Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (39 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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This wasn’t abnormal. Many clients came in with an entire life story prefabricated. And really, who wouldn’t try to hype themselves up when they were pitching themselves to a matchmaker? But I still couldn’t suppress the odd feeling I was having. There was something just a little off.

“What’s the highest level of education you have?”

“I have BA in Economics with a minor in International Studies. I’m currently enrolled in a master degree program for business.”

I wrote this all down. I took out Leon’s file and scanned the information he had sent over after our meeting. He had also majored in economics for his undergrad and then graduated with a MBA in business. Marilyn was lining up with Leon in every way so far. Had I really been so lucky to have her just walk into my office?

“I’m going to have you arrange a meeting with April for us in the next day or so, a longer meeting where I can interview you further.” I felt uneasy about another meeting with Marilyn. She had arrived so suddenly that I didn’t have any time to process what had happened. I wanted to mull over her responses and get some background information on her. Was my apprehension towards her an indication that she might be the answer to Leon Christensen’s problem?

Marilyn stood up and smiled wide. The friendly smile that adorned her face had never faded or flickered since her arrival. I felt a hint of distrust towards her, as though her attitude was feigned.

We shook hands amicably and she made an appointment with April that was to take place in two days. I watched Marilyn as she spoke with April, arranging the meeting. Her eyes never left April, never blinked. It was though they were studying her coldly and calculatingly, but why?

April handed her a business card with our next appointment written on the back. Marilyn left, waving to me as she walked out. Every step she took was accentuated to show off her curves. I should know; I was an expert myself at this very same walk. In the wake of Marilyn’s departure, I felt relief wash over me, but I was unsure as to why.

“She was... nice” April said politely, stuttering as she struggled to find the right word. I looked over to April and we shared an unspoken moment. So, April had felt it too. A sense of justification over my gut reaction to Marilyn solidified itself when I saw that April shared my feelings. Marilyn, while perfect on paper, had made us both uneasy in some unidentifiable way.

I shrugged. She had been friendly enough, but maybe she was just a little too eager or looking to please. It was subtle, no doubt, but I had sensed its presence in every mannerism and word of hers.

I sat back down in my chair and the phone rang. The hotel chain heir’s voice started firing off excitedly in my ear over his date and I leaned back in my chair, grinning. I listened to him and I allowed myself to feel a sense of accomplishment.

The feeling didn’t last. The hotel chain heir’s exuberance could only fulfill me vicariously for so long. His case had not been a particularly difficult one; I had just felt a certain affection towards him that made me work harder. When a glimmer of hope had elevated him to the clouds, I felt satisfied that I had helped, but I wasn’t in the clouds with him.

I drove home, the music in my car loud enough to drown out any thought but not loud enough to push away the heavy feeling in my chest. No music was loud enough for that.

At my apartment, I found myself pacing from room to room, occupying myself with menial tasks. I cooked a dish from a complicated recipe online that took almost two hours and actually came out pretty good in the end, but I easily could have ordered take out and been done with it. Nervous energy was coursing through my blood and I needed distractions. On the bright side, my apartment had never been so clean.

I sat down on the couch. I turned on the television and watched a wildlife documentary that was beyond beautiful, but the magic was broken every time a commercial break tried to sell me a new car or revolutionary form of birth control. I turned it off at the second commercial break and sat with my legs crossed on my couch, thinking.

Marilyn Benedict had waltzed into my office and presented herself as the exact person I was looking for. I didn’t trust it, despite the fact that I had called several old clients hoping for that exact outcome. When it happened that a woman with the same interests and educational background walked in from the street, I had found myself distrusting her and probing her every move with a microscope.

Why did I care so much? Leon Christensen was a babe, that was for sure, but his personality left much to be desired. Memories of our first encounter flashed back to me. His vulgarity, the edge to his words, the cockiness all surrounded the image of Leon Christensen. Stills saw something deeper in him, but I really had yet to experience it. If there was experiencing any deeper side of him at all. So far, all he had presented to me was a man with so much confidence that it protected him like an impenetrable wall.

