Blackjack Villain (78 page)

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Authors: Ben Bequer

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Influx - Powerful in her own right, Influx’ abilities are amplified by her use of “Baal’s Tooth”, a sword of incredible unholy power that allows Influx to absorb just about any force, and heal from almost any wound.

Cool Hand Luke - Also known as Madcat, Redline and most recently as Nuclear Ketchup possesses temporal powers that allow him to compress or expand time around himself and others by utilizing time bubbles.

Dr. Zundergrub - Not only is he a master mentalist and psychic, but he also can summon a host of elemental beings from a shadow world only he has access to. These creatures ranged from a horde of mini implings to colossal demons the size of a city block.

Mr. Haha 2000 - Mr. Haha is the present avatar of a sentient A.I. which resides, in large part, within an online collective of hacked computers. Haha’s physical construct is as tough as they come, trained in 1,000 forms of combat, and wielding a flawless blade reputed to have belonged to the legendary duelist Myamoto Musashi (though it is in dire need of a polish).

Baron Blitzkrieg’s Dogs of War

Baron Blitzkrieg - His name alone is sparks enough fear to send the people flocking into the hills. A throwback to the golden age of heroes, the Baron is still around, his armor gleaming in the sun, and since the last incarceration of Dr. Retcon, he is the world’s most dangerous villain.

Psionicler - What remains of Psionicler’s physical form is now but a mangled collection of organs and flesh, replaced instead with machine and nanobots that give him incredible intellect, and the “Quotient Factor”, which allows him to see three seconds into the future.

Mr. Servo - Is he Psionicler’s creation, or is he now the master? Mr. Servo never speaks, never attempts to communicate in any fashion, but the robotic construct is deadly and psychotic.

Apotheosis - Formerly the world’s foremost mindbender, Apotheosis lost in battle to Baron Blitzkrieg and is now his servant and protector.

Deadeye Genesis – An ambulating experiment on stem cell technology gone wrong, the coagulate known as Deadeye Genesis is physically kept together by a suit of armor, but it’s tenuous hold on sanity no one can control.

Beta Blast

UVee – As part of Beta Blast, UVee wears the same orange and black color scheme of the others, but his powerful energy emissions surround him with an anima banner of glowing red light that sets him apart from everyone.

Nexus – With access to the power of a star, Nexus would be the most powerful super on Earth if not for the fact that he isn’t immune to his own power output.

Shockblast – Kind of a one trick-pony, Shockblast wields the Manicle Claw, which enhances his own strength, and allows him to fire energy projectiles. Without the claw, he is just a regular man.

Project Alpha – While UVee might lead the team in combat, Project Alpha is clearly the brains of Beta Blast. In fact, only his nervous system remains, within a floating armored construct.

V4NGU4RD – Project Alpha’s magnum opus, his ultimate creation, and one of the most dangerous villains known on Earth. Afraid of his own creation, Project Alpha controls the robot directly, making others believe that it has a sentient A.I., and at the same time exerting a measure of control over the group.

Solo Villains

Gentleman Shivvers - a retired old-timer, once a respected second-story man and filcher, renowned for his finesse with a dagger and his shadow-melding skills.

Black Razor – Also known as Razor and Razorman, he is as deadly as he is whimsical. While thankfully retired, Razor is remembered for his epic defeats at the hands of Lord Mighty during the late 70s and 80s and for his “Fuck This Shit” manifesto he wrote in one of his many prison stints.

Delphi – Little is known about this enigmatic villain, save that his crimes usually target corporate secrets, and that the intent of his schemes is merely hush money from companies eager to forget the whole affair.

Serpentis – The true shadow and silent as her namesake, Serpentis has never been caught.

Death Blossom – With the uncanny ability to explode any or all of herself, while still retaining consciousness, she is a hard villain to catch, and near impossible to beat. Combine the fact that she is schizophrenic and murderous, makes you wish you’d stayed in bed.

