Black Jade (31 page)

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Authors: Kylie Chan

BOOK: Black Jade
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‘Yay,' Frankie said under his breath, then raised his voice. ‘You
are all ordered to love me! You have to love me.' He hesitated, then said, ‘Cheer for me if you love me!'

The Shen broke into cheering as loud as the demons had cheered inside the hall. My throat filled at the sight of the Winds and all the senior Celestials forced to worship my son, and I realised I was cheering as well. We had all lost our wills.

‘Silence in the name of the Emperor!' the Duke shouted, and we immediately stopped cheering. The quiet was eerie.

The King held her hand out to one of the Dukes, who passed her my speech. ‘Repeat what I say to you, Frankie, then you can go play with your friends.'

‘Okay, Mummy,' Frankie said.

‘Here we go,' the King said. ‘As the first Serpent Jade Emperor of this Dark Reptile Dynasty, I will provide the people of the Celestial . . .'

Frankie carefully repeated the words of the speech, concentrating to get it right.

I said.

Don't talk to me, Emma.

The King wants to father a child on you. Can you run? Run now. Run!

I said don't talk to me.
She cut off communication.

Frankie finished the speech and looked up at the Demon King, expectant.

‘Now order everybody to obey me,' the Demon King said. ‘Why you, Mummy?'

‘Because it will make things easier.'

the Emperor.'

‘Yes, you are, my sweet little boy, but you can't be here all the time, so I'll run things for you when you can't.'

‘Okay, Mummy,' Frankie said, unsure. ‘You all have to obey my mummy when she tells you things, and that's an order!'

I opened my mouth to order the Kings arrested and the Celestials freed, but didn't have the chance. The Western King took three huge strides to me and slapped me so hard I was knocked down.

‘No, Daddy,
?' Frankie wailed. ‘Don't hurt my Emma!'

‘Say another word and the child will suffer,' the Western King said into my face. He grabbed me by the arm and hauled me to my
feet, then shook me. I opened my mouth again and he backhanded me. ‘You were ordered to shut
.' He clamped his hand over my face to stop me from speaking, holding me so tight I couldn't breathe. ‘Hurry up and fix this, George!'

‘You said it wrong, my darling,' the Eastern King said to Frankie. ‘You were supposed to say “All Celestials are ordered to obey the Celestial Regent, not my mother”.'

‘But that's the same thing,' Frankie said, confused. He glanced back at me, his expression blank, then turned back to the crowd.

I tried to breathe through the Western King's hand but only a sliver of air was entering. My chest pumped with the effort. If he didn't release me soon, I'd pass out.

‘You are ordered to obey the Celestial Regent, not my mummy,' Frankie said loudly. ‘I don't know how that's different,' he added under his breath.

The Western King released me and I fell to my knees, gasping. He went to Frankie and raised his hand to hit him. Frankie quailed, still on the throne.

‘Not here, my love,' the Eastern King said, and the Western King subsided. ‘Now, Frankie, last one. Say “The Celestial Regent has freedom of will and does not have to obey me”.'

‘Is that you, Mummy?' Frankie said.

‘That's right.'

‘Okay. The Celestial Regent has . . .' He looked up at her. He'd forgotten.

‘Freedom of will and does not have to obey me,' she finished.

Frankie recited the rest of the words.

‘I think that's enough for today,' the Eastern King said. ‘He's tired and making mistakes.'

‘Excuses,' the Western King said.

‘Let's go home and have the best lunch ever,' the Eastern King said with forced brightness to Frankie. ‘You're really the Emperor now, my darling, and they love you as much as I do!'

‘Did you see them, Emma?' Frankie called to me as I struggled to my feet. ‘Did you see them all bow to me?' He smiled up at the Eastern King. ‘Let's go have something to eat. I'm


The Residence was glowing with Celestial radiance when we returned. A small waterfall in the fishpond ran over the decorative stones, and the water was clearer already. The fridge rattled; the electricity was back. A fairy waited for us in the living room.

‘Disappear,' the Eastern King said, and the fairy faded away. The Eastern King turned to the Western King. ‘How long will you be gone?'

‘Just until tomorrow. I need to father a bunch of new high levels to replace those useless human soldiers.' The Western King smiled. ‘So do you.'

‘Ah, the things we do for our little children,' the Eastern King said. ‘Come back when you're done and we'll have some real fun.'


‘Just for you, my love.'

They shared a long passionate kiss.

‘Ew,' Frankie said under his breath, and shot a quick smile at me.

The Western King disappeared.

‘Now, to work,' the Eastern King said. She nodded to the guards. ‘Bring Simone in. Emma, order the Palace fairies to make us some lunch.'

‘What about the other children?' I said.

‘They're with the servants. They'll be back later today. Food!' she snapped.

I went into the kitchen and spoke to the empty air. ‘Lunch for the Emperor, please.'

A couple of fairies appeared, bowed to me, and stood in the middle of the kitchen as the food prepared itself — a sliced raw cow's heart for the King, and peanut butter sandwiches for Frankie.

‘Peanut butter sandwiches when he's just been crowned Emperor of everything?' I said.

