Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (79 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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She did as he instructed. Hands flat to the wall. Her ass tilted up. Her legs spread. Forehead to the wall. Although she desperately wanted to look at him, she kept her gaze lowered. She wanted to look at him. She wanted to touch him. She wanted him to touch her.


Long moments passed. She heard him walk toward the bed, then his bare feet padding across the thick, Persian rug to her. His breath brushed against her shoulder, heating her.


“If it hurts more than you can stand and you want me to stop, just say the word ‘sunshine’. Do you understand?”


She stiffened in surprise. He’d never told her this before. And he’d never hurt her more than she’d wanted before. But... “Yes. Yes, I understand.”




She heard the snap of something behind her - a bottle cap? - then felt his fingers squeezing and caressing her ass. A light, almost hypnotic motion that was the very opposite of pain. Instead, the motions were delicate and arousing, leaving her body tingling under his touch, her sex getting wet and wetter. Heat pulsed between her legs. Juices trickled down her thigh and she bit the inside of her cheek to force herself to keep still. His fingers slid between her ass cheeks. They were wet! Slick with some sort of oil.


He rubbed the delicate line between her cheeks, swirled the oil at her rear opening. Then, it wasn’t his fingers anymore. It was something harder, sliding slowly into her with the aid of the oil. Its push was gradual, the stretch incremental, pushing her wider and wider until she gasped from the pressure of it. Grit her teeth against the squeezing pain.


A hand touched her back, gently stroking her as the butt plug pushed into her even more. Her fingers widened against the wall, she breathed out of her mouth, her forehead prickling with sweat as the pain grew and grew.


“Sasha?” His voice was low with concern. The butt plug stopped moving.


“I’m okay,” she whispered. “Keep going.”


Damien kissed her shoulder. Expecting him to push the plug in deeper, she gasped when she felt his fingers on her clit instead. The arousal that had receded came back with each circle of his fingers, each flick against her clitoris. Her breath threaded from her throat as he lifted her higher with the stroke of his fingers, bringing pleasure enough that she almost forgot about the butt plug. The pain subsided and she pushed her legs wider, allowing him even more access to her pussy. Her forehead pressed even more against the wall as the sweetness slid through her body, sensual delight, her pussy wet and tingling. A delicious feeling twining all through her body. She pressed her fingernails into the wall.


Then he pushed the plug all the way in.


She gasped at the sudden pain, but his fingers took the pain away as quickly as it came, pressing into her clit again and again until her orgasm hovered temptingly close, its waves lapping at her shore. Then he took his fingers away.


“Damien, please!”


The stinging slap on her ass took her breath away. The butt plug jolted inside her. She bit her lips shut. A cold sweat rippled over her skin.  Bringing pain and the beginnings of pleasure. Damien touched her again, more gently this time, his hand caressing the curve of her ass before dipping lower. A soft click sounded then the butt plug began to vibrate. Sasha trembled, her teeth smashed tightly together as she fought back a scream of pleasure-pain. The vibration was low but she felt it all through her body, her ass, her hips, and her belly. Damien pinched her ass, reached lower to touch her pussy, to stroke her clit.


Oh, God!


“Do you like this?”


She could only jerk her head in agreement, the pleasure nearly tearing her in two.


“Tell me.”


“I—I—like this,” she stammered, barely able to form the words. Sasha swallowed hard as the vibrations and his fingers on her clit worked in tandem. A steady pulsing and pulling and pressing that she felt all through her entire body.


Then Damien spun her around. Pressed her back to the wall. Tilted her pelvis out.

“Hands at your sides and flat to the wall.” Her palms slapped the wall as she rushed to do what he commanded.


He dropped to his knees in front of her, covered her clit with his mouth. Licked. Sucked. Hummed against her flesh while the butt plug sent vibrations of intense pleasure through her body. Her entire self trembled from the intensity of the sensations. Her skin. Her heart. Her soul.


Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!


She bucked uncontrollably between his mouth and the wall. Her face flushed. Her pulse was like a runaway train. Damien’s hands parted her wet folds, his fingers sliding deeply into her dripping pussy. Fucking her with his fingers as he sucked her clit and the plug filled her ass. Sasha had never felt such a combination of sensations before. The pleasure was hot and fierce in her, jerking higher and higher with each vibration until she wanted to scream. To beg.


She opened mouth to tell him to stop. That the sensations were too intense. But he abruptly stood up, spun her around to face the wall once more. Sasha panted. Sweat dripped down her face, down her back.


Damien’s hands claimed her hips, lifted her ass higher. His cock nudged the dripping slit of her pussy, tracing the wetness, dipping between the plump folds, plunging deep. Filling her. Sasha trembled at the sensation of both her orifices being so thoroughly filled.


Damien fucked her, his hands braced on either side of hers on the wall, his cock sliding smoothly into her pussy, stroking her deeply while the low grade vibrations from the toy rippled through her. His thighs slapped against hers. The smell of their sex wound hot and potent through the room. Then Damien reached between them and the vibrations grew more intense. Too intense. The orgasm crashed through her, snapping her teeth shut. She shook. Swallowing her screams.


“Oh G-!” Sasha bit off the shout, unable to control the tremors of her body as she jerked and flailed against the wall with Damien’s cock moving swiftly inside her, yanking free another orgasm. Then another. And another. Her body an overload of sensation. Pleasure and pain cycling through her.




No more
, she wanted to cry it.
The words hovered on the back of her tongue. But she clenched her teeth shut as another orgasm smashed into her and dragged her low on the wall. She panted, her knees buckling, her up-stretched arms trembling from the strain. Tears dripped down her face. Juices dripped down her thighs.




