Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set (51 page)

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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“I’m going to cum,” she
said in a broken whisper.


The gorgeous biker only
bit gently at the nipple in his mouth and pushed his fingers in her deeper,
harder. Bridget let out a long moan as her orgasm washed over her like a flash
flood. Her body spasmed like someone had hit her with a taser, and she held
onto Ghost’s shoulders as he lifted his head to watch her cum like he wanted.
His fingers never left her pussy, only kept fucking her until she aftershocked
twice more, and collapsed on the floor underneath him.


Ghost carefully pulled his
fingers out from her and brought them to his mouth. He licked them off with a
satisfied moan and stared at her as she panted, beaming up at him, while he
undressed himself. Bridget could only lay there and eat up the view in front of
her: his gorgeous, pale body was ripped from shoulders to ankles, chest
hairless but tattooed, his pubic area dark but well-groomed. Springing out from
his hips, his smooth, pink cock looked at least eight inches long, maybe
longer, and thicker around at the body than the head.


Ghost stroked himself
twice as he looked down at her, clearly enjoying the feeling of being desired
as much as she was. He knelt back down and hovered over her to kiss her.
Bridget pulled him close and ran her hands over the bare, warm skin of his
back, his muscles rippling under her palms. She could feel the head of his cock
teasing at her pussy, and she was aching for it.


Ghost leaned back and dug
a condom out of his cut pocket. He rolled it on and returned to lay over Bridget.
He took his cock in his hand and rubbed the head over her pussy lips once,
twice, three times, gathering its sweet wetness. When he finally stopped
teasing and pushed inside of her, Bridget thought she would pass out from the
pleasure of it all. Ghost’s thick cock filled her up, pushed deep inside until
he was in her completely.


“Oh, God!” she screamed
and arched against him.


Ghost held Bridget tight
as he began to thrust, slowly at first, then adding more and more power. His
rhythm was relentless, flawless, pounding into her without stopping or losing
his way as one hand tangled in her long blonde hair, and the other gripped her
ass and held her against him. His frantic moans against her neck sent shivers
down her spine.


“Fuck, Bridget, you’re going
to make me cum,” said Ghost. “Cum with me.”


Ghost tightened his grasp
on her hair and drove harder into her. Bridget closed her eyes and could feel
nothing but Ghost, the sweet pressure of his hard cock, the heat of his breath
on her sweat-soaked skin, and the wet hunger of his tongue on her neck. She
screamed his name when she came, shuddering underneath him and around his cock.
Ghost bit hard into her shoulder as he pumped his seed inside her, burying
himself deep in her pussy until he was spent.


It seemed an eternity
before Bridget finally came down from the high of her multiple orgasms. Ghost
collapsed on top of her, panting and sweating, planting little kisses along the
side of her face absentmindedly. His cock was still half-hard inside her, twitching
and teasing her sensitive pussy, making her hiccup with tiny moans.


“You’re incredible,” he
said. “I hope there’s more of this for dessert.”




~ TEN ~




When Bridget led him, naked and glowing in post-orgasm
bliss, to a table chock full of fine meats and cheeses, Ghost knew then that he
had died somewhere on the way to Bridget’s house and arrived in actual
Valhalla. He growled in ecstasy and wrapped his arms around her in a playful
bear hug as she giggled and squirmed underneath. He could tell by the way her
body tensed up at cutesy romantic intimacy—but not the heated intimacy of
sex—that she wasn’t used to playing around and having fun with men.


“This is incredible,” he
said as he lowered a thin piece of some glorious-tasting meat into his mouth.
“You’re incredible.”


Bridget gave him a funny
look as she poured them both a glass of dark red wine. “This is, like, thirty
bucks’ worth of food from the grocery store. You’re easily impressed.”


“Oh, it’s not the cost of
the thing, babe,” he said, taking his wine with a clink against her glass.
“It’s the presentation. It’s that the universe has unfolded in such a way that
I get to wash the delicious taste of you off my tongue with the finest meats
and cheeses this side of Sicily. You built a masterpiece of an evening.”


“Technically, the first
course was
fault,” she said with a smirk and wrapped her hand
around his back.


