Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (77 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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“Yes.” She clung harder to him. “Yes….”


A fierce fire claimed her. Then she was crying out his name, sagging in his arms.


“Already, love?” He looked down at her with heavy-lidded eyes, teasing. Pleased.


“It’s not my fault you’re good at this.” She felt drunk on his touch, on the sun.


He lifted her in his arms and she squealed at the suddenness of being suspended in the air. Damien found a stone bench, sank down into it, and settled her onto his lap. His cock was large and firm under her ass, demanding its own satisfaction. She straddled him, her bare feet on either side of him on the bench, her bare pussy smearing the denim pressed tightly over his cock. Sasha pressed into him deliberately this time, bumping her clit against the rough denim again and again, biting her lip as the electric sensations tripped through her.


“You’re trying to drive me crazy,” he murmured, his eyes fever-bright with desire.


She chuckled. “The car hasn’t even started yet, baby.”


He watched her intently, no impatience in his gaze, just wanting to see what she would do. In that moment, she loved him even more. Sasha kissed him. She tasted the remnants of ice tea on his tongue, the faint smokiness from the chicken they’d shared. His hands settled on her waist, his hips moved in the bench, making needful circles under her. His breath quickened. Unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped him. Damien made a rough sound into her mouth as his cock sprang free. Sasha leaned back to look at it, to admire the thick length of him in the sun, the hectic pink cock against the blue denim.


She stroked him, a long and leisurely movement of her hand that made him swallow hard and buck in her grip.


“You’re definitely trying to drive me crazy,” he grated.


His fingers gripped her butt tight, released, and then clenched her skin again. Pain. Release. Pain again. As he watched, she slowly stroked his penis, the full crown already weeping for her, the thick length that she longed to feel inside her. She eased up in the bench, kneeling with her thighs spread wide on either side of his hips.


She met his eyes. Gripped the tender stalk of him.


Then slowly lowered herself onto his cock. Her eyes fluttered shut as his smooth heat slid inside her. Filling her. When she opened her eyes again, his were already open and watching her. Sasha’s heart knocked almost painfully in her chest. The desire throbbed low in her. The pressure of his cock inside her dripping pussy feeding it. Making her heart beat even faster.


“Ride me,” he demanded.


She balanced her hands on his shoulders then began to move her hips. A slow, graceful ride. He drew in his breath in a sharp hiss, his hands gripping her ass again but he didn’t guide her movements, just held on as she rode his hard cock, rocking her hips in a slow and even motion that sent ripples of bliss through her. The wind brushed over her back, the sun burned her skin. Her breath came faster.


The rocking became a dance, then it was a cyclone, her pussy whipping around his cock while he gripped her ass hard. His eyes held hers, compelling, undeniable. Even when she felt the orgasm rising in his body he didn’t look away. His cock jerked inside her, jetting his satisfaction as he grunted, gasped. Lashes fluttering down over the blue gaze.


Damien gasped out her name. Released his grip on her ass as he went limp in the bench and she trembled with unfulfilled desire. His cock was already softening inside her. Body slack. Eyes staring at her in a daze of fulfilled pleasure. But he was only still for a moment.


“Stand up.”


It took her a moment to realize what he meant. In the bench. He meant for her to stand in the bench and press her pussy against his mouth. Knees trembling, Sasha did as he told her to. She wet her lips in anticipation of his touch. Standing on the bench with arousal tripping through her, she wavered slightly. Clutched Damien’s shoulders.

He gripped her ass again, groaning with pleasure as his hot mouth covered her clit. Pleasure slithered through her and she grabbed the back of his head. His tongue lapped at her, plunged into her, lashed her clit. He ground his face into the matted and wet curls of her pussy, sucked the juices from her lower lips like she was his favorite dessert.


She whispered his name, clenched her fingers in his hair.


Her fingers tightened more in his hair as he fucked her with his tongue, lavishly eating her pussy with long licks and generous suction of his wickedly talented mouth. Damien took care of her slowly, teasing the orgasm out of her pussy, playing with it, welcoming it out into the sun-drenched garden.


