Bikers And Tinsel (MC Sinners # 3.5) (9 page)

Read Bikers And Tinsel (MC Sinners # 3.5) Online

Authors: Bella Jewel

Tags: #romance, #Bikers, #passion, #Bella Jewel, #Christmas, #MC Sinners

BOOK: Bikers And Tinsel (MC Sinners # 3.5)
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He shoots me a glare. “Then she owes me money.”

I storm forward, gripping his collar and twisting it, lowering his face. I press my gun to his temple and hiss, “She owes you nothing, you filthy scumbag.”

“Come on man,” he pleads. “Just doin’ what I gotta do.”

“That’s my woman, and I don’t take kindly to her bein’ fuckin’ threatened.”

“Just doin’ my job!” he yells.

I press my gun harder into his temple. “And I’m just doin’ mine.”

“Here’s your option,” Jackson says, stepping forward. “You drop it, and leave her the fuck alone, or we deal with you now.”

“She fuckin’ owes me money,” the bastard growls, twisting.

Jackson lifts his hand, bringing his gun down over the man’s head. He bellows and blood trickles from his head.

“We don’t fuck around. I’ll put a bullet in your skull without hesitation,” I snarl. “You have only one option, and that option is to fuck off away from my woman.”

“I got people after me. If I don’t pay...”

“Not my fuckin’ problem,” I hiss.

“I need that money; they’ll kill me...”

“I’ll fuckin’ kill you if you come near her again.”

“Okay, okay,” he yells. “I’ll let it go.”

I let him go, shoving him backwards. He growls and straightens, glaring at us. “You fuckers think you can just come in and do whatever the fuck you want.”

“Damn right,” Cade snorts from behind us.

“You should be more careful who you fuck with,” Spike growls.

“And you should be more careful who you threaten,” the man growls, reaching around behind him.

I’ve been in enough situations to know what he’s about to do. He’s got a weapon in his pants, and in a split second he’ll use it. I don’t give him a chance. I pull the trigger, hitting him in the middle of his chest. He drops to the ground with a bellow, face hitting the dirt. I walk over pressing my boot into his back. He screams.

“That was a stupid fuckin’ thing to do.”

I lean down and grip the gun from his pants, tossing it to Spike.

“Your call, Muff,” Jackson growls. “I say we take the fucker out. I don’t trust him to stay away. It’s your call, though.”

I lift my eyes to meet Jackson’s, and in a steely voice, I growl, “Let’s take him out.”

And that’s what we do.

No one messes with our family.



pace backward and forward, knowing he’s out there, and not knowing if he’s okay. It’s been twelve hours, and I haven’t seen or heard from him. What if he’s hurt, and it’s because of me? What if I put him in a situation that will endanger his life? If I lost can’t think like that. My chest seizes, and I take a deep, calming breath. Muff knows what he’s doing. He’s a biker; they all know what they’re doing.

In the distance I hear the rumble of a Harley-Davidson, and my heart thumps.

Is it him?

Is he okay?

I rush to the window, and peer out. I wait, my entire body stiff as a bike comes into view. As soon as I see it’s his, my entire body goes weak and tears tumble down my cheeks. A moment later Muff is at my front door, opening it. He sees me staring pathetically out, and walks over, gripping me and pulling me into his arms. I try not to notice the red on his knuckles, and how they’re swelling.

“Hey, baby, hush, I’m here,” he soothes.

“I’s been twelve hours, and...Muff...If I lost you...”

“But you didn’t,” he says. “I’m okay.”

“You’’re hurt,” I whisper, stroking his knuckles.

“Nothin’ for you to worry about.”

“Muff, what...”

“No,” he says, his voice gentle but firm. “You know I ain’t answerin’ that, princess.”

“I just—I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“We got it sorted, and you’ll be happy to know there ain’t no loan sharks comin’ after you now.”

I’ve been around bikers long enough to know what that means. They’ve gotten rid of him whichever way they saw fit, and that isn’t ever nice. I also know it’s none of my business, and it’s best if I just stay out of it. So that’s what I do. I have my man in my arms, and he did the one thing he promised he would. He kept me safe. He kept Ebony safe.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“You’re my fuckin’ lady...” he murmurs. “Always.”

“So can we do this now?” I whisper. “Can we finally celebrate Christmas?”

“Baby,” he sighs deeply, “hell yeah.”

Thank God.

Chapter 10

Dreams really do come true.


“I missed you, Mommy,” Ebony cries, leaping into my arms as soon as I get to the front door.