“Guilty,” he said. “And


After Bridget rescued her
flowers from the foyer floor and moved them to a vase, they gathered up their
clothes and threw a few pieces back on. At the request of his beautiful
companion, Ghost was all too happy to keep his shirt off. They fixed plates of
food and returned to Bridget’s couch with their meals, lazily picking at grapes
and cheese like Roman emperors. A few candles flickered on the entertainment
center, a soothing light in the descending darkness of the evening outside.


With his arm around her
shoulder, Bridget relaxed against Ghost’s bare chest, running her fingers
absentmindedly around the curves of his muscles. A few times she made him
shiver and she laughed against his skin.


“You’re a lot of fun,” she


“Ditto,” said Ghost, and
kissed the top of her head. “I knew you would be from the moment I saw you.”


“And I knew you’d be
trouble from the moment I saw you.”


“See? It’s like a fairy


Bridget giggled. “For my
Thursday evening to go from no plans to body-rocking orgasms on my foyer floor?
Sure, I’ll call that a fairy tale. I’m glad you came back early.”


She didn’t mean it, but
Bridget’s words broke the bubble in Ghost’s mind, keeping the rest of his world
at bay. Thoughts of Tommy and Lucero flooded in, and it must have instantly
changed something in the way he felt underneath her skin, because Bridget picked
up on it right away.


“Do you wanna talk about
what happened?” she said.


Ghost sighed. “Not really,
but I probably should. Best not to hold things in, they say.”


“Who says?”


“I don’t know, doctors?
People? Someone.”


“So what happened?”


He went quiet while he
tried to gather the words, and tiptoe around the more legally incriminating
parts of the story. Not that he thought Bridget would cause him trouble, but he
didn’t want to bring any down on her, either. “Me and a few of the guys from
the club were up in Eagleton helping out another charter this week, that’s
where I was. We were supposed to make this drive out from Eagleton to a place
called Burling, and there was an accident. Two of my guys got injured.”


Bridget lifted her head up
from his chest with a worried look on her face. “Oh, Ghost. I’m so sorry. Are
they going to be okay?”


“Yeah,” he said, rubbing
her hair. “One’s just got a busted arm, and the other… well, Tommy is hurt
pretty bad. But the doctors said he’s not going to die. Or at least, they think
he’s not going to die.” He took a deep breath. “I guess doctors can be idiots
and assholes like the rest of us.”


“No wonder you’re so
down,” she said. She rubbed a palm gently over his chest.


“The worst part is it
didn’t have to happen. One of the guys from the other charter was high on the
drive, and he blacked the fuck out behind the wheel,” said Ghost, anger rising
in his voice. “I should have stopped him, but I didn’t.”


“Jesus,” said Bridget.


Ghost looked at the heavy
expression on her face and pulled her close for a kiss. “Sorry, I didn’t mean
to kill the mood.”


“No, I’m the one who
asked. I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of this. Is the guy who caused the
wreck going to prison?”


“Hell no,” said Ghost.
“That’s not how this works. It’s a club matter. We handle it internally. We
don’t deal with the law.”


“What happens to him,


“I don’t know,” said
Ghost. “They took him after the accident, too, and I haven’t seen him since.
They haven’t told me what’s going to happen.” He kissed her head. “I’m sure
I’ll find out soon.”


“I hope he fucking pays
for it,” she said in a mean little voice against his skin.


Ghost smirked and bent his
head to look down and catch her eye. Bridget looked up. “What?” she said.


“You’re a feisty little
thing, aren’t you? I love it.”


“What?” said Bridget with
a self-effacing laugh. “He
pay for it!”


“Some people would say we
should be forgiving,” said Ghost mockingly.


“Fuck that,” said Bridget.
“Then those people can forgive him.”


Ghost laughed and wrapped
his arms around her in a tight hug. “It’s that soldier blood in you, isn’t it?”


She lifted up from his
chest, her eyes narrow. “Who said I was a soldier?”


“I just know things,” said
Ghost in a dramatic, snotty voice. “I deduced it from the way you were so
adamant about not dating soldiers.”


“Oh, really?”


“Yep,” said Ghost. “That,
and also Sid told me the other night that you were in the Marines.”


Bridget grunted and
playfully bit Ghost on his right shoulder. Ghost laughed and rolled around with
her until he had her pinned on the couch under him. She wrapped her arms around
his neck and they made out like teenagers for a bit.


“That was a really valiant
effort to change the subject, and I appreciate that you hate talking about
personal things as much as I do, but this
a date, after all,” said
Ghost. “And I’m not just here for that hot bod of yours.”