“Oh. Oh! OH!”


Her world froze as the orgasm took her over. Then she collapsed, her legs unable to support her any longer. Damien easily caught her, cradling her in his lap as she trembled in the aftermath of her lust. It felt like her heart was trying to fly out of her chest.


Damien laughed softly into her throat while she clung to him. “That was quite possibly the best lunch I’ve ever had.”

Chapter Twenty-one


After taking a shower in Damien’s bathroom and kissing her lover goodbye, Sasha made her way back to the office. She breathed deeply of the day that smelled of horses and fresh cut grass, feeling refreshed and well-loved.


In his bedroom, Damien had tempted her with the sight of his naked body, with gentle touches until she nearly melted onto his bed with him over her. But she had work to do and sleeping with her boss didn’t free her from her duties. Not that she’d want that to happen. So, after promising Damien again that she would spend the night with him on Friday, she left him.


On her way from the house, she’d gotten a text message from Linc to meet him back at the office before they went to the paddock to exercise the horses for the afternoon. As she stepped into the air-conditioned building, she heard the faint sounds of conversation. By the time she walked fully into the office, the conversation had dried up like rain under a noonday sun.


The administrative assistant sat at her desk glaring across the office at the receptionist who was leaning against the copier while another young blonde—Sasha had a vague recollection of her being in their tiny accounting department—stood next to her, her arms crossed under her impressive chest. Both the women’s mouths were pressed shut as Sasha walked past. She nodded at each woman before approaching the administrative assistant’s desk. The redhead, older than Sasha by at least twenty years, looked up at her with a welcoming smile.


“Linda,” she greeted the admin with a smile. “Did Linc get back with those documents from the vet yet?”


“Yes, the papers are right here.” Linda handed her a manila folder containing the sheaf of papers with nutritional information, diet, and recommendations for a few of the horses Linc thought needed extra attention. Sasha gave the papers a quick glance, nodded in satisfaction.


“Great!” She tucked the papers back in the folder.


“Linc is in the break room with Dr. Warren right now, actually.” The admin returned Sasha’s smile. Was that a look of understanding in her eyes? “They both just got here.”


“Thank you.”


“You’re welcome.” Linda shared another of her warm smiles with Sasha before turning back to look at her computer.


As she turned away to walk toward the break room, she heard a flurry of urgent whispers from a trio of women leaving the break room with their coffee. The three women, who all worked in human resources, walked into the office with their heads bowed together, paying attention to their conversation and not who or what was nearby. One of the women bumped into the doorjamb as she rounded the corner. She grimaced but did not stop her flow of words. Sasha heard her name and Damien’s.


Titters of amusement.


She clenched her teeth. Fighting the tide of embarrassment rising in her face. Her hands clenched around the folder.


“For heaven’s sake!” Michelle’s voice burst into the relative quiet. The vet strode swiftly from the break room with Linc just behind her, glasses tucked up on top of her blonde head, a cup of what could only be hot cocoa in her hand. “Stop this stupid gossiping already. It makes you all look cheap and jealous.”


The three women who had walked out of the break room looked around guiltily. They started when they noticed Sasha. Then quickly rushed out of the front office.

Sasha gave her friend a look of gratitude.


“Hey, honey.” Michelle flicked her fingers through Sasha’s loose hair. “Don’t you look relaxed and refreshed? If I wasn’t happily married, I’d be jealous.” She hugged Sasha with a naughty grin then pulled back to take a sip from her cup. Her breath smelled like hot chocolate.


“I’m glad you have Grace at home,” Sasha said with a faint smile. “I can’t afford to have any more jealousy coming my way, if that’s what all this is.” She made a vague gesture around the room.


“Of course, that’s what this is. What straight woman with a pulse wouldn’t want Damien’s attention?” Michelle shrugged. “Just enjoy him and don’t worry about those bitches.”