Then just when she thought she truly,
couldn’t take it anymore, Damien pulled his still hard cock from her, turned off the vibration in the plug. Another orgasm lanced through her, a powerful clutching in her pussy, so hard that her stomach cramped and she sagged even more against the wall. Without him holding her up she would have collapsed completely. He lifted her, put her in the bed on her stomach, a pillow under her ass. In the sheets, she shuddered still, her skin twitching from the effects of the vibrating toy, his mouth, his hands, his cock. While she lay there, he gently took out the butt plug. She gasped at the sudden feeling of emptiness. The slight pain.


Another gasp tore itself out of her throat as she began to tremble uncontrollably. She dug her fingers into the sheets, tears pouring from her, wetting her cheeks, soaking the sheets under face.


She felt torn apart. Burst into pieces then roughly put back together. Her breath rushed from her parted lips.




He caressed her bare back, soothing her. But even that soothing was too sensitive for her skin. The very air against her flesh felt too rough. She squirmed away, gasping. Damien whispered calming words again in her ear then slowly undid the pins in her hair until the loose strands fell over her face. He put the pins on the bedside table before coming back to her.


He was a heavy and undeniable presence behind her, his cock still hard against her leg. But he didn’t try to do anything about it, only touched her skin, whispered soothing nonsense in her ear until her body slowly, slowly calmed.


A long while later, she blinked away the last of her tears, breathed quietly through her mouth. A fugitive ripple of pleasure moved through her.


“You’re incredible.”


He moved up in the bed until they were face to face. He drew her up against him, gently cradling her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let it go this far.” He kissed her forehead. “Why didn’t you tell me the safe word? That would have stopped everything.”


She shifted in his arms, winced at the faint pain in her butt. “Because I wasn’t ready to stop.”


He stared into her eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”


“You were born under the perfect star.” Sasha slipped her arms around his neck as he pulled her even closer. His mouth touched hers, tentatively at first, then more firmly.

Their kisses were soft and then hard, mouths sliding together, bodies moving gently together as their breaths gradually sped up, the desire rising inside Sasha again, a more gentle desire, a softer feeling than the one that had consumed her before and turned her into a panting slave thoroughly under Damien’s control.


She actually wanted to share this delicate feeling with Damien, to ease his body into hers and show him the kind of pleasure he had guided her toward so many times. And so, that was exactly what she did. Parting her legs for him as she lay on her side, guiding his thick cock inside her, sighing from the exquisite pleasure of it. He moaned into her mouth as his cock moved inside her. Slickly sliding between her plump folds to plumb the drenched depths of her pussy. Pleasing her. Pleasing himself.


“You’re incredible!” He gasped the words into her throat. Clutched her to him as if he thought she would disappear like smoke. “You’re so fucking incredible!”

Chapter Twenty-three


Sasha hoped that he would like the pie. She held the still-warm cherry pie, carefully lying in its white baker’s box, in her arms like a baby as she walked across the path that separated the Taylor Stables from the mansion.


It had been a long but rewarding morning. With Linc, she’d finally broken the newest filly of her habit of biting. A big achievement since Sasha had done it primarily on her own. Now, it was lunchtime, and she was ready to share one of her favorite times of the day with her favorite guy. Her footsteps quickened at the thought of seeing Damien.


Since the weekend she’d spent at his house where they had made love, talked, gone riding together, even made tentative references toward the future, their relationship seemed to mean so much more. It was fine enough to love a man, but if he didn’t think any more of you than the next girl on a string then all the love in the world wouldn’t matter. But she mattered to Damien. Sasha knew that now.


As she walked up the path toward the house, a familiar white car caught her eye. Her footsteps faltered. No. That couldn’t be who she thought it was. Then she remembered James’s threat. But he wouldn’t approach Damien for money. He wouldn’t


But as she stared at the white Lexus, the driver’s side window rolled down. Her brother’s smirk just about slapped her in the face as the car passed by. He waved at her and the car completed its turn around the circular driveway then disappeared down the hill.




She ran the rest of the way to Damien’s study. Panic flying up in her throat. Sasha clutched the boxed pie as she begged pardon of the middle-aged butler before she dashed through the house. At Damien’s door, she knocked, her heart thumping madly.




His firm reply through the door made her falter for a moment. Then she stiffened her spine, clutched the pie even closer to her chest and walked through the door.

Damien was standing by the window, staring out into the sunlit day. Not a good sign. As Sasha walked in, a savage look flashed across his face. She winced, closed the door behind her. James had already told him. She could see the knowledge of her life before now in Damien’s eyes. He had seen her brother, heard his version of events. James had made demands of Damien. Threatened him.


Sasha put the pie on the sideboard that also held decanters of various liquors. Suddenly, she wanted a drink very badly, even though it was the last thing she actually needed. What she needed was a clear head so she could properly explain everything to Damien. It would kill her if he thought she had sent James to extort money from him. If he thought she had only slept with him for what he could give her.


Sasha wanted to rush to Damien, fall on her knees and make him understand. But instead, she clasped her hands behind her back and stayed on the opposite side of room from him, watching him. Waiting.


“What a coincidence that you’re here now,” he finally said. His voice was carefully neutral. “Your brother just came to see me.”


The bottom dropped out of her stomach as she heard her intuition and worst fears confirmed. She swallowed heavily. Gripped her fingers even more tightly together behind her back.


“I’m sorry. I should have told you.” She pressed her lips together. “I was going to tell you.”


“Which part were you going to tell me? That this low life is your brother or that he is extorting money out of you?”


Humiliation flared in her cheeks. For a moment, she was struck dumb. Waves of alternating cold and heat took her body.

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