Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (35 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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“Good morning, Miss Facet,” she said brightly. April sounded happy. I wondered mischievously to myself that maybe April had gotten laid last night. I smiled wide and genuinely hoped that she had.

“Look, I ordered us some breakfast, I’m assuming you didn’t eat?” I asked. She shook her head.

“Great. We have a busy morning and there’s a lot we need to get done before lunch. I need you to call Leon Christensen and arrange a meeting for early afternoon. I’ve left his contact info on your desk. That’s first.”

April sat at her desk and immediately set to work. I put on some music in my office and took a minute to bob my head along to a song that I had fallen in love with during high school. Memories of drinking in the back of cars at the drive-in movie theatre and parties where we had to run from the cops came flooding back. It was an escape from the hectic beginnings of my day and I relished the brief escape before April interrupted.

“Miss Facet, here’s your food,” she said, placing down a styrofoam container down before me. I thanked her and she smiled as she turned to go back to her desk. However, before she reached her desk she stopped and called back to me.

“Miss Facet, I called Mr. Christensen. He didn’t pick up, but I’ll give him another ring in an hour. I left him a message though.”

I thanked her through a mouthful of an egg-white omelet with veggies and no cheese. I ate greedily, feeling hungry despite having missed the opportunity to go to the gym. I would go during my lunch break and get in a quick thirty-minute circuit.

I finished my breakfast and tossed the styrofoam container in the trash, feeling a little guilty that my trash wouldn’t biodegrade for a thousand years. Then I walked over to the coffeepot next to April’s desk and poured myself another cup of black coffee. That was when the front door to our office opened.

Leon walked in. He was dressed in a sharp suit that was perfectly tailored to him and cut from expensive fabric. He wore no tie, but he looked excellent. When he spotted April and I, he stopped.

“Good morning, Miss Facet,” he said, walking forward. He extended his hand to shake mine and I took it.

“Mr. Christensen,” I began, shaking his hand. “We haven’t arranged a time for our meeting yet. My secretary has been trying to get ahold of you for just that reason.”

Leon turned to look at April. She immediately began blushing. Leon walked up to her desk and leaned in close to her.

“I apologize, sincerely. It seems that while I might have missed your call, I definitely would have loved to talk with you.” Leon’s smile spread across his face. His eyebrows rose as he smiled and he looked as innocent as a cat about to pounce on an unsuspecting mouse.

“It’s quite alright, sir,” April stuttered.

I felt a pang of annoyance. Leon had waltzed in our office without any consideration for our operations. I had specifically instructed him to arrange an appointment, and rather than follow the rules, he just showed up when he felt like it. Now, he was flirting with my secretary.

“Mr. Christensen, please, follow me into my office.”

Leon obliged. His eyes lingered on April for another minute as he walked into my office, his hands in his pockets. April turned away quickly when I looked back. Her face was beet red.

“Please, sit,” I said, motioning towards a chair in front of my desk. Leon sat.

“Excuse my intrusion, but this was really the only time slot I had available today. You were adamant about meeting today, but I knew that the afternoon wouldn’t work for me. Rather than miss this opportunity and break my promise to Stills, I decided to come in right when you guys opened.”

I leveled my eyes at Leon Christensen and studied him. Normally, a meeting doesn’t have to be in my office. I’m very flexible with clients. I arrange meetings over the computer, the phone, or in their offices. My office is often the meeting place, but it’s not a rule of mine that I have meetings here.

With this client, I knew that I had to get him on my turf. While he might be able to unsettle me in a nightclub with a crazy sex show going on right in front of us, there was nothing in my office that was going to rattle me. I was in my element.

Leon Christensen was a special case. Last night had cemented that in my mind and now him showing up here unannounced, which I was almost sure was deliberate, only proved my theory. His control issues were obviously a part of his relationship problems, and the first step to wrangling him in would be to have him relinquish some of that control. Yet he already thwarted this attempt by showing up unannounced to my office.

“In the future, you’ll follow the rules that I set regarding our meetings,” I said sternly. “I understand you’re a busy man and this time I’ll make an exception. But in the future, unless it’s some type of emergency or you’re just popping in to say hi, make an appointment.” I made sure to open my hands to him as I spoke, as though I were truly sorry that it had to be this way. Every word spoken was laced with a hint of sorrow, as though it were really beyond my control and I was just following orders.

