Bikers And Tinsel (MC Sinners # 3.5) (3 page)

Read Bikers And Tinsel (MC Sinners # 3.5) Online

Authors: Bella Jewel

Tags: #romance, #Bikers, #passion, #Bella Jewel, #Christmas, #MC Sinners

BOOK: Bikers And Tinsel (MC Sinners # 3.5)
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When I get back to the truck, I climb in and lean over the seat, gripping the back of her head and pulling her close. With a gasp, she comes to me. Her lips part and I press mine against them, tasting her. Her body has that musky scent that a lot of women get after sex, and her breath smells like beer. It’s fucking divine. I slip my tongue between those plump little lips and I tangle it with hers. She groans and reaches up, tangling her fingers into my hair. I love when women pull my hair. Call it a fetish of mine.

“God,” she rasps when we part. “You’re killing me.”

“Could say the same,” I murmur, tapping her nose with my finger.

“We’ll never get there at this rate.”

I laugh, shifting and facing the front of the truck. I turn it on, and head back out onto the highway. Light snow is starting to fall, which tells me we’re getting closer.

“You got enough warm shit, Jaybird?” I ask her.

She smiles, nodding. “I do.”

“You won’t need it. I’ll have you naked most of the time.”

She giggles softly, and it sounds like Christmas.

“You won’t hear me complaining.”

I grin and lean back into the seat, hands relaxing on the wheel.

“You were sent to me for a reason, Jaybird. I’m just figuring out what that reason is.”

She smiles at me. Her eyes are warm and loving. “Maybe you’re not meant to know that reason; you’re just meant to go with it.”

“I plan on going with it, baby,” I murmur. “Nothin’ is going to stop that.”

And it won’t.

It’s been too long since I’ve found something I want to hold onto this badly.



he place we’re staying at is absolutely stunning. There are four wooden cabins, all facing each other in an odd kind of shape. In the middle of them all there is a huge spa under a big wooden patio. There’s light snow falling, and the wind is crisp and cool.

The insides of our cabin is to die for: cream walls, wooden floors, high roofs, wooden kitchens, big spa baths, and beds that are huge, squishy and amazing. There is a fire pit in each lounge, and a Christmas tree set up. It’s so warm, so homely, and so Christmas.

“Oh my God!” I squeal, skipping around in circles when I am done looking at our cabin.

I may or may not be a little drunk. Muff didn’t hold back in the truck on the way up here, and by the time we arrived, I’d had more than six beers. That’s a lot for me.


I hear the sounds of everyone’s voices, and I yell loudly, “We’re in here!”

A moment later, everyone steps in, all with beers in hand. Muff and I were a bit late.

“You two finally made it.” Spike grins. “You get lost?”

Muff thumps him on the shoulder as he walks past to put the rest of the beers in the fridge.

“Oh nooo, we fu...”

“Oh my God!” Addison squeals, cutting me off. “You two got it on while you were on the side of the road, didn’t you?”

I grin, and then I begin doing the wiggly hip dance, wiggling around. “I got luuuuucky!”

Everyone bursts out laughing, and Muff chuckles, shaking his head.

“You fuckin’ devil, Muff.” Jackson laughs, clapping his shoulder.

“Couldn’t help it. She got in there wearin’ that sweet-ass dress.”

I giggle, and open my arms as the girls come barreling towards me, wrapping me in their arms. We all dance around, screaming and just enjoying the moment—the moment of freedom.

“God help us,” Spike mutters. “We need more alcohol.”

“You have to tell us all about it,” Serenity says, hooking her arm through mine.

“You already know,” I say.

Muff snorts, Jackson laughs, and everyone falls into a flurry of chatter and laughter. The girls and I go into the main bedroom to get changed into our swimmers, desperate for that spa.

“Ugh, I can’t fit in my sexy swimmers anymore,” Addison grumbles, pulling a one-piece over her tiny baby belly.

“Aw, Addi, enjoy it,” I say with a pout. “It doesn’t last long.”

“No,” Ciara says, pulling on a sexy bikini. The girl looks great after a baby. Even though she’s pregnant again, you can’t tell. She’s so damned pretty.

“It’s appropriate to swim in Jackson’s shirt, right?” Serenity says, crossing her arms.

“No!” we all say at once.

She laughs, and falls back onto the bed. “My ass is fat.”

“You don’t have an ass!” I giggle, flopping down beside her.

“After babies I do.”

I snort. “One baby.”

“One is enough.”

“Jackson might want to pump out more babies.” I chuckle.

“Ew!” Addison grumbles, rubbing her belly. “Enough images of my father, thanks.”