Behind Michelle, Linc chuckled. “I’m going with what she said.” He nodded his head toward Michelle.


Sasha smiled back at them both, feeling her eyes burn with the threat of happy tears. “Thank you.”


After Michelle and Linc finished their conversation, Sasha and the trainer got back to work. They walked out to the paddock together, Linc matching his longer strides to Sasha’s shorter ones. Warm June sunshine burst over Sasha’s face as she stepped outside, and for a moment, she remembered the intoxicating moments she had spent with Damien in the maze. His hands between her legs. His teeth on her neck. Her orgasmic shouts rising in the air above them. Her footsteps faltered at the jolt of arousal that moved through her. Luckily, Linc didn’t notice.


Up ahead, Sasha could see about half a dozen horses already taking turns around the white fenced paddock. The sound of their hooves pounding on the dirt was like music to Sasha, a sound she could hear for the rest of her life. The horses were being supervised by jockeys and Linc’s assistant, Martin. In the sun, the horses were beautiful, their coats glossy and well-cared for, their bodies strong with muscle. Typical Taylor Stables thoroughbreds.


At her side, Linc cleared his throat. “So, is everything okay?”


“Yes. Why wouldn’t they be?”


Linc looked at her for a long moment forcing Sasha to drop her eyes. “Yes. Everything is fine,” she finally said. “Damien...Damien and I have been seeing each for a little while and just thought it was time to go public with it.”


“Good for you.” Linc made a pleased sound. “He’s a good man. You’re a good person. It makes sense.”


Sasha remembered him saying just about the same thing not too long ago. Back when she wasn’t ready to tell anyone about her and Damien. Not that she was necessarily ready now.


“Thank you,” she said after a silent moment. “Your opinion means a lot to me.”


Linc grunted noncommittally, but she could see the pleased glint in his eye.


“Let’s get back to work,” he said gruffly. “Next we’ll be talking about crochet patterns and feelings and all kinds of other crazy stuff.”


Sasha laughed.

Chapter Twenty-two


The rest of the week was easy. The people who mattered to her the most at Taylor Stables either had nothing to say to her about her newly publicized relationship or offered words of support. Even Frankie, the notoriously flirtatious but harmless jockey, had only given her a thumbs-up of support when they passed each other in the paddock.


It seemed that her fears about losing everything she’d worked for, about being seen as some sort of gold digger, and not being skilled enough for the job, were completely off base. The reality made a smile sit on Sasha’s face for days.


By the time Friday rolled around, she was ready to enjoy whatever it was that Damien had in mind for them. After work, she took a shower at the stables and washed and blow dried her hair. Pulled it up in a French roll she knew that her lover enjoyed.


Quite a few times, it had give them both the most delicious of pleasures as, mounted on top of his hard and surging cock, she’d reached up to undo her hair and let it fall around her lust-flushed face. Sasha loved seeing that look take over her lover. The way he couldn’t seem to stop himself from moaning her name, from losing control and flipping her over, slamming her onto her back and pounding between her legs until they both cried out in delight. Just the thought of it made her thighs tremble.


Sasha smiled in anticipation as she changed into one of her old thrift store dresses she’d almost forgotten she had. It was a simple pale green sheath, backless and very nearly sheer, that draped across her breasts in a provocative display. It was just about impossible to wear a bra with it. As she walked across the grounds to meet Damien with her unbound breasts rocking sensuously beneath the loose silk of the dress and the nude high heels - another present from Damien - elongating her legs and thrusting out her ass, she felt undeniably sexy.


She had no idea what he’d planned for them, except for sex of course, and had purposely not thought about it. Between her brother and the threat of everyone finding out about her relationship with Damien, she’d been thinking too much ahead, trying to second guess people who wanted to hurt her. So, instead, for tonight, she allowed his surprise to actually catch her by surprise.


At the front door of the massive house, she used the key Damien had given her a few days before. “If we’re seeing each other in the eyes of God and everyone, you should have a key to my place,” he’d said. Casual words offered before they’d gone on to talk about something else.

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