Kamikazee – His given hero name is an affront to him, despite it being an accurate description of how he fights. He prefers to be called Eiyuu (hero in Japanese), and with how hotheaded he is, it’s best to oblige him.

Seppuku – His strange powers revolve around being able to withstand any wound (especially his trademark self-induced slit across the abdomen) and his ability to control his damaged intestines to envelop and overpower his enemies.

Crashdown – While he may have seemed unfortunately named, Crashdown never did master his propulsion powers, leading to many a headache and much property damage.

Batlash – Chicago’s dark villain, he roams the rooftops and back alleys, looking for heroes to dispose of. Maybe that’s why there’s so few heroes in Illinois.

Golgothra – The product of a North Korean scientific experiment gone wrong, the Golgothra is a semi-sentient colossus that lives in the Sea of Japan, preying on shipping, and occasionally rampaging the mainland and Japan.

The Heroes

Rising Force

Captain Miraculous – There’s no hero as brave or tough as Captain Miraculous, and in the days following the death of Valiant, he has taken up the mantle as “Earth’s Protector.” The Captain’s powers are diverse, but his real advantage lies in his strength of will, and unmitigated desire to do right.

Bad Karma – Capt. Miraculous wife and partner, she can create shields of impenetrable energy and has formidable healing skills. In addition, she can warp possibilities, causing havoc amongst her enemies.

Silverspar – An unstoppable juggernaut of armor and weapons, Silverspar is a remotely-controlled heroic automaton.

Pulsewave – With devastating impact powers and flight, Pulsewave has long served as a hero, bouncing from group to group, including The Revolution, The Arcade, and The Player’s Club.

Plasma – The original “blob”, Plasma can distend his cellular structure to unreal proportions, becoming a roaming mass of genetic material similar to a thirty foot tall amoeba.

Spitfire – While he may seem like a run of the mill fire breather, Spitfire is actually Rising Force’s second in command, and reigning tactician. An old and dear friend of Captain Miraculous, the team never goes into battle without a lengthy battle plan designed by Spitfire.

Atmosphero – Few enjoy the perks and pleasures of being a hero as much as Atmosphero. He has formidable control of wind, lightning and rain, but it’s his arresting smile and dashing good looks that has made him a rising star.

The Suberb Seven

Apogee – When little girls dream of acquiring powers and becoming heroines, it’s Apogee they dream of. Though barely in her late twenties, she is beloved world-wide. Though she may be primarily a speedstress, Apogee is the world’s strongest heroine and can also channel her velocity into charged blows.

Epic – For years now, Epic has merely shown up at the scene of a crime only to have whatever villains are present surrender to him. There are few who can stand up to him, and none that can weather a blow from him.

Superdynamic – Having no powers of his own, Superdynamic built a skin-tight suit that projects energy, protecting him from harm, amplifying his physical abilities and propelling him in flight at unearthly speeds.

Mirage – Mirage leads a quiet life, doing what he can to help, and wanting nothing but a simple “thanks” in return. Once a regional hero, he is now a veteran of several groups, including The Revolution, who value his light-bending and healing powers.

Gamma Demon – Only the special metal bands on his wrists contain the powerful emissions from Gamma’s body, though nothing could contain his courage in the face of overwhelming odds.

FTL – Little is known about this super, except that he seems to fall under the traditional paradigm of “man in a powered suit”. It’s curious, though, that he can speak every known language and disappears every 12 hours to recharge.

(and as part of the Superb Ten)

Hotstreak – Another firebreather/speedster and rumored to be on the Superb backup list because of his close ties to Epic.

Amethyst – She gained her powers during an experiment gone awry and now her skin is comprised of near-indestructible crystal. Amethyst can also vibrate, generating destructive soundwaves that she can amplify and direct.

Nerfhammer – Nothing fancy about this guy. Nerfhammer is big and strong, and as unstoppable as they come.

