Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (175 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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I thought of Alex bursting in to save me. I thought of how much he had risked. How crazy it had been for him to lead the team into that kind of danger.

I stood before him, still naked. My hair clung to my shoulders. I licked my lips very slowly and eyed him mischievously.

“Wait,” I said, dropping to my knees.

I unzipped his fly and worked my fingers through the fabric underneath. I spread open his boxer shorts hole and pulled out his cock, which was growing large in my hand. I wanted to give Alex a little present. I could wait a little longer for the whole thing, but I at least needed to feel him in my mouth.

I kissed the head softly. It pushed against my lips as it filled with blood. I playfully bit on the head of his cock, not hard, but just enough to hold it between my teeth as I worked my tongue around it very slowly. Alex looked down at me and I looked back up at him. I winked at him and his cock was as hard as granite.

I unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down. I licked from the base of his cock to the head and I could taste a subtle hint of his sweat. I was immediately as wet as I had ever been. I looked up at Alex as I gripped the head of his cock and worked it with my hands. I moved my mouth down and began to gently suck on his balls, jerking his cock off as I did so. Our eyes locked.

“Do you want me to touch myself while I do it?” I asked him sweetly.

He nodded. I licked up and down his shaft furiously, wetting it with my saliva. I licked two fingers of mine and began rubbing my cleft, which was so wet already that I needn’t have licked my fingers at all. I licked up and down his shaft, wrapping my lips around the bottom base of it as I slid up and down. Then I opened my mouth and let him slide into my throat.

I moved my head forcefully on his cock. Pushing against my throat, I squeezed the base of his cock and jerked it towards my mouth. Meanwhile, I was bringing myself towards orgasm quickly. I slowed down to time it just right; I wanted to come with Alex.

I felt his balls tighten and when I looked up at Alex, his eyes were closed tightly. I worked my mouth even faster against his cock and I was determined to swallow it all. He began to moan, loudly, with his cock in my mouth. Then, he let out a loud moan and I knew he was about to come.

I worked my orgasm back up and it exploded as his hot seed released into my mouth. I worked my hand up and down his length, gripping it tightly and squeezing. I came soon after.

When his orgasm had finally finished, I sucked on his cock until he slowly pushed me off. It was so sensitive now that he could bear no more. I leaned back, having come myself and feeling like I could just lie back and pass out. I looked up at him and we locked eyes.

He leaned down and kissed me. Our tongues moved in and out of each other before they interlocked. Then he broke away, still holding my face with his hand. He pushed my head slightly back. He kissed me again on the lips. I buttoned up his pants slowly, but not before I gave his cock one last playful kiss on the head before I carefully slipped it back into his underwear.

I rested my head against his leg and Alex slowly ran his hands through my hair. Every last bit of my energy was spent. Alex bent down and lifted me in his arms without showing the slightest strain and he walked me over to the couch. He laid me down and covered my naked body with a thick, soft blanket. I laid there and watched him, warm and happy.

Alex stripped before me, not saying a word. I could see his forearms were dirtied with ash that stopped in an abrupt line where his clothes had started. He had washed his hands so it had made an odd looking armband of ash and dirt. His collarbone, jutting out above his perfectly carved chest muscles, had trapped even more ash. He smiled at me, very well aware of how he looked.

He walked around me and I didn’t get up to follow him with my eyes. The couch was the most comfortable thing that I had ever laid on, much better than that awful cot that I had been confined to.

If I never saw another cot in my life I could die happy. You almost did die there girl. I pushed the thought out of my mind as quickly as it had come. Almost didn’t count; I was alive and safe now.

Alex walked back around the couch, still naked, and he sat down by my legs. He leaned over and put an ancient coffee mug down on the table in front of the couch. I watched steam slowly rise from it.

“Hot cocoa,” Alex said. Then he put a plate of cookies next to it. I couldn’t help letting out a little laugh, not much more than a giggle.

“Hot cocoa and cookies?”

