Big Girls Don't Cry (26 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

BOOK: Big Girls Don't Cry
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“It’s not as though I knew you were here. You could have warned me you were going to sneak in here uninvited.”
Her smart assed answer spiked his anger.
“Like hell you didn’t.”
He moved toward her, refusing to let her fib stand uncorrected..

“You knew I’d be here. We have a hell of a lot to discuss about what happened tonight, sugar.” Lexie swallowed hard. His stern jaw line and corded neck muscles telegraphed his anger. His beard shadow and blazing blue eyes sent unwelcome shivers up her spine. Damn, he was gorgeous…and dangerous. But, she refused to let him intimidate her, overpower her.

She sauntered into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. Snapping off the cap, she tipped it back and took a healthy swig. Marching around to front of the counter, she leaned back, determined to stare him down.

“Let’s do that, Jake. Let’s ‘discuss’ what happened tonight. It’s relatively simple. Several men attacked me and I attacked back. I took on three men and probably could have finished them off. I had a knife and was close to getting the gun.” She sniffed. “I might not even have needed your help.”

His lips curled at her outrageous taunt.
“Is that so?”
He took a step toward her. His voice was silky, conciliatory, contradicting the anger blazing in his eyes.

“Let’s step back a bit, darlin’. Let’s begin this ‘discussion’ with your decision to leave the club by yourself. To meet a man you didn’t know and had never met before tonight, to not tell Brady or Clint where you were going, to go off by yourself--a dangerous move at best, AND one against my direct orders.”

She tipped up her chin and gave him a dismissive shrug.

“I told you I wasn’t a team player. Maybe now you’ll believe me.”


Jake was quiet for a moment, studying her. His rage threatened to explode.

Grasping for control, he said, “This is probably not a good idea. I’m too angry to discuss this coherently.”

Her impudent smirk destroyed his last fragile attempt at control. He raked his eyes over her revealing pajamas. The miniscule scraps of pink were as innocent looking as they were hot. Not a good combination for a lust starved man. He didn’t know what he wanted to do more. Gag her and tie her to a post somewhere she’d be safe. Or fuck the hell out of her. It wasn’t a hard decision. He chose the latter.

“On second thought,” he said, as he moved toward her with a deceptively lazy grin.

He took the bottle out of her hand and placed it on the counter. Spurred on by her gasp of surprise and the sudden flush of heat staining her cheeks, he pulled her up next to him. Winding her hair in his fist, he tipped her head back staring at her luscious lips. They were puffy, moist and inviting. The scent of lavender and spice mixed with the heady odor of her arousal wafted over him, sending a flash of electricity straight to his rock hard dick.

He leaned down and murmured in her ear, reveling in her responsive shiver.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you, Lexie?”
She shook her head and whispered, “No. I…I don’t know. How…how long?”
“A lifetime, darlin’. A lifetime.”

Tugging on her hair, he lifted her face inches away from his. He looked into her eyes. They were dark, stormy, almost black. When she closed them her lashes fluttering against her rosy cheeks, he pressed a soft kiss against her lips, enticed by their supple moistness. He nipped gently at her puffy bottom lip eager to make it swell more. Encouraged by her tremor, he tugged at the corners of her mouth with his teeth. Smiling at her shocked gasp, he licked across her lips then gently bit the trembling flesh.

He teased the seam of her lips with his tongue urging her to open to him. At the sound of her moan, he slid his tongue inside the moist inviting opening. She gasped, then whimpered a tiny breathless sound. Tightening his hold on her hair, he tangled with her tongue, reveling in her taste. It was minty, fresh, coupled with the tang of beer. She leaned into him, pressing her breasts against his chest as if she needed his touch as much as he needed her. When she wrapped her tongue around his and sucked on it, he couldn’t contain his moan.

A blast of heat fired through him like a raging forest fire. He no longer wanted to be gentle. Hell no! With a groan, he pressed her against the wall. Grasping her hands in his free hand, he dragged them over her head and held them against the wall. Damn. He wanted her, to taste her, to capture her tongue and suck on it. Demand everything she was willing to give and then insist on more. He slid his tongue in deeper, more demanding, mimicking the motions of his body. At her soft whimper, he groaned, pulling her up closer, harder, no longer fighting the passion swarming over him. With a groan, he hoisted her up on his strong thigh, pressing his burgeoning erection up between her legs. When she cried out, it was all over.

