Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (177 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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Henderson. The name brought up vile images of being locked in the prison cell without any hope of escape. He had orchestrated my kidnapping. It was on his orders that I was stripped naked. I could imagine him watching the clothes torn from my body and getting some kind of sadistic pleasure from it. The thought made my skin crawl and I badly wanted to take a shower, as if I could clean off the thought of Henderson getting some kind of perverse satisfaction from my body.

Henderson had used me to get at Alex. Alex, the man I loved. Alex was made to suffer through Henderson’s machinations and evil plotting. And worse, Alex had felt guilty that he didn’t do enough to prevent what had happened, as if it were somehow his fault. I couldn’t even begin to claim the I-told-you-so position against him. Had I ever told Alex that Henderson was plotting to kidnap me and take over his company during the crisis?

Alex hung up the phone and turned to me. “That was the last person that we can trust. I’ve explained the situation, albeit briefly. We’ll get a few hours of sleep and then first thing in the morning, we start on taking back Strauss Engines.”

We climbed the stairs to Alex’s room. We stripped our clothes off and lay in each other’s arms, naked and exhausted. Sleep came quickly and I felt complete as darkness fell over the room.


We didn’t sleep for long. I woke to the sound of an alarm and I could feel Alex’s erection firmly nestled in between my legs. I pressed back against him and moved up and down slightly. I reached down in between my legs and felt the head. I caressed it slowly, moving my fingers around, teasing it. It twitched as I teased it, and I heard Alex begin to breathe heavily against the back of my neck.

Alex’s arm hung heavily over me. I wrapped my hand around his cock and began to stroke up and down while my forearm pressed against my folds. I reached down with my other hand and spread my lips, moistening myself. Then I slowly pushed against his cock until it was inside of me.

His hands began working on my breasts slowly. I pushed back against him and felt his cock push deep inside me. He kissed my ear and began to move his hips slowly back and forth. His hands slid all over me.

We moved with each other. I reached between my legs and gently pulled on his balls, gripping them in my hand and squeezing them. Alex began to move his hips faster and soon he was sending waves of ecstasy through me. I twisted back and began to press my lips tightly against his as he fucked me harder and harder.

Alex’s whole body began to rock and then he stopped, moaning loudly. His cock began to jump inside of me and I could feel his warm seed fill me. With every shot of Alex filling me, I could feel myself approaching climax. His fingers stroked my exposed and vulnerable neck gently. I felt light-headed, but my orgasm ruptured inside of me and I lost all control of my muscles.

Alex had finished coming inside of me, but he kept moving in and out, chasing the last echoes of my orgasm. I stretched my hands back and slowly slid him out of me. He hugged me tightly and kissed the side and top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him and we breathed together for a minute.

The alarm went off again. Alex pushed away from me just enough so that we could see each other’s faces.

“I need you to do something for me,” Alex said.

“I’m here for you, Alex. I’ll do anything you need me to.”

“I need you to come with me. I know you’re tired; I’m tired as well. But there will be time to rest later. We need to go as quickly as we can.”

I nodded and let go of him. We got out of bed and Alex ran a shower for us. We showered quickly and without passion; it was a simple cleaning. Afterwards we dressed quickly and I ate a banana and a handful of almonds as Alex poured us coffee to go.

Alex led me out of his apartment, but before we reached the door, he stopped and turned to me. He wrapped me in his arms and lifted me off my feet. Our lips pressed against each other and we kissed with intense passion. Alex lowered me down to my feet and released me.

“By the way, I’ve never told you just how beautiful you are,” he said. And with that, he turned around and we ran out of his apartment.

We boarded the elevator, accompanied by one of the armed security guards that Alex had hired. When the elevator doors opened, another man walked us to the limousine, although it was only a few feet away. We sat down in the back and the man leaned in to talk to us.

“We’ll be following you every step of the way in two unmarked cars. We’ve replaced your normal driver with one of our own guys. He’s armed.” The man closed the door and smacked his hand twice on the roof. The limousine began to pull out of Alex’s private garage.

