Billionaire Bodyguard (4 page)

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Authors: Kristi Avalon

BOOK: Billionaire Bodyguard
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brooding light flickered in Rick’s eyes. “You wanted proof. I have it.”

Warning prickled over Logan’s scalp. “Concerning…”

“Who else?” Rick scoffed.

Logan braced himself. “What about her?”

“Not here.” Rick shook his head, his expression almost gloating. Like a gambler with an ace up his sleeve. “Get her to leave. Then we’ll talk.”

“Can’t do that. She came with me.”

Rick mumbled something about the biggest idiot on the planet. If Rick thought he could he could force Logan’s hand, he had another thing coming.

“Can’t you act like normal people, and leave work at the office?”

Rick shot back, “Hey, I’m just following your lead.”

That bullet grazed its mark. Lately, Logan hadn’t been true to his own vow to separate work from pleasure. The thing that had ended his military career. But when it came to verbal warfare, he had his own arsenal and history with his brother-in-arms. “What’s the matter, Rick? Bitter everyone else is having fun and getting laid except you?”

“If your idea of fun is getting screwed
, I’m all for Camp Celibacy.”

“How morally superior.”

Hostility sizzled in the air. “You know, ‘shallow’ doesn’t wear well on you—like it used to.”

“You win. ‘Power trip’ looks better than ever on you.”

“I’d rather look good in that than ‘horny stupidity’ any day.”

“I want her. I admit it. Happy?”

“Not until that woman is history.”

Logan dug into the trenches. “Allison is the reason we’re straddling the billion-dollar mark. I went against your judgment and hired her. She translated
our system into six languages. We have the global advantage over every other system. She’s to thank.”

“And thanks to her it’s like you’re one step away from leaping out of a plane without a parachute.”


Rick revealed a dimly
amused grin. “A little.”

“Let it go.”


“Then for God’s sake, shut up.”

“Can’t do that either. I have as much at stake in this company as you. I’m the dude waving the glow wands on the runway, as you’re trying to land in the dark.”

No getting around that analogy. “Thanks for the pep talk, Captain Invincible.”

“Now you’re just flattering me.” Rick’s expression fluctuated between amused, frustrated and pitying. Typical married guy, four kids, retired from the military—and worth hearing out, as he harped on his usual
cautionary tale. They used to goad each other like this all the time. Their friendly hostility reminded him of old times. He had to admit, if Rick’s attack wasn’t founded on truth he wouldn’t be fighting so hard.

Rick said low, “She’s not Stephanie.”

Logan’s fists clenched. “You think I need someone to tell me that?”

Despite the antagonistic words, images flashed in his mind of his sister Stephanie’s outcome.
She’d been horrifically brutalized. Logan had taken time off base, his first year in the military, to answer his sister’s frantic call for help. It wasn’t Stephanie, whose asshole quarterback high school boyfriend beat her up. It was Sarah, their youngest sister, who’d called him sobbing, begging for his help. Steph had been too damn proud to ask for help or speak out against the abusive bastard who kept her trapped. 

“My sister has nothing to do with this,” Logan said, his voice allowing no secondary questions.

Logan needed
tonight to make a lasting impression, like Allison had made on him. Even though she seemed to have forgotten, or ignored, how great their chemistry was. The way his touch compelled her surrender, how his mouth had made her cry out his name. How her touch reduced him to a madman who’d defy any risk to claim her. He wanted to remind her that what they’d shared, one night,
they’d have again. If only she’d let down her guard.

He wasn’t backing down.
“Bring me that dose of reality tomorrow,” he told Rick. “Tonight, I want what’s mine.”

“Sure she’s worth it?”

Remembering the way Allison tasted on his tongue, Logan shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter.
I want her anyway.”

Rick’s eyebrows rose. “I’m not changing my mind.”

“Neither am I.”

“We’ll see about that tomorrow.”

“So you say.”

“Remember something, Stone. After the military you decided to go into the security business, and
I was with you every step. From the back of a warehouse in the ghetto, to owning half a city block, we’ve
built a fine company with an unmatched
made this a success.” Rick’s jaw tightened. “I won’t watch you waste that over a woman.”

Logan’s eyes slitted. “You think I’d sacrifice Stone Security to repeat the past?”

Rick’s silence said everything.

Insulted, he flexed his hands. “Allison is not Natalia—or Stephanie. And if you keep butchering her for my past mistakes, we do have a problem.”

Rick insisted with exasperation, “I’m not your enemy.”

“You’re not acting like a friend, or you’d trust me.”

Rick’s carotid artery looked on the verge of bursting. “If you saw me pitching off the deep end, you’d step in and save my ass.”

“Right. So?”

“So, I’m not going to stand here and watch you fall—” Suddenly, Rick froze. Dawning realization broke across his brow. “But you already have.”

Logan gave a dismissive grunt. He noticed he was gripping his glass too tightly. He relaxed his fingers. “No one’s falling for anybody. I’m interested,” he admitted casually
. In everything except her past
. Everyone made mistakes. He didn’t care where she’d been or what she’d done with whom. “I want to see where this goes with her.”

“This isn’t you. You’d never walk into a snake pit and figure out your escape plan later.”

“Like that’s ever stopped me.”

“It should this time. Aren’t you even curious what dirt I dug up on her?”

“Not tonight.”

Rick exhaled. “I warned you.”


Rick stood stiffly, his eyes like stone. “Guess so.”

“Good.” Logan stepped around him.


Allison looked up from the bar and saw Logan heading her way, a man on a mission.
She quickly
turned away.