“I missed you too, baby.”

“What happened to your face, Mommy?” she asks, concerned when she lays eyes on me.

“Mommy fell over; silly Mommy.”

She giggles.

“Are we going up to the snow?”

I nod. “We are, this afternoon.”

Her eyes light up. “I’m going to make a snowman!”

She turns and rushes off, and I walk inside to find my mom. She’s in the kitchen, pulling a tray of gingerbread cookies from the oven. When she turns and sees me, she drops the tray. “Janine, what happened?” she cries, rushing over.

“It’s okay, Mom,” I say, putting up my hands. “I fell, that’s all.”

She scrunches up her nose. “Is that a lie, Janine?”

“No, Mom, it’s not. I swear, I fell.”

“On your face?”


She crosses her arms. “How do you fall on your face?”

I flush. “That’s a question you don’t want answered. Now, tell me, are we all ready to go?”

“Addison has the all-clear then?” she says, her eyes hopeful.

“She has the all-clear but she has to take it easy. The bleeding has stopped, and the baby still seems okay. I told her and Cade to stay home, but she insists on coming back up. But she promises to sit.”

“Silly girl. She should stay down here.”

I smile. “Yes, but it’s Christmas, and it’s a time for family.”

“That’s true.” She nods.

“So, I just popped in to get Eb’s, and go and get her ready.”

“You can leave her here, if you like,” she says, looking hopeful. “Go and get her things and come back for her.”

“If that’s okay with you,” I say.

“Of course.” She waves a hand.

“Eb,” I call out.

My daughter comes bounding in, looks at her gingerbread men on the floor and begins to cry.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” I soothe. “I’m sure granny will make more.”

Eb’s eyes lift to her grandma, “Will you?”

My mom smiles. “Of course. Come on, let’s make some to take up to the cabins.”

“I’ll let you do that, and I’ll come back for you both soon,” I say, pecking my mom on the cheek.

“No problems, dear,” my mother says, lifting Eb’s and putting her on the counter.

I smile and leave.

Maybe this will turn out to be a good Christmas after all.



h Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches,” the girls sing at the top of their lungs.

I groan loudly, rolling my eyes. Christmas carols for the last fucking hour. Non-stop. Over and over. I want to pull my gun out and shove it in my mouth...

“Muff,” Jaybird giggles, grinning at me. “Sing along.”

“I’d rather cut my own tongue off,” I mutter.

“Aw, you big Grinch,” Ciara cries.

I don’t know how I ended up with Ciara in my truck, but I did. Spike had to take the kids, because his truck had the baby seat buckles, so I got the girls: Ebony, Jaybird and Ciara. I want to gouge my eyes out with a blunt instrument.

“I hate Christmas carols,” I grunt.

“You didn’t say that when you were wiggling around to them the other night,” Jaybird teases, poking my side.

“I was drinking, and had a half-naked woman around. It makes a difference.”

“Fun spoiler,” Ciara whines.

“Come on, Muff,” Eb’s cries in that cute-ass little voice. “Sing, sing!”

I groan. “You know I love ya baby girl, but there ain’t no way I’m singin’.”

“Aw.” She pouts. “You’re mean.”

“Don’t try and make me feel bad, baby.”

“I love you, Muffy.”

I groan, and then laugh. “You’re a terror, Ebony.”

Jaybird laughs. “She takes after her momma.”

“That she does.” I grin, reaching across and taking her hand. “Go on, keep singing ladies!”

“Wooooo!” Ciara giggles. “Deck the halls...”

I roll my eyes, but I can’t wipe the damned smile off my face.

This Christmas shit is getting to me.

Chapter 11

White Christmas


“Oh, God,” I whimper, arching my back.

“Shhhh,” Muff growls against my pussy. “Silence, baby.”

It’s hard to be silent when he’s got that divine mouth on my pussy, and his tongue is licking and twirling, bringing me to the edge. I’m propped up on the washing machine, feet on Muff’s shoulders. His mouth is driving me crazy, and he damn well knows it. I came in here to put some washcloths away, and ended up pressed against the washing machine, with Muff’s mouth in my pussy.

“Janine?” My mother calls, knocking on the door. “Are you in there?”



“Answer her, baby,” Muff whispers, swiping his tongue up my flesh.

“Um,” I croak. “Yes.”

“Why is the door locked?”


Muff bites my clit.

“I...oh...” I swallow. “I needed to get”

“Are you ill?”

I wish.

