Black Apple (14 page)

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Authors: Joan Crate

BOOK: Black Apple
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Despite making her stay at the school against her wishes, Mother Grace was always good to her. And she had saved her from her own rash nature and Sister Joan’s rage by removing her from class and giving her special lessons in her own office. Mother Grace was smart too. She knew everything about the Bible, and she could say long words no one else even knew. She even had another language, one that wasn’t against the rules to speak. And she had chosen her, Rose Marie Whitewater, out of all the girls at the school. But if it was love she felt for Mother Grace, it was the same kind she had for the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Love for someone removed and not completely human, not made of flesh, not really. As she searched with her fingers, she found blood was still flowing from
Just as if she was wounded, and,
God help me
, she must be.

She rose from bed and crept to the bathroom. In one of the cubicles, she stuffed her underdrawers with more toilet paper. When she heard a noise from the hallway, she froze. The long strides of Sister Cilla. If Sister came into the bathroom, she decided, it would be a sign to tell her about the blood.

Sister Cilla’s footsteps splattered past the bathroom door and down the hall. A door whined open and clicked shut.

Maybe she should run down the hall and knock on Sister Cilla’s door. When Sister answered, she would say, “I think something must be wrong with me.”

But Sister Cilla seemed flustered these days, rushing around with sheets and pillowcases, mad at Sister Margaret, she could tell, then tromping off to help Sister Bernadette unload bedding plants or even the sides of pork Scarecrow Olaf delivered. Half the time, Sister Cilla had a faraway look in her eyes, like she was thinking of something that had nothing to do with St. Mark’s. No, she couldn’t say anything to Sister Cilla.

  *  *  *  

When Rose Marie awoke to Sister Joan’s clanging bell, she saw that the blood had not stopped. The toilet paper in her underwear was soaked. And even though she had slept like a stone, she was tired. Tired and heavy, but not sick. She knew that TB caused blood to erupt in coughs through the mouth, not between the legs
It drew fevers and sores as it had with Mama, and it did not come on so fast. TB was a slow, creeping thing. She was not dying. Not yet. As soon as the sisters had gone down to Matins, she’d clean herself up.

“Rose Marie, what is it?” Mother Grace asked at breakfast when she saw the girl squirming in her damp dress and stuffed underwear.

“Nothing, Mother Grace.”

“All right, but sit still,
. The first thing I’ll have you do this morning is go up to the dormitory and see if last night’s wind blew things around. You know how Sister Cilla opens all the windows at the end of the school year to freshen the dorm.” She smiled indulgently at Sister Cilla, sitting farther down the table and a million miles away.

“What? Beg your pardon, Mother Grace,” Sister Cilla stuttered.

“Just give it a sweep,
,” Mother Grace told her, ignoring Sister, who was already returning to her own bewildered world.

Back in the dorm, Rose Marie felt a prick of curiosity. She walked over to one of the senior girls’ wardrobes. Even standing on tiptoes, she could not see the top shelf, had to reach in with her hand and feel around. There. She brought out two—those cotton rectangles the older girls were always sewing in domestic science classes from laundered flour bags and worn bedding. She had never known what they were for, and like the other girls her age, she knew better than to ask. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” they always said. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” She turned the pad over, examined its brown stains, the thick, layered construction and hurried stitching. Right there in one corner, she spotted the number of the girl it belonged to, sewn in red thread.

Over the years she had seen bigger girls wrap these cotton rectangles in their towels or clothing, trying to hide them as they hurried to the bathroom. She remembered Maria Running Deer crying that spring, and her older cousin, Judith, throwing an arm around her shoulders, whispering, then taking Maria to her wardrobe and reaching up to the top shelf.

Maybe she wasn’t hurt or sick. Maybe these cotton rectangles had to do with the “fall of Eve” and “God’s punishment” that Sister Joan often mentioned but never fully explained. “The temptress,” Father David had called Eve more than once during Mass. Maybe her bleeding was a sign of woman’s sin, of shame, something not to be spoken of, to be hidden away and suffered through silently. After she finished sweeping the dormitory, she would go quietly downstairs, slip into the sewing room, and make her own cotton pads.