“Yes, my mother always gave me hot cocoa and cookies to make me feel better,” Alex said fondly. I looked at him and my heart began to melt. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms forever.

I took a bite of a cookie and it tasted delicious. I ate two more and then drank half of the cocoa in a single gulp. It was too hot to chug like that but it felt so good in my stomach that I endured the brief pain. I opened my mouth and breathed out like someone who burnt their mouth on soup. Alex shook his head and laughed.

He got up and walked by me and I reached up and gently squeezed his taut bottom as he did. He ran his hand through my hair again and I let my hand fall from his ass to his leg as he walked away.

“I’m gonna shower off. You should try to get a nap or at least relax. We’re safe here. You’re safe with me.”

I trusted him completely. There were so many questions that I still had to ask, but for now, I was content to just lie on this couch and watch the fireplace. It warmed my face and I felt a light sleep gently take hold over me as I heard the shower start outside.

Chapter Twenty


I was woken up by the smell of something delicious cooking. I opened my eyes slowly and the fire was still burning in the fireplace, albeit more subdued now. I watched the coals glow bright red underneath the scorched logs. I thought of the burnt warehouse and realized that I was glad it was a smoldering heap of ash now.

There was a pile of clothes on the table. I lifted off the blanket and realized I was still naked. I looked over my shoulder and Alex was busy in the kitchen, his back to me. I threw on a shirt and sweater and some socks. I slipped on my underwear and zipped up my jeans. A pair of slippers was also waiting for me. I put them on and walked over to Alex, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Hey,” I said groggily.

“Hello there. How are you feeling?”

“Not so bad,” I said. “How long was I out for?”

“Not long, maybe a half hour or so,” Alex said. I looked out of the window and the sun was beginning to set.

Alex was cooking steaks in a cast-iron skillet. The smell of onions and mushrooms that he sautéed with the steak filled my mouth with saliva. I reached in the skillet and picked out a mushroom and Alex slapped my hand playfully, feigning a frown as he did so.

“Hold your horses there young lady, we’re almost ready!”

I sat down at the dining table and a bottle of red wine was opened with two empty glasses next to it. I poured myself a large glass and then poured Alex a glass as well. I took a sip and reveled in the taste. I leaned back in the hard wooden chair and looked around the cabin.

There was a large throw rug that covered much of the floor around the fireplace and couch. It looked old. Everything in the cabin looked old, but not a tired kind of old, but a nostalgic, loved kind of old.

The dining table was made of a carved wood that I couldn’t identify, but it looked gorgeous when I studied it closely. The kitchen was very basic, but Alex seemed to make it work. There was only a stove with a few burners on top, and the fridge with rusted hinges.

I loved it here. I never wanted to leave.

On the walls there were photos hung in frames, and for the first time I saw an adult Alexander Strauss with his mother. There was even a full family portrait and Maximillian Strauss was smiling as he had an arm around his son.

Alex put a metal plate in front of me with a rare steak that was covered with onions and mushrooms. He sat down next to me, a plate of his own before him. He raised a wine glass to me and drank heartily.

“To you, Samantha,” he toasted.

I blushed and toasted, suppressing a smile but doing a terrible job of it.

Alex dug into his meal like a savage. I had a flashback to Emily eating her cheeseburger on the day that I first met Alexander Strauss. I made another mental note to thank Emily for everything, and in spite of all the turmoil of the past few days, I was thankful for everything.

I ate my steak, savoring every bite. Sometimes, I found myself feeling guilty about eating meat. I had always flirted with vegetarianism, and during college I went vegan for six months, until Thanksgiving came around and broke my will. But this steak brought with it no guilt. I ate like it was the first meal that I had eaten in a week and I chewed every bite with ravenous enjoyment.

I washed down bites of succulent steak with gulps of fine red wine. All of a sudden Alex popped out of his chair, startling me, and ran over to the oven. He bent down and when he turned around, he was holding a loaf of bread underneath a towel that shielded his hand from the heat. He put the bread down in the middle of the table and we attacked it like animals, laughing as we did so.

