Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits (12 page)

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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Tags: #romantic suspense, #romance, #romantic thriller

BOOK: Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits
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“What the FUCK, Kavanagh?!” Sully yells. They’re all moving back from the table to avoid the spill and save their phones. A domino effect of eyes hit me, starting with Cally, Sully, and ending with Finn. No one is saying a word. I keep my smile plastered to my face like a beauty queen. Matthew, Jack’s youngest son, comes running to clean up the spill. He’s eighteen and has no filter.

“Holy fuckin’ shit, Shannon.” His jaw is on the floor. “Will you please go out with me? Marry me? Let me smell your hair? Anything?” I let out a huge chortle at that.

“Call me when you graduate high school Matty and we’ll see about the hair sniffing,” I gleam at him. He cleans up the spilled pint of beer and pulls out my chair for me to sit down. This high schooler has better manners than my boys. I sit down again carefully, Matty is more at risk for a heart attack than Rodger at this point. My boys are still staring, not moving, jaws on the floor. Matty brings over new quiz sheets which I take. Okay the weirdness is getting to me now.

“Scoop your jaws off the floor and sit down boys.” I don’t look up at them from the quiz. “People are starting to talk about you.” I did just hear a guy ask how he could be on our team, that’s kind of talking about them.

“Uhhhhaaa,” a laugh breath bursts out of Cally’s mouth. “Spank bank full to the mothafucking brim, Kid.” He rips his seat back, plops down, slams his pint, jumps back up, and heads over to the bar. I snicker.

“Kid, are you trying to get me killed?” Kavy sneers, as he takes his seat next to me.

“No shit! Where the fuck did that dress come from and where’s the rest?” Sully adds to the inquisition.

“Dress? I thought she had on a shirt and forgot her goddamn pants!” Finn finishes the diatribe.

I look up at them, a sly smile pulling at my lips.

“I’ve seen each and every one of you bring home, fuck, and dismiss girls wearing a quarter of what I am. Don’t you dare try to give me shit or I’ll get goin’ on each of you. I’ll win.” I glower at each of them. “And no Kavy, I’m not trying to start shit. I wanted to dress up to go to the club, so I did. I can take care of myself.” I pat my clutch knowingly. “I plan on having a really good night. If you four,” Cally just sat back down, “can’t handle a fun evening then go fuck yourselves. I’ll go out with Matty.” Matty hears me, puts his hands in a prayer position and mouths “please” at me.

“All right, Kid,” Kavy concedes. “We’re sorry and outta line. Let’s win this quiz and go watch you shake your money maker. In that dress you’re gonna be makin’ it rain at the club.” There’s the Kavy I know and love, smiling my smile at me.

“Uh, last I checked I’m not a peeler.” I nod at Sully. “That’s more Sully’s game.”

“Don’t hate on me, Kid.” Sully smiles a Cheshire grin at me. “You know you like my skills.” I do indeed. Stripping had become a good money maker for him when we were at Stanford. I got to be his guinea pig when he practiced. Talk about spank bank filling.

“You look gorgeous, Miss Kelly,” Finn coos at me. “We’re lucky to be seen with you tonight.”

“Here, here,” Cally pipes in, “let’s drink to that.” We grab our glasses. “To the best arm candy a man could hope for. To Kid,” Cally chants.

“To Kid,” they howl in unison and we all touch glasses. We all drink just as a hand appears on my shoulder. I look over my shoulder at a hard six maybe eight pack stomach covered by a beautiful bright blue soft cotton shirt and a charcoal jacket. My eyes scan up and stumble at man boobs that have been expertly sculpted. Attached to this unbelievable torso is a face to make all other faces look like puppy chow: angular jaw clean shaven, soft pillow pouty lips, straight nose, perfectly styled over to the side hair, and teal eyes. Kellerman.

“Kel,” I breathe and push my chair back to stand and greet him, “you made it.” No shit Sherlock, he’s standing in front of you.

“Your boy, Finn, convinced me.” He nods in Finn’s direction. His eyes haven’t left mine, not even now that I’m standing. Check the dress dude, it’s good. Nope just eye contact. This is getting awkward and I don’t know what to do. I break the eye contact and start the introductions.