Leon nodded. He smiled again and then crossed his legs.

“That’s very reasonable of you,” he said slyly. He opened his hands, palms up, emulating my mannerisms. His grin widened and I smiled back, showing him just how unfazed I was.

“We’ll begin, Mr. Christensen,” I said. I pulled out a small tape recorder that I kept in my desk. It was an ancient relic at this point, and almost every client made a comment about it. “I’m going to record our conversation so that I can be more active in listening to you, rather than transcribing your comments. If this makes you uncomfortable, I will not record us, but I’ll still have to make notes on my computer. Are you alright with this?”

“Absolutely, record away. Let’s create some memories for posterity,” Leon said dryly. “Are you positive your artifact still works?”

I smiled. Every client makes a comment. “Yes, it is very reliable. No files get corrupted or lost in any kind of transfer. There’s a hard copy on this little tape and it has never failed me.”

I placed the old tape recorder on my desk and pressed the record button. The sound of the wheels turning in the little device was audible in the room and Leon’s eyes fell on the recorder and he laughed silently.

“Tell me, Mr. Christensen, what are some of your general likes and dislikes? And I don’t mean sexual likes and dislikes,” I said tonelessly.

“First, I’d like it if you called me Leon. Mr. Christensen seems so... formal,” Leon relaxed in his chair a little bit as he said this, “I suppose you’d like to know what type of music I listen to? Maybe my favorite restaurants? Well, I love all types of music, but I’d have to say the Beatles are my favorite band, right behind The Rolling Stones, as clichéd as both of those bands are to have as your two favorites. My favorite food is Thai food, and I could probably eat it three meals a day.”

“What do you do for fun?”

“I enjoy running my clubs, which I get to enjoy because the pressure of failure isn’t really there. My lovely mother has enough money to cover me if anything goes wrong, but I’ve been successful enough to not have to put my tail between my legs and ask for her to bail me out. It takes up a substantial amount of my time, but I do get a certain satisfaction from it. You’ve already been to two of my clubs, but the Nova is the typical type of club that I run. The Poisoned Lily is more of a side project.

“I’ve got a few clubs like the Poisoned Lily, but they are under a shell company. I like to keep my name relatively clear of those sort of operations, more for my mother’s sake. Old money tends to frown upon BDSM,” Leon said, smiling. “If someone were to do any amount of digging, they’d find that it was under my name, but it’s not that big of a concern because there wouldn’t be much of a story there. The club is legal and Stills is technically the manager.”

“Why did you decide to open up these types of clubs?” I asked.

“I was already successful with my other clubs and I was interested in opening up a BDSM club that was of a higher caliber. I wanted a place where people with similar interests could come together and enjoy an elegant environment. I was introduced to BDSM and I know that many people who like high-class establishments also enjoy BDSM, so I recognized a market demand and I sought to fulfill that. I’ve been very successful with that as well.”

The tape recorder continued on, a scratchy noise filling the silence that followed Leon’s words. I took a little notebook and made a note to myself as well. It was only two words. BDSM - Research.

“Is a mutual interest in BDSM something that you feel is a requirement for your partner?”

Leon raised his hand to his chin and closed his eyes, thinking about my question. A few moments passed while I waited for him to respond.

“I suppose an open minded attitude towards a lot of things is necessary for me in a partner. It wouldn’t be something that I feel the person must have already had an interest in, but they must be open to new experiences, just as I am,” Leon said, raising his eyebrows at me, a smirk coming across his face again. I found myself studying his face, noticing the lines around his lips that would soon be etched in as wrinkles from the recurrence of his signature smile. It was a sexy smile.

“Can you describe to me some of your previous relationships? Maybe you can start with the first significant relationship you had,” I said, shaking away the thought of how sexy that smile was.

“My first significant relationship was in boarding school. She wasn’t my first sexual partner, but it definitely had an impact. She introduced me to BDSM and opened up my horizons.”

“A fellow student? Younger or older?”

“Older,” Leon said, a wry look on his face. “Not a student. A teacher.”

