Blackjack Villain (71 page)

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Authors: Ben Bequer

BOOK: Blackjack Villain
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The newcomers were Hotstreak, a guy capable of propelling himself at incredible speeds in a column of fire; Amethyst, a flyer with the ability to harden her body to rock-like hardness; and Nerfhammer, a muscle-bound fellow with indestructible skin and that swung around a steel-mattock with deadly accuracy.

Epic’s final addition was a small fellow that wore flowing black and red robes with golden sigils that glowed with power and wielded a staff topped by a red crystal. He had effeminate features, and a fine groomed mustache and beard.

I looked over at Apogee and gave her one final chance.

“At least go back with Cool Hand,” I offered. “I got this.”

She winced, a pained crack from her otherwise emotionless mask.

“You think I’m going to turn you over?”

I shook my head, “You’ve had a million chances.”

“Now would be most apropos. But don’t worry, I’m a big girl.”

And she stepped forward.

I jogged a few steps to catch up, and we began down the hill.

Epic and the others spotted us. He barked a few commands to them. Mirage and the new wizard guy moved back as Epic, Superdynamic and Nerfhammer stepped forward. Gamma Demon, FTL, Amethyst and Hotstreak rose up to the sky, hovering near the others, flashing their powers in preparation. And Atmosphero joined them, his face twisted with seething rage, lightning and thunder erupting from his form. I guess he still thought there was something to prove. But my issues with Atmo were done and settled in New York. Despite a few paltry tricks, he wasn’t in my league, and my attention was exclusively on his boss.

“That’s close enough,” Epic said as we closed within twenty paces. “Apogee, come home, baby. You’ve done your job.”

I looked over at her, awaiting the betrayal, that inkling of doubt still eating at me, but Apogee was true to her word. She had meant it all.

“I’m done with you Epic, and with the Superb Seven. I’m through with all of it.”

Epic’s face was pained, and then I realized that there was a more complicated history between them.

“Come on, baby,” he pleaded. “Whatever Zundergrub and this asshole have done to you-”

“Isn’t your concern any more. I’m done with super hero work. I recommend you and your people get out of here if you know what’s good for you.”

I felt the burning gaze of ten supers turn to me, and Superdynamic spoke for them all, “You’re gonna be in a world of hurt for this, buddy.”

Apogee cast a quick glance at me, with a half-smile as we both remembered our previous conversations about Superdynamic.

“He’s got nothing to do with it, Jeff,” she replied softly, using his real first name to try to get through. “There’s something going on here that’s more complicated than you realize.”

“Dr. Retcon is involved,” Epic said, his voice softening to almost a pleading tone. “This guy and his cronies broke him out of prison this morning. Whatever they’re up to-”

“You haven’t seen what I have,” she said, her jaw clenched. “You haven’t been where I have been. Retcon is right this time, Epic. You have to trust me, if you ever did, that I’ll make sure it comes out right.”

“Epic,” FTL shot in with a heavily modulated voice. “I’m getting readings from one of the nearby structures that are off the charts. Some sort of energy generation the likes of which I’ve never seen.”

“See? He’s up to his old tricks, and they’ve mind controlled you, Apogee. This guy,” he shot his finger at me like a bullet, “and his buddies are in league with Retcon. There’s not much more to discuss.”

She shook her head. “That’s the problem, you see? You won’t stop to listen. You won’t give the man a chance merely because he’s what you think he is. I felt that way too, and it horrifies me to think that I was so closed-minded. You jump to conclusions and punch out the nearest bad guy. Today, you’re the bad guys; you’re on the wrong side. If you stop what’s happening here-”

“Madelyne, baby,” Epic interrupted. “You’re talking crazy. Can you even hear the crazy stuff you’re saying?”

“He must have some sort of device on him, that transfers Zundergrub’s mind powers,” Superdynamic said motioning to me.

Epic nodded. “Alright, enough of this. Release her, Blackjack, or we’re going to break you.”

“Man, you sure got a pretty costume,” I jested and crossed my arms.

