Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (23 page)

Read Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits Online

Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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“He wants you. He looks at you the way the guys at the club looked at you. You can’t tell me you don’t see it?” he asks incredulously. I’ve seen it a little, but not after our tussle this morning.

“Kel, come on,” I supplicate, “it’s not like that. I actually had it out with him this morning. He offered to resign…”

“Good, who’s replacin’ him?” he questions ardently.

“No one. We had a series of miscommunications, but once we sat down and hashed it out everything fell into place. He’s not leaving.”

“Oh. What were your miscommunications?” He thought I was a stupid whore and I thought he was a mind-fucking prick. I can’t say that of course.

“It’s a long story. Can we talk about it some other time? I’m wiped from this day and I’m sure you are too after flying and whatever you were out of breath doing when I called.” It’s a question.

“I was going through my storage unit, trying to weed everything out.”

“Well, I’ll let you get back to it.” I’m going to finish my drink and sleep on the couch in my office. “I’ve gotta get back to work. I’m glad you made it safely.”

“Text when you get home, please?”


“Thanks, that’ll make me feel better.” He pauses and sighs. “Bye, Kiddo.”

“Bye, Kel.” Kiddo? I like that. I’m such a girl!! Ugh!

I toss back my drink and go curl up on the love seat. I’m entitled to a nap after the last four days.

I wake up to a tapping on my head, pencil maybe.

“Wake up, lush,” Karl sasses. “You need me to carry you downstairs?”

“No,” I yawn and stretch, “I just needed a powernap.” I look out my wall of windows and realize it’s dark out. That was more than a powernap. Double shit!

“It’s quittin’ time.” He pulls me up to a sitting position. “Lover boy number two is patiently waiting to escort you home…where he also lives. Thanks for tellin’ me that. I want details. Sneak in the shower and set up Flip camera or something for me.”

I snicker. “You’re such a stalker!” I hop up and head to my desk. I grab my gun and bag. This workday is so done.

I walk out of my office to a waiting Taylor.

“Ready?” he asks, more chipper than I am. I nod. That’s my level of enthusiasm. Rodger’s waiting for us as we exit the building. I say my goodbyes to Karl and climb in the car. It’s warm, and smells like apple pie.

I must have dozed off because I wake up in Taylor’s arms. I’m making this a strange habit. I’m so tired I don’t even say anything. He carries me up to my room and lays me in my bed. He pulls off my shoes and jacket then covers me up to my neck with my duvet. I hear him sit in the chair in the corner of my room before I drift back to dreamland.

I wake again what feels like hours later, when I feel lips press to the side of my head. “Goodnight,” Taylor whispers into my hair. I don’t respond. That was fucking weird! I pull the duvet closer to my face after Taylor leaves the room. It smells like Kel. I snuggle into his pillow and float to sleep thinking about his arms wrapped around me. I’m such a chick.

Buzz, buzz.
Ugh…I’m disoriented and mostly asleep.
Buzz, buzz.
I roll out of bed in search of the noise. Where the fuck is my bag?
Buzz, buzz.
Chair? No. Dresser? No. Floor? No. Ottoman? YES!
Buzz, buzz.
I dig my BlackBerry out, Kel’s called ten times. Shit I forgot to text him. It’s 3 a.m. I hit the call button.

“Hello,” I whisper.

“Shannon,” he sounds pissed and scared. “What the fuck is going on?”

“I’m sorry Kel,” I whimper a little. “I was just exhausted after these last four days. Kavy gave me some whiskey to calm me down and I passed out at the office. I was so out of it when I got home Taylor had to carry me to bed. I just woke up when you were calling. I didn’t mean to worry you.” Silence…and more silence. I look at my phone to see if I dropped the call. Nope still connected. “Kel?”

“I’m here,” his voice is barely above a whisper. “I…uh, wow, I don’t know what to say, Shannon. Last night I’m informed that the man that murdered Kathy and put Mia in a coma is out of jail and may want to harm you…..and for the last nine hours I can’t get a hold of you. That’s kind of a mind fuck.” His voice is laced with anger. I try to explain but he keeps going.

“I know Taylor was in your room because when you wouldn’t answer your phone I called Kavanagh to make sure you were okay. He told me Taylor was with you in your bedroom. Another mind fuck. Not really what I wanna hear when I’m fifteen hundred miles away from you.” He huffs in a snarky tone. “I shoulda dealt with this before I left.”

“Dealt with what, Kel?” I implore. Taylor did cross a line tonight, but he saw me have a shitty day. It’s not like he mauled me or something. It was a friendly action…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I should have texted Kel. I’m sure he was fucking panicked…he knows Butch and what he’s capable of. That was inconsiderate of me. Honestly, I’m not used to needing to consider anyone outside of my family.

“You…us…me, everything Kiddo.”

“What about you, us, and me?” I question. He sighs in the phone. This feels like a break-up. I didn’t even make it a week this time. I’m worse than Kim Kardashian.

“I need to know where we stand,” he says emphatically. “I can’t have you a little. I’m an all or nothing kinda guy and with you for some reason it’s ten times worse. The thought of Taylor puttin’ you to bed makes me see fuckin’ red, Kid, and I know I have no right. I’m goin’ insane up here and it’s takin’ everything I’ve got not to hop on a plane back to you right now. I’ve known you for four days and the last eighteen hours have been pure torture for me. I don’t know how to do nine more days.” This is too much too soon for me. I’m reeling from the last four days and while I like Kel a lot, I don’t know what that means yet.

“Kel,” I purr softly, “I think we should take a step back here.” He hisses into the phone. “Let me finish. These last four days have been intense for both of us. I need to clear my head and so do you. I like you and I loved spending the last few days with you, but I don’t know what that means. Maybe this time away will do us good and when you get back we can figure out the specifics.”