“Oh my god, wonderful, delicious carbs,” I said through a mouthful of warm, freshly baked bread. It needed no butter and it melted in my mouth.

I looked over to Alex, food stuffed in my mouth like a chipmunk, and when I realized how I must have looked I felt a wave of embarrassment, until I saw Alex. He had double the amount of food on his mouth and was reaching for more bread. When I looked at him, he stopped like he had been caught in the middle of a criminal act and looked at me, raising his eyebrows. We both laughed mutedly, our mouths full of the food.

After the meal, we pushed away our plates, both so full that the mere sight of the empty plate was offensive to our stomachs. I finished my second glass of wine and Alex poured himself another glass of wine as well.

“I think I won’t need to eat for days after that meal,” I said. “I think I’m ready to hibernate for the winter.”

“That sounds perfect to me,” Alex replied.

I rubbed my hand across his cheek and felt a wave of affection towards him. Or maybe it was something more than simple affection or even attraction. I pushed the thought out of my mind quickly, not wanting to address my feelings just yet.

“Alex, I’m still really confused about everything that’s happened,” I said. “How did you even find me?”

“I’ll tell you everything I know.”

He took a sip of his wine and continued, “After you were threatened, I contacted a private security firm that I trusted. I wanted to make sure that there were no loose ends and that we would be as safe as possible. Obviously, our foes struck much faster than I had anticipated, but the security team did prove to be invaluable. Please forgive me, Samantha, but the first step I took was to place a tracking unit in one of your shoes.”

“You put a tracking unit in my shoe? Why?” I asked.

“It was only to be used as a last resort, please trust me on that. I wanted to make sure that if you went missing or if something happened to you, I would be able to retrace the steps that you had taken. It was only to be used in the case of an emergency. I was not having you tracked for any other purpose.

“The police contacted me within a half hour of your abduction. Apparently, even though they had hit Gary on the head with a pipe, he was still somewhat conscious. He kept repeating my name when the cops arrived. At first, they thought that I had been the one who had struck him.

“I arrived at the scene and Gary was being taken to the hospital. I immediately called my security firm and had your GPS unit tracked. I considered telling the police, but then I decided against it. If the police got involved, who knows where you’d be right now,” Alex said. “Or if you’d still be alive.” His face turned ashen. “I had to handle it myself.”

“I went to the hospital to get as much information as possible from Gary while the security firm tracked your location. They told me your GPS unit had stopped moving and the security firm found your shoes ditched on the side of the road. Those men who captured you were professionals. They must have scanned you and discovered the GPS unit.”

“But Alex, they took my clothes later and said it was a security precaution. Why would they have done that if they already found the GPS on me?”

“They probably wanted to make sure nothing slipped by them,” Alex said angrily.

“Gary told me everything that had happened. That man is a tank, he took a pipe to the face and he still managed to take out three men. When he found out I was going to come get you, he had to be restrained by two doctors and three nurses because he wanted to come along. I had to promise to come back for him before I came to rescue you. The man is loyal,” Alex said, a smile forming on his lips.

“We traced the GPS unit to a road that was a hundred miles or so out of the city. It must have taken them a while to find the unit or they had been too busy trying to get out of the city, but we used the location to start creating maps of possible areas they were keeping you in. The security firm concluded that they were not going to kill you, at least initially, and I had to agree. So in the meantime, we had to wait for the kidnappers to make contact.

“I hired several teams to scout areas in a twenty mile radius. Fortunately, you were being held just thirty miles outside of where the unit had been dropped. While that was outside our search radius, it meant that a team was relatively close to where you were.” Alex paused while he got up and poured me another glass of wine.

“Waiting was torturous. I had every phone of mine bugged and attached to the security firm’s computer network to triangulate your position. When they finally called, I had to keep them on the line for quite a while. And even still, they had some kind of firewall or encryption device that made it so triangulating them was nearly impossible.”

“Why did you tell the kidnappers that you didn’t care about me?” I asked. All my anger about it was gone and replaced with simple curiosity.

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