A Very Good Age

from the table, leaving her dishes for Sister Cilla to take to the kitchen. With her cane in one hand, it was too difficult to carry a bowl, cup, saucer, and cutlery. A few weeks back, she had broken an entire place setting.

Breakfasts were the worst, her joints still locked in a stiff repose, unwilling to flex and bend. She had to rely on Sister Cilla more these days, but that was as it should be. In fact, she really had to introduce Priscilla to the administration of the school. She had plans for her, plans that would keep Sister Joan far away from a position of power at St. Mark’s.

“Could you stop by my office this morning, Sister Cilla,” she called out. “There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

Sister Cilla straightened. “My! Yes, of course, Mother Grace,” she said, cheeks flushing.

Just what was wrong with Sister Cilla these days? she wondered as she made her way to her office. She had seen her going in and out of chapel on a few occasions. To pray, no doubt, but for what? Mother Grace was checking her calendar when she heard a tentative rap at her door.

“Come in.”

Her eyes a little wild, Sister Cilla sat down.

“You don’t seem yourself, Sister.”

“Dear, oh law.” She pushed the door shut with one long foot. “I’m sorry. There will be no more of that, Mother Grace, I promise. I haven’t broken my vows or anything, but—” A sob escaped her mouth. “Oh, Mother Grace, I have a sinful nature!”

“Don’t we all, Sister Cilla. Now, what in heaven’s name are you referring to?”

“Dear . . .” Sister Cilla closed her mouth. When she opened it again, she seemed more composed. “Well then, it’s my birthday, I suppose. You see, Mother Grace, this Thursday I’ll be thirty.”

“A very good age.”

“But you see, Mother Grace, at thirty, I thought I’d be . . .” Her voice trailed off, and her eyes had that wild look again.


“I guess thirty isn’t that old, but, you know, when I joined the Sisters of Brotherly Love, it was just after . . . I don’t know if you remember, but I had been engaged to be married.”

“I do recall, Sister. The young man in question betrayed you.”

“Yes.” She blushed. “Well, after all that, I didn’t know what to do. I decided to enter the sisterhood, but I wasn’t exactly sure. I didn’t really hear a calling, you know?”

is just a word, Sister.”

“Well, yes. But I wasn’t sure, Mother Grace.”

“Are you now?”

“Uh, maybe.” Her eyes darted from the cross above the door to the bookcase. “I don’t think that’s it.”

Time for patience and empathy. Mother Grace softened her expression and leaned across her desk. Patting Sister Cilla’s hand, she asked, “What do you think is the source of your confusion?”

“Kids,” she blurted. “Children. I always wanted them. I thought I would have them.”

“That desire is fulfilled at St. Mark’s, is it not? Here you have children, dozens of them, children whose lives you influence and enrich in the name of the Lord.”

“Thanks be to God,” Sister Cilla intoned faintly.

“We all have our moments of doubt, Sister Priscilla. It’s important that you came to me.” The fact that she had bidden Sister Cilla, that Cilla had not come of her own accord, was a mere technicality, she decided. “Ours is a life of sacrifice and devotion,
, but also one of self-examination and prayer.”

“Yes, Reverend Mother. I have been praying. I’ve been praying all the time.” Sister Cilla paused, glancing at her lap. When she looked back at Mother Grace, she seemed calmer. Their conversation turned to other things—linen counts and the number of nightdresses needing mending or replacement.

“Do you have time for the garden in addition to the dormitory preparations, Sister?”

“Absolutely. In fact, it does me good to be outside. I think I need some time away from—” She stopped.

“Sister Margaret?”

“Dear, oh law. We don’t always see eye to eye. I try, Mother Grace. I really do. It’s just that—she’s, um, a little bit cranky sometimes and—”

Mother Grace raised a hand to silence her. “I believe a young strong woman such as you needs more physical work and less time fussing over dormitory maintenance.” And listening to the complaints of the increasingly crotchety Sister Margaret, she thought to herself,
la vieille mappe.
As if Margaret were the only one who suffered. “Perhaps you’d like to work with Sister Bernadette over the summer?”

“Yes, Mother Grace, I would.”

“I’m going to assign you to help in the garden, in the kitchen, and with food acquisition over the summer.”

