Black Horse (Breaking Black) (22 page)

BOOK: Black Horse (Breaking Black)
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“What the fuck do you think yer gonna do wit that…”

But before he could say another word Averi hit a grand slam upon his face with the hard metal of the crow bar. In a movement as quick as lightning, Colt kicked him in the gut and sent him flying into the buring house.

Averi heaved heavily, with her hand covering her mouth. She wouldn’t have any last minute farewells, though. A loud roar emitted from the structure as the fire ate through the roof. As the fire ate at Black Horse’s flesh, they heard him scream as he was being burned alive. But just as his bellowing escalated to a hysteric frenzy, the roof came down in a crash.

All they could hear was the gentle crack of the raging fire and Jimmy Hearn’s boot falls as he ran from the back of the house.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Me, Without You


The police and the fire department arrived five minutes after Averi had pushed Black Horse into the burning house. She now laid down on the ground with Colton sitting at her head stroking her cheek and trying to keep her calm. Randy sat at her feet holding her legs still. They were shaking from the pain of the burns that now riddled her legs. Colton looked down at Averi’s face and she looked calm… all except for her eyes. They were like a ghost of her. A haunting played out in the cinema of her mind, and Colt wasn’t so sure he wanted to know what movie was playing.

“It’s going to be alright, baby… The ambulance is coming.”

Averi nodded her head as she stared up at his face.

“I’m scared.”

Colt smirked. “You just bitch slapped a murderer with a crow bar and now you’re scared.”

A slight grin emerged on her face. She shrugged her shoulders as a tear formed in her eye.

“I don’t want to lose the baby…”

Colton sighed heavily. He knew she did what she had to, to save her own life. There was nothing that could be done. They tried to be careful, but they had to wait and see what the hospital said.

“They’ll check you out at the hospital…”

Averi stared up at the sky, privately praying that Black Horse didn’t steal away their baby before it even had the chance to breathe its first breath.

The ambulance arrived and quickly assessed her injuries. They tried to assess Colt, too, but he insisted that they just worry about her.

“She’s pregnant… Please. I’m fine. Just worry about her…”

A paramedic approached Randy, but Randy just looked at them like they were nuts.

“I’m fine…”

“Sir… Is that a bullet wound in your shoulder?”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot…”

“You forgot?”

“It’s been a busy 48 hours.”

The paramedic clearly thought Randy was bat shit insane.

“Don’t you think we should get the bullet out?”

“Oh, he took it out… With a pair of pliers. I’m good.”

Averi shook her head as she listened to the conversation.

“A pair of pliers… really?”

“It’s all I had.”

“I had a pair of tweezers up stairs…”

“Hey, he’s alive isn’t he?”

“Yeah… you’re right. That’s all that matters.”

The paramedic added, “Make sure you get a tetanus shot at the hospital.”

They lifted Averi on the stretcher and the strain on her legs caused her to wince in pain.

“Go check on Shelly and meet us at the hospital. I’m riding with her.”


“Mr. McClain… I am Dr. Schaeffer,” the doctor held out his hand for Colt to shake. Colt looked distressed after sitting in the waiting room for seven hours while Averi was in surgery.

“Ms. Ford had third degree burns over seventy percent of her legs. We performed the initial skin grafts, and we will need to keep her for 72 hours for observation. I must warn you, she was very emotional when she woke in the recovery room. I believe it is going to be a difficult transition for her.”

“Can she walk?”

“With some difficulty, for now. But she will have full use of her legs. The nurses were concerned over her emotional state.”

“Is the baby okay?”

“Oh, yes. The baby is fine. She is nine weeks along.”

“Does she know that?”

“Not yet.”

“Can I see her now?”

“Yes. She is asking for you.”

Colton followed the doctor to Averi’s room on the second floor of the hospital. Averi gave Colt a pleading look as he entered the room.

“Here she is, Mr. McClain. The nurses will be able to fill you in in regards to her care.”

“Thank you.”

Colt sat on the side of Averi’s hospital bed as he ran his fingertips through her hair.

“How are you feeling?”


“You should be feeling amazing.”

“Totally, with no skin on my legs.”

“Be serious…”

“I can’t. If I’m serious, they’ll haul me off to the psych ward.”

“He’s dead, Ave…”

“What?” she asked in shock.

“You did it. He’s dead. Apparently, they found a body in the ashes that they believe belongs to him… and guess what?”

“What?” asked Averi, wondering what other surprises Colt had for her. She was still trying to wrap her mind around the first one.

“Our baby is just fine.”

Averi clutched her chest as she let out a deep breath. It was as if it was the first time she had exhaled since discovering that she had Colton’s baby growing inside of her.

“The doctor said that the baby is about nine weeks along…”

Just then, a nurse came in the room pushing an ultrasound machine towards Averi.

“There she is… I’m just coming to check on you… I overheard your fella telling you the great news. Little peanut is okay. Here, I’ll show you.”

The nurse exposed Averi’s belly and she ran the ultrasound wand across her smooth skin. The screen came to life as a black and white image flickered on the monitor. It was moving.

“Do you see that thing that looks like a peanut or a mexican jumping bean…? That is your baby. Listen…”

The nurse turned on the sound and the loud thumping of a strong heart beat echoed out into the room.

The sound was the most beautiful thing that Averi had ever experienced in her life. She broke down in tears, and Colt couldn’t help but shed a few of his own.