“You’re alone and outnumbered,” FTL threatened.

“How about this: you and me, winner takes all,” I pointed to Epic.

“Last warning!” he roared.

“Come on. What’re you scared of?”

He ignored my taunt. “Diamond Magus!” he shouted, and in an instant Apogee was gone from my side, and popped right beside Superdynamic, who took her into a full head lock before she realized what had happened and was strong enough to keep her there.

“Apogee!” I shouted and took a half step forward, but Epic, FTL and Nerfhammer stepped forward and the others closed. They circled around me and over me. Behind them, Apogee struggled against Superdynamic, but she was helpless in his powerful grasp.

“She’s back where she belongs now,” he spat.

Apogee fought Superdynamic’s grasp and her resistance was genuine, but he was far stronger in his powered suit. Between Apogee and I was a super group full of angry.

“Did the villain get sweet on her?” Epic mocked with a toying voice. “Is he in love?”

A few of them laughed.

Madelyne’s struggle had ended, and her eyes were set on me, and I guess she was waiting to hear me say it. I looked at her and smiled.

“Man,” I said finally. “I’m really going to enjoy this.”

Then I did what none of them expected.

I charged.

* * *

I went right at him, as fast as my legs could carry me, and I saw surprise, and dare I say it, fear? He wasn’t expecting me to come at him. I mean, who runs at Epic?

Well, I did.

Epic back-pedaled a half step back, as did a few of the other Superbs. Superdynamic also inched back and I heard him mumble, “What the fuck?” as I neared. The aerial guys scattered, in particular Atmosphero who had seen my bag full of tricks at their deadliest.

The timing had to be perfect, but I had Mr. Haha’s computerized mind on my side, and when everything blew up around me, I had to trust in his planning and measurements.

I had to get to the right place at the exact moment I needed to be there, but Apogee wasn’t. She knew what was coming, so I had to trust her to weather the blast.

Because a moment later, the whole world blew apart.

I almost reached Epic, almost grabbed his face to crush it in my hands, when Mr. Haha’s charges exploded. There were charges behind me, amongst the buildings, more to my sides, some as close as ten yards. None was bigger than a stick of dynamite, but there were dozens upon dozens spread throughout our battlefield. Behind and through the Superbs more charges exploded, as if the very ground churned to life, spitting upward shrapnel and gravel in every direction. The sheer savagery of it surprised me, almost shaking me senseless despite being ready for it, and I was tossed about by each succeeding blow. The eruptions weren’t all at once, in some sort of concerted order, but rather in a chaotic staccato, each explosion more powerful than the last, until no one stood, not even I nor Apogee, who were braced and ready. Through the cloud of dusty smoke, I discerned Epic, struggling to come to his feet, a few steps away.

I didn’t hesitate, rushing right at him. If the plan held, Zundergrub would unleash his black imps to cause havoc upon the whole bunch, and I could already imagine a the bouncing black blur of dozens of tiny demons charging through the haze of dust and ash, of Cool Hand speeding amongst the fallen Superbs, looking for his first target.

Everyone had a target. Except Epic. He was mine.

Coming upon Epic, I hurled myself in the air at him and landed knees-first into his abdomen as he lay on the ground. Without waiting to see the effect of my brutal first blow, or for Epic to rise to his feet to stand up to me, I lifted him by the hips and hurled him face first back into the rocky terrain. A shock wave detonated from the impact, bringing everyone who was coming to their feet around me back to the ground, and gouging Epic deep into a massive circular crevasse formed by the impact. He was still dazed by the explosion, and by my follow up attacks, so I didn’t give him a chance to get his breath. Again, I hurled myself into the air, bringing down my heavy right boot on his forehead, drilling him deeper into the earth, and making the pit even more profound.