I nodded my head in understanding. When Leon told me that it was a teacher that had introduced him to BDSM, I detected a hint of pride in his voice.

“There weren’t any girls in my boarding school. I had been in a few elite schools in Europe, but I had been asked to leave from all of them. Apparently the administration got wind that I had seduced more than a few of the fellow students, girls of course, and two teachers. Although, they were all just rumors and unsubstantiated, officially, of course. So my parents decided to move me to an all boy’s school. A school for rich boys that was geared towards fixing behavioral problems so that these trust-fund babies would turn out to be nice lawyers and investment bankers. Maybe even a doctor or two.”

Leon paused. He pulled out his phone and checked something quickly and then returned it to his pocket. He looked back up to me and continued on as though nothing had happened.

“I was moved to the Tambor School. I was seventeen when I first met Mrs. Robinson. A fitting name, right?” Leon asked, shaking his head as he let out a small laugh. “The relationship didn’t escalate to a physical relationship until I was eighteen, but it definitely began before that. She was studying me, seeing if I could be her Dom.”

“Dom?” I interrupted.

“In a dominant and submissive relationship, there are two roles. There is the sub, who is the submissive and the Dom, or the Dominant. Each role is not gender specific, meaning that a woman can be either and the same goes for men. She was a sub, and when she met me, she already sensed something inside of me that I didn’t even know was there.

“Mrs. Robinson was beautiful. She was in her late forties, but she had kept good care of herself. Right when I met her I had already decided to try to seduce her. Yet she had seemed impervious and kept me at a distance. It was only later that I learned this was a precautionary measure for her. All of the teachers had been made aware of me, she told me this later, and my history.

“After a class where I was admittedly being rather disruptive, Mrs. Robinson told me to sit in my desk and wait while everybody left the class. I thought I was about to be disciplined, but after all the other students had left, Mrs. Robinson had simply closed the door and walked up to where I was sitting and sat down on a desk across from me. That was when I noticed she wasn’t wearing any panties under her dress.”

Leon’s face remained placid. An echo of his smile crossed his lips as he dived deeper into his memory.

“She handed me a note. There was an address and a time on it. Then she dismissed me and said nothing more. When I went to the address that night, I saw it was her house. When I knocked on the door, she opened it and pulled me inside quickly. She was already wearing an... outfit.

“I had been completely satisfied with the sex that I had been having with other women. I was about to be shown that it had been vanilla sex, but I was eighteen and any sex with a beautiful woman was great, despite how easily it seemed to come my way. When other guys would complain about not being able to get laid, I always wondered what their problem was. Women love sex just as much as men do, it’s just that these men are their own worst enemy.”

I didn’t interrupt Leon to tell him that none of those men probably had his looks or charm. Women like sex just as much as men do, but they are also much more guarded than men. With his looks, however, he was easily a master at disarming women. I could see why sex came so easily to him.

“I fell into the role of the Dom very quickly. Soon enough, Mrs. Robinson was bending to my every wish. There was bondage, of course, and some whipping, but it started out tame. She instructed me how to properly spank her and what kind of choking was erotic and what kind was simply painful. I had never thought that I would one day be instructed in the proper art of choking a woman for sexual pleasure,” Leon said, laughing.

“Yet Mrs. Robinson was really only the start. She opened me up for a whole new possibility of sex that I didn’t know had existed. I had what you would call ‘regular’ sex afterwards, sure, but I always felt a draw towards BDSM.”

Leon studied my reaction. After the previous night, I was hardly shocked by what he was telling me. I was vaguely aware of BDSM, but after our meeting I was going to do an entire investigation of it. Purely for professional reasons.

I was merely nodding, a placid figure before him. Leon must have assumed that I was going to be uncomfortable by his admittances, but the truth was I had expected this. Other clients had admitted “sexual prerequisites” to me before, but there was always a modesty to them. No client ever tried to offend me. In fact, there were a few times where I had to ask leading questions just to get the clients, both females and males, to just come out and say what they needed, if it was really that necessary. And I understood that sex was a cornerstone of any relationship. If a certain sexual act or practice was crucial to a client, it had to be factored in.

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