“What does that mean, Shannon? Are you serious about us at all? After this weekend I thought we were on the same page. Do you even want me to come back?” Holy shit this isn’t going as planned. I thought he would want space and time. Isn’t that what men always want…space and time away from the clingy crazies?!

“Kel, NO!” I screech. “I want you to come back and I want to figure things out. You sound so stressed out about me and us. I don’t wanna be a burden to you. I’m just tryin’ to cut you some slack. I’ve never been in a relationship. I’m not sure if we should jump into a committed relationship after four days. Can’t we just see where this goes?”

“No. I don’t want slack, Kiddo. I don’t need more time. I want you. I want you to be mine and no one else’s. I know that concept freaks you the fuck out, and it does me too. But if I’m gonna stay here and get anything accomplished I need to know you’re mine.” Pump the brakes…WHAT? Who is this guy? I’m giving him chance after chance to bail and he’s calling dibs. Be his? Does he draw up a contract with Cally for me?

“What does that mean, Kel? Should Cally draw up a contract in the morning and fax it to your Dom secretary? You’re in the right city,” I snark. He chuckles.

“It just means we’re together, exclusive. No more not texting or calling back. No more Taylor carrying you into bed.” His voice tenses at that last point.

“Okay,” I concede. I can do that.

“Okay? Just like that?” He’s stunned.

“Yup, but if this was such an issue for you, you should have followed the hallowed words of Beyoncé ‘If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it’.” That makes me laugh out loud.

“Okay,” he says emphatically. Uhhhh? “What’re you wearing?” he purrs. I like where this is going.

I stay up talking to Kel until the boys’ alarms start going off. We talk about fishing, Seattle, past relationships (his, since I have none), family, work; you name it we talk about it. We can’t get enough of each other. When I finally hang up I feel so much better than I have the past four days. I am happy and content…just from talking on the phone with my…boyfriend. Holy shit, I have a BOYFRIEND!! To the gym I go with all this energy.

I walk out of my room and meet Taylor in the hall. He’s in a tank and shorts…same plan as me I suppose.

“Now look,” I chide, “I’m not sluttin’ it up. I’m goin’ to the gym.” I motion at my spandex shorts and sports bra outfit. I need to remember he lives here now.

He puts his hands in the universal defensive pose. “I didn’t say anything,” he says as he smiles sheepishly. I guess we’re over the weirdness, minus the kissing of my head last night.

“Care for some company?” he asks sweetly.

“Sure. Cally’s usually my workout partner but he has an early meeting this morning. Speak of the devil.” Cally comes into the hallway. He’s eyeing Taylor and me…more Taylor.

“Kid, I have to run to this meeting. We still on for basketball at six?”

We all start heading down the stairs.

“Yup,” I say popping my

“Did Kellerman ever get a hold of you last night? He was pretty freaked out by the time Kav talked to him.”

“Yeah, we talked,” I say coyly, batting my eyelashes.

“What’s that look, Kid?” he chuckles at my feigned sexiness.

“I’ll tell you about it tonight. Get to your meeting.” I smack his ass and make my way to the basement gym. I feel cardio is my poison of choice.

“I think I’m just gonna run. Help yourself to whatever you want,” I tell Taylor, motioning at the gym. I love our gym. Over the years we’ve built up quite the setup down here: free weights, machines, cardio equipment, yoga area, boxing area, it’s lacking for nothing.

“I’ll warm up with a jog and see where I end up,” he says, hopping on the treadmill next to me (Cally’s treadmill). I’m used to working out with Cally, we have a routine. This feels a little weird like I’m betraying him. I work out with Kavy and Sully too sometimes, but Cally is my constant. It’s just a treadmill Kelly…get it together.

“Do you mind if I turn on some music?” I point at the speakers in the ceiling.

“Not at all.” He’s already jogging. His body is a machine. He’s cut and as he runs he ripples: chest, arms, back, legs…yum. Good morning! I choose my Eminem mix tape and get to it. Once I start running everything else fades into the background. It’s just me and my feet, one in front of the other. This is what I needed. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Taylor staring at me like I have two heads.

“What?” I’m breathing heavy…very attractive.

“You’ve been at it over an hour.” He points at the display on the treadmill. I’m over ten miles and I don’t even feel it…yet.

“I’ll cool down now.” I start slowing down. “Thanks.” I have no idea what Taylor’s been doing for the last hour. He could have been fucking an alien on the bench, and I wouldn’t have noticed. Now I notice him though. He’s speckled in sweat, his tank and shorts damp from his workout. His hair is glistening and wild. Boyfriend, I have a boyfriend.

“I’m gonna hit the shower,” he purrs pointing up the stairs. “See you in forty-five minutes?” I glance at the clock. Shit I’ve been at this too long. I jump off the treadmill and start to stretch. I look up from the floor, where I’ve just uncurled from my head on my knees, stretching my back. Taylor’s staring. He notices I catch him and takes off up the stairs. I shake my head, “boys” I think to myself.

Once I’m good and stretched I run around like a crazy woman getting showered, dressed, gym bag packed, breakfast wolfed down and out the door. My work day is crazy busy but that’s good because it keeps my mind off meeting Butch. It also means time flies and the next thing I know Taylor’s knocking at my door telling me it’s time to go to the hospital.

We get out at the hospital and I stop at the front doors, needing a minute to put my thoughts together. Taylor’s hand settles in the small of my back. “You all right, Shannon?” he whispers in my ear, so as not to draw attention to us.

“I’m fine,” I walk over to a bench and sit down. “I just need a minute.” He nods and sits down next to me.

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