With a harsh grunt, he dragged her over to the counter. Sweeping the bottles and glasses to the floor with a resounding crash, he laid her down on the hard surface. Holding her hands over her head, he moved fully on top of her, caging her between his strong body and the counter. Breathing hard, he urged her legs apart with his thighs, pressing his throbbing prick against her soft folds. She cried out again, her body trembling beneath his.

His voice was a husky growl. “Damn, Lexie. Do you have any idea how I’ve wanted to do this to you? To touch you? Taste you?” He ran his hand over her breasts then slid his fingers under the straining fabric searching for her nipple. Stunned by the fullness of her breasts, he groaned. Finding one nipple that had already hardened into a tight hard peak, he twisted the sensitive nub between his fingers and his thumb, reveling at her responsive shriek.

“Oh, God, darlin’. I knew you’d feel like this.” Shoving the halter up above her straining breasts, he gazed at the lush mounds topped light pink nipples. Burying his face in the valley between her breasts, he groaned. “Christ, baby. You are so beautiful. You take my breath away, Lexie. I’ve got to taste you, baby, suck on you.”

At the rasp of his tongue against her tender flesh, Lexie cried out. Shocked by the sensations racing through her, she arched up against his mouth. When he took her nipple between his lips and sucked on it hard, a starburst of sensation rioted through her. She fought against his hand holding hers over her head. She wanted to touch him, hold him. But when he murmured, “Uh uh, baby, you stay just like this. I’m in charge here,’ a spike of heat burned over her. She pressed up against his hard erection, moaning, whimpering. Rising sensations bombarded her. It was as though she couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t get enough of him. His smell drew her in, a strong musky male smell that made the soft skin on her thighs tingle. He sucked first on one nipple then moved to the other. She sobbed, “Ooh. Oh my God…ooh, my god.”

She didn’t recognize her voice. It was harsh with need. She didn’t want him to stop. She needed more. Lost in the sensations pouring over her, she was shocked to hear herself begging him not to stop, to suck her harder, give her more.

His crooning murmurs urged her to feel, to let go, to give in to the pleasure. The sensations rose to unbearable heights. Just when she thought she couldn’t go any higher, feel any more, he grasped her nipple between his teeth and bit down hard. An indescribable burst of pleasure exploded through her. It was as though a storm broke flooding her with torrents of sensations that she had never felt before. Hot wild shock waves flooded her, jagged, intense, and powerful. As wave after wave of fiery heat shimmered over her, he held her tight, whispering soft erotic words, praising her, her body, her passion. When she finally could breathe without gasping, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him down, wanting more.

His voice was gentle, soothing.

“Oh, yeah, baby. I knew you’d be like this. Hot. Responsive. Holy Christ, darlin’ you came just by my sucking on your nipples.”

He stroked her with his tongue, nipping at the sensitive curve between her neck and shoulder. Loosening his grip, he freed her hands wrapping her arms around his neck. He whispered sweet sexy words in her ear, tickling the sensitive skin with the rasp of his beard.

Little by little, her moans turned to sighs and her breathing slowly quieted. He lifted her gently and stood her up on the floor. Holding her close, he murmured in her ear. His voice was husky, tight with suppressed desire.

“Lexie, listen to me, baby. I can’t take you like this. I’m on fire. Partly because of what happened earlier tonight. You don’t want to be around a man like me after a killing spree, sugar. I won’t be able to stop. To give you what you need. It’ll be too rough, baby. But it’s more than that, darlin’. When I take you, fully take you, make love to you, it’s gonna be in a bed, where I can have you over and over again. Do you understand?”

Lexie didn’t but she heard the pain, the desire in his voice. She nodded and leaned against him.

“Darlin’, I’m gonna pick you up and put you in bed. And then like an honorable man instead of the asshole I want to be, I’m going to kiss you goodnight and leave.”

