Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set (52 page)

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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Ghost went dark. “What?”


“Toby,” nodded Bridget.
“The kid who talked to you the other day?”


“Oh, fuck,” said Ghost.
“That adorable little nerd? No, no. Don’t say that.”


“I don’t know for sure,”
said Bridget. “Not yet. Well, I mean I don’t have
yet. My gut
knows for sure.”


Ghost gave her a
thoughtful, sad look. “You strike me as someone with a finely-tuned gut.”


Bridget sighed. Sadness
dropped over her posture.


“Hey,” he said, and leaned
forward to kiss her deeply. “Don’t get down about it tonight. I’ll help you
find a way to help Toby.”


She frowned at him in
disbelief. “Really?”


“Yeah, totally. Toby’s my
bro now. And even if he wasn’t, like I’m just going to sit back and do nothing
to stop some child-beating fucker.”


“I don’t even know what
I’m going to do about it,” she said. “And you could get in trouble.”


Ghost gasped dramatically
and clasped at his non-existent pearl necklace. “Oh, heavens,
have mercy, my fragile constitution could never endure the barbs of


Bridget started laughing,
even with a few sad tears still in her eyes. She play-tackled him on the couch
and made out with him while Ghost ground his hips against her bare skin.


She pulled away and looked
at him. “So you think the soldier thing is hot, huh? I’m really not sure
whether to take that seriously.”


Ghost made a groaning
noise. “Oh, baby, do I ever. You’re basically the hottest soldier on base, and
you’re in my bed. We could fuck
kill together. What else is there?”


Sometimes, like right now,
the backtalk about how he was too much of a jokester cut a bit deeper. He
really did find everything about her incredibly sexy, and he wanted her to
believe it. Jokes were just his mechanism, but it wasn’t because he had nothing
to say. Quite the opposite.


He watched and waited for
her expression to become dark. But it didn’t. Instead, Bridget smirked and
laughed. Something in her eyes said she didn’t quite agree with him, but she
sure as hell wasn’t throwing him out on his ass, calling him a fucked-up freak.
She was wrapping her arms around his neck. She was planting a sweet little kiss
on his nose.


“You’re a different sort
of guy, aren’t you, Ghost?” she said.


“So I’ve been told,” he
said. He bent down and kissed her slowly, deeply, and felt whatever sassy
response she’d been building melt away on his tongue.








Recharged from her weekend with Ghost, and the
wonderful sensation of multiple orgasms, Bridget returned to the Academy on
Monday morning fully ready to conquer the problem of Toby Cary. The last few
days had been an incredible new adventure for her with Ghost, who had arrived
for their originally planned date Friday night to take her out for a nice steak
dinner. After, he didn’t leave her house for the rest of the weekend. In fact,
the two of them had barely left her bedroom. It had been a flurry of laughter,
sex, cuddling, and swapping war stories that had lit up areas in her brain she
didn’t even realize had been dimmed.


Unfortunately, children
often stand in the way of even the best laid plans. It was a lesson Bridget
already knew well, and yet she walked right into the trap anyway. After trying
and failing all of last week to make some kind of subtle inclination to Toby
about the secret they shared, she decided to try a more direct approach, and
asked him to take a walk with her to get supplies from one of the closets down
the hall, shared by the teachers.


Toby happily followed
along beside her as they walked the hall and answered her questions about his
recent birthday party, and how much he loved the new section they had started
in science about the way planets are formed. Bridget smiled at him as she
unlocked the supply closet and went inside, flipping on the light. Toby stood
by the door, propping it open with his foot and standing weirdly, like kids
were known to do.


As she gathered armfuls of
construction paper, she said, “Hey, you know I gave my phone number out to all
of you guys at the beginning of the school year, right?”


“Yeah, on those papers,”
said Toby. He was watching something down the hall and making a buzzing sound


“Right. Do you have your
own phone, Toby?”


He didn’t answer. Bridget
carried some of the supplies over to him and saw the humor had fallen from his
face. He took the supplies in his arms.


Bridget acted nonchalant, waving
her hand and immediately returning to the supply shelf like it was no big deal.
“I ask because I had a phone number call me last week that I didn’t recognize,
and I wondered if it was one of you guys trying to get a hold of me. Whoever
called wouldn’t answer when I picked up.” She resisted the urge to glance over
at him as she pulled bottles of glue off the shelf.