Alex stripped off his clothes quickly. I eyed him seductively and I inched closer to him. I ran my hand in between his thighs, and his hand gently stopped mine. I saw his cock was growing hard and I looked up at him pleadingly.

“Trust me, I wish there was time, but we have to be quick.” I looked down and saw that his cock was lying against leg, torturing me to grab it and fulfill my every want with it.

“There’s a dress in here for you as well, Samantha. I need you to get dressed,” Alex said. I tried to detect if there was any disappointment in it. “We’re going to the Strauss Engines building.”

I lost all focus on Alex and that beautiful thing that rested between his legs. We were going to Strauss Engines. That meant we were going to see Henderson. Possibly, to confront him. I felt a cold sweat wash over me.

I undressed slowly, as if in a daze. Alex kept his eyes focused straight ahead. I wanted badly to distract myself from the panic that was building up in my chest. I wanted to tear off his dress pants and grind on his cock until all of our problems solved themselves. I wanted him to fuck me every way he could and leave me spent. I wanted to be so sore and used up that I couldn’t walk. I wanted every last bit of energy spent on nothing but satisfying each other. I was afraid to go in the Strauss Engines building.

Instead, I dressed quietly. I did not jump on Alex and tear his clothes off, despite my desire to do just that. I respected his wish to refrain from sex, for now. Later, I wouldn’t be so reasonable.

We arrived at the Strauss Engines building. Alex opened up the limousine door and stepped out. He held his hand out for me and I took it cordially. I walked beside him as we entered the building. Every set of eyes scanned us. Security guards took extra notice of us, but they let no emotion show on their face as they walked over to escort us.

“Officers, will you please escort my assistant, Miss Dubois, and me up to William Henderson’s office?”

The guards looked at each other. One walked back towards the main reception desk that was massive and filled half of the initial room that you walked into when you entered the Strauss Engines building. A waterfall flowed against the back wall. The guard picked up a phone and spoke so quietly into it that we heard nothing of what he said. He then motioned towards the other guard and nodded his head just once.

“This way, sir,” the guard next to us said.

We followed him through the building. As we worked our way through people, it was as though we were a silencing force. Conversations froze when the people noticed us. More than one person nearly walked into a wall because they were too focused on us instead of where they were going.

Alex gave no indication that he noticed any of it. I tried to stop my cheeks from blushing, but I knew it was a losing battle.

The elevator music filled the tense silence between the three of us. I wondered how I would feel when I saw Henderson again. I briefly imagined walking into his office and picking up a chair and throwing it at him. I would use all of my energy and rage to hit him as hard as I possibly could, all the while screaming at him, “There will be consequences for striking the glass!”

The surreal fantasy dissipated as the elevator doors opened. Reality struck back at me and a cold sweat broke out over my skin. I could feel my hands shake and I braced myself against the wall of the elevator, keeping it hidden from both Alex and the security guard. I didn’t want to show any weakness, but I felt light-headed and my heart was pounding.

The receptionist eyed Alex with something bordering on contempt. She picked up a telephone receiver and spoke into it.

“Mr. Henderson, Alex Strauss and Samantha Dubois to see you.” There was a lengthy pause. “All right, I’ll send them in.” The receptionist looked up at us. “You can go in now,” she said flatly.

“Thank you,” Alex said politely. I nodded to her. My voice was somewhere far away, lost in a daze of memory from the previous days of imprisonment.

We walked into Henderson’s office. It was large, downright enormous by any standard, but it still paled in comparison to Alex’s office. Yet somehow the large space was filled with stuff. And it really was stuff. There were stacks of papers everywhere, neat, but towering over us like buildings in a city-scape. There were numerous chairs positioned haphazardly around the room and paintings of all sorts lined the wall. It was a mess of sights. Everything was very clean, but there was just so much stuff.

“Alex, how nice of you to finally show up,” Henderson said, taking a friendly tone.