Diamond Magus – A thirteenth generation magus, he wields the powers if illusion, conjuration and summoning. While he may have no powers in the traditional sense, Diamond Magus is a formidable opponent.

The Sentinels

Brigade – A former Marine Lt. Colonel and founder of the Sentinels, Brigade is a no-nonsense hero, who “puts ‘em down first, then gives ‘em a chance to talk.” While the Sentinels have had a revolving roster, they have been led by the same man from victory to victory for twenty years.

Paper Johnson – Classified as a “heavy” in the Sentinels’ roster, Paper is a veteran of both Desert Storms, and an artist with a rocket launcher.

Sharpshooter – A known hero for over a decade before joining the Sentinels, Sharpshooter is more often than not the public face of the Sentinels. His presentations in schools and commencement speeches are things of YouTube legend, as are videos of his displays of his accuracy.

Solo Heroes

Lord Mighty – Quiet, enigmatic, and quite possibly the most powerful being on the planet.

Paladin – In the years since Valiant’s death, Paladin has reluctantly carried much of the load left by the legendary hero. A silent guardian of the Earth as a whole, you can always count on Paladin to save the day.

Dominus – Though largely retired, this mind-bender is the super responsible for stopping Baron Blitzkrieg’s attempt to blow up China, along with his long-time partner Damage.

Damage – Controls one of the fundamental forces of nature, hampered by his inability to see a friend’s couch as luxury living.

Underworld – It’s questionable whether this hero has a dark set of powers, or if he has made a pact with a dark power, where he often sends his vamquished foes for pennance.

Battlestone – Can transform himself into any naturally existing element, though the longer he stays in elemental form, the harder it is for him to transform back.

Dragonfly – When wings grew on her back, Dragonfly decided to lash out against her over controlling parents, and thus became a villainess. In the years since her incarceration at the hands of Paladin, she has reformed her ways and is now a renowned heroine.

Flamestar – She differs from most firebreathers in that she can transform herself into living flame, using her power to suffocate her enemies.

Matchstick – Breathes fire. Thinks tobasco sauce is for wimps. Long-time partner with Steeltoe.

Steeltoe – His feet are made of steel, and with his amazing strength, he has the habit of kicking people in places they don’t like.

Shaft – Archer, not as good as Blackjack.

Bowyer Joe – Archer, also not as good as Blackjack. Retired.

Broadhead – Archer, better than Blackjack.

The Original Seven

Valiant – When you think of Valiant, you think of the word Super. With a red/white/blue suit, a long flowing cape, and an ever-present smile, he was a bastion for truth and justice for three decades. Valiant died in a struggle with his nemesis, Dr. Retcon.

Global – Most popular and beloved of the Seven, Global is now a champion for gay and minority rights, eschewing his famed red suit for a suit and tie, his new battlefield the courtrooms in his ongoing fight against injustice.

Nostromo – A master of quantum constructs, he now sits on his great citadel on the moon, waiting for a time that his formidable powers are necessary.

Apostle – Controls a swathing draining power that makes it impossible for him to interface with most people. In recent years, he has taken the fight to Africa, roaming the continent from the deserts of Sudan to the dusty plains of Namibia, protecting innocents the evils that may befall them.

Lady Jayne – She’s elegant and detached, and elitist. She believes humanity has one foot out the door. A follower, she was ever attached to one megalomaniac mastermind or another while Dr. Retcon languished in jail.

Ed Watters – Reputed to have power over molecules themselves, Ed chose a different path from the others, instead choosing a normal life.

Dr. Retcon – A progressive, controversial figure, Dr. Retcon was forever haunted by what his discoveries unleashed on the world. So consumed was he by his drive to see the Earth protected, he became blind to the devastating consequences of his actions. Since supers arose almost four decades ago, Retcon has stood shoulders above every villain and his nefarious plans have only been stopped by the timely intervention of Valiant and the other Original Seven.

excerpt from: Blackjack Wayward

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