“No, I just spilt some—” Muff bites my clit, and I bite my lip. I take a deep breath and finish my sentence. “—I spilt some cranberry juice on my dress.”

“Oh, well, where’s Brian?”

I bite my tongue to stop a groan as Muff slides his fingers inside my damp pussy.

“Um, I don’t know,” I cry out loudly.

“I need him to help me move some wood.”

“A...a...ask Cade.”

She’s silent a minute. Oh God, I want to come so bad.

“Okay, I’ll go and ask Cade.”

I hear her footsteps disappear, and I arch again, feeling my body explode beneath Muff’s mouth. I shove a hand over my mouth as I shake with each burst of pleasure shooting up my spine. Muff sucks and licks me until every shudder is gone, then he slowly moves up my body, jerking his jeans down as he goes. He positions himself between my legs and grips my thighs, pulling me down and putting my legs around his hips.

Then he’s inside me, deep and hard.

“So fuckin’ sweet.”

He slides out, groaning, and then plunges back in. Fuck. Oh, fuck.

“M...M...Muff,” I rasp.

“Hang on for me, Jaybird,” he growls.

His hips work harder, faster, and his eyes become lusty. I watch his jaw flex and pull as he tilts his hips, driving home. I shudder and reach up, gripping his shoulders. He lifts me off the machine and turns, pressing me against the wall. He tangles one hand in my hair while the other grips my ass, using it to drive his thrusts. He fucks me harder and harder until I’m coming around him, teeth sinking into the flesh on his chest.

“Fuck, fuck, aw,” he hisses, and I feel him coming inside me with deep hard bursts.

I keep my teeth in his flesh until we both stop shuddering, and then slowly I remove my mouth, dropping my head onto his shoulder and exhaling loudly. Muff runs a hand through my tangled locks.

“Best fuck-me hair ever.” He chuckles hoarsely.

“You’re an ass.” I giggle, unhooking my legs, and letting my dress drop. “I have to change my dress now, and that sucks, I like this dress.”

He grins, stepping forward and flicking my nose. “I like that dress, too. It looks nice with my come all over it.”

I gape and look down, sure enough there’s evidence of our moment together. I groan loudly, and pull it off, turning and washing it in the sink. “I’ll get you for that, Muff.”

He slaps my backside. “Am I going out the backdoor?”


“Am so.”

I spin, giving him a grin. “Make sure you’re quiet about it, yeah?”

He winks at me. “Always, lover.”

I laugh softly as he ducks out the laundry door and disappears. I find myself a new outfit, thankful that there are some clean clothes in here, and I head back to the living room. As soon as I walk out, Spike walks over, slapping me on the back. “You think we don’t know what you two just did in there? Fuckin’ walls rocked.”

I flush. “Oh my God.”

“Don’t worry, J. No one else heard.” He grins, winking at me, before turning and walking off.

Bloody bikers.

I love them.



he bell doesn’t go there,” Addison says from the couch, slapping Cade on the ass when he reaches up once more and tries to put the bell on the tree.

He groans, and drops his head back with a sigh. “Fuck me, woman, where does it go?”

Addison crosses her arms and pouts. “It goes right at the top.”

“Thought the star was meant to go at the top.” Cade grins, looking over his shoulder at her. He’s winding her up; it’s cute.

“Our tree is different, just like us. It has to go on the top.”

He rolls his eyes and places it on the top of the tree. Danny comes tearing into their cabin, running right into the tree because he’s being chased by Ebony. Bells go flying everywhere, and Addison pouts as her bell goes toppling off the tree and rolling across the room. I guess that bell just wasn’t meant to be there.

“Ah shit, Danny boy.” Cade grins, leaning down and scooping him up. “You’re gonna knock Aunt Addi’s precious tree down.”

“Asshole,” Addi mutters.

Jackson and Serenity walk into the room then, followed by my mother and Muff. They’re all carrying food. Ciara skips in a moment later, holding Ava.

“There’s my baby sister,” Addison says, reaching out. “Gimme.”

Ciara hugs Ava close. “Nuh-uh, she’s mine.”

“Now, ladies.” Jackson grins. “Sharing is caring. Though I think Addi gets dibs, being the big sister and all...”

“Eat a di...” Ciara begins, but Spike comes into the room, giving her a warning look.

“Careful, Tomcat, kids around.”

Ciara rolls her eyes. “Oh, and you can talk, Biker of the Year.”

Spike laughs and walks over, scooping Ava from her arms. “You like Uncle Spike the best, hey baby girl?”

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