No, I had sensed something in him. At our last meeting, Leon had let just a little bit of his guard down.
I do not believe in love.
Those words had been genuine. A confession of his soul, unmasked of defense or motive. And hadn’t his eyes softened when he spoke, as though he didn’t believe in love, but he wanted to.

Could he look at Marilyn and feel love for the first time?

Anxiety crept up in my chest like a shadow forming as the sun fell behind me. The idea of Marilyn and Leon out on a date brought with it a finality of any fantasy that I held onto about Leon Christensen. Why did letting go make me feel so tense?

I did know the perfect way to relieve tension.

No, I wasn’t going to give into temptation. While I was alone in my apartment, and no one would know besides me, I didn’t want to further my growing want of Leon Christensen. Yes, I could definitely close my eyes and imagine he was beside me, rubbing my shoulders while his soft lips kissed the back of my neck gently, but it was better not to. Right?

Soon, I would show Leon just how good I was at my job, how I had proved unfazed by the difficulty of finding him a partner. Then why did thinking about that day make me feel even more anxious?

A bath was just what I needed. A hot, bubbly, inviting bath where I could lay my head back and listen to mellow music while I relaxed. It was what I needed to calm me down.

I drew a bath and dropped off the clothes I was wearing. The mirror reflected a curvy woman in her early-thirties, confident and sexy. The body that stood before me was a body that many men, probably more than I could ever know, had lusted over and broken their necks for just another look. No, I would never be a Victoria’s Secret model, but I was a real woman, sexy and desirable. I rubbed my hands over my hips and turned around to study my backside. I nodded my head in approval and slipped into the bath.

The bubbles felt glorious. A feeling of peace came over me as I closed my eyes. I had lit some candles when I drew the bath; the environment was perfect. Music played at a low volume, completing the perfection of my relaxation.

My heartbeat had slowed, but after only a minute or two it began to speed up again. Everything that I had thought was at bay returned, slowly and insidiously. I bit my lower lip, feeling the tension growing inside my chest. My restraint slipped away and soon the answer to all my tension was there.

Leon sat on a couch, lounging as he sipped a glass of expensive whiskey. His shirt hung open, the buttons all undone. The light cast shadows across his contoured stomach. When I walked up to him, his eyes studied me, locking me in his gaze with his sapphire eyes.

“You are a phenomenally gorgeous woman,” Leon said.

I was naked. My hair was loose, untamed. It hung on my shoulders wildly and I tossed it back slightly, letting my motion shake through me. Leon took another large sip of his glass and placed it down carefully on the table before him.

The fantasy was in full-swing, moving quickly and away from me. I was a voyeur to my deepest, darkest wants and my hand found its place between my legs.

Leon stood before me, his hand raised to caress the side of my face. Up close, the sapphire in his eyes moved as though it were the ocean itself. His breath was sweet, so sweet it called for me to taste. I moved my head closer and our lips met softly. Leon fell down to one knee and before I could register what was happening, he scooped me up in his arms.

A bed appeared before us. He laid me down gently on my stomach, breathing in the scent of my skin as he did. A warm liquid spread across my back before I figured out it was oil. Leon kissed the back of my neck one more time and then his hands spread across the open skin, rubbing in the oil with an increased amount of pressure.

His eyes greedily washed over every inch of my skin. Hands moved up and down my back and legs, grazing over my ass cheeks but not stopping to squeeze or push further between them. Every muscle cried out in agreement over the enjoyment of the massage. Leon was a master and I melted under his touch.

I turned over and Leon lay next to me, naked now as well. His cock was hard, laying on my outer thigh. His eyes were focused on mine, locked in on me. His mouth opened, but no words came out. The tension in my chest dissipated and when it was gone, I wasn’t sure it had ever been there in the first place. Leon’s arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer until my face was pressed against the lower part of his neck.

I kissed his neck, keeping my lips closed as I did so. Our naked bodies felt wonderful pressed together. I couldn’t help moving, pushing my hips in and out slightly. In the tub, I rubbed myself faster as my other hand massaged my breasts. I imagined Leon’s beautiful face inches from mine, looking at me as though I had shown him something that he hadn’t thought existed.