Toby didn’t say anything
for a few heavy moments. When Bridget turned back to him, done gathering what
she needed, he looked up at her slowly and met her eyes for just a moment. Then
he looked down again and said, “I don’t have a phone anymore.”


Grief pierced Bridget’s
heart, its blade coated with poisonous anger. Toby’s discomfort and fear was a
palpable force in the air. Whatever was happening, he was clearly not ready to
have a face-to-face conversation about it.


Bridget quickly smiled.
“That’s okay, I was just wondering. What are you going to make for your art
project today?”


It took a few slow, sad
blinks, but Toby took her offer of distraction as they closed up the supply
closet and walked back to class. He wasn’t himself after that, and Bridget was
overcome with guilt. She hadn’t meant to upset him; she just didn’t know what
else to do.


She tried her best to get
hers, and Toby’s, good moods back by launching into a surprise game time after
the students completed their spelling test. They played until the lunch bell
rang, and as she hoped, it had lightened the classroom quite a bit. Red-faced
and laughing, the kids spilled out into the hallway and headed for the
cafeteria. Toby melted into the group and disappeared along with them, and
Bridget decided that was an improvement and tried to let herself off the hook.


Before she could get too
comfy at her desk, her phone lit up. It was a picture text from Ghost. She
smiled as she pulled it up: a phone selfie of him leaning back seductively on
his bike, doing the kissy duck face so popular with teenage girls in their
photos. Along with the photo was a smattering of nonsense emojis with a single
She looked closer at the photo and realized Ghost was in
the Academy’s parking lot, and she quickly locked up her classroom and headed
out to meet him.


Ghost stood waiting for
her in the bright sunshine with a bag of sandwiches from the deli down on Vine
Street. Bridget felt like a schoolgirl, but she couldn’t help herself from
running up to meet him in a tight bear hug. He lifted her up off the ground and
she giggled.


“What are you doing here?”
she asked happily.


“Duh, lunch, like I said!”
He held up the bag.


Bridget laughed. “You’re
not sick of me yet, huh?”


“Sick of you? Jase had to
talk me down from bringing you breakfast, too.” He wrapped his arm around her
waist and pulled her close to kiss her. Bridget moaned against his mouth. “Hop
on the bike, baby. Let’s go find a place to eat.”


Bridget bit her lip. “I
can’t. I have to make arrangements to leave school grounds during the day
unless it’s an emergency.”


“Oh,” said Ghost. He
turned his shoulders to look around. “Well, is there somewhere on the grounds
we could go to be alone?”


“Be alone?” said Bridget
with a mischievous smile. “You got something on your mind other than


“I think I might have
something else hot and meaty you can enjoy, yeah,” he said in a low voice,
pulling her into him.


Bridget laughed. “That was
almost too silly to be sexy.”


“ ‘Almost’ is my
middle name. C’mon,” he said, taking her hand.


He led her across the
parking lot toward the sloping hill on the east side of the grounds, where the
landscaping was filled with tall bushy trees and clean-cut hedges. None of the
school yard extended this far east, but technically, it was still school
grounds, so Bridget shrugged and sat down next to Ghost in a sweet, grassy
little clearing just a few yards into the tree line. Most of the local noise
became subsumed by the lovely lilt of chirping birds and buzzing bugs, the
breeze in the leaves of the budding spring forest.


Ghost sat down and patted
his lap playfully. Bridget obliged, and while she didn’t sit
legs, she did sit up against him, enjoying the feeling of his strong chest at
her back.


“How’s Tommy?” asked
Bridget as they dug into the sandwiches he had brought.


Ghost swallowed and said,
“He’s improving. He’s spending more time awake, but he’s still all jacked up
from the pain meds.”


“Poor guy. He’s going to
be okay though?”


“Oh, yeah. Doc says he’ll
be right as rain after all the broken bones heal.”


“What’s going to happen
about Lucero?”


Ghost sighed, and Bridget
almost felt bad for bringing it up. “I’m not sure. I know the whole Eagleton
charter—what’s left of them, anyway—is on their way down here right now so we
can sort this out. They basically had to close up shop to do it, they’re so low
on men.”


“Sounds like you guys are
going to have a face-off.”