“Dylan Kellerman, this is Aaron Kavanagh.” I indicate with my hand as I go around the table. “Ryan Callaghan, Brian O’Sullivan, and of course you’ve met Finn. Boys this is Dylan Kellerman, Mr. Kellerman’s son.” He’s getting sized up. He doesn’t seem to give a shit either. This man is impenetrable. Okay time to fill the silence.

“They all go by their last names like you,” I smile at him. “You’ll fit in just fine.”

Finn, thank God, stands up and shakes Kel’s hand and pulls up a chair next to him (not next to me, pout). “Have a seat, man. Glad you decided to come.” He’s being nice to Kel. Weird…but nice.

“Thanks for invitin’ me.” He walks over to the provided chair and sits down with his pint. Finn holds my chair for me to sit back down, but I need a drink so I wave him off.

I point to my glass, “Round two.” I’m leaving Kel with the wolves, but that’s how it has to be. If he’s there when I get back, he’s got what it takes. It’s the best test I can put a guy through, not that I usually get a choice in the matter of said test. I turn on my heel and head to the bar. Cian is inside and spots me again, this time recognizing me.

“Sweet Christ, Shannon!” He’s a yeller. “Let me buy you a drink!!” He walks over to the bar with me, hand in the small of my back. “Johnny!” he bellows down the bar to his brother, “Shannon’s usual please!” Johnny nods his head in agreement and gets to it. I feel breath on my neck and shudder. When I look it’s lush one of the night. We aren’t twenty minutes in, Kavy will kill me if I have an issue already. I take a side step into Cian who is talking to another guy on the other side of him. He notices my closeness and assesses my action quickly. When he sees the lush he wraps his arm around my waist and glares at the creep. The creep takes the hint and backs off to wherever he came from.

“Thanks.” I nudge my shoulder into Cian.

“Don’t mention it.” He nudges back. Johnny hands me my drink and winks at me.

“You’re causin’ quite the commotion in here tonight.” He nods behind me at my revelers.

“I’m always glad to entertain.” I tip my glass at him. We chat about nothing for a few minutes and I head back to my boys. I can hear Kavy laughing, loud. Either Sully has Kel in a headlock or things are going well. I’m hoping for the latter. I get in view of the table and am relieved to find the happier of options. The whole table is snickering at something, a wave of delight washes over me. It’s going to be a very good night.

“What’s so funny gentlemen?” I ask when I reach the table. Kavy stands up and pulls my chair out for me.

“That guy that was breathin’ down your neck,” Kavy nods his head in the bar’s direction, “ran face first into that pole after Cian dismissed him.” He points at a wooden pole a table over from us. “Knocked himself clean the fuck out.” They’re all dying laughing again. I snicker too, I love it when people fall. Home video shows of people falling, running into stuff, or some combination thereof are my secret pleasure in life. I can’t believe I missed one in person!

“So, Kellerman, when are you goin’ back up to Alaska?” Sully asks. Good question. I look over at him and he’s comfortable. He fits here. Inward shimmy of excitement!

“I don’t think I am.” He looks right in my eyes and then back to Sully. “This thing with Butch could take a while from what I’ve heard and I’d like to stay closer to Mia.” Everyone’s listening intently. “I rented out my place in Seattle and told my Captain I wouldn’t be back, so he filled my spot. I have some interviews this week. I think I’ll be around for the foreseeable future.” He glances back at me and smiles.

“What kind of work are ya hopin’ to get into?” Kavy asks. “Not much of a fishery around here.” Really? I spike my heel into his shin. “Ow! What the fuck?!” He glares at me.

“Sorry,” I feign innocence and sip my drink. Kel laughs.

“Nah man, not much fishing here.” He shrugs and smirks at me. “I got my MBA before I ran off up to the Bering Sea. I’m hoping to get into one of the bigger marketing firms here. QD or Mansfield, that’s where I’m interviewing. I worked freelance in Seattle while I was off the boat, so it should be easy to make the transition here.” He drains his pint and pushes back from the table. “Another round on me?” he asks the table. Resounding yeses clamber from the boys.

“I’m good,” I motion to my half full cocktail. “Never take a drink from a guy you don’t know” - Uncle Mick’s words ring in my ear. Even if said guy is a hottie with a body you’d like to…yeah we’re watching the drink count tonight Kelly. He winks at me and moves off to the bar. Signal interrogation.

“What’s the story, Kid?” Sully questions, brows up.