Leon moved on top of me, propping himself up so he could look into my eyes. My skin was alight with sensation as if I had been plugged into a power source. Every hair stood on end and little vibrations shook me. His eyes were warm and open, inviting me in to look at something deep inside of him, his soul, perhaps. He lowered his head and our lips met as he slid inside of me.

I was moaning loudly in the bathroom. My head protruded from the bubbles, but my eyes were closed. The warm water was a poor substitute for Leon’s touch.

It was more than just a want for company or a lusting for a physical man to be with me. I moved my hand against my pussy, rubbing my clit hard as I rubbed my own nipples simultaneously. Yet even as I brought myself closer and closer to orgasm, my heart screamed out for Leon’s presence.

He moved in and out of me, his eyes never breaking from mine. It was as though his entire being was inside of me, filling me with pleasure in every fiber of my muscle, every inch of my being. I grabbed him with my arms and squeezed tightly as his hips pushed against mine, sending waves of ecstasy through me. I bit on the lower lobe of his ear and licked it slowly. He moaned loudly as he pushed deeper into me.

I quickened the movements of my hand. Leon’s movements sped up and the two synced up, reality and fantasy working together. I gritted my teeth and moaned through them as my body began to tense in preparation for my orgasm. The sensation grew between my legs, shooting beams of pleasure through my stomach and connecting at the nipples. Soon I was feeling light-headed as I held my breath, determined to fantasize about how Leon’s skin would smell, pressed against my nose.

I bit down on my lip and I bit down on Leon’s shoulder. My hips rocketed up towards his and he pushed back, his cock sliding in me deeper than any man had ever been inside of me before. I came harder than I had ever come before by myself and I thrashed about in the water, a seizure of orgasm paralyzing me.

“I need you,” Leon whispered in my ear. His body turned as rigid as a floorboard while his cock pulsed inside of me, an orgasm shooting through him simultaneously as mine. We were enveloped in ecstasy together, unable to break away, not wanting to break away.

My body eased as the orgasm faded away. I opened my eyes to my dark bathroom lit only by candles. The music was playing softly and I couldn’t make it out because I was breathing loudly. I dipped my head underneath the water and moved my hands through my hair, feeling the heaviness of it soaked in water.

I pulled the plug on the bathtub and stood up. I turned on the shower and cold water shot down on me, startling me. I jumped back and soon the water turned warm. I washed off the suds from the bubble bath and stepped out. My robe felt soft and inviting against my skin when I put it on and I welcomed its embrace.

I went straight to bed. Lying there, staring up at the ceiling, I began to scold myself for my lack of restraint. I felt disappointed in myself and upset that I was entertaining this fantasy about a man that was not only my client, but a relative stranger. I knew practically nothing about Leon Christensen, but I couldn’t escape my fantasies about him. I felt guilty.

Tomorrow, I would set him up on a date, even if it meant a date with the completely wrong person. It had to be someone, anyone, except me. And with this decision, for the first time, a feeling that I had yet to experience knocked on my heart’s door.

For the first time, I felt lonely.

Chapter 7

Leon had stirred something in me that I had not expected. Something I didn’t need right now. The sooner I set him up with someone, the sooner I would be rid of him, and sooner I would be rid of these feelings.

I thought of Marilyn immediately. She had been nothing but friendly to me. I had called her cousin and asked her if she had known of any single females and sure enough, Marilyn Benedict had strolled in my office, a gift to solve my problem with Leon Christensen.

She was into BDSM. She was a highly educated female in the same field as Leon. Her curves were desirable by any man and she exuded an air of sexuality that I knew could rival Leon’s. Even her favorite food was the same! It had lined up too well to ignore.

I had to be honest with myself. Did I distrust Marilyn out of a desire for Leon? Was I jealous?

I wanted Leon in a sexual way. There were no doubts about that. Yet I thought that it was probably because he was off-limits to me. The taboo nature of a sexual relationship, made taboo only by my professional rules, made him all that much more appealing. I wanted what I couldn’t have. Was there more to it than that?

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