Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (13 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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The evening moves on without further incident. We get second place in the quiz, a bottle of whiskey as our prize. Once we collect, Kavy calls Rodger and we make our way to the door.

“Where’s your coat?” Kel yells over the now deafening music in my ear.

“No coat,” I yell back. “Where’s your car?” He shakes his head.

“I didn’t drive. Took a cab since I figured I’d be drinking.” Hot and responsible. Be still my beating heart.

“You comin’ to Bar with us?”

“What bar?” He looks at me like I’m nuts.

“No…Bar.” I make a straight line with my hand and forearm. “It’s a new club in Power and Light. Sully got us bottle service.” I shrug not wanting to seem desperate. I’m not desperate, just…intrigued.

“Yeah I’ll grab a cab and meet you there,” he smiles at me.

“Just ride with us, we have a driver for the night.” Kavy whistles to get my attention and waves me toward the door. Car’s here. I grab Kel’s rough hand and pull him behind me. The guys are all piling in the back of the SUV. Rodger sees me and eyeballs Kel for a brief moment before opening the passenger door for me. He takes my hand and again shields my body from any prying eyes.

“Thank you Rodger.” I nod in Kel’s direction. “That’s my friend Dylan Kellerman. He’ll be riding with us.” Kellerman smiles his eye crinkle smile at me and ducks into the seat behind me. Rodger shuts us in and off we go to Bar.

“The seat warmers are on, Shannon,” Rodger informs me. “Would you like more heat?”

“No thank you Rodger. I’m good.” I beam at him. He’s getting hired on Monday.

“Where’s your coat, Kid?” Cally is sitting in the captain’s chair behind Rodger.

“Didn’t bring one, Cally.”

“Why not? It’s cold and you’re barely wearing clothes.”

“Because Kavy woulda made me wear it all night like a robe.”

“Damn straight. Maybe we should head home so you can change,” Kavy bellows from the third row.

“Nope. We’ve got reservations in ten minutes,” Sully interjects. I knew this already. Perfect timing!

“Do you want my jacket, Kid?” Finn offers. “Until we get inside?”

“No thanks, Finn,” I roll my eyes. Anything to cover me up. “I’ll be fine. Rodger will drop us off curbside and we’ll line jump so I’ll only be outside for thirty seconds. I think I can manage.” I look back at him. He’s smirking and shaking his head. I knew his game.

We pull up at Bar and the line is down the block to get in. I’m beyond glad we don’t have to wait in that. Rodger hops out and opens the back door for the guys and stands in front of my door. The guys make their way to the doorman while I’m still sitting in the SUV, guarded by Rodger. Sully and the doorman do some manly handshake thing and he lifts the velvet rope. Rodger sees this and opens my door, again, blocking the view for mishaps. I start to walk around him to get inside because it’s fucking cold.

“Be safe, Shannon,” Rodger implores, looking me directly in the eyes and gripping my hands tightly. I nod and squeeze back. I love you Uncle Mick (my brain says it before I’m aware). Kel notices me standing with Rodger and makes his way back as Rodger releases me. He holds his hand out to me and I take it, they’re so rough and warm, yet soft somehow. He interlaces his fingers with mine and leads me into the club.

Bar was an old warehouse or factory before it was a club. Inside, it’s massive and open. There are two levels. The second level has a complete wraparound balcony looking down on the main dance floor. There is also a rooftop bar outside. There has to be well over five hundred people in here. The music is making my whole body pulse, and all I can see in front of us is a sea of moving bodies. It’s entrancing. Kel still has a hold of my hand and starts pulling me forward. I take in the lights, the smell of sweat, booze, and clean air from the giant vents; this is a good club. We make a hard left and head up an open staircase. Sully is at the front of our group and meets the guy guarding the velvet rope at the top of the stairs. In we go.

It’s quieter up here. There’s glass enclosing half of the balcony that muffles the sound so you can carry on a fairly normal conversation. There are light grey and cream fabric couches and chairs everywhere with black lacquered tables marked with numbers strategically placed where needed. We’re led to our table by a hostess wearing a black pencil skirt and black short sleeved fitted top. She looks professional, not slutty. I like that. Our area is the best seat in the place. Right up against the glass, with a view of the whole club. Before our asses hit the seats our waitress is upon us. Waitress uniforms are a little tight in the top and a little short in the shorts but it’s to be expected. They do live on tips.