“Lets rock this love shack,” I say, pulling my bikini bottoms on before ducking around the corner to change.

“How do you have abs like that?” Serenity pouts, lifting her finger and wagging it in my face.

“They’re not abs, they’re an illusion.”

We all burst out laughing, lift our towels, and walk back out. The moment we step outside, and see all the guys, shirtless, and ready to get into the spa, we stop. Damn. If that isn’t eye candy, I don’t know what is. Like we’re in a trance, we all stare. God, they’re all so beautiful and so different. Spike with his blond hair, Muff with his red hair, and the other two with their dark looks. They’re all equally as devastating.

“Jesus, think you women have been starved of cock,” Spike says, and we all snap out of our little haze.

I feel my cheeks flush.

“Plenty to go around with you studs.” Addison winks, skipping past him.

“Careful what you wish for, precious,” he retorts, slapping her ass as she goes past.

“Hey, hands off, buddy,” Cade says, gripping Addison and wrapping her in his arms.

Spike snorts. “Hands belong to one lady. Come here Tomcat.”

Ciara giggles, and rushes over, wrapping her arms around Spike and, after a moment, dropping her hands down to his ass. Little minx.

I walk over, stopping beside Muff. God, he’s beautiful without a shirt. So damned sexy. He puts his arms around me, and tugs me toward the spa.

The moment I put my feet in, I groan. It’s divine. Oh God, it’s amazing. I sink down, moaning loudly.

Jackson chuckles. “Haven’t been in a hot tub before, J?”

I open my eyes and meet his. “God no, but I can see I’ve been missing out.”

Muff slides in beside me, and he hands me a beer.

“I say we play a game!” Serenity pipes up when we’re all settled in our spots.

Cade groans. “Seriously? Bikers don’t play games.”

“Don’t be a spoil sport,” Addison says, rubbing her hands together. “I’m in.”

“Truth or dare!” Ciara says, bobbing up and down excitedly.

“Ohhhh, yes!” I cry.

Muff groans beside me. The other bikers do the same.

“Fuckin’ women!” Spike grunts.

“Since you started the game,” Cade grins down at Addi, “you get to go first. Truth or dare, sugar?”

She contemplates it a moment, twisting her dark hair around a finger. “Dare.”

“Oh, buddy, let me do this one!” Spike pleads.

Addison shoots him an evil glare. “Be careful Spike, it’s your turn next.”

He winks at her, and turns to Cade. “Go on, bud, let me take one for the team.”

“All right.” Cade grins, taking a sip of beer. “Spike chooses the dare.”

Spike’s grin widens and he rubs his hands together. “I dare you to run out into that snow, clucking like a chicken.”

“You’re a bastard!” Addison grunts.

“If you don’t do the dare, you’re out, which means you don’t get to return the favor.”

“Fine,” Addison says, standing. “I’m not scared.”

She hops over the side of the hot tub, and squeals when the cold air hits her. Then she tucks her hands up into her armpits and begins clucking as she runs out into the snow. It’s impossible not to laugh. Her little clucking sounds are hilarious. I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts, Ciara is snort-laughing, and Serenity has her mouth open but is making no noise, she’s laughing so hard.

By the time Addison gets back, she’s shaking. “Fucking bastard!”

“Language, baby.” Jackson laughs.

She shoots Jacksons a glare. “Don’t make me hurt you, Daddy.”

“Who’s next?” Serenity says, between chuckles.

“Well, Spike of course.” I giggle.

Addison turns to him, not letting anyone else close. “I dare you to go and ask the neighbors for sugar, in only your jocks. We all know they’re going to stick to those spikes.”

I burst out laughing, and Muff does the same. “Fuckin’ genius, Addi!”

Spike is glaring at her, because he knows that his jocks will stick to his many, many spikes.

“Fine, I’m not fuckin’ scared!” he grunts.

He stands, and now it’s hard not to notice that the jocks do, in fact, show all his spikes. It’s like a damned pincushion. I look away, flushing.

“Nice job,” Serenity says, nodding.

“Hey!” Jackson says, pulling her onto his lap. “Eyes off!”

Ciara giggles, and covers her face with her hands. “God, this is shameful!”

Spike leaps out of the spa and struts proudly across the lot until he’s about halfway—then he runs, because it’s so damned cold. We all wait anxiously, desperate to know the outcome. He comes around the corner a few minutes later, and thrusts his hand into the air with a victory cry. He got the damned sugar. We all laugh and cheer as he drops the cup and runs towards the spa, leaping in and splashing water everywhere.

