a welcome distraction. I need to have Finn start doing background on her tomorrow. Kel’s told me about her and she sounds like a piece of work.

“All right, I’m goin’ back to sleep. You two keep the moanin’ to a minimum,” Kavy teases laying back. Kel and I both chuckle. Kavy’s asleep in about ninety seconds. I swear he can fall asleep anywhere at the drop of a hat.

“Okay, now it’s my turn,” I say to Kel squeezing his hand gently. “I did cheat on you. I made out with Taylor and he got a little handsy. I’m so fuckin’ sorry. I was sad and mad and hurt and he took advantage, but I allowed it. I did stop him though because even in that moment where I thought you had done something cruel and heartless, I still loved you.”

“This day has included too much of you talkin’ about kissin’ other dudes,” he growls. “I don’t give a shit what happened with you and Taylor.” I arch a brow at him. “Okay, I give a shit. A big shit. But it doesn’t matter now. He’s gone and you’re safe. That’s all that matters. I have you back.” He raises my hand and kisses my palm. I wince at some pain in my head and he drops my hand like his lips just seared my skin.

“It’s not you, Kel. My head hurts,” I say softly. He reaches up and hits the nurse call button. She answers on the intercom and he barks that I need some pain medication.

“You can be nice when you ask,” I chide.

“Don’t like seein’ you in pain.” His voice is gruff as he picks my hand back up. His hands are really fucked up. I can’t believe he did that to himself.

“Do your hands hurt?” I ask gently.

“Little,” he says dismissively.

“Don’t do that again. I couldn’t get to you and you were in pain. That was torture for me and now that I know what torture is actually like, I don’t want to experience that ever again literally or emotionally,” I say sternly. His face wears hurt from my statement. I’m such a dick lately (blaming the drugs). The nurse comes in before either of us says anything else. I get doped up and she gets on her way, rolling her eyes at my garden of sleeping men.

“I’m sorry I hurt you today. I broke. I’ve been drowning since I realized you were gone and I hit my breakin’ point hearin’ you say you were waitin’ for Taylor to save you. I don’t care how you got through those days. It’s not about me. I shouldn’t have gone off like that. I never wanna be the reason you’re hurt,” Kel says in a whisper.

“We’re a mess. All we keep doin’ is apologizing to each other. Enough of that. I love you. This is gonna be a rough road and we need to be there for each other. We’ll both have moments where we crack and break, but if we lean on one another we’ll make it through. Promise me you’ll lean on me before you attack a bathroom again,” I instruct.

“I promise,” he says assuredly. “Promise me you won’t shut me out. I get how hard this will be, I can take it. Just don’t shut me out,” he requests. He knows me so well. It’s what I want to do. I want to shield him from what happened to me and shield myself by denying it happened. I won’t do that though. I’ll heal and survive and face the demons lurking in the shadows of that house.

“I promise,” I state firmly.

“Can I kiss you?” he asks sweetly.


“No?” he asks shocked.

“I don’t know the last time I brushed my teeth, but my mouth feels like I ate a wooly mammoth’s ass,” I exclaim. He doubles over in a heaving laugh. I follow right along with him wincing at little shots of pain. When he’s done he stands up and goes into the bathroom (be careful not to piss him off tiles). He comes back out with a toothbrush and two cups.

“Brush,” he instructs handing me the toothpaste covered toothbrush. “Spit,” he says holding an empty cup in front of my lips. “Swish,” he says handing me a cup of water. “Spit,” he repeats putting the spit cup in front of me again. Ah, fresh and clean. “Better?” he asks pleased with himself.

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