She didn’t want the attention that followed him. She wanted to be her usual anonymous self. Besides, when he stood too close, and gave her that velvety look, her best intentions became her body’s downfall. She wanted him. His touch.
The way he took control.
The heat of his breath on her skin.

“Don’t you just love festive occasions?”
A dry female voice came from beside her.

Allison blinked and faced the
woman. Her henna-brown hair framed her face with a razor-sheared edge, focusing attention on her small features. Devon Leigh wore her confidence like a badge that fit her as perfectly as the black dress wrapped around her pale slenderness. She was a former army major, didn’t take crap from anybody, and served as Logan’s chief information officer.

Sharing Devon’s unimpressed observation, Allison agreed. “It’s right up there with juggling cobras.
How are you?”

“Dandy.” She threw Allison a looked that said
I’m bored out of my mind
. “I don’t even know half these people.”

Allison shrugged. “Me, either.”

“You’ve only been here six weeks. I’ve worked
with Logan for five years.”

“And he sings your praises.”

Devon tossed a flip of her dark hair back from her face. “He’d better. After all I’ve done for him I should have a star on the sidewalk in front of our building, like they do in Hollywood.”

Allison wasn’t fooled by how casually Devon shrugged off the compliment. “I’ve seen you work. You love what you do.”

Devon offered a thoughtful nod. “You get the fleas with the dog.”

A laugh bubbled up Allison’s throat. “Thanks for going against the crowd and not treating me like a leper.”

“Our kind needs to stick together.”

They exchanged grins. A subtle acknowledgement,
quiet understanding with no need for explanation.

Devon displayed fierce wit, a sharp tongue, and a “don’t screw with me” attitude that Allison envied. Devon was a master in the art of the comeback. Allison had expected such a strong personality would clash with her own, but she and Devon sensed kindred spirits in each other. Women who’d faced the front lines, each in her own way, and worshipped their independence. They’d confronted parallel realities stocked with powerful men in the good-‘ol-boys club. They’d fought to gain respect while it came easily to others. Although Devon had a grittier edge and a hefty chip on her shoulder, Allison was more comfortable in her presence than with the few women she’d once considered “friends.” Devon didn’t hold back or ignore the obvious, like the wives on the military base when she’d turned to them for help
six years ago. She envisioned Devon learning of Trevor’s cruelty, marching up to him, and ripping his “my wife is my property” attitude to shreds.

Allison wished there were more Devon’s in this world.

“Oh, for the love of leeches.” Devon’s pleasant expression soured. “Turn away. Don’t make eye contact with her, or you’ll invite the Plague.”

“Who are you talking about?”

A woman with a generous figure and fluffy curls in her frosted hair barreled toward them. “Ladies, ladies! Isn’t this a fabulous party? I need another chardonnay.”

Devon leaned close and muttered, “She’d think a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean was fabulous
if it had a full
mini bar.”

Allison’s lips twitched as the new arrival bounced up to her. “Hi, I’m Vivi Dunn.”

Dread seeped into her pores. Rick Dunn’s wife.
Had he put her up to this?
A fishing expedition to hook juicy slander?

Vivi’s blue eyes, encircled with heavy black liner and flaking mascara, swept Allison with a resentful look. “I remember being young and pretty. It all goes to hell after forty-five. Oh, what I would give to have my before-four-kids body

With a forced smile,
Allison edged away. She gripped her martini glass, even though she had no intention of drinking. Her stomach had gone from queasy to nauseous.

Vivi poked Allison with her elbow. Pink liquor sloshed from her glass onto the bar. “In my day I turned heads.” She fluffed her hair and gave a winning smile. “I’d walk into a room and have the attention of every man there.”

Devon rolled her eyes. “Not all attention is good attention.”

Vivi wrinkled her nose. “Oh, admit it. Any man with a pulse lusts after this girl.” An observation that made Devon scowl and Allison squirm. “Like me,” she
nudging Allison,
“you inherited the genes of a Barbie doll. Enjoy it while it lasts. To get my figure back I’d have to give up cheesecake and wine. Then, I’d have to ask, what’s the point in living?”

Allison sent a pleading glance to Devon, who shrugged with a
So she replied thinly, “Life’s meant to be enjoyed.”

“Exactly! I knew I’d like you.” Vivi beamed.
“We’ll get along famously.”

The bartender set a glass of white wine on the counter. Vivi swung her hips to bump
Devon aside. She plucked the drink and drained half before resuming her interrogation. “I saw you come in with the boss man.”

“Logan invited me.” Allison
added quickly, “It was a last-minute thing.”

“Yummy.” Her shoulders gave a little shiver.
“He’s a big hunk of deliciousness, isn’t he? Drink up, sweetie.” She tapped the bottom of Allison’s glass.
“According to office gossip, when he takes a girl home she’s in for a good long night.” She winked. “If you know what I mean.”

A rock dropped into Allison’s stomach. How many working relationships had Logan made personal?
She straightened. It didn’t matter. Picturing him with another woman, possibly
one in this room,
didn’t bother her. Or leave her with a hollow sensation in her very core. She wasn’t one of those girls. She needed to set the woman straight. “You don’t understand, Logan and I—”

Vivi flapped her hand. “Sure, sure, corporate politics. But did you think no one would notice the sexy
CEO showing up with his latest

Allison swallowed a choking sensation.

“He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you two arrived.” Vivi casually polished off her drink, blind to the pale horror on Allison’s face. “Ah, those were the days.”

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