Sister Cilla flushed with pleasure, and when she left, her steps down the hall sounded lighter. Even if it had been a quick decision, it was a sound one. Sister Lucy, who usually assisted Sister Bernadette during the summer, was becoming more of a hindrance than a help. Getting deafer by the day. And, Mother Grace was beginning to realize, blinder. Why Sister Lucy refused to go east to the perfectly nice retirement home in Montreal was beyond her comprehension. Of course, Lucy couldn’t speak much French. But then, most of the sisters from the west couldn’t, and there would surely be at least one or two of them at the home. Sister Lucy would have company. Then again, they’d all have to holler in order for her to know they were there.

, with her new assignment, Sister Cilla would not have time to learn how to keep the books, the main reason she had asked her to the office in the first place. Well, there was no rush. Cilla had lots of time to learn administration—years, in fact. She, herself, was not going anywhere.

  *  *  *  

As far as Mother Grace could tell in the following weeks, Sister Cilla’s new assignment was working well. Though broomstick thin, Priscilla was strong as an ox and ten times as fast. Brother Abe appreciated being called on less for lifting and carrying; that was plain as the nose on his face. But Mother Grace wasn’t going to let him get away scot-free.

“When are you planning to start the repairs, goodness, so long overdue, Brother Abraham?” she demanded at breakfast the next day.

He looked a little dismayed, but nodded nevertheless. “I’ll get on them real soon.”

When Olaf dropped by that afternoon to do the meat cutting, she seized the opportunity to employ him as well. The man was obviously lonely or he would be cutting the meat at his farm.

“Mr. Johanson,” she called as he pulled out a set of battered knives. “If you’re not terribly busy with your pigs, perhaps you could help Brother Abraham with some very necessary repairs to our school.”

His face actually lit up. “Yah. I can do that.”

“Bless you,” she allowed.

Sister Cilla, though busy, was cheerful once again, at times to the point of giddiness. Was there no happy medium? The young nun seemed to have an excess of energy, despite her late-night forays to chapel. She was constantly running out to the garden, down the basement steps to the cold room, or out the front door to greet the farmers with their deliveries, often with poor Sister Bernadette struggling on her short legs to keep up.

Things would be back to normal once the students returned. Then Sister Bernadette could explore new ways to ruin perfectly good food, and Sister Cilla would be back to the dormitory listening to Sister Margaret’s litany of complaints and very likely becoming discontented once again. An endless cycle, spinning them all into old age.
I am weary of my life.
Genesis. She sat at her desk and pulled out a sheet of paper and a bottle of ink.

Dear Patrick,

I received your awaited letter three days ago. May God bless and keep you.

Our summer is half over, but instead of appreciating each day, I find I am already anxious about the return of autumn. What is the matter with me that I cannot enjoy the moment without regretting its future?

I have just spoken to the young sister I have put much stock in, Priscilla. Her warm heart and concern for the children in her charge were a welcome relief in the penury of the war years. Even with the war over, praise God, the sisters at St. Mark’s are sometimes poor of spirit. Sister Cilla has always been an exception. Yet now, despite her exuberance, something is off-kilter. I have plans for her in the running of the school, as you know, and I pray for the insight and wisdom to guide her appropriately.

Great is the mystery of Godliness: I have told myself that for years, and yet now the phrase no longer comforts me. What am I missing? What besides my life is slipping away?

How I miss you, Patrick.

Yours in Christ,



and Papa’s Sunday visits,
still crept up on Rose Marie. It clutched her and hung on, sometimes for days at a time. Rose Marie felt as if she were carrying a deadweight, someone dead who could not be thrown off. Like that stupid shadow nun. Could she, should she tell Mother Grace about the shadow sister and the shadow students she sometimes saw? Alone in her bed at night, she thought she could, believed she must. Or else go completely crazy. And possibly to hell.

But the next morning, it didn’t seem right. There was Mother Grace’s reserve, the reserve of all the sisters, except Sister Cilla, and every now and then Sister Bernadette. It was as if there were unwritten, unspoken rules among the sisters about sharing secrets the way friends did, the way Mama and Auntie Constance and Auntie Angelique had, the way she and Taki did—a kind of formality, stiff as their wimple bands. No, she could not tell Mother Grace or any of the sisters about the ghosts.

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