“Sure you’re not,” said
Bridget, only half joking.


“Getting ass is not a
problem for me, and even though you’re, like, off-the-Richter-scale levels of
hot, I’m also not interested in
fucking you.”


“Oh, really?” she said.
Her mouth was a half-smile, but her voice was all deadpan disbelief.


“Really,” he said. “I’ll
prove it to you, don’t you worry. And there will be orgasms a-plenty along the


“The least-serious guy
I’ve ever met is telling me he’s already serious about me?”


“I’m a man who knows what
he wants,” said Ghost, leaning down to kiss her firmly. “And you, my beautiful
Valkyrie, are not a one-night stand. Any man who looks at you and thinks that
is a fucking idiot.”


Bridget didn’t answer. She
stared into his eyes with a bit of a pained expression, like she wanted to
argue with him, but was deciding against it.


that you
are a soldier,” added Ghost. “I think it’s hot.”


Bridget looked up at him,
thinking. She said, “It’s not that I’m ashamed of my service or anything. I
just don’t like talking to civilians about it. They don’t get it, and they ask
stupid questions.”


“Don’t blame you,” he
said, pushing hair away from her face. “And you don’t have to talk about it
with me. I just want you to know you can. I wasn’t military, exactly, but I’ll


“So what do you mean when
you say you’re not


Ghost paused with a
self-effacing laugh. Things got tricky here, and he was already a little bit
worried about it. There was a reason he had a harder time than all the other MC
brothers at keeping a good woman around. But he’d made a promise to himself a
long time ago that he would never tiptoe around his truth. He was himself at
all times, or nothing at all, and if a woman didn’t want him for it, then he
was better off without her. Usually, he just hoped this conversation came later
in the relationship, after he’d had a chance to feel loved for a while.


He moved from atop her and
sat beside her. “I just, uh…” He cleared his throat and looked away from her
face. “I didn’t grow up in a family, or anything. My parents were of the
laid-back, commune variety, and when I was six all the adults were arrested in a
raid. I got thrown in the system and I haven’t seen them since. So I kind of
had to make my own way. The story’s kind of cliché, really… a regular episode
Law & Order
with far less good-looking actors.”


She didn’t interrupt him,
so he pressed on before he lost his nerve. “A lot of kids in the system end up
having to do shit they don’t want to do to survive. I got taught how to hotwire
before I could even drive. And that was just the early stuff.” He took a deep
breath. The abyss went much deeper, but he wasn’t out for that tonight.
“Anyway. I might still use the skills I acquired, but things are different now.
I run my life. And I try to use my powers for good.”


The look on Bridget’s face
when he finally lifted his eyes was upsetting.
was upset, in a deep,
dark way that completely betrayed her soldier heart. There were no tears.
Glazed over her eyes instead was fury. Heat flushed at the base of her neck,
though her face had gone pale. One had to know what the signs meant to
understand it, and Ghost did. Bridget didn’t want to cry for his sad story like
other women did. She wanted to
for it. She was angry at what he
had been put through.


“That’s monstrous,” she
finally said in a tight, quiet voice. She wrapped her hand around one of his.
“That never should have happened to you.”


Something deep shifted in
Ghost’s heart.


He swallowed against a
tight throat and tried to laugh it off. “Yeah, well, it made me the badass,
handsome sex god I am today, so I suppose it’s not all bad.”


She was silent for a few
long moments, but kept her caressing touch on his hand. The sensation warmed
him like he didn’t know he needed.


“I used to work in a much
worse school before I moved here,” said Bridget. “I’ve seen the trauma kids
suffer in the system. I’ve seen how bad home lives affect them. I mean it when
I say that, Ghost: what happened to you is monstrous, and it never should have


He could feel emotions
bubbling up; it was disconcerting. He squeezed her hand in both of his.


“It’s so hard as an
outsider to watch that happen,” she said. Her voice betrayed that she was
speaking about something else, now; not just Ghost. “It’s insane how an abuser
or neglectful person can make
feel that way—not just their


He tilted his head and
tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “What’s going on?”


The look in her eyes said
she was surprised by his intuition, but she didn’t comment on it. Instead, she
took a deep breath, and the words out of her mouth next had the cadence of a
long-held confession. “I think one of my students is being abused. And I don’t
know how to help him.”

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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