As he spoke he lifted her up in his arms and strode down the hallway, holding her close as if he never wanted to let her go. He laid her on the empty bed and pulled the duvet over her. Leaning down, he kissed her gently on the lips.

Standing in the doorway, he gazed at her through narrowed eyes. His voice cracked with humor and another stronger emotion.

“Don’t get used to having that big bed all to yourself, sugar. This is one genie we’re not even gonna try and put back in the bottle.”

Lexie lay quietly reveling in the tremors still raking body. A slight smile crossed her lips. She sighed with relief and whispered to herself. Thank you, God. Now I know what it is supposed to feel like.



Chapter 27


Lexie huddled in a ball on the sofa, staring unseeing at the television. The dark haired newscaster could barely suppress her excitement, describing the horrific killing. Over and over, Bella’s beautiful face flashed on the screen with quick cutaways to the crime scene. As if in a dream, she heard snatches of Dannie and Shelly’s interviews. Their voices were as excited as the newscaster’s. The camera continued to scan from their heavily made up faces to their risqué costumes. Dannie must have made a backroom deal with the cameraman. Every close-up managed to catch a full frontal view of her plentiful breasts. From her suggestive smirk, it was obvious she was enjoying her ten minutes of fame.

Lexie groaned at the spectacle. Talk about a made for television circle jerk. She could only imagine the news station executives licking their lips over the salacious story. Like sharks smelling blood in the water, they must be shrieking at their luck. A beautiful call girl killed inside the most prominent strip club in town? Not only killed. Mutilated, dismembered? And a cast of supporting players like Dannie and Shelly, only to eager to show off their nearly naked bodies for the camera. Occasionally, the screen went to shots of Sergio rushing into the club, his hands in front of his face. Lexie managed to grunt in approval. At least he had some decency.

“You fucking bitch! It’s your fault! Goddamn it! Bella’s dead and it should have been you! Do you hear me? It should have been you! Not Bella…not…not my Bella.”

Over and over, Lexie replayed Sergio’s message on her cell phone. Its shrill ring had wakened her from a deep sleep. His angry diatribe made her stomach heave, no matter how many times she heard it. She didn’t bother to get up, even when she felt like she might throw up. She’d already retched her guts out. There was nothing left. No need to crawl to the bathroom again. She’d rather lay here and watch the television glorify Bella’s murder than lay on the cold bathroom tile thinking that she might throw up when she knew she couldn’t.

Ignoring the clanging sound she heard in the recesses of her mind, she turned her attention to the television to see Chief Burton on the screen. Like Sergio, he held up his hands with a curt “No Comment” to the dozens of reporters shoving microphones in his face. Their excited questions and jostling bodies confirmed the sideshow was the one they’d been waiting for. The opportunity to make their careers. It was too bad Bella had been so beautiful, Lexie thought. Ugly victims didn’t get this kind of attention. She knew from experience that it was hard to get the press to pay attention to the ugly ones, the poor ones, or the ones that had been abused. That story had been done too many times to make it newsworthy. No, this was the kind of news story the vultures dreamed about, waited for their whole career.


“Lexie, where are you, darlin’?”

Jake unlocked the door and called out. He’d rung the bell at least ten times. It was clear that she hadn’t heard it. Or more likely that she didn’t want to answer it. From the doorway, he heard the television blaring. He almost didn’t see her crouched in a tiny ball on the sofa. Fuck. He wondered how much she knew. Probably everything, from the vacant stare he received. It was much like the frozen fugue state he’d seen when she read the autopsy report.

He shut off the television and kneeled down beside the sofa. The silence in the room was deafening. The smell of bile and traces of vomit on her rumpled t-shirt left little to the imagination. Her pale face and the haunted expression in her eyes underscored her pain.

“Oh, darlin’, let me hold you.”

Jake wedged next to her and dragged her limp body into his arms. He stroked her cheek, pushing her tangled hair back off her face.

“I’m so sorry, Lexie. So goddamn sorry. I know she was your friend. It’s hideous, baby. Wicked and hideous.”
She muttered something, but so softly that he couldn’t hear.

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