“Yeah,” Cally and Kavy unite. Fucking hell!

“When we showed up at the hospital, he was there with Mia. He looked wrecked and like he could use a night out. It’s called being nice boys, you should give it a try sometime,” I snark.

“He’s a good guy,” Finn pipes in. “Kid passed out and we talked for a while, he was cool…and I may have had him checked out.”

My eyebrows are now lifting off. “You did WHAT?!” I hiss under my breath, so as not to be heard.

“Come on, Kid,” Finn pleads. “He was in Mia’s fucking room and we don’t know shit about him. I have a job to do too sometimes. Cut me some slack.” He’s right…not that I’m telling him that. I roll my eyes and remain mature.

“Quiz sheets due in five minutes,” the quizmaster announces from the stage. Cally jumps up and takes ours over. I think we did well. There are a lot of teams here tonight so I just hope we make it to the second round. Kel comes back at the same time as Cally. I spy the waitress, Carrie, trailing Kellerman with a tray of pints and shots. I can’t stand this girl.

She leans over at the waist (classy) and sets her tray half on the table half still in her hand and begins to unload. Free show doesn’t begin to describe my view. I think I could tell you the color of her underwear I can see so far down her shirt. She’s eye fucking Kellerman, hard. He’s still standing talking to Cally about basketball and doesn’t even notice he’s being assaulted. Sully and Kavy are enjoying the show. I drain my drink and hop up from my chair. The pub is packed now and moving through the crowd is going to be trickier than earlier in the night. I’ll be all right. I turn on my heel and start sliding through bodies, excusing myself as I go. I could have ordered a drink from Big Boobs McGee back there, but that would have entailed me speaking to her, which I try to avoid at all costs. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and she has the vocabulary of a three-year-old, no offense to toddlers. I make it to the bar in one piece, point Kid. Two more bar tenders have started working, I can’t remember their names. I wave at one of them and I get the “hang on” head nod. Ugh. Waiting.

I feel a hand snake around my waist and a light kiss pressed into my neck. I sure as fuck hope this is one of mine otherwise a brawl is happening, tout de suite. I snap my head to the side. Motherfucker! Troy Granger. I dated him eighteen months ago for maybe three weeks. He wanted a trophy and I am not a prize to be won…it didn’t work out.

“Troy,” I smile condescendingly, “hands off.” I grab his fingers and move them off my hip. He pats my ass in his retreat. Really?

“How ya been, Shannon?” He’s not asking me a real question…he’s using his time to eye fuck me carefully.

“I’ve been great Troy. Thanks for asking.” Fake as fake can be voice and smile.

“What can I getcha sweetheart?” Unnamed bartender to the rescue.

“The lady’ll have a tall Long Island Iced Tea and Macallan, 18, neat for me.” I open my clutch to pay. I definitely don’t need Troy buying my drink. I feel a hand slipping around my waist from the other side and silently pray that my high school crush isn’t here to make my night even better.

“I got it,” Kel slides a hundred across the bar and pulls me tight into him at the same time. He smells divine: beer, man, and just enough musky cologne (not scary body spray). I smile up at him, my savior.

“Thanks.” Troy is annoyed. “I didn’t catch your name.” Kel grabs his change and leaves a twenty for the unnamed bartender who’s a little piece of eye candy himself, yum. Kel turns me around so now he’s the one closest to Troy as we move away from the bar.

“No you didn’t,” Kel says emphatically to Troy, and moves me through the crowd back to the table. He pulls out my chair and releases his grip on my hip so I can sit down. My boys are pissed. Troy was a dick when I ended things, he was ushered away unceremoniously by them eighteen months ago. It was brave of him, not only to show up here, but to approach me.

“I’m fine,” I implore. “Whoa it down boys. I had it under control. Thanks for comin’ in for the assist though Kel.” I tip my glass at him. He returns the gesture.

“No more solo adventures, Kid,” Sully leans into my ear. “I think it’s a full moon or somethin’. Shit’s weird tonight.” He’s so right, so I don’t fight him. I nod and grin.

We’re in the top half for the quiz so we make it to the second round. I’m done drinking while at the pub, pacing is the name of my game. I can drink any of my boys, and most men under the table. A handy skill to have during college when the boys wanted to hustle someone. I’m older and wiser now, slow and steady wins the race and maintains the buzz, without the hangover and crazy drama.

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