The fairies ignored me, so I went out to the dining room, which was already set for two.

The guards returned with Simone.

She saw me and scowled. ‘Traitor.'

‘What?' the King said.

‘She's in your pocket,' she said to him. ‘She was following your orders even before my brother was controlling everybody.' She sneered at me. ‘You had the chance to fix everything and you let them control you. You're so weak. You should have given the order no matter how much they hurt you! Coward.'

Simone, please tell me what you're planning here . . .

‘I said don't talk to me!' she shouted.

I subsided. Whatever she had planned, it didn't include me. I only hoped that it worked.

‘Simone, drop the act,' the King said, patient. ‘She's loved you like a mother since you were a tiny girl. I don't know why you're pretending like this.'

‘She'll do anything for
,' Simone said, pointing at Frankie. ‘She loves him more than me. She's thrown her life away for him. Frankie gave her the chance to free the Celestial and she didn't make a single move to stop you!' She turned back to Frankie and her expression softened. ‘I'm not mad with you, Frankie. You're my brother and I love you. But Emma stopped caring for me the minute you showed up.'

‘I'm your brother?' Frankie said, his voice small.

‘Frankie, make her love me,' the King said. ‘Order her to love me.'

Frankie silently stared at Simone.

‘Yes, you're my brother,' she said. ‘Hello, Frankie, I'm your big sister, Simone. We have the same daddy but different mummies. Would you like to play with me? I'd love to spend time with you.'

‘Quiet, Simone,' the King said.

‘You're my sister?' Frankie said.

‘Yes, I'm your sister,' she said.

‘Order her to love me, Frankie. I need her,' the King said.

Frankie hesitated, then asked the King, ‘Why?'

‘Because I want you to.'

‘Why do you want her to love
? She's my sister. I want her to love
. Why do you want her here?'

‘I don't,' the King said. ‘I need her —'

‘Need her for what?' Frankie said. ‘Why do you need her? You have me!'

‘So she won't hurt you!' the King said.

‘I would never hurt my little brother,' Simone said.

‘She can't hurt me, I'm the
,' Frankie said. ‘Why do you want my sister when you already have me? Daddy is always saying I'm a bad son; is she better than me?' His voice thickened and he turned away to bury his face in the back of the couch. ‘Don't send me away, Mummy, I love you!'

‘It's all right, Frankie,' Simone said. ‘Your mother's mean.'

I went to Frankie to comfort him, but he pushed me away. ‘You love her more than me as well!' He turned back to the King. ‘Send her away! I don't want her here!' He spun and shouted at Simone. ‘Go

She disappeared.

‘Your father will hear about this,' the King said, rigid with rage. ‘When I tell you to do something, you
it. I don't love her, I
her. She has a job to do. Now order her back.'

Frankie ran out of the room, around the veranda and into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. The King stormed after him, and stood shouting at him through the door.


How many times do I have to tell you? Do not talk to me!

She cut off communication. I fell to sit on the couch while the King continued to yell and bang on Frankie's bedroom door.

She doesn't mean it, Aunty Emma,
BJ said.

She's made it quite clear that she does mean it. Can you explain to her that she needs to run?

She won't talk to me either.

The fairies floated into the room carrying the dishes, and placed them on the dining table. One gestured to me. I watched the King banging fruitlessly on Frankie's door, then followed the fairy into the kitchen. She'd prepared a small meal of vegetarian noodles for me; they sat on a table that hadn't been there before.

I nodded my thanks to her, then sat in front of the food and looked at it.

You need to eat, Aunty Emma, you haven't eaten anything in days.

I'm —

Even as an Immortal, you still need to eat.

I picked up the spoon and chopsticks and mechanically ate.

Simone was right. I'd been standing around helpless while all this was happening. I could have toppled the Kings in those five seconds of power . . .

Is having you in my spinal column affecting my reflexes, BJ?
I said.


I should have been able to defend myself against the Western King. He was through me without any trouble whatsoever. I couldn't even block him. I'm not that out of practice. Is it because of you?

I don't think so
, she said, but she sounded unsure.

Can you remove yourself without help?

No, I need someone to open you up before I can come out.

Can you ask your dad for me?

You want me out?

I hesitated, then said,
I think it would be a good idea.

I hadn't been myself since Gold had put BJ inside me. I had a horrible thought: what if she wasn't BJ at all? She'd disappeared for at least twenty minutes when we were at the Southern Bastion — what if she'd been replaced? It would explain why Simone wouldn't talk to me, and why I'd stood there obediently while the King was ruling the Heavens without making any attempt to stop him . . .

I'm not an agent of the Demon King, Emma
, BJ said.
If I was, he'd have used me to control you. He doesn't know I'm here.

No, BJ wasn't controlled by the King. But Andy, the Demon King's Number One, had used a stone to block the King's view when he made a pact with me in the past. If this BJ was a copy, created by Andy, then I had done the stupidest thing possible and put an agent for Andy right into my head.

I had a moment of disorientation and stared at the food.

You need to eat, Aunty Emma, you haven't eaten anything in days,
BJ said.

I'm —

Even as an Immortal, you still need to eat.