“I would duel the shit out
of him if Henry would let me,” said Ghost with a shake of his head. “I was born
in the wrong century.”


Bridget giggled. “Well,
I’m sorry you can’t just duel him and fix it. He’s a giant shithead for what he’s
done. I hope you make him pay.”


Ghost narrowed his eyes at
her, his mouth twisting in a naughty grin. “Ooh, say that again,” he said with
a mouthful of sandwich.


“I hope you make him pay?”
said Bridget.


“Mmm, again, but all


Bridget laughed and leaned
back against his ear. She felt his heart beating fast against her back. “I hope
you make him pay,” she whispered slowly in her best throaty voice.


From behind she felt
Ghost’s dick push against her, hardening instantly. He groaned and leaned down
to latch his teeth and tongue onto her exposed neck. His hands dropped the food
and slid around her torso, one pushing up to lightly tease at the underside of
her breasts, the other creeping slowly south.


“Ghost,” she said in an
aroused whisper. “We can’t…”


“Can’t what?” he mumbled
as he took one breast fully in his hand and squeezed. Bridget sighed softly and
pushed her face against his as he sucked on the skin of her neck.


“Can’t…” she trailed off
when Ghost’s hand pushed down the front of her black pants and past her panties
in one swift movement. Suddenly his dexterous fingers pawed at her clit,
spreading the wetness that was already building across her pussy lips like oil.


“Mmmm,” said Ghost against
her neck. He rubbed her chest rhythmically and pushed his fingers deeper inside
her pants. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”


“Ghost,” she was begging,
bucking her hips up to meet his hands and writhing against his back. Ghost held
her tight against his body and pushed his hand further down her pants, until his
fingers had enough room to slide inside her soaking pussy.


Bridget let out a cry so
loud, Ghost released her breast and clamped a hand gently over her mouth.
“Shhhhhh,” he said and sucked on her earlobe. “Don’t wanna get caught, do you,
naughty girl?”


Bridget moaned helplessly
against his hand as he pumped his fingers in and out of her in slow, painful
rhythm. The way her body was writhing made Ghost so hard it hurt, and all he
wanted was to throw her down on that meadow grass and fuck her senseless, but
instead he decided it would be more fun to keep her dreaming about his cock the
rest of the day—and give himself a little edging at the same time.


As his fingers fucked her
pussy, Ghost put three of them in Bridget’s mouth and she immediately began to
suck on them. It was Ghost’s turn to moan, and his dick pulsed hard against his
jeans, and against Bridget’s ass. It wasn’t long before she came all over his
fingers, pressed stiffly against his body as he held her tight, muffling her
cries of pleasure.


He teased her sensitive
pussy as she came down from her orgasm, planting little kisses all over her
neck and shoulders. Bridget continued to suck at his fingers, albeit with
softer, gentler pressure, settling back down in Ghost’s lap, skin aglow.


“You are my favorite,”
said Ghost. He gave her clit a few more rubs before he pulled his hand out of
her pants and brought his fingers to his mouth to clean them off with a
satisfied sound. “And you are too goddamn hot for your own good.”


hot?” said
Bridget, turning to kiss him. “I’m not the one starting quickies in the woods
behind school.”


“You didn’t say no,
either,” he said with a wink.


Bridget only had a few
minutes left to get back, so they cleaned themselves up and started to head
back. As he escorted her back to the school, Ghost reached his big hand over
and grasped onto hers, twisting their fingers together. She didn’t know why,
but the move surprised her. She looked over at him and he turned to look at
her. He gave her a simple, handsome smile and squeezed her hand. Bridget felt a
fluttering in her stomach as she returned it.


Before they could head
over toward the fountain and front entrance, Bridget heard a voice calling out
over the din of the lunch recess madness. She and Ghost both searched for the
source, and saw Toby clinging to the schoolyard fence, fingers wrapped around
the chain link.


“Ghost!” he said. “Hey,
Ghost! Remember me? Toby?”


Ghost didn’t let go of her
hand, but only pulled it to lead her over to the fence. “Shit yeah, I remember
you! Were it not for your brave messenger skills, I wouldn’t be having lunch
with this lovely lady today.” He put his fist up against the fence for Toby to
bump with an awkward laugh. “You’re my wingman, bro.”

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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