Shots are first, Chambord Kamikazes, my favorite. Sully knows me well. I give him an appreciative smile and shimmy. I’m ready to get my dance on, and he’s my partner. I lay my clutch in Kavy’s lap and give his shoulder a knowing squeeze. He nods in response. He’d get to me before I’d need that gun and I know it. Sully grabs my hand, leading me to the stairs and massive dance floor. I hear Kel ask where we’re going. Cally tells him to just watch and see. Sully and I have been known to put on a show a time or two.

We make our way to the dance floor and Sully pushes us through to the middle and makes a little space. He spins me in one spot three times and rips me back into his chest, one arm around my waist, tight, and the other gripping my hand to his chest. We start to sway and move together. I’ll never get enough of dancing with him. The song changes to Pitbull’s “Get it Started” and boy does he. I’m flying around the floor, spinning and moving, I can feel the glow radiating off me. We keep going for a few songs before Sully calls time, giving me the universal “I need a drink” sign. Some guy stops us as we’re walking off the dance floor. Sully’s holding my hand and pulls me to a stop while he converses with whoever that guy is. A few moments later we’re on the move. Once back up to our area I find all my boys and even more girls. The gold diggers are out in force.

I stop Sully and yell over the music that seems much louder up here than it was earlier, “What did that guy want?”

Sully snickers in my ear, “He told me that I had the best woman in this club, hands down and to watch out for you all night because you had gained quite a bit of attention from other dudes.” I pull back from his ear so I can look him in the eye. He’s serious. I look around the VIP area and notice a few stares, moving over to the glass to look down, more stares and glances. It must be a full moon. He smiles at me an “I told you so” smile and joins the boys and their coochy squad.

I head to the VIP bar, clutch in hand, time for shots and another drink. I know I was instructed not to leave the boys but I’m thirty feet away, it shouldn’t be an issue. I order myself two shots, a tall drink, and a bottle of water. While I wait, I turn back around to check on my boys. Finn has a leggy brunette whispering in his ear, Kavy has two chicks, blondes (sisters?) in his lap, Cally has his tongue in a petite sandy blonde’s mouth (his back will hurt tomorrow), Sully has his arm around a redhead’s shoulder (hand brushing…maybe cupping her tit), and Kellerman has his arm stretched along the back of the couch he’s sitting on with a raven haired stunner cuddled up at his side. Everyone has laid claim but me. I start scanning the room when the bartender sets down my drinks.

“Allow me,” a smooth deep voice says from behind me. I turn to see a mountain of a man smiling and leaning around me, telling the bartender it’s on him. I beam my panty dropping smile at him, he’s yummy. He’ll do.

“Thank you.” I stick my hand out and he quickly grasps it gently.

“Jason Thompson.” He brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

“Shannon Kelly,” I smile coyly and retrieve my hand.

“It’s a pleasure, Miss Kelly. May I escort you back to your table?” I nod. He lightly grips my elbow and guides me back to the semi orgy that’s now raging at my table.

“Jason, man it’s good to see you.” Sully walks over to us, sans clinger.

“I see you’ve met, Shannon.” Sully smiles a shit eating grin at me. What the fuck? I eye him back.

“Just barely, but enough to be captivated.” He grins at Sully. I’m right here people.

“This is Jason’s place, Kid,” Sully finally addresses me.

“It’s a great place,” I yell over the louder music to Jason, who is now eyeing me up and down like he’s sizing me for my coffin.

“Wanna dance?” Kel catches me off guard when he yells over the music in my ear. His lady friend is gone. Huh? I throw back my shot and down my drink. Super ladylike I know. I toss my bottle of water and clutch to Sully and turn to Jason.

“Thanks for the drinks. It was really nice to meet you. Hope to see you around.” I pat his chest two times and turn toward Kel. Jason is forgotten as soon as I look back to Kel. Fuck he’s hot! He’s got a strange look in his eye but he turns too quickly for me to get a full view of what it is.