“Burned, baby!” he says to Addi, splashing her with water.

“It’s not over yet.” She grins.

“Who’s next?” Jackson says.

“We will go in a circle, so that means it’s Ciara’s turn.”

“I am not getting out of this spa,” she says, crossing her arms. “I’m pregnant, and an invalid.”

“Truth, then,” I say, grinning at her.

“Truth it is,” she says, giving a nervous smile.

“Okay,” I say, thinking. “Have you ever watched someone have sex?”

Her cheeks flush, and Spike chuckles. “Answer them, Tomcat.”

“Oh God,” she says, covering her face. “You’re horrible J, you just wait.”

“Answer it,” I tease, wiggling my brows.

“Yes, I have.”

We all cheer, and Jackson reaches across, slapping her on the back. “Atta girl!”

“Liked it, too.” Spike grins, and then ducks when her hand lashes out. Our laughing continues until there’s tears in our eyes. That’s when Jackson speaks up.

“I say we make this a group challenge: girls against men. Save the private shame for another time.”

“Oh?” Addison says. “Do spill, Daddy dearest.”

“We men will make a challenge for you ladies, and vise versa.”

Oh no.

“I say we do it.” Ciara giggles, rubbing her hands together.

“Oh, I’m in!” Addi grins.

“Oh God, this isn’t wise,” Serenity says, rubbing her head anxiously.

“Yeah, are we sure we trust them?” I mumble.

“Just think of it like this...we get to return the favor.” Addison winks at me.

“You make a good point,” I admit.

“Oh, come on ladies, let’s have some fun!”

“All right,” I say, clapping. “I’m game.”

“Me too!” Serenity says.

“So, who’s going first?” Muff grins, wiggling his brows.

“We are!” I say.

They all look at me. “Well,” I explain, “we need to know how bad we can get back at them.”

“Smart girl.” Spike grins. “Okay, boys, let’s do this. Girls, out of the spa.”

With a load of giggles, we all get out of the spa and rush inside Addison and Cade’s cabin to find some warmth. It’s freezing out, and the inside of the cabin is fully heated. We all huddle in, and dry ourselves, finding some clothes before forming a group in the living room. The guys are all huddled together, talking amongst themselves, laughing and nodding. I don’t even want to know what they have planned. Muff looks over his shoulder at me, and gives me a little wink before joining back in.

“Ugh, it’s so sickening.” Serenity grins, stepping up beside me.

“What is?”

“The way he looks at you. It’s kind of gross.”

“Oh, you can talk.” I laugh. “Jackson eye-rapes you every time you walk in the room.”

She laughs loudly. “Yeah, he kind of does, doesn’t he?”

“Ew!” Addison mumbles.

“I’d like to think Spike still eye-rapes me.” Ciara sighs.

“Oh, he does!” We all say at once.

“Right, ladies, your challenge has been set,” Jackson says, turning and facing us. All the guys follow suit.

“God, I’m nervous now,” Serenity says.

“Don’t be, darlin’.” Jackson grins at her. “We’ll be nice.”

“So hit us,” I say, rubbing my cool arms. “What are we going to do?”

“Your challenge,” Spike grins, “is to do the ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ dance for us, half naked.”

I snort loudly, and the girls beside me do the same. “Seriously?” Addison says.

“Seriously.” Cade winks at her. “We’re bikers - what did you think we’d ask you to do?”

“Damn bikers,” Ciara mutters.

“So, you either accept the challenge,” Muff grins, “or you accept defeat.”

“Oh hell no,” I say, taking the hem of my shirt and lifting it over my head. “Ain’t no biker bringing us girls down!”

All the guys’ eyes widen, and I’m almost sure that without the alcohol, I wouldn’t be doing this. The girls watch me for a moment, and then Serenity follows my lead, and lifts her shirt, too. Soon, we’re all standing in our bra and pants, watching Addison. She groans, and rubs her little belly. “I’m too fat.”

“Baby,” Cade growls. “You’re fuckin’ beautiful. Now get it off.”

“We can leave her out,” Jackson grunts. “She is my daughter, after all.”

“Shut it, Jack’s,” Cade snaps. “You get to perv on your girl, I get to perv on mine.”

Jackson grumbles, but they all turn back to us. Addison decides to leave her shirt on, and the rest of us refuse to remove the pants. They can have the bras, and the bodies, but they’re not getting the whole deal. We all line up. We know the sexy dance—most women do. We’re about to start, when Spike lifts his hand. “Oh, we forgot to add, you have to sing it...and you have to sing the dirty version.”



“No way!” Serenity breathes. “I can’t sing.”

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