I picked up the spoon and chopsticks and mechanically ate.

Simone was right. I'd been standing around helpless while all this was happening. I could have toppled the Kings in those five seconds of power . . .

You're working from the inside, remember?
BJ said.

I just feel so worthless. I had the chance and I blew it.

The European King is faster and stronger than you — I saw that, Aunty Emma. You didn't have a chance.

I sighed. As I ate, I realised that the noodles were exceptional. I'd been eating demon-contaminated and stale food for so many weeks that the fresh Celestial taste was wonderful.

I nodded to the fairy again. ‘Thank you so much, this is delicious.'

The fairy nodded back.

‘Is there any way you can talk to me?' I asked her. ‘The spirit of the city in Europe had a human form to interact with us.'

The fairy changed to an old man, then to a child.

‘You're too young?' I said.

The fairy returned to her normal form and nodded.

‘Do you understand what I'm doing?'

She patted me on the shoulder and disappeared.

She's right, Aunty Emma,
BJ said.
You're doing your best.

* * *

An hour later Frankie was still refusing to come out, and the King couldn't break down the door no matter how hard she tried.
Eventually she was forced to leave him and go to the Imperial State Offices to begin passing Edicts that cemented the administration.

Ten minutes after she'd gone, Frankie ran out of his room and into the bathroom, then came to me. ‘I won't bring Simone back.'

‘I won't make you,' I said. ‘What would you like to do?'

‘I'm hungry. Then I want to talk to my friends.' He went to the dining room and saw his sandwiches. ‘Yes!' He sat and tucked into them. ‘These are the best.'

‘I don't know how to ask the other children to come here,' I said.

‘It's okay, Bo and Bei will bring them when I'm done.' He snapped his chin up. ‘Read me a story while I eat.'

Bound to do as he said, I jumped to my feet and hurried to the living room to find a book for him. I read to him while he ate his sandwiches, and the fairy took the plate away when he was done.

He stood in the middle of the living room, facing the door. Bo and Bei came in escorting the children, and when they saw Frankie they all stopped and knelt.

‘Wen sui, wen sui, wen wen sui,' they said in unison.

‘Rise,' Frankie said, and the children stood, obviously confused.

‘That was strange, why did we do that?' Little Jade said.

‘I'm the Son of Heaven now,' Frankie said. ‘I'm the Emperor.'

‘I hope you listen to Emma and become a fair and just ruler,' Bei said.

‘I will. And the first thing I'll do is send them back to their mummies,' Frankie said.

‘What?' Richie said.

‘Yay!' Little Jade yelled, and ran to hug Frankie. ‘Can we still come and visit and play with you?'

Matthew burst into tears.

‘If you like,' Frankie said, suddenly shy. ‘I'd like that. But right now, go and be with your mummies and daddies. I'm with mine, you should be with yours.'

Well done, Emma
, Bo said.

He did it himself. We spoke about it earlier, but this is all him,
I said.
I'm not sure it's a good idea. He'll be in trouble with the Western King later, and he's already in serious trouble with the Eastern King.

I hope you can defuse the situation. He's learning a valuable lesson about helping others; don't stop him.

I'm not. I agree with you. I'll try to protect him.

‘We'll bring the children —'

,' Frankie said.

‘We're his friends!' Little Jade said.

‘We'll bring them back in a couple of days to play with you. Is that acceptable, Majesty?' Bei said.

‘Quite acceptable,' Frankie said, clasping his hands behind his back in the image of John. ‘Let them spend time with their parents, and then they can come back and play with me.'

‘Thank you!' Little Jade shouted, jumping up and down. ‘Thank you, Frankie!'

She jumped around the room, and the two boys joined her. They ran in circles, screaming with delight. Little Jade hugged Frankie again, and the two boys patted him on the back.

He grinned. ‘Go on, before my mummy comes back.'

The three children raced out of the Residence and the Zhu sisters had to run to keep up.

Frankie watched them go. ‘Can I go out too? I want to go out and see more. I want to see

‘How much can you see? You should have . . .' I tried to put it into words. ‘You should be able to see more of the world; it should all be there for you.'

‘The Palace says I'm too young to com . . . com . . .'


‘Yes, that. I can see little bits in my head, but I want to see more!'

‘All right, but we'll have to arrange it with your mummy,' I said. ‘You'll need guards.'

‘Okay,' he said. ‘I understand.'

I shot him a look. His face was completely blank and innocent.

* * *

It was late in the evening when the Eastern King returned, obviously exhausted.

Frankie ran to her when she entered and hugged her. ‘Hello, Mummy!'

‘My darling.' She hugged him back. She opened her mouth, probably to discuss Simone again, then obviously changed her mind. ‘It's very quiet. Are your friends asleep already? Where are they?'

‘Come and sit,' Frankie said. He took her hand and guided her into the hearing room, and sat her on the couch. He sat next to her. ‘Are you hungry? I can have the Palace make you something.'

‘I don't need to eat as much as you do, my sweet.' She stroked his cheek. ‘I'm not angry with you. There was no need to hide in your bedroom. Can we talk about it?'

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