“Yeah you too,” I hear Jason stutter as Kel interlaces our fingers and leads me down to the dance floor. I hope that guy from earlier isn’t out here still. He’ll think I’m a merry-go-round and everyone gets a turn. Kel gets us to the middle of the floor and pulls me into his chest and then turns me around so my back is to his front. He slides his hands onto my hips and starts to move me how he wants and I follow willingly. He’s moving slow and deliberately letting me feel every flex of his hips. I reach my hands up and wrap them around his neck leaning my head back onto his shoulder. Lead away big boy. His hot breath is on my neck and is picking up pace. My two shots and chugged drink have solidly hit me and I’m relaxed.

“I like dancing with you,” I whisper seductively in his ear.

He presses his lips to my neck softly but with purpose. He runs his nose up my neck to my ear, “I love dancing with you.” I’m turned the fuck on now. Holy balls! My hips start to rock and sway more intensely as he moves his hands from my hips and pulls them across my waist crushing me into him. We’re both panting by the end of the song. I open my eyes and see some creeper watching me. I lean my head forward and realize it’s Sully’s guy from earlier. Merry-go-round I am not. I pull my head up off Kel’s shoulder and let go of his neck, he snaps his head up to see what I’m looking at. He notices the creeper and tenses ever so slightly. I look up at him and he’s staring the guy down, jaw clenched. I look up at the balcony and see Kavy watching the scene too. I’m safe. I don’t panic.

Creeper’s not backing down and there are a few guys behind him that are also enjoying the show I’ve been putting on. I turn into Kel’s chest and look up at him. He’s still staring and working that jaw. He has the sexiest jaw I have ever seen. I bet he can crack nuts with that thing. I run my hand up his chest, neck, and stop on his cheek. He looks down at me, concern on his face. I tip his head toward mine and whisper in his ear, “Let them watch.” I drag my nose back along his jaw to the center of his chin. It’s his move now. He’s looking down at me, I wait. It has to be his move. He shakes his head and chuckles. With his arm around my waist he leads me a good distance away from the creepers and back toward the stairs.

Shot down.

That’s a good way to let some air out of a girl’s ego. Once we’re back upstairs I snatch my clutch off the table and head to the bar. If I’m not getting play, then I’m surely getting drunk. Two drinks and two shots on Sully’s tab. It’s his fault I’m here, he can pay to inebriate me. It’s almost 1:00 a.m. The good guys are taken, and I don’t want the sloppy seconds or rejects. I slam a shot, down a drink and repeat the process. Order the same thing and repeat again. Ahhhh, there’s my buzz. I turn around from the bar and stalk back over to the table. Cally and Kel are talking. Cally’s petite chick is dancing like a loon at the end of the balcony but Kel’s chick is nowhere to be seen. Kavy looks up from his make out session to assess me. I grab my bottle of water off the table and chug. I am nothing if not a lady tonight.

“What’s up, Kid?” Kavy yells. Cally and Kel’s heads snap up to assess me too. I give Kavy a thumbs-up and put the cap back on my water. I think I need to head back over to the bar now. Kavy is at my side in two seconds.

“You drunk, Kid?” He’s worried. I look him in the eye.

“Not yet, Kavy.” I push off his chest and go back to my bartender friend.

“I’m Shannon,” I yell and reach across the bar. “What’s your name?” He smiles sweetly at me and shakes my hand.


“Well Heath, same as before and keep ’em comin’.” I wink at him and he returns the gesture. I’m another four drinks and four shots in when I realize my next round is not in front of me. I’m buzzed, I feel good, not drunk, good. I look up at Heath and notice him looking past me. I turn to see what he’s looking at, it’s Kavy. No doubt he’s trying to get Heath to cut me off.

“Heath,” I yell, “he’s not my dad. I’m not falling, puking, or slurring. Do you think I’ve had too much?”

“I’ve never seen a woman drink as much as you just did and not do one of those three things,” he yells back. I curtsey, no wobble at all. He puts another round in front of me. I turn to let Kavy know: point Kid, Kavy zero. I look him in the eye and throw back my shot. He’s pissed. He grabs Sully and I turn around so as not to ruin my lovely buzz.

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