I jumped into the air again, visions of Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon swimming in my head, intending to land with both my feet on him. One on his stomach, to draw the air out of his lungs, make him double over, and the other into his smug, handsome face, slamming it down into the dirt. As I landed on him, Epic was ready and brought both of his brawny arms to cover his face, easily fending off my blow. My other boot caught his stomach straight on, though, and he groaned, grabbing his aching midsection. I stepped off and kicked him in the face, then leaned down and grabbed a handful of his perfect blonde hair. I reared back my fist to pound his face into a pulp, but someone grabbed me from behind, and I felt a blow across my face that tossed me a dozen yards away. When I looked up, FTL was helping his woozy team leader to his feet.

And there went my advantage out the window. My only hope to beat Epic was surprise, and FTL was now giving him a chance.

“Out of my way kid,” I roared and came to my feet, jumping at him. He was good, and fast. Not only was he hyper-enhanced by the powered armor he wore, FTL was also a martial artist, and my blind bravado only rewarded me with a powerful kick across the jaw that made me stumble backwards. He spun and kicked me again, this time in my abdomen and followed that up a second later with another across my face.

I forced my way through his blows and got my hands on him. In my grasp, his armor torn to shreds as I picked him up and hurled him into the side of one of the buildings. He screamed all the way, and crashed through the concrete of the partially collapsed structure, disappearing from sight.

It felt good, to possess such raw power, so much strength. FTL’s armor was some sort of metallic composite, a heavy suit, weighing perhaps two tons, and I hurled it as if it had the weight of a basketball. He was protected enough that I would see him again, but for now, nothing stood between Epic and I.

Indeed, he was finally to his feet, looking around for a target. And when his eyes settled on me, a murderous grin crossed his face.

It was on.

* * *

I took a step towards him, then the wall I had thrown FTL through exploded outward, with a loud thump, and a blur I thought might be FTL at Mach speed struck me in the chest and hurled me backwards. I flew through the air, crashing in to a nearby hill. The impact buried me underground so far all I saw was darkness.

Digging out was faster than I expected, as they actually came for me. Epic, FTL and Nerfhammer tore through the earth and dirt and pulled me out of the pit. FTL had a small grin of satisfaction on his face (which I could see through his Plexiglas helm cover), and Epic motioned for them to hold me so he could lay into me.

“Coward,” I spat at him, but he was more concerned about how the others were pinning me so he could get a better shot. “You don’t have the balls to take me one on one,” I taunted, hoping to sting his sense of honor.

But Epic wasn’t up for a fair fight. He laughed as he came closer, “You’re going to get a beating, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

I looked around, desperate for help from my companions, but one thing was for certain; the plan had gone wrong and I was alone. After the explosions, Zundergrub was to use his tendril powers and his imps to create even more confusion. During this, Cool Hand was to whirl through the mayhem, dropping his temporal orbs on everything that moved, and Mr. Haha was to provide the heavy artillery. But looking around, as Epic’s boys heaved me into position, I saw none of my allies.

They had betrayed me, now when I needed them most.

I steeled myself as Epic reared back a mighty blow; figuring one was all it would take. In the recent days, I had come to discover the true extent of my powers. Each experience leaving me tougher, or stronger, as I was learning what I was capable of, but this was different. Epic was probably the strongest man on Earth, and his clenched teeth and grimaced face displayed his true feelings for me.

Feelings about to be shared with my face.

I couldn’t take a punch from the guy. No one could. So our plan was simple; hit hard and fast, and keep them on the defensive. Meanwhile, Cool, Zee and Haha could take out the rest of the guys. But all alone against the entire Superb team, I had no chance.

He released the punch and I almost expected my short life to flash in front of my eyes, but I saw no visions. Instead, Epic’s massive fist collided with my jaw, twisting my neck around with a decapitating fury. We were hurled back, FTL, Nerfhammer and I, and tossed about like rag dolls.

I came to a stop against a concrete column, remnants of a fallen building, crashing into the pillar in a violent explosion, filling my sight with dust and debris. But instead of dying to the blow from the mightiest of Earth’s heroes, I withstood it. It hurt like hell, and I wasn’t sure my feet were totally beneath me, but I was still alive.

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