“I told you everything was going to be alright…”

“Not totally… My legs…”

“They are going to do the surgeries. You will be able to walk and be a mom and do everything you currently do… With one exception.”

“What’s that?”

“You gotta quit the bar…”

“Doctor’s orders?”

“My orders.”

“I was going to do that anyway.”

Averi looked down with a somber expression on her face.

“What is it?”

“You won’t want to look at me…”

Colton regarded Averi seriously.

“How on earth could you say that? It was my father that did this to you.
I love you
. You’re beautiful as you are. Besides, do you think I’ll always look like this?”

Colton lifted his shirt to show off his rippling abs. Averi couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re so conceited.”

“I’ll be the best lookin’ 80 year old out there. Still bench pressin 200.”

“Yeah, right… All wrinkled.”

“So no, I don’t care if
think your legs are ugly. I love you, and you’re not getting rid of me. We’re a family, remember?”

Colt kissed her on her lips and wiped away her tears.

“There is no me, without you… And don’t you forget it.”

Chapter Thirty-Six

A Long Time Coming


Three Months Later…

Colt and Randy bent down, packing the dirt down on the freshly planted rose bush. Yellow buds sprouting from fresh green stems came up from the earth and took center stage in the yard. At the foot of the bush, a marble stone was engraved with the words:

“For all the ones we’ve loved and lost, we live on honoring your memory, binding together and never letting go. We love you. We miss you. We honor you.”

Averi walked out the sliding glass door dressed elegantly in a long yellow sundress that covered her legs and showed off her rounded tummy. She walked barefoot across the lawn, joining Colt and Randy at the rose bush that she had picked out. It was her mother’s favorite bloom.

Shelly and Tim walked through the garden gate hand in hand with smiles on their faces. He had made a full recovery and he knew Shelly had a huge part in that, because she waited on him, hand and foot, while he recovered at her apartment. He had become spoiled from the process, but Shelly wasn’t above reminding him that he had made a recovery and was quite capable of picking up his own damn socks off the floor.

Randy was still unattached and planned to remain that way. He was convinced that he would never meet a woman that didn’t frustrate him in some way. Averi told him he’s too damn fussy and that she’s not going to cook for him when he’s old and gray.

Colton and Averi were just days from their wedding, but there was one last thing that they wanted to do before getting married… Put the past to rest.


The five joined hands around the rose bush and bowed their heads in prayer.

“For Corinne and Nathan Ford,” said Tim.

“For Seth Ford,” added Averi.

“For Jessa McClain and Anna McClain,” Colton inserted.

“We honor you on this day. As a family, as friends. The man that haunted us and tore us apart, cannot hurt us anymore. We lay down these roots not just as a reminder of our past, but a beautiful representation of our future. Thank you for looking over us, and shielding us from harm. We miss you every day.”

Averi took a deep breath as she let the hurt and pain and tension from the last twenty years ease out. As she looked up she realized that she was the only one not in tears. Even Randy. Stubborn, hard ass Randy. Averi squeezed her brother tight as he gave his sister a slight grin. The group dropped their hands and departed from the circle, leaving their pain behind them. 

It was a long time coming.


Chapter Thirty-Seven

Love, in the

Darkest of Places


The dusk sky shone red over the landscape of the Hall homestead, the ranch that Averi’s grandparents owned. Upon their passing, they left the land to Averi, Tim and Randy. Averi always said she wanted to get married at the ranch, and now she got her wish.

It was a small affair, with only twenty seats set out for guests. Grandma Ford’s gazebo was beautifully decorated with wisteria and roses. A white runner led the way from the farm house to the gazebo where Colton would wait to become Averi’s husband.


Shelly was dressed in a simple lace strapless dress of the faintest shade of pink. Her hair was simple and her makeup was natural. She looked elegant and chic as she bounced down the hallway and made her way to the master bedroom where Averi waited for her.

There was no a shred of nervousness in Averi’s face. There was just pure happiness. Averi had found her peace. Shelly unzipped the dress bag and slipped the gown off the hanger. She slipped it carefully over her friends hair which was sleekly pulled up in a French chignon adorned with a yellow rose. The chic gown fell gracefully; an elegantly beaded dress that graced over her curves and fluted elegantly at her feet. The sweetheart neckline hugged her, framing her face and a simple pearl pendant that once belonged to her mother hung from her neck.

Averi released a breath of air as she took in her image. She never believed this day would come. She never thought she could have Colton and her brothers. Her love and her life combined.

Averi held up the hem of her dress so that Shelly could put a pair of ballet slippers onto her feet. Her feet and legs were too far damaged to comfortably wear heels, besides, she wanted to be at ease and not worry about tripping.

“You look stunning,” a voice from the door said in a tone that was mixed with joy and sadness.

“Randy,” Averi said as she turned to face her brother. Randy was dressed in a black tuxedo. “You clean up well…”

“She dressed me…” he said pointing to Shelly, “Well, not literally. She told me what to wear.”

“Don’t let Tim hear you say that, he’ll kick your ass.”

“Please…” Randy laughed. “Now let me get a look at my sister. Jesus you look like Mom.”

Averi smiled. She knew it was a compliment. Their mother was a classic beauty with a heart of gold. She hoped that she had made her proud.

“I know that they are shining down upon us.”

“They are. I’m very proud of you, Randy…”

“For what?”
“For accepting Colt and understanding…”

“No worries,” Randy said, waving his sister off, “Besides, I’ve grown kind of attached to him.”

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