I wanted to scream at him to shut up. Yet at the same time I wanted to turn and run away. I was scared and angry all at once. I could have cried and screamed in rage at the same time. I wanted to cower behind Alex and beat Henderson with a chair, all at the same time.

“Save it, Henderson,” Alex said. “Give me an explanation, now.”

Henderson leaned back in his office chair and put his fingers together, almost in homage to a James Bond villain. I wondered idly if he was aware of just how sinister and silly he looked simultaneously.

“Alex, you should know that I didn’t want any of this. I made a promise to your father a long time ago that as long as I was alive I would do everything in my power to make sure that a Strauss would always lead this company. I have now failed to uphold that promise. I want you to know how much that pains me.”

Alex said nothing.

“Although I suppose it isn’t my fault. Yet I do feel a certain sense of responsibility. Alex, if you had only listened. I tried to warn you.” Henderson’s eyes moved on me and then off in a flash. I felt a pang of hollowness hit my chest.

“The investors are pulling out. The value of our company’s stock has been taking some hits lately and it’s not looking good. The board was forced to act. One of our major investors pulled out and it compelled the board to call an emergency meeting to address the problem and try to bring them back in. Yet you were nowhere to be found. No one could reach you. The meeting was held anyway, but without the CEO there to give the final word on the course of action, nothing was done and the investor pulled out. The members were outraged.

“I tried to reason with them, Alex. I tried to tell them that it must have been something incredibly important for you to be so unreachable. Yet the case was made that your erratic behavior lately, coupled with your risky business moves, make you an unsuitable leader for this company. The board members convened and more than a two-thirds majority voted you out. Jesus, Alex. Where were you?” Henderson asked, the concern in his voice almost believable. Almost.

“And exactly what side of that two-thirds vote did you fall on, William?” Alex asked.

“I fell on the side of the company!” Henderson spat. “While you were off with this, this girl, doing whatever it is that you do, the company was in a crisis. You act like a boy and expect to be treated like a man. Your father would never have conducted business this way. There’s a reason why Strauss Engines is so successful, and it’s because he was a real man.”

Alex face remained calm. He gave away nothing and if Henderson’s words cut him, he showed no reaction to the pain.

“Strauss Engines is over, and that is directly because of you,” Henderson sneered.

“Over? What do you mean?” Alex asked.

“Even with you ousted, the shareholders’ confidence is destroyed. Before any more pull out, the board has decided that we’re going to sell away all the assets of the company and liquidate it. There are potential buyers in China and we’re exploring domestic options as well.”

“Henderson, we both know that you don’t just liquidate a multi-billion dollar company.”

“No, but this isn’t a bank, Alex. We aren’t too big to fail. In less than a year, Strauss Engines will be no more. Production will move to China or India, and your little water filter project will be a distant pipe dream. But you can rest assured Alex, despite you being ousted as CEO and removed from the board entirely, you retain your shares, of course. In the end, your life won’t be much different. Actually, if the sale goes well, you might just be wealthier than you are now. If so, maybe you’ll even thank me in due course.”

“And what of the employees?” Alex asked.

I looked over at Alex. His inquiry about the employees touched me. He was concerned with more than just himself. I realized that I had not been the only one who had grown since our encounter.

Henderson shrugged off Alex’s question.

“Alex, you certainly aren’t cut from the same cloth as your father. I never thought I’d think this, let alone say it, but I’m glad that he’s not around to see this. He would be bitterly disappointed in you. And he would be right to feel that way.”

“You’ll pay for this Henderson. For everything,” Alex said. Suppressed anger was rising in his voice with every word. Henderson merely smiled, satisfied that he had broken the seemingly impervious stoicism of Alexander Strauss.

Alex turned to leave. I looked at Henderson one more time and he winked at me, grinning sinisterly. I eyed him maliciously and hoped that his heart would explode in his chest before I realized that the man probably had nothing even resembling a heart.

We stormed out of Henderson’s office without even looking at the secretary as we passed. Alex punched in the code for his office on the keypad, but the elevator beeped angrily back and we stood there, not moving. The security guard was gone. It was just us.

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