Black Apple (39 page)

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Authors: Joan Crate

BOOK: Black Apple
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Copyright © 2016 by Joan Crate

Phyllis Bruce Editions, published by Simon & Schuster Canada

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Jacket design by Elizabeth Whitehead

Jacket image © Gabrielle Lutz / Stocksy

Raven © Shutterstock

Author photograph by David Chittick

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Crate, Joan, 1953–, author

Black apple : a novel / Joan Crate.

Issued in print and electronic formats.

ISBN 978-1-4767-9516-4 (bound).—ISBN 978-1-4767-9518-8 (ebook)

I. Title.

PS8555.R338B53 2016   C813'.54   C2015-905966-6


ISBN 978-1-4767-9516-4

ISBN 978-1-4767-9518-8 (ebook)


Part One

Chapter 1: Baby Bird

Chapter 2: Mother Grace

Chapter 3: St. Mark’s

Chapter 4: The Naming

Chapter 5: Stealing Anne

Chapter 6: Girls, So Many of Them

Chapter 7: Fire Worms

Chapter 8: Beasts of the Field

Chapter 9: Visiting Hour

Chapter 10: New Territory

Chapter 11: Voices

Chapter 12: Forgiving Ruth

Chapter 13: The Prodigal Son

Chapter 14: Works of Mercy

Chapter 15: The Mystery of Godliness

Part Two

Chapter 16: Womanhood

Chapter 17: Blue

Chapter 18: A Very Good Age

Chapter 19: Heat

Chapter 20: Juggling

Chapter 21: Happy Birthday to You

Chapter 22: Dead Chickens

Chapter 23: You Make Your Bed

Chapter 24: Iikss-tah-pik-ssi-wa

Chapter 25: A Burning Bush

Chapter 26: Jam

Chapter 27: Mould and Charcoal

Chapter 28: The Confessional

Chapter 29: Paperwork

Chapter 30: The Visitation

Chapter 31: Destiny

Part Three

Chapter 32: A Wolf Paw

Chapter 33: The Assignment

Chapter 34: The Orphans’ Prayer

Chapter 35: Earthly Pleasures

Chapter 36: The Letter

Chapter 37: Confession

Chapter 38: Mass

Chapter 39: Coal Dust

Chapter 40: The Reply

Chapter 41: When Skies Are Grey

Chapter 42: Bobcat with a Rabbit

Chapter 43: Intentions

Chapter 44: Undeserved Extravagances

Chapter 45: Stud

Chapter 46: Departure

Chapter 47: Possibilities

Chapter 48: Her Own



About Joan Crate

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